Welcome to the WISH Biggest Loser 7 Challenge

Yeah that is something I would say - hmm and if we are confessing I was so starved last night after our flight. By the time we drove home Chik-fil-A was closed, so DH said we are going to taco bell. I didn't do too bad there, but then I went home and the Ferraro Rocher's DH got me for Christmas were sitting there. I did split with DD, but I ended up eating all the rest were there so they woudn't temp me starting today. So I did mostly good yesterday, but didn't at the end of the day.

Today is going good though. I've had plain oatmeal with blueberries. Hmm - gotta do lunch real quick or I'm going to run into problems.

I put boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates in the stockings of my kids and husband, but I didn't eat any. :) Darn sister-in-law was the one that gave me the French Truffles from Trader Joe's! Yes - getting rid of temptation by eating it is often what happens to me.
I did realy well yesterday. I left the day eating 600 caleries less than my limit, and not feeling hungry. I have to work today and am usually famished when I get out. I'm thinking of bringing strawberries or cherries for a snack at work.

My excersize isn't going as well as i'd like. but that will come.

Have a great saturday everyone!
Fitday.com has a great free set of calories counters and exercise counters. If you put everything in for the day it will figure out how many calories you burned. I find I do so much better when I log everything in there.
Fitday.com has a great free set of calories counters and exercise counters. If you put everything in for the day it will figure out how many calories you burned. I find I do so much better when I log everything in there.

I use Sparkpeople, but I use to use fitday. Both are excellent and free!!
I've used both fitday and sparkpeople. Sparkpeople has a DIS WISH group there too btw. I've not logged in there for a while and know I need to do that.
I've used both fitday and sparkpeople. Sparkpeople has a DIS WISH group there too btw. I've not logged in there for a while and know I need to do that.

I'm on both actually....I should get active on sparkpeople again maybe....but it is alot of work...maybe just fitday for a while...
I left the house this morning with every intention of taking a nice long walk. Actually, I didn't really want to go, but the dog was whining at the door and wouldn't give it up. Unfortunately, we didn't go too far. Maybe two and a half blocks before I gave up. My crazy dog was acting like she had never been on a walk before and it really wasn't doing any of us any good. So we turned right around and came home. I really wish she spoke English. I think a stern "if you don't knock it off right now we're going home" would have changed her behavior. I actually tried it. :rolleyes: When we came in, I tried to keep moving and turned on a toning program. Anything that involved me getting on the floor didn't work. The dog thought we were playing. I got a decent amount of work done, but it could have been better. I thought she would be an asset to my excercise routine, but so far, she's just making it harder. :rotfl:

On the plus side, I feel really good, in spite of being a little sore already.
First... welcome to WISH!:welcome: You'll love it here!

That is me that is giving it up for 100 days. You haven't been there in 2 1/2 years????:scared1: WOW, you are an inspiration.:worship: When you gave it up, did you plan on giving it up for such a long time, or did you give it up for a small time and then just kept going?

Just watch Supersize me--you'll quit it for good. I haven't eaten fast food in years. Before Morgan's documentary I rarely ate fast food, after that never. Well there is this place in Portland Oregon called Burgerville, that I Loove, but I'm in Portland maybe twice a year anymore and it's not your average burger joint. They use local antibiotic, hormone free beef, theyll have sweet potato fries in season and special milkshakes and onion rings when in season. Burgerville also offers health insurance to their employees and have an extremely low turnover. That to me is worth supporting. Their fries are real too. :cloud9:
I came across this link on the CB Biggest Loser TV show thread, it shows "where are they now" some of the contestants from previous shows.


That was interesting thank you. I don't watch the show, and I'm new to this thread, but I did watch a little of the show a few nights ago while channel flipping and thought it was interesting-- they were running with these weight belts, each one weighed what they lost each week. I tried watching the show awhile back and they were just weighing in and I just didn't find it interesting or helpful at all. I'm not competitive at all.
Just watch Supersize me--you'll quit it for good. I haven't eaten fast food in years. Before Morgan's documentary I rarely ate fast food, after that never. Well there is this place in Portland Oregon called Burgerville, that I Loove, but I'm in Portland maybe twice a year anymore and it's not your average burger joint. They use local antibiotic, hormone free beef, theyll have sweet potato fries in season and special milkshakes and onion rings when in season. Burgerville also offers health insurance to their employees and have an extremely low turnover. That to me is worth supporting. Their fries are real too. :cloud9:

