Wait a minute, I'm 40, when did this happen? Nicki & Todd LIVE reviews! Completed!

I did change a reservation because of you! Going to the Maya Grill! The food looks awesome and I think everyone will be able to find something they like since we all love Mexican food!
Tell him that his hair will be white after doing Disney with you and me and there will be NO napping.

I'll put Nine Dragons on the list.

Night night, sis.

Trust me, he knows! Does Andy and Des like Chinese, we can do that instead of TE if you want...I am worried that you are not going to get much to eat at TE since you dont do veggies and they do not give you soup or salad or appie shrimp

Where do I start?!

Le Cellier? Todd must have a guy on the inside or some kind of Jedi mind control! The food there looks out of this world.

Cupcakes? Oh, Disney, thou cupcakes art as delicious as a sip of Oberon's ambrosia!

Pumpkin funnel cake? Hello, gorgeous, where have you been all my life ;)

Nine Dragons? Meh, I'm not a big Asian food fan, but it did look pretty good. :)

I think I'm going to go bakery hopping down there in April :D

Loving it as always!

I think my husband flies under the reservation radar. After lunch today there is no way I am going to make reservations any more!

The cupcakes are amazing, the funnel cake is to die for and there is so much we still have not tried!

The food from Nine Dragons sure looks yummy! Never been but might need to SOMEDAY! Probably without the DH though as I can't convince him that Chinese food is good. Silly Guy! I can't believe you got a walk up at LeCellier. By the end of your trip he's going to think he's the king of walk ups! He must ooze charming!!!!!!!! :) I was looking forward to your Yachtsman review. We've got an adr for December and I hope it lives up to our expectations!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the remainder of the vacation...........how do they go so fast???

ND is awesome, I wish our local Asian restaurants had beef dishes that tender. Todd always thought of himself that way but def more so this week! I was looking forward to the YM too but in Dec I will have 6 dinners to review from there. Time seems to be flying by, we leave tomorrow :sad1:

Good Morning Nckie So enjoying your report. Thanks for keeping us entertained all week. Do hope you have good weather for your last full day. Here in NC we are waiting to see what Sandy brings. I drove down to our beach house just to experience it as the only tropical storm I ever was in was when we lived in West Palm in the 80's. (also to get the furniture off the deck). Thinking of staying the rest of the weekend as they are not predicting it to be too bad in our neck of the woods. Sorry I wrote a novel but thanks again and ENJOY TODAY!!! Elaine:)

Good morning, no wait, afternoon Elaine! The weather is cold today, well 71 is cold to us, its very windy and overcast too. Pants and sweatshirts tonight! Be safe!

Your photo with the pumpkins and the castle at MK was awesome!! Todd's happy eclair face is cute!

Nine Dragons is never on our radar but your meal looks great so I should probably consider it some time. I wonder if the strawberry sauce on your sweet/sour cucumbers app says something in Chinese?? Perhaps it says "these are really pickles!" That's cool that you were able to chat with folks from your hometown. :)

I hope you enjoy your last day or so there!

Aint he sweet? Some pictures came out much better than others..we are going to the Beach Club to check them out later today. Those cucumbers were so good, not much like pickles, you really tasted the fresh cucumber

Nicki I never realized you were from Boston! We live about 20 minutes north. We thought about moving to Florida but it was all a little much with a new baby.
My DH doesn't shave either also agrees with Todd on naps and will drink beer as soon as they serve if he wants to lol.
Every time I read your reviews I change my dining plans. Now I may need to add China

I am north of Boston too, Saugus with family in Everett, Revere, Malden, Melrose, Lynnfield etc. Been here right after graduation and have loved every minute of it, cannot imagine living back up north. If you can squeeze in China go for it!

I did change a reservation because of you! Going to the Maya Grill! The food looks awesome and I think everyone will be able to find something they like since we all love Mexican food!

Thats great, you will love it! I wish we were going there again. So much easier when we were at the POFQ to just get right to our car and go. At the YC the parking is super limited and they just about forced us to valet the car...not so easy to come and go
Your most recent updates nearly had me drooling. :laughing: Le Cellier's mushroom filet (with veggies on the side! I love that idea), both cupcakes at Boardwalk Bakery (I really liked the strawberry one in August), and the sweet and sour cucumber with strawberry sauce at Nine Dragons (sounds amazing!).

