The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

Oh - and you mentioned problems with multi quoting: Have you seen the ability of marking the text (or the single picture) that you want to quote with your mouse and then there is a little blue boy that lets you choose +Quote or Reply? Works far better than the old method of slicing up someone else's post. I use that and then if I am quoting formatted text I get rid of all formatting with the method you described and then don't have any problems at all!

Did this whole post like that and I love it. Now the broken link on my report ..... not so much.

So here's the lowdown....

I think I may have I gotten the highest grade on this exam at an 88%. My study group partners barely passed with mid 70's which is both surprising and super, like MAJORLY, stressful for them.

I am happy with my 88% given the curve of it; glad to start the term off strong!

Way to go. Do you think maybe since you had more L& D experience :rolleyes1 it helped?

Not to be outdone, Tate wanted in on some of the action. He said he has been daydreaming about his tasty Lapu Lapu ever since our last trip and agrees they are delicious and can be rather dangerous. Especially when you order a Mai Tai next and refill the pineapple, making it a just as tasty, yet somewhat cheaper 2nd drink. ;)

Liesa, have you and Tate heard of Trader Sam's Grog Grotto yet? It is a new bar at the Poly and I am sure that Tate will love it!

Loved your reasons! That is a great idea to help you keep motivated!

I haven't! Did it replace the old one or is it in a different location? Going now to do a little recon....

Oh my lucky pirate stars!!! That place screams a dinner to me! Way, way better than the busy chaos of O'Hana and the menu is truly something our family would looooooove. And as you know, we are light eaters so Appie-sized dinners are perfect for us.

I can totally see us doing this for an MK DAY DINNER. You are genius Magdalene!

Late on this but I am looking forward to the Trader Sam's on the east coast. It is located in the old arcade so down the hallway on the marina side of the lobby . So for me tucked away but I hope not too hidden.
Oh my lucky pirate stars!!! That place screams a dinner to me! Way, way better than the busy chaos of O'Hana and the menu is truly something our family would looooooove. And as you know, we are light eaters so Appie-sized dinners are perfect for us.

I can totally see us doing this for an MK DAY DINNER.

I thought you would like it! The original Trader Sam's is at the Disneyland Hotel. It opened a few years ago and was a great success. SO they brought it to WDW with the renovation of the Poly. Currently it seems to be crazy busy, but I hope it will become more manageable as time passes.

However! New aware that it has a rule that is very unusual for WDW: it is kids free after 8 pm. So, if you want to go there with the family, make sure to be there early enough. I think on the patio kids are allowed after 8pm as well, but not sure. And it only opens at 4pm.

You are genius Magdalene!

Well, there you are stating the obvious... :rotfl2:
I wonder why they didn't make room for more seating at Trader Sam's...especially if they knew it was likely to be a big hit??
I wonder why they didn't make room for more seating at Trader Sam's...especially if they knew it was likely to be a big hit??

I think it not being a huge venue is part of the appeal, it is more cosy that way. And I think once the first months are over, it will become less crowded.
I dearly wished I could have finished my TR from 2010! He got into some unbelievable fun stuff, and got to visit places that no ordinary guest would get to. The cast members bent over backwards to let him get selfies in truly COOL places like the little bird houses around Splash. I was totally jealous!

I would really love to see these and read about yours and Tater's adventures! This PTR will be a long one, so maybe there is smoke hope for an excursion?

I love your motivation stickers! I hope they help you and I'm sure you'll come up with many more until your trip.

I hope you have a relaxing sunday before school again on monday!
You may. I'll allow it.

Hot bath. That's a no-no.
Don't worry, you'll figure out what works best for you eventually.
Do find some literature on it though if you can.

Good luck!

Amazing how far one can get behind after being off a day or 2... or 3. Eh hmmm...

1) Why thanks. I feel so privileged.

2) Hot baths knock me out faster than no body's business. And that's just what I needed for pre-All Nighter nappy time. (I'm not British, so no incontinence jokes.) Now, DURING the night, right around 2:00 or so, I should have had some coffee to get me through the 3:00-5:00 hours. That part was tough.

3) Thanks, I need all I can get.
Did this whole post like that and I love it. Now the broken link on my report ..... not so much.

