Why do people order a case of water?

I think that it depends on what you're used to...here in italy I don't remember to have ever bought a bottle of water (just sparkling water), because tap water here is really good (not in all cities of course, but if you don't live in a bi city tap water is really good).

Our son spent last spring living in Arrezzo, Italy, and commented on how great the tap water was! You are lucky! We too have great tap water here at home, and find the Florida water gross. I even find it difficult to brush my teeth with it. We also buy a couple of cases of water from garden grocer (we stay at WDW for ten days), but we also end up buying water at the parks, too. I absolutely hate using all those plastic bottles, though.
We order a 40 pack from Garden Grocer with our beer and wine. We give out more than we drink of water but at least have cold bottled water in the room.
Our son spent last spring living in Arrezzo, Italy, and commented on how great the tap water was! You are lucky! We too have great tap water here at home, and find the Florida water gross. I even find it difficult to brush my teeth with it. We also buy a couple of cases of water from garden grocer (we stay at WDW for ten days), but we also end up buying water at the parks, too. I absolutely hate using all those plastic bottles, though.

Me too! I wish WDW would add the filter water stations like they have at some airports now where you can go refill your container.
I live in NYC, which is supposed to have "the best" water in the country (I don't know about that but it's certainly perfectly fine to drink) and I found no problems with the water I got in the parks but the water from the hotel taps were nasty. I don't know why.
We can't stand the tap water in Florida. We are on the same water system that Absopure and Ice Mountian pull from. We also fly Southwest so We each get two free checked bags.

So today I went to Walmart and paid $3.68 for 28-16 oz bottles of water. That same quantity would have cost us $70 at Dismey at $2.50 each, or worse used our snack credits we are saving for F&W.

So we pack a few every day in the back pack and then if we need to we refill at the CS with ice water. We usually also get bottled water at CS to take along with us.


See we are unwilling to lug a backpack around with multiple full bottles of water so we are fine with refilling one.
We are also unwilling to rent a locker or that could be the solution to carrying more.
We have nto rented a locker in probably 12 years when we still had the huge heavy video camera.
I bought a "bobble" water bottle (it has a built in filter) I always carry my own bottle and refill at water fountains. I just refuse to "buy" water also if you read any consumer reports, most bottled water is unregulated so essentially you're just getting tap water anyway. I'm just trying to be "planet friendly"
See we are unwilling to lug a backpack around with multiple full bottles of water so we are fine with refilling one.
We are also unwilling to rent a locker or that could be the solution to carrying more.
We have nto rented a locker in probably 12 years when we still had the huge heavy video camera.

Well there are a lot of things I would do to save $70 and that is one of them.

My family carries around this big jug of water. We fill it up as much as we can with ice, then top it off with water from the tap. Lasts us all day, super refreshing! Orlando water off the tap tastes a lot different than our South Florida water (which I prefer). But when it's nice and cold, it's pretty darn refreshing!
I drink tap water at home no problem, but in FL the water has a sulfur taste that I don't like (I could drink it but prefer not to). Since we drive to WDW we always go and buy a case of water to take with us, we use it in our rooms when we want something to drink (I'm not a big soda person, so water is what I usually drink) and if we want to take a bottle or two into the parks with us in our backpacks we can.
I believe that depends on your personal taste. As far as I am concerned, tap water isn't particularly good, but bottle water isn't that great neither (it's purified water so if you live in a place where all they have in bottles is spring water, you will be disappointed).
OMG the tap water is downright disgusting. uggh... too much sulphur in it. Not sure, but the last time I was at wdw their bottled water for sale was Aquafina which is not the greatest eith. Yes buy at least one case of water.. I plan on buying two cases but I am going end of September when it is still very hot.
The taste / flavor issue with the water in the Orlando area and other Florida counties tends to have a higher sulfur content then other areas where you are traveling from on your vacation.

So if it is not filtered as is done for all WDW restaurants and counter service locations you will most likely taste the sulfur content in the water. Note: it is not bad for you but does take a couple of days for you to adjust to the "taste".

You can also purchase cases of water within the WDW resort network but you have to carry the cases to your room. On-line orders are delivered to your room from Bell Services.

