Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

My goal for the challenge is to lose 25 pounds and to be walking at least 3 miles per day and doing toning and other exercises for at least 30 minutes per day.

I have planned to actually start my new eating plan tomorrow and I also have a training day at my new, second job tomorrow--so it may be more of a challenge than I thought :) ! I will have to eat lunch out, but there is a Wendy's close by and they have a really good salad so I will eat lunch there. I know that this time I need to learn to eat correctly but not too differently than my family. I think that is where I keep messing up; I get tired of fixing two meals every night and Lean Cuisines get old, fast! Too, I start feeling deprived of the meals my family is eating. Portion control will be my bigget goal (and hurdle) for the next few days.

I will try to begin my exercise plan in the morning too. I'll start with 15 minutes of walking and 10 minutes of toning exercises. UGH! Gotta get up early!!

My weakness is doing what is easy. I'm bad tonight and having pizza, but I'm staying away from the Purdy's chocolates in the cupboard. Most of the Christmas goodies are gone, and sticking the chocolates out of sight helps. I have not even opened the hedgehogs, and plan to save opening them for when I'm down 10 lbs :goodvibes

Boy, can I relate to that. I have been doing Weight Watchers for quite awhile and the call of the golden arches never seems to go away! I even tried watching that Supersize Me movie and it just made me want a Big Mac. :laughing: What I do now is get the kid's meal with the cheeseburger, apples and Diet Coke. I get a little of what I want, it doesn't cost much (money or calories) and my kids get an extra toy for their out-of-control Happy Meal toy pile.

Some McDonalds you can ask for the Happy Meal without the toy, and save yourself a tiny bit of money and that annoying toy cluttering up your house. At least in my house, the toys are just clutter. Half the time the kids forgot about them and they don't even get opened, so I try to avoid the toys.

Boy did this hit home with me. First day and I am no where close to having drank the water I have planned on drinking, had not exercised like I told myself I would, and instead here I am Dising. But when I got to this post, I got up and went and used my Wii Fit. I did the run for 15 min, did some yoga and balance games. So I guess I can say....I DID IT.:banana:

I know exactly what you mean. I finally got motivated to do some exercising at 5:30pm, but I do feel good that I DID IT :yay:
I went from struggling to run a mile a year ago to finishing my first half-marathon in October.

Fantastic Steve. Congratulations. I love moments like that where you think back and think "wow".

Good Luck with this a this one of my main goals is to get off my meds. I hope by the time we travel to WDW for my DW 30th in May I am a healthier person, and dont have to have meds anymore. I will be cheering for you so you dont have to go on meds

Good luck to you Matt with the meds. Great goal.

My name is Juanita and I am relativly new to the Dis boards and definately new to posting here.....

My goals for this challenge are to become more healthy in my eating habits.....to eat at home and not eat out (a serious downfall for me).....get back on track with my exercise plan and use my gym membership.....get my blood pressure back under control (it has been high since the birth of my 3rd kiddo 16 months ago) and ultimately lose 25 lbs. These goals are totally attainable for me if I just put my mind to it and use the tools available to me to make me successful!

Here's to a great 12 weeks.....


Hey Juanita! Big welcome to you! :goodvibes

I think I am adding a new goal.

Try to keep up with this thread! WOW!

I know, eh?:lmao: It's quite something.

Congrats on the half Carol.

I DID IT!! :yay: I finally moved away from the computer to exercise at about 2:30. :teeth: I wasn't very enthusiastic about it (Nordic Track and stationary bike), but something is better than nothing. I hope to do better tomorrow.

Good to know your friends can push successfully. :lmao: :thumbsup2

Hi everyone. Just popping on to say "hi"! And Vija - just caught your polar bear swim. Very inspiring. :laughing: in a :scared1: kind of way.

How is tae kwon do going? Geez I stumble on the spelling every single time. I hope well. Very inspiring as well.

All the best guys,

Today was ok until this evening. Did 4.6 mile walk this morning, then BLEW it tonight after DH and his DSis left for their daily casino visit. I MUST find something to keep me going when I'm home alone at night, frustrated & lonely. Maybe this will be my DIS time.