But the real standout seems to be that pumpkin funnel cake with a vanilla ice cream rectangle - it sounds too good. :worship: Thank goodness there are at least 900 miles separating me from Epcot's funnel cake booth, as I could easily devour one of those (and then make my way to all the F&W booths).
BRRRR! Its cold! We were up at 6:30 am and out the door to the boat at 7:30, HS opened at 8am and we wanted to get there for RD so we could get on TSM, I love that ride and I always beat Todd in points but he crushes me in accuracy!

It was cooooollllddd this morning, very gray and very windy. The weather said it would warm up to 79 today so we wore shorts and tees but by 1pm it was still 70 and that is super chilly to us Florida Folk. Tonight its jeans and sweatshirts for sure!

The first thing we see as we dock to HS is the sea of people at 7:45 in the am! This was the busiest rope drop I have seen all week. We finally made it in the park and through the throngs of people by 8:20...yes it took that long! By the time we made it to TSM the wait time was 45 minutes and the FP were set for 10:15-11:15 return time. Todd decided to skip the 45 minutes, grab the FP and get some coffee! I cannot blame him, we were frozen! Both of us had coffee in the room and it was good but we needed more hot liquid.

On the way to coffee and breakfast I told him we should do RRC since there was zero wait at all. He loves this ride, I do it to humor him because I scream like a baby the entire time...and laugh my tush off too...he wonders how it is possible to scream and laugh at the same time but I manage to do it. Truthfully I go for the music, Aerosmith is the music of my childhood, I grew up with it and went to a concert in Boston when I was a teen...I could just sit by that ride and sing their songs all day!

Todd wanted a picture of me with the car since I matched it, too bad he cut off most of the car!


After the ride it was def coffee time, we grabbed breakfast at Fairfax Fries right in front of ToT. He had the bacon egg cheese english muffin and I asked for the sausage egg cheese without the muffin. The CM making he food was so nice, he doubled the egg and meat for me at no extra charge

We both enjoyed our meals but the food cooled off so fast because of the wind. The coffee was just brown water!



Since we were still frozen and needed real coffee we went to Starring Rolls for espresso, now this was good! Here are a few pics of the breakfast offerings







On our way to more attractions my snacking man smelled fresh popcorn..and away we went! He really enjoyed this and didnt care that it was just 9am!


HS was alot of fun today, yes it was busy not insanely so, yes it was cold but that meant I snuggled up next to my hubby alot :thumbsup2 plus he wanted to get in out of the wind so I was able to get him to ride Little Mermaid and The Great Movie Ride (which is in dire need of a renovation!)

When we left this morning we talked about lunch.

Todd: Where are we having lunch?

Me: I thought we would go to Beaches and Cream and then back to the resort for a break.

Todd: What about the place you said had a burger topped with a hot dog and topped with a second hot dog??

I showed him Becky's (BlovesC) pictures of her meal there and he liked the looks of it. Problem was there was ZERO reservations available.

Me: I checked again this morning and there is no availability, we can go to 50's PT if you want and get fried chicken, they have openings there

Todd: Nic, I got us into Le Cellier I can get us into the movie place. (Thats a Todd-ism for Sci Fi)

Here he comes to save the day...Capt No Reservations is here to save our meal time!

Around 10:30 we finished our TSM FP time, and yes I beat him again, he wanted to cruise by Sci Fi. No one was there, just a little sign saying to call the Disney Dining Line. So I did, on speakerphone no less...and the answer? Sorry there is no availability. He doesnt take no for an answer

Todd: What time do they open?

Me: 11am, why? You just heard the CM on the phone, there are No Reservations Mr. I dont need no stinking reservations

Todd: Ah, dont believe that...they always have openings for people that dont know they need to make meal plans. Not everyone knows to read the Dis to prepare for vacation

He may be right about this!

