The DisFort's Chit Chat Cafe

Got thrown of a tube once at 65 behind our bass boat went head over heels for about 20 or 30 feet that was not that much fun just glad it was not wide open it runs in the mid 80s I think that would have hurt a little to much
Just imagine getting thrown and somehow the rope getting wrapped around your very upper leg. We were on our pontoon watching in horror. Talk about a rope burn.
Just took the girls to see Finding Dory. Pretty good movie, good laughs, good story.

Only problem, was forced to watch preview for new Ghostbusters movie :headache:.
I knew it was bad, but it only seems to get worse with each new preview.
Just took the girls to see Finding Dory. Pretty good movie, good laughs, good story.

Only problem, was forced to watch preview for new Ghostbusters movie :headache:.
I knew it was bad, but it only seems to get worse with each new preview.
Some how, I have missed seeing these previous. Heck, I barely have any info about the movie. Part of me wants to go see it, part of me doesn't. I loved the first Ghostbusters. Wasn't a huge fan of the second one though. I don't see me PAYING to see the newest one. I will wait until I can stream it.
Something I noticed,

On our way home for Disney, northbound on I75 just north of Ocala, Fl. I came up on a fellow camper with a flat on his trailer, made it up beside him and got his attention and told him he had a flat. We both stopped at the next exit at a gas station, I helped them change the tires with my impact and trailer aid. They were a older couple and it was already around 95 degrees. I'm glad I could help them get back on the road, but what I've noticed is that the general motorists don't try to tell you if something is wrong, a flat or something falling off, this isn't the first time I've seen other cars whiz by someone with sparks flying from a flat, not just from campers, from truckers too. Just like I told Tiggerdad on the phone the other day, there isn't much hospitality in this world anymore and it's sad. If I had something wrong with my camper I sure hope someone would try to flag me down and tell me, I'd be thankful. Travel trailers, fifthwheels, motorhomes and Aliners aren't cheap, the less damage done the better.

Have any you noticed the same?
You are so right Randy, common courtesy isn't so common any more. Sad but true. I do think, however there are some groups in society that have a different view, particularly with their own groups. For example motorcyclists tend to be very kind to other motorcyclists. Same holds true with campers/RVers. It's the ones that go above and beyond that really catch my attention. Above and beyond by either providing extra help (such as what you did with helping with the flat) or willing to do the same for anyone not just their "group" of people.

I have helped others (whether it's to tell them something isn't tied down that should be or to help fix a problem or whatever) and I have been fortunate enough to have others help me. I am always grateful when either occurs. Believe it or not it makes me feel better and happy to help others (not looking for ANYTHING in return other than just genuine gratitude)
Agree with Randy on the lack there.

I wonder how much of the not stopping and helping has to do with the way things in our society today are going. There's increased fear of being robbed or beaten if you stop to help stops some people from doing it, but I mainly think it has to do with an "every man for himself" mentality these days when it used to be "help thy brother". Morals and standards aren't high on the list of teachings these days.

I agree with Paul about how groups of people will often stop to help members of the same group due to a feeling of a "bond" such as truck drivers, campers, bikers, etc.
Around here (middle of the country), you will still see people trying to be helpful. I think the drop off in common courtesy has a lot to do with increased fear of "something" bad happening if you do stop/help. I'm one of the last to jump on the media, but you can always tell when it is "sweeps week" here. In recent years, there have been stories on people getting a ticket (or arrested) for flashing your lights to alert drivers of a radar trap. Once a year or so, there is the story of the person that was car jacked or shot when they stopped to help someone with a flat or the hood up. How many times did someone stop that it was fine during the same period? Thousands? But those don't make the news.

I just helped a guy at a rest area air up his spare when we were towing home from a trip in Springfield in May. Coincidentally we had just bought a 12 volt compressor at Harbor Freight on that trip. We have told someone their TV antenna was still up while driving down the highway. We got really strange looks at first until he figured out why we were pointing up.