Off to go snuggle my pups & get some sleep before DH gets home, DD gets off work, DS19 gets off work & DS22 needs up to go to work.

Hope everyone is doing well today!
Today was ok until this evening. Did 4.6 mile walk this morning, then BLEW it tonight after DH and his DSis left for their daily casino visit. I MUST find something to keep me going when I'm home alone at night, frustrated & lonely. Maybe this will be my DIS time.

Off to go snuggle my pups & get some sleep before DH gets home, DD gets off work, DS19 gets off work & DS22 needs up to go to work.

Hope everyone is doing well today!

:grouphug: tomorrow's another day :grouphug:
try dis'ing, this seems to be a large group of supportive people, so hopefully it will help you when you are feeling down :grouphug:
Hi everyone!

My goal is for this challenge is to lose 20 pounds. I really hope I can do it. My New Year's Resolution is always to lose weight but I always end up failing. I am really hoping this year will be different. I have told myself and my DH that if I can lose 50 pounds (even though I need to lose about 20 more than that) then we are going to Mexico. He said that was fine by him so I am hoping this will motivate me. I hate the way I look, but even more importantly, I am afraid of what being heavy is doing to my health. I want to get healthy for my family and also for myself. I can't believe I have let things get this far out of hand.

I can't wait to get to know everyone better, and I am ready to lose some weight!
I am new here -- but it is time to take time for me!! Though I have much more to lose, I hope to lose 15 pounds by the end of the challenge.

Good luck everyone!
Well, tomorrow starts my better habits. I figured it may no sense to start something new while I was out of town. I got back to my apartment tonight and stocked up on healthy ingredients. I just got done going through my refrigerator and thorwing away all the expired food. It is so refreshing to see a clean refrigerator! I also looked over what I have in my freezer. Tomorrow I will be going through my cabinets and doing the same thing, then I will plan out my meals for the week.
Hey LOSERS! Tomorrow is today. We can do this, yes we can.
PD that we all have a good day today! :wizard:

I'm determined to get out to at least walk Kirby dog.
Well, I'm sitting here this Sunday morning after finishing a pretty good workout. I did 25 minutes on the treadmill , then 40 some minutes on the Wii Fit. Then came up and had a small glass or OJ and 2 egg whites.
Last night, my sister wanted us to go out to eat with them...it would have been chips and cheese dip, and things loaded with fat. I chose to stay here, had a light meal and then went and ran a mile. Did a workout yesterday morning as well, then went shopping and behaved at lunch time. I just have to keep it up. I can't stand the way my clothes fit and after I lose my weight (I want to lose 30 to 40 pounds),I am going out and buying a really cute pair of jeans that I see a lot of women wearing. And then , if my budgeting diet is good too (last night helped with this also), I'm going to treat myself and the family for a trip to Disney for my 40th... July 31. Wish me luck.
I've been pretty down on myself lately so I'm glad I found this board to keep me motivated and to know that I'm not the only one out there that can't seem to wear my wedding rings anymore without them cutting into me.
Brenda, I sent over my weight yesterday morning. Hope you got it.
Good luck to everyone!
Just joined this challenge - I gained 4 pounds over Christmas since the end of our last challenge. My short term goal is to lose 7 pounds so I no longer have a Obese rating for my BMI. My goal for this challenge is to lose 12 pounds. My other personal goal is to fit into a smaller size pair of jeans by exercising at least 1000 minutes per month.
Good morning WISHers. I'm a couple of days late joining but am looking forward to getting healthier with you. :goodvibes
We are headed to WDW later this month for a week and then, in March, we're going on a cruise for an early celebration of our 30th anniversary later this spring. So it's going to be a bit challenging. ;)
To answer Friday's Question, my measurable goals are:

1) Start drinking my water again - it seems that the more junk I eat, the less water I drink. :confused3

2) Get at least 5 servings of vegetables/fruits each day.