It's definitely taking a long while to get used to the changes; longer than I think some are willing to stick it out. Sadly, I think the DIS may lose some fine folk from the very steep learning curve it may be for them. Sad. And yes, parts are still frustrating, but all in all, I think the improvements outweigh the kinks.

Way to go. Do you think maybe since you had more L& D experience :rolleyes1 it helped?

Actually, yeah, I think so. I do have some experience, not as a nurse, but as an observer and of course personal. It adds up, and I think the fact that it's super duper interesting to me, I've been proactive in learning all I can and trying to catch the nuances while I had the opportunities.

Late on this but I am looking forward to the Trader Sam's on the east coast. It is located in the old arcade so down the hallway on the marina side of the lobby . So for me tucked away but I hope not too hidden.

Me too! If we meet up, we should make sure that's on our list of together-to-dos! Can't wait! I know you will end up going before me likely, so make sure you take pix to post here too!
I thought you would like it! The original Trader Sam's is at the Disneyland Hotel. It opened a few years ago and was a great success. SO they brought it to WDW with the renovation of the Poly. Currently it seems to be crazy busy, but I hope it will become more manageable as time passes.

I am contemplating a quick trip to DLR this summer, but can't imagine how it could happen. I wonder if it possibly could during Christmas break next year? Hmmm... that way I can get a fix before heading to the East Coast one and where it may not be quite so busy. So many Disney trips; so little money funds!

However! New aware that it has a rule that is very unusual for WDW: it is kids free after 8 pm. So, if you want to go there with the family, make sure to be there early enough. I think on the patio kids are allowed after 8pm as well, but not sure. And it only opens at 4pm.

Kids free doesn't bother me. My kids are plenty old enough to stay in a park or go back to a park ahead of us by an hour or so if need be. And of course, that patio actually sounds heavenly as well. Honestly, sometimes, having a place to go where the noise of kids is absent for a short time is refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I love the happy noise of kids having a wonderful time, but after having that, AND the noise of not-so-happy kids all day long, an hour or 2 without that will be nice.

Well, there you are stating the obvious... :rotfl2:


I wonder why they didn't make room for more seating at Trader Sam's...especially if they knew it was likely to be a big hit??

I think Magdalene nails it.

I think it not being a huge venue is part of the appeal, it is more cosy that way. And I think once the first months are over, it will become less crowded.

The Cava is a perfect case in point. I can't think of a more perfect little hide-away to sit and enjoy the cozy atmosphere!
I would really love to see these and read about yours and Tater's adventures! This PTR will be a long one, so maybe there is smoke hope for an excursion?

I love your motivation stickers! I hope they help you and I'm sure you'll come up with many more until your trip.

I hope you have a relaxing sunday before school again on monday!

Yes, this is the long-haul sort of PTR; I wanted to share my ENTIRE adventure of how this trip is coming together as well as the "Journey" it takes to get there. It's not an easy road to DisneyWorld, and I want to have others share the path with me. And since it is so long, why yes. Yes, there will be time for an excursion or 2. This summer, we will be camping in the very northwest corner of Oregon where I'm told there are cougars, bears, rattlesnakes, deer, elk and other wildlife creatures to see and mingle with. We'll also be doing some rafting on the Grande Ronde River, which should be all kinds of wicked fun!

Motivation in the form of immature trinkets, like stickers for a Kindergardener keep me going. Face it, I'm easy to please.

Thanks, Katharina! I spent the morning at church, then worked on a Clinical writeup for 6 hours and simply must take a break while my family watches the most inane and ridiculous movie ever made- Independence Day. Once was more than enough.
Just a very quick little note:

I am now in the very thick of the term with due dates and deadlines and some pretty massive amounts of content to study and learn every single day. I will be briefly checking in, I hope most days, and will sloooooowly be making the rounds to each of your lovely P/TRs as I can. I won't abandon you or forget, just have to take a step back and finish this year well. Our course is 12 credits, so to get a B would really ding my GPA. I know I'm being kinda anal and all, but if I can, why not try?

Keep the banter coming, and I ask, I you mention me or reply in your own threads please tag or quote me, so I know where to look back to respond. I just don't have time to read every comment. :) I want to be sure I don't miss something I should.

