Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

Hi Everybody! I haven't done well the two weeks between challenges. I'm glad that the new challenge is underway. My goal for this challenge is to lose20 lbs and to limit myself to 2 diet cokes per day. My DH bought me the Wii Fit for Christmas and to date I'm really enjoying it. I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Have an OP day everyone!

Leanne :)
Been kinda slow to start as I set Monday in my head as my start date. I have started drinking water the past few days. Tomorrow my goal is to get up and wii and meditate I hope. The exercise room is still ceiling Hi in crap. We are doing a major overhaul of the basement and the homeless crap got stuffed in there. So, it will be a few days before I make it to my treadmill and weight machine.

If the weather holds out tomorrow I might try to walk/run outside...how I hate that thought we shall see..
Please check out the updated participant list on post #1 on this thread. Make sure your name is there. If you have not sent in your weight report please do it ASAP. Remember if using email please include your DIS name.

I have enjoyed reading your goals and now have a project for you.

Write down your goal and post it where you will see it every day. When it is posted let us know here on our thread.

Use this as a tool to help you. Devise a realistic game plan to reach the goal. Plan a reward for reaching the goal. Each day evaluate your progress toward reaching your goal. Revise your game plan if needed. Reconfirm your commitment to reach that goal each day. Visualize reaching the goal and enjoying your well deserved reward. You can do it.

Twelve weeks will come very quickly but hard work each and every day will help us all achieve our goals.
My goal is printed. It states I will weigh xxx by March 27, 2009. The paper will sit on my kitchen table. I will see it every time I have a meal. I ought to put copies on the fridge and on the cabinets.

Vija, Those first few days of eating healthy can be frustrating. My suggestions are to make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water and to help satisfy the munchies try a sugar free popsicle or sugar free Jello. Fat free Cool Whip on the Jello makes it extra special.

I know those cravings can be bad. I start back on program tomorrow so tomorrow will be my day of withdrawal. We can get through this. It will get better. Stay strong.
Well, my goal was actually already on the fridge...a pic. of me in a bikini about 10 years ago when I was in the best shape of my life (including high school)...but I am going to add this to it:
To be at least 25 pounds lighter by the end of the challenge.
To fit in my old jeans and then go buy me a new pair when done.
Put all the money I would have put in eating out , away for my 40th BD trip to Disney.

I've got a ways to go but I'm more determined than ever. I started gaining my weight after I had an injury ... big toe on my right foot. Should have kept doing something like swimming but i didn't and then , well, really, i got lazy on top of it all. this is coming from a previous fitness instructor where i once was teaching at 10 to 15 classes a week. Sooo, i know what to do....i just was not doing it.
Today has been a good day. I did about 70 minutes this morning (treadmill and wii fit) and then i just bought outdoor challenge for the wii and did that with my daughter for about another 30 minutes.
what i'm crossing my fingers on is that i don't get the flu or something. had the flu shot so i hope it will work!!
Hey everyone,
I stayed up way to late last night reading on my kindle. I had no idea how late it was, but when I looked it was after 3am. I thought it was around 1AM. I'm still on Vegas West Coast time, so its hard to go to bed early because I feel wide awake and woke up at after 12 PM yesterday.

Then all the sudden I got a horrible pain going up the side of my neck and I ended up with a horribly tight neck and a slight headache (could have easily turned into a migraine, it actually bordered on it). Then I couldn't fall asleep because the pain was so intense. The next thing I know my dd16 was up and she was sick -she has as stomach virus and can't keep anything down. So every time I fell asleep, I'd wake up when I heard her in the bathroom. So she is still in the bathroom every few hours. I got up around 12:30pm today, I feel horrible. My entire upper body hurts and my back and neck feel so tense and tight. I have a mild headache, not to bad. I also feel slightly nauseas.

I have however been able to eat good today. I missed breakfast, but I had a can of Alaskan Salmon, half a small onion cooked in 1 tsp of olive oil in an ezekiel 4:9 Pita. I also had 30g of raw cashews for a snack.

DH was going to cook a soup this afternoon, but since half of us aren't feeling well we are just going to have whatever tonight.

Also - I gave up pain medications a few months back (like ibuprofen and tylenol), so I didn't take anything last night or today. This is my 4th month free of pain medications, and the funniest thing has happened. After the first month, my last 3 monthly cycles have been almost pain free. Normally I am in so much pain I can hardly move even when taking pain medication. Strange huh.

Unfortunatey I've been laying in bed all day. I'm to afraid to exercise because I'm afraid my head and neck will start pounding again.
Boy did this hit home with me. First day and I am no where close to having drank the water I have planned on drinking, had not exercised like I told myself I would, and instead here I am Dising. But when I got to this post, I got up and went and used my Wii Fit. I did the run for 15 min, did some yoga and balance games. So I guess I can say....I DID IT.:banana:

Woo hoo!!!!! way to go!

I DID IT!! :yay: I finally moved away from the computer to exercise at about 2:30. :teeth: I wasn't very enthusiastic about it (Nordic Track and stationary bike), but something is better than nothing. I hope to do better tomorrow.

