The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

Wow, I'm late to the party but caught up as much as I could. I'm so impressed with all that you have done. I've been toying around with the idea of going back to school for a while...but all the pre-requisites scare make it seem doable though!! I can't believe you are almost done! Really enjoying your PTR too of course :)
like this?


see there you does seem to code it but is hidden from view. Go figure.

Yes, BUT because you quoted me at the same time, I only got the alert that you quoted me and not the alert that you tagged me at the same time... It is all complicated...

I read your explanation about the links, not sure I am totally onboard with it... My links work, but only kind of. They link to the correct page but not directly to the post. I use the method of clicking on the number of the post that I want to link to (lower right corner of the post) and that brings up a window with two different options: The first is the link itself, the second is the BB Code which is what the code for the board is. If you copy the BB code it will give you the coding for the link and as the text that will appear in the post as the thread title.

Oh - and you mentioned problems with multi quoting: Have you seen the ability of marking the text (or the single picture) that you want to quote with your mouse and then there is a little blue boy that lets you choose +Quote or Reply? Works far better than the old method of slicing up someone else's post. I use that and then if I am quoting formatted text I get rid of all formatting with the method you described and then don't have any problems at all!

Oh, and the BB Code for tagging someone is like this: [ USER=125530 ]@ Flossbolna[ /USER ] (without the spaces obviously). I guess you would have to know someone's user number to do it in BB Code...
I love Mr. Tate. He'd fit right in at our house. Best of luck on your nursing exams. Almost all the woman in my family are in the medical field including my late aunt who taught nursing in Colorado at one of the Universities.
Looks like I'm loaded up on replies to do here, including a NEW READER (hi @KathyM2 :wave:), but I am up to my elbows in custom egg dye mixing, because it's always a challenge to find new colors that aren't in the carton yet. I will be back as soon as I can amidst a busy weekend.
Liesa, the new way linking to the thread works is via the thread title, so it seems that if you change your title when you update, the links break. I stopped linking and just put the page number in the table of content.

Until I can sit for uninterupted hours at a time trying to understand all the linking nuances, I like this idea best. I know as soon as I change my title everything I've linked since the BIG change will break as @pkondz so nicely pointed out. I WON'T go back and fix them all again; it took me over an hour. I just don't have that kind of time during a school term.
Happy to be of service.
And all these years my mom's always told me I was good for nothing and here I've gone and done something!

She SAID that!? Surely not! You done good here, and down there too. (Sorry, no little down arrow key)

It's not that great a story, but it was memorable for me anyway.

When my family (Me, DW, DD12 and DD8.... which incidentally should clue you in as to whether I'm a guy or a gal... no I didn't miss that post :laughing:) went down in 2009, I made sure the girls had costumes to wear. Where's the fun in going trick or treating if you don't wear a costume? (And, no. You don't need to if you don't want to... or you can and be as simple (logo T-shirt) or as elaborate (full costume) as you want.)
DD8 was big into Spiderman then and wore a "Spiderella" costume from the local cheap Halloween costume place. DD12 went more elaborate. I bought her a dress, we actually rented the hat and transformed her into Scarlett from Gone With the Wind. Strangers would run up to her and tell her how much they loved the movie! :laughing:
My DW is not a big Disney fan... sorry if I've shocked you, but there it is. She's also not a big Halloween fan while I happen to be one of the world's biggest. Well, at least in my little world. ;)
I didn't tell anyone, but I dressed up as one of the ghosts from HM (because, well... why wouldn't you?)
We were out and about, passing by HM when we spotted Lady Renata lounging on her settee.
She spots me and immediately waves and calls out "Hellooooo! So nice to see you again!"
I of course call back "And so nice to see you again too!"
Lady Renata: "And how is cousin Albert? I haven't seen him for such a long time!"

I don't remember how exactly the conversation went after that, but it went on for some time as we exchanged pleasantries about all our dead relatives and those we were waiting to see who were still alive but dying to catch up with.

It was just such a fun moment. Pure Disney HM magic.

But what made it even more fun, was when DD8 tugged on my sleeve.
"Daddy? Who was that lady? Do you know her?"
She didn't quite understand that it was all a big act.
Well.... at least on my part. She may very well have been a slightly confused ghost.
After all.... it was Halloween...

That is a FABULOUS story! How utterly "Disney"; that, my friend, is EXACTLY what keeps me going back over and over and over again. There is no where else on earth where stories like that can be generated.

Thank you SO much for taking the time to type it all out and let me live that story a little in my mind. What a great memory!

I need a good costume for this gig! I really haven't thought about it much at all, but since this is a HUGE and very significant GRADUATION CELEBRATION, maybe I should dress up in my scrubs with my steth and stuff? Symbolic AND costume-y.
Your very lame formerly 2D now 3D (as Alison would put it) in real life friend is hideously behind.