We have a new burger place that is owned by Bobby Flay from Food Network. Ds1 had dinner there opening night and had his picture taken with him. They too have great burgers, sweet potato fries and shakes. We do have to go there before ds2 goes back to school in 2 weeks. I better plan really well that week.
Hi, sorry I'm posting late. This is a first for me and I wasn't sure what this all would entail. I am delighted at how many are participating! This is exactly what I was looking for. Well since I wrecked my back, (again) I lost 5 pounds of my goal of 15 before Disneyland March 21, I guess my goal is only 10 pounds. Any more I'd welcome. I haven't seen 160 in years. I'd like to limit computer time to an hour a day (this will be very hard for me) and spend at least a few hours a week on organizing and getting rid of stuff in our house. We moved in 11 years ago but am only feeling like I'm making it mine now. I also need to do the treadmill at least 3 times a week and walk with my son at least twice a week, no more excuses. The physical therapist said yesterday 'cause I won't have a special shoe made and I won't wear a lift all the time (in my sandals and slippers that I won't eliminate my back pain. Well I'm not giving up my crocs and that made me just more determined to lose weight... I also need to incorporate more fresh veggies and fruit, I know the more I eat them the more I will develop a taste for them. I want all my clothes to fit or be loose, if I have to replace some it's ok. I want to not shy away from the camera at Disneyland and feel good, not hurt. The last time we went to Disneyland I had a sprained ankle. I want this time to be wonderful. Last time I was at Disney was 10 years ago.
Doing well today. I did 75 minutes on Wii Fit and Wii tennis and I am sooooo tired! Family is making homemade pizzas for dinner and I'll have a salad. Be proud of me, I'm not a huge fan of salad! :lmao:
My goal is to loose 15 lbs in the 12 weeks. I will do this by decreasing my portions and sticking to my workout schedule!
My goal is to lose 25 lbs in the next 12 weeks. I'm going to try the South Beach diet. It's worked for me in the past, but the first 2 weeks are always tough. I'm also going to start walking 30-45 minutes every day.

Good Luck to everyone! :yay: :yay:
OMG yes - please step away from the computer. You can do it.

GO exercise and then come back and post that you did it - YOU CAN DO IT!!
Boy did this hit home with me. First day and I am no where close to having drank the water I have planned on drinking, had not exercised like I told myself I would, and instead here I am Dising. But when I got to this post, I got up and went and used my Wii Fit. I did the run for 15 min, did some yoga and balance games. So I guess I can say....I DID IT.:banana:
I left the house this morning with every intention of taking a nice long walk. Actually, I didn't really want to go, but the dog was whining at the door and wouldn't give it up. Unfortunately, we didn't go too far. Maybe two and a half blocks before I gave up. My crazy dog was acting like she had never been on a walk before and it really wasn't doing any of us any good. So we turned right around and came home. I really wish she spoke English. I think a stern "if you don't knock it off right now we're going home" would have changed her behavior. I actually tried it. :rolleyes: When we came in, I tried to keep moving and turned on a toning program. Anything that involved me getting on the floor didn't work. The dog thought we were playing. I got a decent amount of work done, but it could have been better. I thought she would be an asset to my excercise routine, but so far, she's just making it harder. :rotfl:

On the plus side, I feel really good, in spite of being a little sore already.
Looks like you need to watch The Dog Whisperer. He is amazing with them. Lots of work needed with you and puppy, but you might be able to get to be good partners. Hope things improve for you there.
OMG yes - please step away from the computer. You can do it.

I'm planning a trip to Whole foods/trader joes and then when I come back I'm exercising - we can do it :)

GO exercise and then come back and post that you did it - YOU CAN DO IT!!
I DID IT!! :yay: I finally moved away from the computer to exercise at about 2:30. :teeth: I wasn't very enthusiastic about it (Nordic Track and stationary bike), but something is better than nothing. I hope to do better tomorrow.
I DID IT!! :yay: I finally moved away from the computer to exercise at about 2:30. :teeth: I wasn't very enthusiastic about it (Nordic Track and stationary bike), but something is better than nothing. I hope to do better tomorrow.

:banana: :cheer2:


I managed to stay within my WW points even though we went to Moe's tonight!:scared1: Helps that I had 9 extra to play with LOL!

See everyone tomorrow!
:banana: :cheer2:


I managed to stay within my WW points even though we went to Moe's tonight!:scared1: Helps that I had 9 extra to play with LOL!

See everyone tomorrow!
Thanks, Carol. :) Do you follow Weight Watchers online?

By the way - when I was at Sam's Club today, I noticed they had a number of bargain-priced exercise DVD's available. I was tempted to buy something new, but because I'm also posting on the "No Buy January" thread - I decided to wait. My problem isn't a lack of exercise videos and DVD's - but a lack of motivaton to do the ones I already have!


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