Tomorrow, I "get" to teach all about puberty and the "changes" to 5th grade girls. Yay me. Tuesday, lecture, Wednesday lab and studying all day, Thurday sleep then all night Clinical, Friday sleep, weekend studying all of it. Busy, busy!
I am now in the very thick of the term with due dates and deadlines and some pretty massive amounts of content to study and learn every single day. I will be briefly checking in, I hope most days, and will sloooooowly be making the rounds to each of your lovely P/TRs as I can. I won't abandon you or forget, just have to take a step back and finish this year well. Our course is 12 credits, so to get a B would really ding my GPA. I know I'm being kinda anal and all, but if I can, why not try?

The DIS will still be here. Don't worry about us.
Do what's best for you.

Keep the banter coming, and I ask, I you mention me or reply in your own threads please tag or quote me, so I know where to look back to respond. I just don't have time to read every comment. :) I want to be sure I don't miss something I should.

It's a deal.

Tomorrow, I "get" to teach all about puberty and the "changes" to 5th grade girls.

Changes? Like four quarters to a dollar?


Yay me. Tuesday, lecture, Wednesday lab and studying all day, Thurday sleep then all night Clinical, Friday sleep, weekend studying all of it. Busy, busy!

Oh, boy. Good luck with all that!
Keep the banter coming, and I ask, I you mention me or reply in your own threads please tag or quote me, so I know where to look back to respond. I just don't have time to read every comment. :) I want to be sure I don't miss something I should.
You're about to get tagged to so many irrelevant and meaningless posts now... Just get ready for the flood of alerts. :rolleyes1

Tomorrow, I "get" to teach all about puberty and the "changes" to 5th grade girls. Yay me.
Well, at least you aren't teaching it to 5th grade boys.
This summer, we will be camping in the very northwest corner of Oregon where I'm told there are cougars, bears, rattlesnakes, deer, elk and other wildlife creatures to see and mingle with. We'll also be doing some rafting on the Grande Ronde River, which should be all kinds of wicked fun!
It looks like we'll be "camping" in someone's apartment in Nuremberg, the only animals there are Mickey Mouses, I guess. Your plans sounds more exotic!
Tomorrow, I "get" to teach all about puberty and the "changes" to 5th grade girls. Yay me. Tuesday, lecture, Wednesday lab and studying all day, Thurday sleep then all night Clinical, Friday sleep, weekend studying all of it. Busy, busy!
I hope the teaching went well, good luck with sleeping ahead on Thursday!
It looks like we'll be "camping" in someone's apartment in Nuremberg, the only animals there are Mickey Mouses, I guess.

Well, I am sure you would not be pleased if you would find rattlesnakes in my appartment!!! :scared1: And you can always go and visit the squirrels at our parents! :squirrel:
Liesa, sounds like this term is especially busy with all those nights working! But it seems that you thrive with the challenges! Good luck with it all!
Sorry I've been missing (work has been crazy and I've had a headache for a week and didn't even want to look at the DIS over the weekend).

I love your inspirational Mickey's and the first six are a great start.
The DIS will still be here. Don't worry about us.
Do what's best for you.

So, now that I've concept mapped all 5 cancers (risk factors, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, medications, chemos, surgeries and other treatment modalities) I can move onto the Effects of Chronic Illness on Patients and Families. I'm weary.

I just told my hubby that I'm forcing myself to walk away for the rest of the evening- I have to for my own mental health, and there's no other place I'd rather be.

Changes? Like four quarters to a dollar?

Speaking of which, this reminds me of the now defunct group 4 for a Dollar. I will really miss them on my next trip. (Unless they are back, and I missed it.)

Oh, boy. Good luck with all that!

See how fast it's all going? Unbelievable, NO?! It's already almost Wednesday and I'm gearing up for my all-nighter Clinical.

You're about to get tagged to so many irrelevant and meaningless posts now... Just get ready for the flood of alerts. :rolleyes1

I'm waaaaaiting....

Well, at least you aren't teaching it to 5th grade boys.

Actually.... I was the coodinator for producing the boy's slide show. Only the 2 men in our Clinical group presented to the boys, but I did have a healthy dose of "adolescent boy issues". I'd rather present to the girls, thanks.


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