Yeah - Great job!! Woo hoo!

Well, I'm sitting here this Sunday morning after finishing a pretty good workout. I did 25 minutes on the treadmill , then 40 some minutes on the Wii Fit. Then came up and had a small glass or OJ and 2 egg whites.
Last night, my sister wanted us to go out to eat with them...it would have been chips and cheese dip, and things loaded with fat. I chose to stay here, had a light meal and then went and ran a mile. Did a workout yesterday morning as well, then went shopping and behaved at lunch time. I just have to keep it up. I can't stand the way my clothes fit and after I lose my weight (I want to lose 30 to 40 pounds),I am going out and buying a really cute pair of jeans that I see a lot of women wearing. And then , if my budgeting diet is good too (last night helped with this also), I'm going to treat myself and the family for a trip to Disney for my 40th... July 31. Wish me luck.
I've been pretty down on myself lately so I'm glad I found this board to keep me motivated and to know that I'm not the only one out there that can't seem to wear my wedding rings anymore without them cutting into me.
Brenda, I sent over my weight yesterday morning. Hope you got it.
Good luck to everyone!

Way to go on staying home an eating something healthy and then exercising - woo hoo!
Hope you get to feeling better soon, MelanieC. That stomach bug is really going strong right now. Oh, how I hope it doesn't hit our home. It's so hard bouncing back and I've been doing so well here lately. Hope it's not the beginning stages of the stomach virus like you DD had.
Write down your goal and post it where you will see it every day. When it is posted let us know here on our thread.

Use this as a tool to help you. Devise a realistic game plan to reach the goal. Plan a reward for reaching the goal. Each day evaluate your progress toward reaching your goal. Revise your game plan if needed. Reconfirm your commitment to reach that goal each day. Visualize reaching the goal and enjoying your well deserved reward. You can do it.

Twelve weeks will come very quickly but hard work each and every day will help us all achieve our goals.

thanks for the idea Brenda. I posted my goals on my fridgerator. I also left a space on the bottom so every day that I don't eat potato chips or eat at McDonalds I can add a dash. A nice way to plan a visual. Can't wait to see it get to 100!

I also think that I am going to make "a date" in my calendar for the days I want to exercise. And also put in there my other New Years goals so I can plan baby steps to accomplish all of them.

My goal is printed. It states I will weigh xxx by March 27, 2009. The paper will sit on my kitchen table. I will see it every time I have a meal. I ought to put copies on the fridge and on the cabinets.

Vija, Those first few days of eating healthy can be frustrating. My suggestions are to make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water and to help satisfy the munchies try a sugar free popsicle or sugar free Jello. Fat free Cool Whip on the Jello makes it extra special.

I know those cravings can be bad. I start back on program tomorrow so tomorrow will be my day of withdrawal. We can get through this. It will get better. Stay strong.

Way to go on puting your goals up!:thumbsup2

Thanks for the suggestion on drinking lots of water. I think that will help. I will have to find some low cal munchie fighters. I don't really crave sweets, but salty & crunchy. And wouldn't you know I don't like pretzels!:rolleyes:

Good luck getting back on program, I know you can do it too. I'll send happy thoughts your way.:hug: :flower3:

Hey everyone,

Unfortunatey I've been laying in bed all day. I'm to afraid to exercise because I'm afraid my head and neck will start pounding again.

I hope you feel better soon!:hug:
Melanie - I hope you're feeling better, and your dd as well!:flower3:

Vija - 100 cal popcorn bags? Do you like that? I can get by with those instead of chips MOST of the time...;)

Right now we're fighting some kind of bug here at my house. This is actually good timing for me, my parents both have cancer and are in Orlando while I'm here in Indy, finances don't make it possible for me to leave my job and go down there, not to mention my family here, although they would definitely understand and make it through. :( Just talked to my mom and she wasn't sounding too good so it's a good time to hit the chips or something...but I don't feel well enough to eat them. So that's a good thing.
My goal is to lose 25 lbs in the next 13 weeks of the challenge. I am going to do that by exercising a minimum of 5 days a week, drinking all my water, and watching my eating habits including limiting my sugar and simple carb consumption.

I enjoy hearing other people's goals and successes hoping they will keep me motivated.

Vija - 100 cal popcorn bags? Do you like that? I can get by with those instead of chips MOST of the time...;)

Right now we're fighting some kind of bug here at my house. This is actually good timing for me, my parents both have cancer and are in Orlando while I'm here in Indy, finances don't make it possible for me to leave my job and go down there, not to mention my family here, although they would definitely understand and make it through. :( Just talked to my mom and she wasn't sounding too good so it's a good time to hit the chips or something...but I don't feel well enough to eat them. So that's a good thing.

thanks for the suggestion. I am trying to avoid the microwave popcorn because I just recently heard something about the chemicals in them cause cancer or something unfavorable. Does anyone know anything about that? However, I may have to stock up on regular popcorn and I can't believe it's not butter spray. We airpop popcorn.

and I am really sorry to hear about you first not feeling well, but also that both of your parents have cancer. I am really sorry. that must be so hard on you. Hugs to you.:hug:

ON a personal note, I had to jump on and tell you all that I finally got my hinder hooks off and got up and exercised! I did 40 minutes on the eliptical while watching Extreme Home Makeover and then I did 1 minute and 6 seconds of push up position and 12 pushups. DD also was working on her push ups and push up position. (she is testing for blackbelt in June). She said "why don't we do it separately and time each other so we can encourage each other." she also said "you're a great role model mom"... Made me very proud of my daughter, and made my heart melt!:goodvibes :love:
I feel like I'm doing pretty good so far. Yesterday I didn't exercise, but I didn't overeat either. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast after I got home from work, then I slept most of the day, and I had spaghetti bake and 2 dinner rolls for supper.