Not nearly as behind as I'm about to become. Week 1 is aleady behind me, but I have 9 more long weeks ahead that will be packed with study every single day. There may be long gaps of activity here.

As to the links (and I'd tag Magdalene except for someone who is rather tech savvy I don't know how to do that) here is the deal as I understand it.

Bear in mind this is only through personal testing, not any tech board on the DIS.

Changing the title should not break your links. I wonder if it is because your links are hand typed? What I do, and has seemed to stay intact is as follows: And I apologize if all these show as links instead of embedded in the actual update, it seems to be inconsistent how copy/paste on an image actually works...I've been sticking to links as a result as it is easier and more consistent.

Right click on the ULR in your main browser window

View attachment 85954

then type your text that you want to link to, like "link", then click on the paperclip

View attachment 85955

paste the copied URL into there. Which may be what you are doing and it's only the words you were hand typing, not the link, dunnno.

View attachment 85956


What has happened, I think, is that it is now a dynamic link. Meaning that if you've copied it in, once you change your title, the links actually auto update. Mine are all working here and they have worked each time I've changed the title (fingers crossed that stays). I think you break the code if you try to adjust it manually and you shouldn't need to re-copy/paste.

As for the formatting...big beef of mine. Here is what I have found so far. For whatever reason the new HTML editor decides to format chunks of text independently, versus a whole block, when you highlight and add your color, font or size. No clue why. If things don't look like you want, the only way I can see to fix it (and the easiest way to multi quote within a post these days) is to use the HTML editor instead of the rich text to clean up formatting and then view it in the rich text. It also makes it WAY easier to delete pictures when replying than in the rich text. Biggest drawback there is you lose your toolbar. When I reply I will generally remove all formatting using the remove formatting button first, before I do anything and it helps keep things from getting wonky. I've been known to use it on my own posts as well if the editor starts doing crazy things.

Those buttons are here on your toolbar

View attachment 85961

In HMTL this reply looks like this

View attachment 85963

hope that helps... and at some point I WILL get caught up. I am slowly slowly working my way through but the faster moving ones take me longer as I like to sit down and REALLY get caught up and reply, right!

That was a really detailed explanation that took some precious time, I'm sure. Thanks! I"m not sure how to use the HTML coding, and when the rich text toolbar disappears, I become hopelessly lost. I want my chapter links to look "pretty" with various greens, Verdana font, and size 3, but when I try to add any of that, it works about 20% of the time. Frustrating for sure. I haven't updated my title since the other night when I spend WAY too much time fixing all of my links, so nothing has passed any litmus test yet.

I do know that I've done what you've described, but copying the url address of what I want linked, then clicking the paperclip, and pasting in that address. However, mine all broke when I updated. So, not sure what I'm doing wrong at this point. Honestly, I'm MUCH more of a visual learner. If I had someone just sit down with me and show me how, I'd be a whiz in no time. (I see a trip to the Seattle area in my future...)
Wow, I'm late to the party but caught up as much as I could. I'm so impressed with all that you have done. I've been toying around with the idea of going back to school for a while...but all the pre-requisites scare make it seem doable though!! I can't believe you are almost done! Really enjoying your PTR too of course :)

A wonderful and HUGE :welcome: to you! So happy to have you here and reading along. Never be afraid or shy to join in the fray; banter is what makes a thread fun.

It was a little scary at first to go back to school at first, I admit. I just wasn't sure if I could keep up. Especially with the chemistry that I dropped out of at 19 due to confidence issues. Almost 30 years later, it was a total piece of cake. It's amazing what a few years of raising kids can do for motivation. I took it VERY slow with only 1 or 2 classes at a time. Anatomy and Physiology was pretty tough, but with it being the only class, it was very managable. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I promise!! The key is being organized, making it the #1 priority, delegating normal work and house chores to the family, etc... they really do need to be on board because your success depends heavily on them. Just remind them that it is temporary- a short season that will yield great things in the end. Like yearly vacations to Disney.
:rotfl:I googled cow train because I thought I could come up with some funny images - and I did. But I'm at work so I'd better not download to my laptop so I can upload to photobucket.,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNEk5zVuGK8jFlpTLfya2bOGq0pBJQ&ust=1428169560486797
looks a little awkward! :rotfl:

That is pretty funny! I did see the train, but it wasn't a cow train, but a wooden shoe train. I understand the dilemma with downloading at work... That could be VERY awkward to explain. ;)

I read your explanation about the links, not sure I am totally onboard with it... My links work, but only kind of. They link to the correct page but not directly to the post. I use the method of clicking on the number of the post that I want to link to (lower right corner of the post) and that brings up a window with two different options: The first is the link itself, the second is the BB Code which is what the code for the board is. If you copy the BB code it will give you the coding for the link and as the text that will appear in the post as the thread title.