3) Lose 15 pounds by the end of this challenge.

4) Try to maintain my weight the week I'm at Disney World.

It's so nice to see some faces from years gone by. I first joined WISH in February of 2003 - could it really have been 6 years ago?
Good luck everyone and have a super Sunday!
Hi All.

I'm new to the WISH board and am excited to start the BL Challenge.

I have a lot to lose, but know I need to start with baby steps or I will get too overwhelmed.

I am going to drink more water, builiding up to 64 oz per day.

Fast food just once a week (Chik fil A or salads only)

Eat more fruits and veggies (and not just at dinner)

Eat out less (I know this is a big part of my problem)

Get Moving (exercise at least 5 times Per week...walking and WII FIT)

I hope to lose 18 pounds by the end of the challenge.

So glad I found this board and looking forward to motivating each other!
Friday Question of the Day - What is your specific measurable goal for this 12 week challenge?

New to the WISH board but not the DIS. Just skimmed the whole thread. WOW. My kind of people. I went to Weight Watchers last summer and bought the book and point thing and all but never got off the ground with it. I plan to use their points system but not attend the meetings.

I have decided to quit using my medical issues as a crutch!!!! 9 years after the accident and I have packed on 35 pounds since then. I can do walking on my own and low impact aerobics under the eye of my pt.

My goals:

By the end of March I hope to lose at least 20 pounds and tighten the tummy area.

I will make healthier food choices. I have decided to pack my lunch to work at least 4 days a week--I used to eat out EVERY DAY.

I will start walking--I am moving my treadmill from the room off the garage to a spare room upstairs.

I will start taking the stairs at work. I work on the 10th floor so will start by getting off the elevator one floor lower each week or two.

I too am going to a cheer comp in March but the weekend of the 12 - 14. Big trip to Disney (two weeks) in May with my family.

I have put a new battery in my scale and moved it to the kitchen. Right beside the fridge.
Hi everyone, I will be working out on my treadmill 5 days a week. I was hoping some of you could help me come up with a great playlist of songs to workout too.

What song makes you want to step away from the DIS boards?
My goal is to "walk" for Disney so I like listening to Disney music (Disneymania CD's usually).
What song makes you want to step away from the DIS boards?:yay:

Here's a partial copy of my Workout music playlist

So Hot it Hurts
Love Shack
Naughty Girl
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)
Big & Rich
Mony Mony
Let's Get It Started (Spike Mix)
Elephunk Hip Hop/Rap
Wherever You Will Go
Camino Palmero
I Can't Stand The Rain
Put Your Records On
Crash Into Me
Lose My Breath
Save Tonight
Hollaback Girl
Rich Girl
Jane Says
The Remedy (I Won't Worry)
Wordplay 3:06
Your Body Is a Wonderland
Room for Squares
Rock Your Body
Black Horse and the Cherry Tree
Suddenly I See
Can't Get You out of My Head
Sex and Candy
Naughty Girl
Beautiful Liar
Lose My Breath
God was in the water
White Flag
Not ready to Make Nice
Strawberry Wine
Hello Everyone!

I am doing my Nancy imitation LOL! IT's 12:30 and I haven't done anything but play on the computer and read the paper. I am still in my nightgown and robe!

Today's a "rest" day so no workout, but I better get started on my water. None down yet.

Nancy, I am doing WW online. With my travel meetings are a pain! If it doesn't work I might force myself back to meetings for the "accountablity" aspect!

Welcome to the newbies joining the DIS just for this. About a year ago I started on the Events Board and now I am gearing up for my second half marathon. It's amazing the "support" and "accountablity" you can get with an online group!

OK.. time to log off and go clean up this dump!

Hello Everyone!

I am doing my Nancy imitation LOL! IT's 12:30 and I haven't done anything but play on the computer and read the paper. I am still in my nightgown and robe!

Today's a "rest" day so no workout, but I better get started on my water. None down yet.