Today I had a strawberry smoothie for breakfast (strawberries, OJ, and Dannon light & fit yogurt). Lunch was Christmas dinner at the in-laws. I had a piece of ham, a little bit of baked potato (that I only picked at since all there was to put on it was real butter and full fat sour cream and I didn't want to go there!), some green bean casserole that I made with 98% fat free cream of celery soup, a little bit of candied yams, and 1 crescent roll. Dinner was leftover spaghetti bake from last night, 1 dinner roll, and 1 regular piece of bread with country crock light. I planned on having a salad with it, but when I got it out of the fridge it was looking ready for the garbage. I'll have to pick some more up tomorrow. I did 44 minutes on the Wii fit tonight.

Luckily, I can't stand McDonalds. I hate ground beef because I grew up eating Hamburger Helper almost every night. I have no problem staying away from fast food. My temptation is baked goods. Brownies, cake, donuts, you name it, I'll devour it! There's none in the house right now, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. DH is very supportive, and has been snacking on pretzels instead of swiss cake rolls. He's seen me lose the weight before, so he knows I can do it, and I know he'd really like to see our youngest lose some weight, so we're both trying to set an example for her.
Is anybody else intimidated by the giant thread? It's so much to keep up with! Maybe the next time we have this challenge we can go back to teams, but only have two. I just find it very overwhelming, and noticed there are fewer personal replies.

Anyway, I did well and had one of my South Beach entrees for lunch (slept through breakfast). I did end up having Mexican for dinner which put me way over my carbs, but I still managed to eat within my points. Tomorrow will be easier I think. I startm y student teaching, so I will be back on a regular schedule. I will also be bringing my lunch to school, and I stocked up on Lean Cuisines last night. Sadly, Wal Mart is no longer selling South Beach Dinners, so I am stuck figuring out which Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones are low carb.
Just PM'd you my weight.

Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

My goal for the next 13 weeks is to really get back into being healthy!

I have 2 holidays in this time but both are going to be very active (Disney and Centre Parcs) so although I will be eating naughty stuff, hoping I shouldn;t gain a lot on them.

I'd like to lose 20 pounds, as then I will be back to where I was last year, before I threw weight wacthers off the wagon!
Okay, after a busy weekend shuttling kids everywhere, I now have a free minute to write down my goals. I want to lose 25 pounds by the end of March. (and much more after, I'd like to lose around 40+ total). I will drink lots of water, exercise at least 5 time a week, and eat healthier foods (low fat, low calorie). The bottom line is, I need to put ME at the top of my "to do" list, and not at the bottom. Easier said than done, but I'm gonna try!
My suggestion on the "giant thread". It may be needed to open a new thread every few days or at least weekly! This thing is going to hit the limit soon LOL!

Personally having watch the "teams" over on Events, I am not a big fan of teams. LOL!

Jennz, Hugs for you. I know how hard it is to be a long way away during a crisis!

Well for most of us it's the first full week back at the grind for the new year. Lucky me! I get to leave for Disney Thursday! Of course that's new challenges for "healthy eating" However the 13.1 mile jog on Saturday will burn a lot of calories! :)
can i crash the party and join? i know i'm late, but i'll make a peace offering by making a clippie sometime today :) pretty please?

i have not weighed myself, i think it will discourage me; but i'll go do it. bleh! it's not going to be pretty -- but i want to be pre-holiday weight by Valentines Day.

Brenda -- thank you :thanks: soooooo much for being weight keeper again!!
Here is a Public Service Announcement:

Today Monday January 5th:

Dr. Phil is going to do a show on New Years Resolutions


Oprah is starting her week long Best Life Series: Not sure if these are the exact correct associated days, but the topics are right, Wed and Thursday may be switched.

Today is getting back on the wagon/ weight loss
tomorrow is Dr. Oz with health improvement
Wed Spirtual
Thursday I think Suze Orman and finances
Friday *personal time with spouse/SO* (read between the lines) life improvement

I have my tape in and I am ready to tape today. I love these shows as they give me ideas and motivation.

Hi OhMom! of course you can jump right in. I know what you mean about the discouraging weight. It wasn't easy to see the number jump so high after the 1st. but then again, it will be awesome to see that number go down!!!
I was away for the weekend but am going to try to ease back into this weight loss thing. I really need to do it. I've just been feeling AWFUL!

My goal is to drop 20 pounds!:thumbsup2


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