Mine are all the same way. When I click on the post number, the individual post doesn't come up alone. Or at least when I link, it's the same way, the entire page is what's brought up, not the individual post. So weird! I was using this method as well, and sadly, neither is easy or works well.

Oh - and you mentioned problems with multi quoting: Have you seen the ability of marking the text (or the single picture) that you want to quote with your mouse and then there is a little blue boy that lets you choose +Quote or Reply? Works far better than the old method of slicing up someone else's post. I use that and then if I am quoting formatted text I get rid of all formatting with the method you described and then don't have any problems at all!

I know next to nothing about the new multi-quoting, so haven't been doing a lot in that area. At least not nearly as much as I know I should be able to. :( I will look for the little blue boy next time and see where that gets me. You make it sound so easy!

I love Mr. Tate. He'd fit right in at our house. Best of luck on your nursing exams. Almost all the woman in my family are in the medical field including my late aunt who taught nursing in Colorado at one of the Universities.

Mr. Tate is a trouble-maker and can be rather confused. It's not uncommon to see him transformed into a princess or buy women's clothing.

I really love the field I've chosen, and love that I can go so many directions with it. It's a growing field with only more opportunities coming. :)
Not nearly as behind as I'm about to become. Week 1 is aleady behind me, but I have 9 more long weeks ahead that will be packed with study every single day. There may be long gaps of activity here.

That was a really detailed explanation that took some precious time, I'm sure. Thanks! I"m not sure how to use the HTML coding, and when the rich text toolbar disappears, I become hopelessly lost. I want my chapter links to look "pretty" with various greens, Verdana font, and size 3, but when I try to add any of that, it works about 20% of the time. Frustrating for sure. I haven't updated my title since the other night when I spend WAY too much time fixing all of my links, so nothing has passed any litmus test yet.

I do know that I've done what you've described, but copying the url address of what I want linked, then clicking the paperclip, and pasting in that address. However, mine all broke when I updated. So, not sure what I'm doing wrong at this point. Honestly, I'm MUCH more of a visual learner. If I had someone just sit down with me and show me how, I'd be a whiz in no time. (I see a trip to the Seattle area in my future...)

Definitely come up! I don't use the link that is at the bottom of the post though it appears to be the same as what is in the browser window if you save that right after posting. Not sure why mine seem to work regardless but they are.

As for color, there can be other HTML coding hidden in there that is overriding what you want to do and the only way I know to really clear it up is by going into the html editor (non rich text) and then yeah, it can make your eyes bleed to be sure.

Magdalenes tip of highlighting what you want to quote though, instead of the cut/paste method is BRILLIANT. I had no idea that would bring up an edit window, love it.
That is a FABULOUS story! How utterly "Disney"; that, my friend, is EXACTLY what keeps me going back over and over and over again. There is no where else on earth where stories like that can be generated.

Why thank you kindly. :)

Thank you SO much for taking the time to type it all out and let me live that story a little in my mind.

Yeah... you really don't know me very well yet (something I hope to change in the very near future. :goodvibes) but typing a lot.... tons, even... is usually not an issue with me. :rolleyes1

What a great memory!

Uh, huh.
Ask me what I had for breakfast yesterday.


I need a good costume for this gig! I really haven't thought about it much at all, but since this is a HUGE and very significant GRADUATION CELEBRATION, maybe I should dress up in my scrubs with my steth and stuff? Symbolic AND costume-y.

That's weird. Because that is exactly what I thought!
I didn't want to say, "Hey! You have to wear a costume! And you've got one already!" in case you weren't into that (like my DW).
But even if you were, I'd still never say it because you might react like this:
"I wear scrubs everyday at work... and now you want me to wear it on vacation?? Are you insane?"
(The answer to that last part is "yes" of course... but I digress.)

But it's still the very first thing I thought of when you first mentioned MNSSHP.
Magdalenes tip of highlighting what you want to quote though, instead of the cut/paste method is BRILLIANT. I had no idea that would bring up an edit window, love it.

Yes, there are some thing on this new software that are wonderful, others are not there yet. I find it a bit frustrating that even the people posting on the Technical Support boards don't really get any feedback from the sight administrators. Not even a single "issue noted, we are working on it" post...

Liesa, I think the new software no longer has the option to link to just one post in its separate window. But what it should do is that it will link to the page the post is on and have the page jump to the starting point of the post you linked to. Actually, I have been setting up my links in my trip reports like that anyway even in the old software as I wanted people to have the ability to continue on reading after my post.
Definitely come up! I don't use the link that is at the bottom of the post though it appears to be the same as what is in the browser window if you save that right after posting. Not sure why mine seem to work regardless but they are.

As for color, there can be other HTML coding hidden in there that is overriding what you want to do and the only way I know to really clear it up is by going into the html editor (non rich text) and then yeah, it can make your eyes bleed to be sure.