We buy bottles because we don't want to become dehydrated because if we didn't, we wouldn't drink the water.

I don't recall the water being that bad years ago though. Dh and I brought water bottles with us and filled them up from the sink in the room back in the 90s. I distinctly remember in 2008, we had a big metal thermos that kept water cold. I couldn't drink it not could my young kids who drank water all the time. My dh was forcing us to take sips of that nasty tap water.

So when we went in 2013 we brought bottles and drank water all day long, cold water as we have the thermos containers.

I never thought to grab water from the machines but then again we don't go down for breakfast and eat in the room so while we are all getting showered, dressed and eating one of us is filling up our containers and we bring a few bottles with us to replenish.

My sister lives in south west FL and we drink the water from her fridge all the time. I know it's filtered but it doesn't taste bad.
For international travellers like us from the UK we are not use to the local water and it can upset our system!
I'm from the Midwest and it upsets mine too. I have been vacationing in FL since I was a little girl and it always has. I don't drink tap water at home though either, not for the last 28 years.
I'm from the Midwest and it upsets mine too. I have been vacationing in FL since I was a little girl and it always has. I don't drink tap water at home though either, not for the last 28 years.

It catches you too! That is a good point we drink bottled water at home also! It's not very pleasant where we live in this region in the UK. Very high in limescale. It looks almost white! I like Evian get it by the case in Costco!
LOL @ Paula---I am from the Austin, TX area and our water is very heavy in lime--we sit on huge lime rock aquifer, which filters all of our water. I figure that if one drank it for a lifetime, the guts would be so clogged, one would then need to drink a de-calcifier. (Oh, please, don't post at me, people: I realize this is not a true actual thing!)

Actually what grosses me out the most about our water is the chlorine taste--there are times I can smell the chlorine. I mean...what are we needing to kill with the Clorox bleach? :scared1::crazy2: When I do my laundry, I don't need soap. So that's kinda scary.

We have filters on our tap water because I try to be enviro-friendly :hippie: (plus I'm cheap) and use a reuseable bottle. But I'll definitely buy good bottled water at WDW because I can't drink wine the WHOLE time.
I have no problem drinking water out of the tap, even if there is an off taste. I hate the waste and cost of water from a bottle. That being said, my wife orders enough water to get her through our stay because she will not put up with the off taste of the water.
For us it's 3 simple little letters .... IBS Hubby can't tolerate any water other than what comes out of our taps and even that has to sit out for over 24 hours before it's "safe" He needs bottled water to even brush his teeth ... no ice in any drinks, no fruit unless it's peeled, no veggies that have been boiled in water ... he even needs to be careful with the amount of coffee he drinks while away.

Me? I HATE the taste of the water so i don't bother drinking it. We don't order it but we do buy several cases and will go somewhere to get a huge jug for keeping in the room --some of the resorts stock it and so do the gas stations.
There are a few reasons you'd do it:

1. Cost effectiveness. Compare the cost of a water in the park to one from a multi-pack. In fact, you don't even need to go to Disney for this. Look at the nearest vending machine, then do the math on a pack of water at your local grocery store.

2. Bottled water preference. Apparently there are some people who don't like Dasani. I think all bottled water tastes the same, but I'd prefer Zephyrhills over Dasani to support the little guy (plus, I miss the days when Zephyrhills was the water of choice in the Disney parks; it was nice to see them using the local company instead of the global conglomerate). **Disclaimer: I own a small educational business**

3. Tap vs. bottled water. I drink tap water all the time, unfiltered, so I'm used to it, but it's not for everyone. My local water has filtration and treatment, and so does Orlando's in that area, but people with better taste buds for water than me have reasons for not liking it.

4. Convenience for certain areas of the resort. The pool is a good example. Sure, there are places serving bottled water at many of the resort pools, but being able to bring one and have it whenever you need it--and you WILL need it (this coming from someone who has swum competitively)--is a definite perk.

As always, if you are driving, you can probably get a better deal at some random Wally World 50 miles north of Orlando. Just don't leave it in a hot car--be sure to bring it inside as soon as you arrive.


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