We went on to the Muppets and a few other things and at noon I found myself being dragged back to Sci Fi. The place was loaded and I mean just loaded with people...for a second I thought I was back in line for TSM! Does that scare off my man? NO WAY! He just makes his way to the podium, tells the girl nicely that he and his wife would like to have lunch here today to get out of the cold and the wind and is it possible for the two of us to just get it, we dont mind waiting and no we are not on the meal plan.

So what does the cutie CM say to him?

CM: Can you wait 5 minutes or so sir? We can seat your party shortly

Thats it, from now on there is no way I am going to kill myself making dining reservations! No more getting up at 6am to make sure I have everything set in stone, no more double and triple checking everything, I AM DONE! :lmao:

As our name is called and I am just texting away to Kathy, that I am done making reservations etc he is struting towards our car. We are hitch hikers once again and we are smack dab in the middle of the restaurant. I love this place, its so quiet and the movies are hysterical, so cheesy!



He had a vanilla coke, I just had a diet coke. For starters Todd went with the fried pickles. It was a very large portion, it seemed like everyone was ordering them. I didnt have any but he said the spears (there were 2) were the best and the pickle chips (there was alot!) were good too. The spicy ranch dressing was a great dip for them too.



Todd went with the All American Picnic Burger and fries. He said the fries were hot and crispy, the burger was HUMONGOUS! A split hot dog on the top and bottom of the burger, sauteed onions and sauerkraut. He added mustard and mayo and ate almost all of it. I had a few bites of the hot dog and it was good. The best part, he said it tasted like a fresh backyard BBQ meal, he really enjoyed it


I had a bacon cheeseburger without the bun, add swiss cheese and bacon (didnt like the bacon, it was way too smokey for me) and mushrooms with sauteed onions. Instead of regular mayo I had the avocado mayo and it was incredible. Def a knife and fork burger, it was huge, a bit over cooked for me but still very good. The cucumber salad was great, very fresh and light, perfect with the big burger.



What a great time watching those kitchy cartoons and stuff

Our server was a sweetie, very attentive and was quick with the drink refills. She kept apologizing for the delay in food but honestly we didnt think there was a delay. When she dropped off the check she brought us a vanilla ice cream sundae with hot fudge for us to share. I was totally full but Todd had a few spoonfuls.


Now it was def time to go back to the resort and rest, this meal calls for a nap!
On the way out I told DH I really wanted to try that banana split cake but not now, lets get one to go and I will make us hot tea back in the room. He was totally cool with that

We have been very lucky with boats and buses this trip so it was no surprise when the boat pulled up just as we walked up, made it back to the room quickly and that was good because I was a frozen Nic-cicle!

Here is the banana split cake. Its was nice and room temp, creamy and very banana flavored from the yellow glaze on the top. The mousse is very light and chocolatey and the base is a graham cracker bottom. We both enjoyed it and would get it again.


And here are some treats from the candy shop next to Starring Rolls

















Your most recent updates nearly had me drooling. :laughing: Le Cellier's mushroom filet (with veggies on the side! I love that idea), both cupcakes at Boardwalk Bakery (I really liked the strawberry one in August), and the sweet and sour cucumber with strawberry sauce at Nine Dragons (sounds amazing!).

But the real standout seems to be that pumpkin funnel cake with a vanilla ice cream rectangle - it sounds too good. :worship: Thank goodness there are at least 900 miles separating me from Epcot's funnel cake booth, as I could easily devour one of those (and then make my way to all the F&W booths).

Well you better wipe that chin! :rotfl: I love veggies, I could eat them all the time, thats why I enjoyed Boma breakfast so much, they have lots of veggies on the buffet. I didnt miss the risotto with my filet, that piece of meat was huge! That strawberry cupcake was so light and tasty, I might get another one tomorrow before we leave. If you get to ND you must get the cucumbers

That pumpkin funnel cake, oh man, I had it last year and was so glad they had it again this year. I applaud my husband for getting it with the ice cream, that really made it perfection!

I really loved your reviews!

Glad you are enjoying them!
It is so hard to read your text messages and your posts to Mark about Todd getting walk-ins at restaurants and him saying, "well, he should be able to do it in August" and me not saying he could do it when we go in December. :lmao::lmao::lmao: But we've kept this secret for over three months and it will go down to the night before we leave that he hears about it.

