Will we really get that tired?


Earning My Ears
Jul 8, 2003
I will be spending 7 days at the parks in August with my best friend. This is my first and possibly only trip to Disney. My fiance hates theme parks and has said we will never take our children to any of those money traps. He knew I was taking a trip with my friend but when he found out where he was furious that I am going and spending my precious money on such frivalry when I could put it towards other things. Sorry got off track there....just venting my frustration. Anyways I have read that we should take rests in the afternoon and visit a water park to give our legs a break but will we really get that tired and need the breaks. I have no idea what we would do if we did leave the 4 theme parks because I am terrified of water so don't go near pools. I have paid a great deal of money for this trip and don't want to waste a moment of the time I have to see everything...I know I won't see everything in 7 days but a good majority of it. We are planning 2 days at Epcot, 2days ot MGM, 1 day at AK, and 3 days at Magic Kingdom. I am not sure if I posted this in the right section but I would sure like some imput on our plans.
Hope you have a great trip.

Answer to your question I guess, is how fit you are and how fast you want to cover the parks.

If you go 'commando' style and run from early morning until closing you WILL get tired.

But there's other ways of covering the parks. Take your time, intersperse rides with indoor sit-down attractions. Take time over your meals, and snacks, and enjoy the details of the park and people-watching.

You don't necessarily need to leave the parks to find ways to take it easy and enjoy what they have to offer. One thing I love to do is if I see children interacting with the characters - I stop and watch, I get so much enjoyment from seeing their little faces (the children that is, not the characters).

If there's any streetmosphere acts going on (such as in Disney Studios) I stop and watch them too.

Have a good trip whatever you do.

Oh, and I forgot to add - you're going in August, a busy time. So use these boards to help you plan which rides/attractions are must-see/do and GET THERE EARLY - the no.1 best tip, and visit them first, then as the crowds thicken up you can take your time, knowing you've done your favourites.

I think if you were going with children, the answer would be YES, you and the kids would get tired. But without kids, you can pace yourself according to your own wants and needs. You don't need to decide ahead of time if you'll take a break or not. Just see how you feel. The only thing I would definitely plan ahead for is to get to the parks EARLY, like the last poster said. You can get so much done first thing before the crowds get bad and then have a leisurely pace the rest of the day!

And on a personal note, after your first trip to Disney, you may decide it can't be your last. You and your fiance may have to reach a new agreement. Disney is addicting.
Sounds great!! Something that might help defeat the too-tireds is to make lunch the sitting-down waited-on air-conditioned big meal of the day.
I can't remember where I read this, but they say you average 5 or more miles per day of walking at Disney. I thought I was in good shape, but had shin splints by day 4! How much you walk also depends on where you stay... on-site at the value and moderate resorts can have long walks to the busses.
Many times in August, people take breaks because of the heat. Without kids , it's easy to find an AC attraction, or ride the train around MK to rejunivate. Another thing we do is park hop, ride in a nice AC monrail or bus and relax by the time you get to the next park, you are refreshed.

But take your time and enjoy the parks, not just the rides, the shops but the "fun things" like hidden mickeys and funny signs on the 2nd floor at Main Street, enjoy the architecture, take some behind the scenes tours. Visit the shows and exhibits in Epcot, watch a animal check up at AK.

Enjoy everything Disney... treat your smal child to a wonderful WDW vacation.
Better plan. Dump the fiance and find someone who shares your ideas of vacations. Just my opinion, but he sounds like someone who might be hard to live with in the future. Does he plan on making all the decisions for you?

How about a spa trip while you are at Disney? There are some great spas on site with some really neat treatments. Even a pedicure can be wonderful, especially if your feet are tired.
Thanks for the advice and keep it coming:D
I am sure we will enjoy the rides but I think the best part of the trip will be exploring and watching those around us. I love to watch the expression of people who are having fun...especially children. We plan on taking our time at the parks and resting there. I hadn't even considered park hopping during the day. I also have another question. To you it will probably be silly but what are all the abreviations I keep seeing...DD, DW, DH, DS, CM etc. I see it often in the posts and am sure I should know what they mean but am drawing a blank.
Dear (or Disney) Daughter = DD
" Husband = DH
" Wife = DW

CM = Castmember or Disney Employee
Originally posted by cheers4pooh
I love to watch the expression of people who are having fun...especially children.

