Will we really get that tired?

One more thing to consider is that the restaurants at disney hotels adjoining the theme parks--such as the Grand Floridian, Contemporary or Yacht Club--are great places to escape and recharge your batteries while eating a great meal in an air-conditioned (and quiet) environment. Have a great time!!!
IDisney. My fiance hates theme parks and has said we will never take our children to any of those money traps. He knew I was taking a trip with my friend but when he found out where he was furious that I am going and spending my precious money on such frivalry when I could put it towards other things.

Do not marry this man, anyone who reacts so strongly to a situation like this will not make a good mate. He sounds very controlling.

Have a great time at WDW and when you come back stay single.
Originally posted by cheers4pooh
My fiance hates theme parks and has said we will never take our children to any of those money traps. He knew I was taking a trip with my friend but when he found out where he was furious that I am going and spending my precious money on such frivalry when I could put it towards other things.
WDW is a waste of money only if you get no value out of it. If you have the time of your life and WDW lifts your spirits, by saying it was a waste of money is like saying you're not worth feeling so happy. You cannot put a price on that.

My suggestion...start walking NOW...walk almost every day, if you can. Build up your stamina. I am aerobically fit, but still increase my exercise weeks before heading to the parks. This will make a difference in that hot Florida weather. Last Sept I was able to do a four-day straight, commando-style park experience, sun up to sun down. I was tired in the evening and I slept like a baby, but I was not exhausted in the parks during the day.

Another thing: MAKE SURE YOU PACK COMFORTABLE WALKING SHOES. This, too, makes all the difference in the world.

Have fun in the World! ;)
Hope you have a wonderful trip!

I'm sure your fiancee is a wonderful man with many a redeeming quality. But before you have children with him, you may want to have and earnest talk. The best thing we can do for our children is to create as many as possible wonderful memories for them. If you look at the week or two that you spend at WDW, you may in some distorted way view it as frivilous. But it's not just about the two weeks. It's about sharing the memories of that time for a lifetime.

Sure you can spend your money on things that appear to have more lasting value. But I offer this challenge...what is your fondest memory of your parents? I'm willing to give you odds that your memory was tied to time well spent and not dollars well spent.

I started to apologize for making assumptions about your relationship, but the fact that you disclosed this part about your fiancee seems to indicate that you have some unresolved conflict to take care of. I hope that you will find the courage to confront it before the big day.

God Bless!
We are taking our 9 yr old and will take pool breaks daily.

I'm curious...why would you say those things about your fiance in your post, knowing all of the "maybe you should re-think your plans to marry him post'" you'd get?

The reason I ask is, my better half "thinks" this will be our only WDW trip. We live 5 mins from DL and she's not the biggest fan of our treks to the parks... though she goes with a smile on her face because "her boys" love it. She always comes around.

I would NEVER speak negatively about my fiancee to strangers (or, most friends for that matter) though. He must be a great guy because you've chosen him... Right!? I guess it would bother me...reading the negative comments about the love of my life, made by total strangers. Even if we have a disagreement. I keep it "in-house." Doesn't make me right...JMHO

It's easy for him to say what he won't do when he doesn't have a child to say NO to. :p

Congratulations on your future marriage and have a GREAT and trip WDW!

Kevin :) :) :)
My husband is not a Disney fan either. We compromise by me going without him. :p He doesn't say anything about my spending as he is not allowed! He does go to WDW with me once every 5 years as that is all he can handle. Unlike your fiance, he doesn't complain about it being a money trap or anything. He knows how much I love WDW and he wants me to be happy. My travels to WDW takes about 40 days a year away from him and he is still considerate of my obsession. I would talk to your fiance and set him straight right away that you like WDW and if he wants to fit into your life and make a go out of it then he is going to have to compromise. If you get an attitude then I'm with the others in saying dump him. Life is too short and the last thing you need is someone controlling the little bit of time you have here on earth. Have a wonderful trip!:D
It all depends on you. We never leave the parks for an afternoon rest. we just take down time in the parks. What I do sugest is that you try to eat healthy. Our last trip I ate mostly salads, Fruits and lots of water instead of Fries, burgers andcokes, felt much better. Even with eating out every meal I didn't gain weight so the walking is good for somethng. What ever you decide it's your choose. If you feel like it go back to the hotel, if not stay it's you vacation. Enjoy it.
first of all disney world is like no other place. you will so overwhelmed just being there. second of all , take the boyfriend there before you ever get married and if he still feels the same way about disney DUMP HIM. if he's like that way about money now whats it going to be like after you marry him. have a wonderful time at disney. going in oct. can't wait. good luck.
Before my first trip to WDW I wasn't a theme park person either. My wife suggested our first trip and I was very skeptical. I am now the family Disney authority and plan the trips and work on the best deal possible. Comparing a trip to WDW to any other theme park is like comparing apples and oranges, and to a skeptic sometimes it is hard to explain, it just has to be experienced.
I've now been four times, a trip every other year since 97. Unfortunately trip 5 will probably be a few years down the road. College starts in 2 years for my eldest. Some of my fondest memories with my 2 children will be the times we've spent at WDW together.
It can get very hot and humid in August. WalMart has these scarves around the fishing dept. - you soak them in cold water (I always keep them in ice during the night), put them in a plastic bag and when the heat starts to get you down, tie one around your neck - feels absolutely wonderful! They have these little beads in them that soak up the water and keep you cool. Just be careful though, the dye does tend to run. Good news though is it does wash out.

I won't say anything about your fiance except- do you really want to marry someone who sounds so very controlling. Maybe live with him for a while.

Have a great time (which I know you will) Oh, and yes, you will get tired!

I'm a big fan of the afternoon break. We do the EEs - eat lunch either at the park or back at the resort. Take a nap or relax in the pool (or both) and go to a different park in the late afternoon/evening. If the parks aren't open past 8 PM, this may not work as well. We rarely go non-summer, so haven't had to deal with this.
Can I ask what his idea of a vacation is? And where HE says you will be going and what you will be doing? What does he think kids will truly enjoy?


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