Loved the text pictures you sent from F&W...too funny and too cute.

I still can't believe he got three walk ups on this trip...unreal.

Mark is eyeing that Picnic burger for next August.
We all know that vacation has to end sometime and today is that day for us...such a bummer but we had an amazing trip!

It was pretty cool last night, a bit windy but cool so out come the jeans and heavy sweaters.

Last night DH decided that he would like more beer and Italian food so despite my better judgement we trekked over to Epcot, yes on a Saturday night! And yes, it was wall to wall people. The lines for the food and wine booths were well over 50 people deep. The line for the bathrooms even longer :rotfl2: Not a bench or a table to be had. I have to admit, it was fun!

Since he said he wanted Italian I thought we would go to back Tutto Gusto or just get pizza at the take out window by Via Napoli but he had other plans. He just walked right in at Tutto Italia and asked if we could get in for dinner tonight. The gorgeous Italian girl said 5:50 was available or we could eat now. It was too early for us so we booked the 5:50 slot. Technically this was another walk up :rotfl:

We had over an hour to kill and he felt like a Berry Weiss beer we braved the wall of people and crawled to the front of the countries


So happy..and scruffy :lmao:


He quickly drained that one, contemplated getting another but decided to get a grapefruit one instead. We puttered around the countries and finally it was time for dinner. The restaurant was not busy at all...I guess most people wanted the food booths instead.

The best olives and olive oil!


Fresh bread and breadsticks


Our server noticed a theme with us, Todd inhaled the breadsticks and I could not stop nibbling on the olives so he brought us this plate


To start I had the zucchini again, this was excellent and not covered in too much sauce


Todd had the caesar again, he really loves a good caesar salad


For my entree I just wanted a side of meatballs and veggies. Tonights veggie was garlic and oil roasted asparagus and cherry tomatoes. The meatballs were incredible, very tender but not mushy, full of flavor and the pomodoro sauce was so flavorful. The veggies were out of bounds! Cooked perfectly and just so delicious. If you can believe this each dish was just $8 each! That is a huge deal for such a large serving



Todd went with spaghetti and meatballs and he ate every single bite. The pasta was cooked to a perfect al dente, just enough sauce to cling to it and the meatballs were just as wonderful as mine...have a little pasta with your cheese :rotfl2:


Dessert tonight was a trip to the caramel store, a huge pecan cluster covered with caramel and chocolate. Why have we not had these before? The nuts are huge and salty, the caramel is everywhere and very soft and creamy and the chocolate is just enough, sweet enough to complement the saltiness of the nuts.


And of course, a long wait in the beer line for the grapefruit beer


The plan was to go back and get another Berry Weiss but we had to go to the BC by 9pm to take care of our Photo Pass pictures.

On the way there we saw the movie was set up on the beach and it was Cinderella. So we stopped off for a few minutes but the wind and cool weather was too much for us so we just went inside to take care of the pictures. Decided against the disc but bought alot of photos...here are a few that I took with my camera








Its about 60 degrees here this morning so we slept in, cancelled our Capt Grill breakfast reservation last night so we could just rest. Todd is in the shower now and I am just packing up the room. Will probably grab something from the BC Marketplace and then head over to Epcot for a bit more snacking and lunch at Via Napoli. Then its time to get on the road and go home :sad1:

I will update our last day tonight.

See you all later!
So many comments, where do I start?!

First I am in AWE by Todd's ability to get reservations wherever he goes. That's insane! I can't even imagine a walk-up at LC...last time we ate there we had a half-hour wait WITH a reservation! :laughing:

Your Nine Dragons meal looks soooo good! I was so pleasantly surprised when we ate there! It's cool that you champion some of the less popular restaurants!

Tutto Italia in your pics looks fantastic. I'm annoyed with you for putting yet another restaurant onto my radar, WHEN am I ever supposed to get through this list?! :lmao: I kid, I kid. We ate there in 2010 and I didn't enjoy it much, but I think I ordered wrong for my tastes. The zucchini, meatballs, and veggies look like a completely perfect meal to me! I need to learn to get creative like you and customize meals when they're not exactly how I'd want them!