If you love to watch the expressions of children having fun, I can't even explain how exciting it is to see the expressions on the faces of your own children. It's just priceless!! BTW...I had a friend who's husband felt the same way. She finally convinced him to go to Disney. He loved it so much, they now go every year! I wouldn't rule it out!

Now to your question...We always do the parks "commando" style (we even have kids that nap in the stroller...no we've never experienced meltdowns!). I have the same feeling you do...I'm paying this money, we're all having fun, etc. It works for us and we have a real fun time. However, it's probably the only vacation we don't go home feeling relaxed!
I would have to agree with many of the previous posters.

Dump the fiance - non of my beas wax but jeez anyone that can't lighten up to enjoy disney has got to be one uptight analytical or some type of artistic "anti commercialism" kind of killjoy

You will absolutely LOVE WDW !!!! I went alone once back in the 80's - last two times with my DD and Girlfriend. With my young one we were blasting out rides, getting to the park early for even early morning entrance... doing e-ride night... by the third day of our trip we were fried and we went home early every day anyway (around 2pm) - stayed at the contemporary, went home cooled off, did the swimming thing - they have a huge pool that no one but the smallest of infants could drown in - and even though we went home early to get out of the heat and relax THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THE ENERGY OF DISNEYWORLD... perhaps it was me but I was excited my entire time there... so if we were in bed before 11:30 it was a miracle in itself... so yeah those circumstances you need to get out of the park to get some r&r.

when I went alone...totally different story... I farted around all day it was great...took all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted to do at my pace...not as trip initerary planner for a high energy 7 year old...the entire time was relaxed, no hassles, no rushes because... I made it that way... took time to enjoy the sites, to just stare at the dancing fountains at epcot for a long time, to check out the orchestrated fountain... to linger at the shops... took like two hours as long as I wanted to buy a ridiculously expensive lunch - can't remember the name of the place and I am sure it has changed... was a revolving restaurant at epcot where you could literally get Dom Perignon... I have to admit to one and all... I got pleasantly buzzed..and just absorbed all the surroundings... loved it...

you will enjoy the heebee geebees out of yourself... if you try and blast out everything to do you will be tired at the end of not just a few days but the first day...if you take your time - stroll about - find some nice places in the shade to hang out - you will do just fine

serious... you are going to have a blast... i need to go alone again sometime
Originally posted by Deb & Bill
Better plan. Dump the fiance and find someone who shares your ideas of vacations. Just my opinion, but he sounds like someone who might be hard to live with in the future. Does he plan on making all the decisions for you?

Amen! Use the trip as a time to really evaluate what your life will be with him--seriously. If he cannot consider your wants at all now, then it will only get worse.

Okay, off my soapbox. You can go and go and go and do it all--just take tons of photos to show your PITA DF (and if anyone needs that translated just pm me!).
You will love WDW! IMO, it is not like other theme parks. By this I mean, everyone is so much nicer. It is hard to explain, but everyone seems to know they are in a magical place, and they are effortlessly on their best behavior. Maybe when you return from your trip and tell your sweetie what a great time you had, he will change his mind. Otherwise, are you willing to take vacations without him in the future? Because you will not be willing to stay away from WDW for the rest of your life. I don't mean to question your life choices, but really? No WDW? Ever?
The fear of water is going to be a problem, because you are going to be HOT and sweaty. I still recommend leaving the crush of the parks and cooling off in a restaurant that is table service. Maybe heading back to the hotel for a cool shower? Just to recharge your "batteries". You are probably young and energetic enough that you don't have to, though. My DH likes to do the "commando" style touring and he never wears out!
PS, most abbreviations are listed on the main site for forums. As another newcomer, I find it very helpful! :D
I agree with the other posts!! Disney World is totally UNLIKE any amusement park your fiancee may have gone too. The word "amusement park" cannot even be applied to WDW. WDW is an entertainment experience!

I hope he changes his opinion after you return from your trip with your gorgeous pictures and exciting stories! Have a great time!
My family and I always go all day every day from open till close! We don't even take many breaks. For us, when we get tired, we go see one of the shows or take a sit down ride or see one of the 3d movies.