Nancy, I am doing WW online. With my travel meetings are a pain! If it doesn't work I might force myself back to meetings for the "accountablity" aspect!
Carol - you'd be proud of me today...I did 45 minutes of my lower body workout (exercise DVD) and was done by 8:30! The PC wasn't turned on until after I showered and dressed. :)

Thanks for the WW info. I looked at WW online yesterday, and almost signed up for the 3-month offer for $65 - but the cheap in me made me hesitate. If posting on these boards doesn't work in the next 12 weeks, then maybe I'll join WW Online.
Wow, there are so many posts, I love it!

Great going on resisting those urges...you worked through them and should be proud of yourself.:woohoo: :woohoo:
Thanks! It has been hard, but afterwards I am feeling proud!

Way to go! And if you did it once, you can do it again and again!

I was very careful about what I ate yesterday and got in a lot of activity cleaning house. I feel as good as I do after a day of walking around Disneyworld -- I hope I can do this everyday!

That is a good way to think of it. I'll have to add that to my multiple mantras!:thumbsup2 Hmmm, cleaning the house, sounds like I should be doing that....:rolleyes1 , Nah, I'll just continue to DIS for a while!:surfweb: :rotfl:

Boy, can I relate to that. I have been doing Weight Watchers for quite awhile and the call of the golden arches never seems to go away! I even tried watching that Supersize Me movie and it just made me want a Big Mac. :laughing:

Ok, so I am happy that I am not the only one who wasn't turned off by McDonalds. I swear they have some sort of chemical in them that makes me addicted to their fries!
Just watch Supersize me--you'll quit it for good.

See above! I wish it had worked for me. I actually fell asleep the first time I watched it:sad2: :confused3 After that watched it again, and nope, nothing, I was fine with eating there again. I swear I am addicted.
I DID IT!! :yay: I finally moved away from the computer to exercise at about 2:30. :teeth: I wasn't very enthusiastic about it (Nordic Track and stationary bike), but something is better than nothing. I hope to do better tomorrow.
Carol - you'd be proud of me today...I did 45 minutes of my lower body workout (exercise DVD) and was done by 8:30! The PC wasn't turned on until after I showered and dressed. :)

Way to go! Not only did you get the exercise in yesterday, but you got up early and did it today too! I got up early yesterday, but not so much today. I still have to work out and my butt is pretty much stuck to this chair right now. I will have to eventually get moving...

Hi everyone. Just popping on to say "hi"! And Vija - just caught your polar bear swim. Very inspiring. :laughing: in a :scared1: kind of way.

How is tae kwon do going? Geez I stumble on the spelling every single time. I hope well. Very inspiring as well.

Hi Lisa! The polar bear swim was something crazy! I still can't believe I did it. But I plan on doing it again... I think the crazy comes in now... that I am willingly doing it a second time!:rotfl: I am trying to talk a lot of my older nieces and nephews to go in, I think we could have lots of fun with a big group.

TaeKwonDo is going very well. I am now a purple belt and I feel very inspired to work harder and harder at it. Next year in June I should test for my black belt if I stay on track. The only thing is, I will only test for black belt if I am physically ready to do all of the hard work. Just some of the strenght stuff includes 200 pushups in 10 minutes, push up position (plank) for 8 minutes, horseback riding stance (sort of a squat) for 8 minutes I think. That is only a small part of the testing... but one that I know I have to work at, so I have to get crackin'!
I have to admit I have been struggling with not going out to eat. I know I won't go, it isn't a matter of that, it is just thinking about it all of the time, and because of that I think I am not feeling "satisfied" during our meals and I end up snacking way more than I should. I mean WAY more than I should. I know it is baby steps, but I have to get a handle on this.

Any suggestions????

DH has made some great meals, we had chicken for lunch today, and he is making homemade chicken soup for dinner. He is a fantastic cook and I am so lucky that my DH likes to cook, as I don't really like too. Only when the mood strikes!:rotfl: Which thankfully isn't that often!:lmao: But, we are having good food, it is just a matter of getting over the feeling of "wanting and needing" to go out for fast food. :rolleyes1


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