Aaaaaand lastly, I have to laugh at your comments about how suddenly cold it is. :lmao: It's FINALLY feeling like fall! I'm loving it! Don't jinx us! :cool2:
You have had such a great trip! Via Napoli has never disappointed us so that will be a great way to end up!

I am impressed at your ability to document everything live! Have a safe trip home!
Awww, so sad that it is over. Looks like a fantastic trip! Really love your Tutto Italia meals. DS and I may try it in March. And I really hope that DH and I have a trip like yours down the road. Lots of relaxing and snacking! I tend to be more commando!

Safe Travels home!
Hello gorgeous! Your live report (well, I've missed most of the live part at this point, but I was actually THERE, so that counts for something right?) actually got me to log on the Dis again. :rotfl:

I just have to say that the only (and it is not insignificant) drawback about the Boardwalk resorts is the lack of food courts. When we stayed at Art of Animation, I realized how darn convienent they are, especially if they're open late. I recall one night when we were at the Beach Club and wanted dinner late and there was NOTHING. Ugh.

Texas de Brazil sounds fantastic. And you probably hit it right on the head: Ohana, but better! Lol.

Really want to see Argo. It looks fantastic. And your veggie plate looks delish. I have to say that its never even crossed my mind to go to the movies while I'm at Disney, but it isn't a bad idea. I can put it on the list for next time. Its perfect for an afternoon when maybe you don't just want to nap, but don't want to go schlepping around a park, either.

I love Citrico's, but haven't been back since last February, when we had an amazing meal with incredible service from start to finish. That said, I haven't rushed back because I think I'd pobably order the exact same thing, and while that swordfish is delicious, I have a sneaking suspicion that if I tried really hard I could replicate that dish at home. Minus the triangle shaped pasta, of course. Although I suppose ziti would be a fine replacement. That's kinda my overall problem with Italian food; if I can do it at home, why bother you know?

I had the shrimp the first time I went to Citrico's, way back in 2010. I agree that it just isn't that spectacular. Pretty bland, if you ask me.

Breakfast at Kona looks great. I love Kona and wish I could have fit it in either of my last trips. I think I love breakfast and dinner there about equally. Sorry about the pumpkin pancakes. Don't know if this helps, but Trader Joe's makes an excellent pumpkin pancake mix that they only sell in the fall. Its wonderful!

Double fisting the egg rolls! Love it!

I had a late reservation at La Hacienda San Angel this past April and got to chatting with my adorable server. Turns out SAI, La Hacienda, and the Maya Grill are all operated by the same people. Who knew?

It also seems as though food quality throughout WDW has improved in the last year or so. When went in February of 2011 with Max and my Mom, and then again that July, good meals were hard to come by. But I had fantastic meals everytime in 2012.

The fried ice cream looks incredible. I love fried ice cream...and churros...and, well, anything that involves cinnamon.

I was not able to hit any of the F+W booths on the Canada end and I was bummed...really wanted to try that spanakopita. I love it.

What? I don't even score a mention in your write-up of your China experience??? ;) Ha. I also agree that rum drink was fantastic.

I"m about half way through here and I need to stop for the time being. Got a hurricane to prepare for. Lol.

Be back soon, though!
I cannot believe you are going home today...it seems you just got there. But in being selfish I will say I'm glad because we are now at 39 days before we are at Disney together celebrating Mark's 60th birthday and Christmas together. :dance3::dance3::dance3:

I cannot believe our man got yet another walk up. Unbelievable.

The photopass photos are great. But now, where is the picture of you with the full and/or empty beer glass???? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Seriously..how does Todd do it??? I wish I had that luck!
Looks like you guys had a great time, even though it got a little chilly!
Hi, Good Morning Just want to tell you what beautiful pictures of you and
Todd such a good looking couple. Safe trip home and thanks again for your very entertaining trip report. Will be looking forward to you and Kathys in Dec. Elaine
I started reading your dinning report a few days ago, but just had time now to comment. It's been so awesome reading about the amazing meals you've have. Everything from Tutto Gusto looks amazing! I too am a huge olive fan! I defiantly want to try the eggplant caponata. In reality I kind of want to try then entire menu ;) Have a safe trip home, i'm sorry to see the live reports end.


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