It totally depends on you! We are used to hiking and shopping for long hours though, so it depends on your preference! You know when you are tired and when you need to rest. We have never had to leave the park mid day for a break.
Again, none of my business, really, but if you really enjoy yourself at WDW, I'd insist that your fiance make a visit with you before you marry, or at least agree that separate vacations are going to be acceptable in your future. Why? Because if you love the place, you are going to want to give that experience to your children, and a spouse who thinks as he does is going to be hard to live with.

My DH had never been to WDW until I took him, but I'd never steered him wrong on travel before, so he trusted me to show him a good time. Now he loves it so much that he insists on going twice a year.
Whether or not you'll appreciate the mid-day break will probably depend on your schedule and where you are staying. If you're up and at the parks very early and plan to stay very late, you might just poop out toward the end of the day - especially in the August heat! Granted, you might not collapse in utter exhaustion, but if you're hot and tired you just might not enjoy yourself as much as if you'd recharged during the heat of the day. If you're staying on property the Disney transportation makes a mid-day break pretty easy.

We've done four trips in late June, and even though we're pretty used to high heat and humidity, that mid-day break really recharged our batteries! We initially planned the breaks for our DD, who was 6 through 11 during these trips, but found we benefitted just as much, if not more. Usually we'd head back to the resort (either Caribbean Beach or Dixie Landings) around noon, have a light lunch there (cheaper, less crowded since everyone's in the parks), and either swim, bike, or explore the resort. Then we'd head back to the room to "freshen up" but invariably someone would fall asleep and we'd all take a short nap. After showering and putting on fresh clothes, by the time we got back to the resorts it was usually around 4:00, and we often found it a bit less crowded as others were heading out for dinner.

Maybe it was just us, but we noticed an awful lot of people who were a bit cranky (not just the kids!) and rundown around dinner-time, while we were recharged, refreshed, and easily (cheerfully!) lasted until midnight. We'd often stop in for a late snack at the food court after getting back to the resort.

You may find that you really don't need a break at all, or could simply recharge by hopping the monorail while at the MK and visiting the resorts for a light lunch and some exploring in the air conditioning. I guess the best advice anyone could give is to be flexible, and if you find yourself or your friend wilting, trying a mid-day break for one day might be just the thing to keep you going.

Either way, you're bound to have a great time!
Girl you need to read this!! And live by this!!

By Whatsits Galore
Disney Dating
So, you're a Disney fan, a true believer, a Disneyophile extraordianire. You're also single, female, and looking. If you're shopping for a mate, girls, you have to be certain of one thing: your guy's got to be Disney compatible. He needs to match your DQ (Disney Quotient) if you want to find magic in pairs.

But, you ask, how can I be sure? Before you say "I do", check out these ten warning signs to see if you've found Prince Charming or just another frog.

1. He calls Winnie the Pooh "Winnie". No, no, no. Pooh is acceptable, but Winnie, never.

2. He changes his favorites with every new movie. Yes, favorite songs, characters, and films can change over time, but beware the guy whose best picture is always the latest picture. You want your man to be steady as the beating drum, so avoid this fickle type.

3. He won't go on the "kiddie rides" with you at the Disney parks. What's the point? This one should seek help for the fun-challenged.

4. He thinks Bugs Bunny is a Disney character.

5. He can't tell Chip from Dale or Disneyland from Walt Disney World. And if he ever says "What difference does it make", run, don't walk away!

6. When watching a new Disney movie for the first time, he leaves before the credits are finished. 'Nuff said.

7. He can't figure out why you have three Peter Pan snowglobes. Oy! Collecting is part of the Disney experience. If he doesn't get it, he'll probably buy you a diamond bracelet for your anniversary, when you really wanted that Pumbaa plush toy.

8. He prefers any remake to the original film. Face it, Disney gal, he's not for you.

9. You say "Hercules", he thinks "Kevin Sorbo."

10. He wears a Goofy shirt with a Donald tie. Okay, this fellah's not entirely hopeless, Dearie, just a fashion faux pas. Work with him.

Will you live happily ever after? Now you've got the tools to find out. Just test your potential mate with these ten criteria, and you'll soon know if he's the one, the lucky guy you're going to marry. And what do you do if you didn't pass all ten points? Don't despair, Hon, there're plenty of men out there who'll match you perfectly. Believe me, I know.
Thank you for all your advice and suggestions. I am sure we will have a great time and make the most of this trip. Your ideas of how to get out of the sun and off our feet will be helpful.


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