I do notice a lot less light flashing from semi's when I'm clear on passing. This used to be automatic when I was towing. (And I used to tow a lot with the race team) I probably saw it 4 times in the 1500 mile round trip to GSP in May. Sad.

Funny you mention the light flashing Jim. When I drove over the road years ago it was automatic like you said. I still see it a few times. I always flash my lights when a big rig has cleared me these days and usually get the trailer light flash "thanks" in return.

It's a good practice to keep to help keep everyone safe and know they are clear.
I seen it twice in 1,100 miles on our way to and from Disney. I agree with yall, I always flash my lights for them and try to stay out of their way, their the ones working.
I try to be courteous of the truckers, as Randy says, they are the "Workers" out there. I give them the "Flash" when it's clear. I try to give them the space they need as well. Even though I am not a "Big Rig", I have frequently been given the flash from them as well as space. I think the courtesy goes a long way for both. I have encountered some of the truckers that were, shall we say, less then courteous, but I think the same can be said about ALL drivers, not just truckers.
Another thing I try to do is that I typically use the high output pumps that the big rigs use because these are easier to get in and out of.

I make it a point to get in and out as quick as possible and get out of their way since they are making a living and I'm vacationing.
Sadly, I am running Gas not Diesel, so there is no option for me on that. So the "Easy In/Out" options are far less.

Regardless though, I really hate people who pump and then go inside and browse/shop and take for ever. If at all possible, If I am doing more than paying (or getting a cup of coffee), particularly if I am at a busy place, I try to pull out of the way after getting done pumping.
Yeah, I too pull around were the big boys fuel up, after I pump my fuel I pull up a full truck and trailer length if I'm just going in to pay, if we are stopping it get a burger or something it's usually at a Loves Truck Stop. Some places do have RV parking up from and I use it if the spots are empty, if not I'll park with the trucks far back in the lot of their way. I have met some nice drivers and get some good comments on our "rig". I have had a few tell me thanks for pulling up, some rvers never do it, such a pain, the general motorists the whole nine yards, I'll talk to them to while we're pumping fuel. I'd rather deal with the truckers at the fuel pump compared to the cars upfront, I feel for you peg110!
Peoples Den Mother Denise was kind enough to start this thread at our request and we've totally dissed her by abandoning it we should all feel ashamed with ourselves
Awe. She's been giving us a little leeway to chit chat in some of the other threads.

Thanks Denise!


But that said. I was looking for the right place to brag a little on my DS and this looks like the right place.

He was hired yesterday for his first job. He is in a work program for his senior year. It is primarily geared towards kids that are interested in a trade type job.He was supposed to try getting his own job over the summer, but an 18 y/o senior with no work history isn't your ideal candidate. When school started, his work study teacher helped him find a good fit. Monday he starts at Eberhart Sign and Lighting doing general warehouse stocking and clean up, but he has the opportunity to shadow and learn from the sign guys when he has his responsibilities done. They told him he could even go up in the bucket truck to help install and service. He's not thrilled with actually having to work. I told him I wasn't either, but welcome to real life. :D And a pay check will be nice so he quits bugging me for gas money.

Awe. She's been giving us a little leeway to chit chat in some of the other threads.

Thanks Denise!


But that said. I was looking for the right place to brag a little on my DS and this looks like the right place.

He was hired yesterday for his first job. He is in a work program for his senior year. It is primarily geared towards kids that are interested in a trade type job.He was supposed to try getting his own job over the summer, but an 18 y/o senior with no work history isn't your ideal candidate. When school started, his work study teacher helped him find a good fit. Monday he starts at Eberhart Sign and Lighting doing general warehouse stocking and clean up, but he has the opportunity to shadow and learn from the sign guys when he has his responsibilities done. They told him he could even go up in the bucket truck to help install and service. He's not thrilled with actually having to work. I told him I wasn't either, but welcome to real life. :D And a pay check will be nice so he quits bugging me for gas money.

Congrats to your son on his 1st JOB.


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