Magdalenes tip of highlighting what you want to quote though, instead of the cut/paste method is BRILLIANT. I had no idea that would bring up an edit window, love it.

I think until I can come up to Seattle, I'll go with the pg. # technique if they break with my next update. I just don't know enough coding to spend the time right now to learn.

I agree! She is always lightyears ahead of me at this stuff, and I've learned quite a lot from her and yourself! THX!
Yeah... you really don't know me very well yet (something I hope to change in the very near future. :goodvibes) but typing a lot.... tons, even... is usually not an issue with me. :rolleyes1

Then, we have at least one thing in common. The jury is still out on whether that is a complement, but verbosity can be one of my traits or flaws, depending on your propensity to either stick around or hit the "move on" button more quickly.

Uh, huh.
Ask me what I had for breakfast yesterday.

Ok, what did you have for breakfast yesterday?

That's weird. Because that is exactly what I thought!
I didn't want to say, "Hey! You have to wear a costume! And you've got one already!" in case you weren't into that (like my DW).
But even if you were, I'd still never say it because you might react like this:
"I wear scrubs everyday at work... and now you want me to wear it on vacation?? Are you insane?"
(The answer to that last part is "yes" of course... but I digress.)

But it's still the very first thing I thought of when you first mentioned MNSSHP.

1) How could someone NOT be into wearing a costume to the most epic Halloween party EVER?! And not just that, but the only night you are even allowed as an adult to dress up? Nope, not gonna happen. Totally going with epic costumes. Well, at least I will. Because sadly, my DH is probably going to be a poophead about it too. Oh well. Maybe if I start suggesting ideas now, he'll be more apt to join in the fun.

Nah, you're not insane, it is the ONLY totally logical, convenient, and really perfect choice of costumes. You heard it here first,

My costume for MNSSHP is my nursing scrubs and paraphenalia. I'm pretty danged stoked.

So... there ya have it, my friend with no name. (I am still hunting...) We now have at least 2 things in common. :)
Liesa, I think the new software no longer has the option to link to just one post in its separate window. But what it should do is that it will link to the page the post is on and have the page jump to the starting point of the post you linked to. Actually, I have been setting up my links in my trip reports like that anyway even in the old software as I wanted people to have the ability to continue on reading after my post.

I can certainly see the value in that as well. I have read TRs in so many various ways depending on the time I have available. When I have time to burn (which I absolutely DON'T right now) I read through all the excessively fun banter and joking, but when I"m kinda in a hurry, I just speed read through only the updates and comment hastily. But I do like your idea of having the option open to keep reading on through if the reader so chooses.
I completely forgot about Mr Tate O'Patty.

And 12 more weeks - that's awesome!

Then I got distracted by Cynthia's link demonstration because I have been doing the numbered link in the lower right hand corner. I am so confused. lol
Ok, what did you have for breakfast yesterday?

Honestly, I don't even remember if I had breakfast that morning anymore.

How could someone NOT be into wearing a costume to the most epic Halloween party EVER?!

Ooohhh... I think I like you.

And not just that, but the only night you are even allowed as an adult to dress up?


Because sadly, my DH is probably going to be a poophead about it too.

Maybe we can go at the same time and we can leave our respective spouses in front of the TV while we go have a blast at the party.

Wait.... would that be cheating?

Who cares! Costumes!

Oh well. Maybe if I start suggesting ideas now, he'll be more apt to join in the fun.


Nah, you're not insane, it is the ONLY totally logical, convenient, and really perfect choice of costumes. You heard it here first,

That's definitely the first time someone's said I'm not insane. :rolleyes:

So... there ya have it, my friend with no name. (I am still hunting...) We now have at least 2 things in common.

Oh, my name's out there.
It was the source of much speculation on a TR somewhere. Probably one of mine.
But as far as I know, it's only been posted... once.
I wanted to add a couple of sweet reminders of what it's all about. The pursuit of leaving the cares and worries of regular everyday life behind; hopes and dreams are born and come alive, and the making of all manner of memories is the business at hand for young and old. No, one is never too old. While we are "there", people all over this beautiful planet are suffering and dying, but for a few days, that all too quickly pass, one can let the stress of their hurts and worry go and their busy-ness and drama melt away. Imaginations of other places where anyone can create stories to take home and talk about for years to come, where the music is happy, the food is made by someone else, where pools are warm, and characters always have smiles on their faces... those are the products we pursue and come back for over and over.

This is so incredibly well-stated. A perfect encapsulation of why we love Disney.

It always amazes me how quickly this whole nursing school thing is going, and has gone. In just a few short weeks (12 or so) I'll be a licensed LPN, eligible to work in a hospital, long term care setting, medical clinic, or someone's home. It is EXCITING!!!!

Very exciting! You've done such great work!


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