The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

I :love: your Mickey wreath with the reasons for your trip! I may need one of these in my office to remind myself why I'm working so hard...
I completely forgot about Mr Tate O'Patty.

I dearly wished I could have finished my TR from 2010! He got into some unbelievable fun stuff, and got to visit places that no ordinary guest would get to. The cast members bent over backwards to let him get selfies in truly COOL places like the little bird houses around Splash. I was totally jealous!

And 12 more weeks - that's awesome!

I"m getting pretty excited! In fact, I designed the invitations for our Pinning Ceremony today and gave them to the Admin to get printed. It's getting closer!

Then I got distracted by Cynthia's link demonstration because I have been doing the numbered link in the lower right hand corner. I am so confused. lol

It was really great! Such super information. Thanks to the techies here: @eandesmom and @Flossbolna !!

This is so incredibly well-stated. A perfect encapsulation of why we love Disney.
Very exciting! You've done such great work!

Thanks, Mark! It's not just a PTR, it's my little journaling spot. Like it not, you'll have to endure my many pontifications now and then. ;)

And thanks, again! If you think about it, tomorrow is Exam #1... I'm nervous, as usual.
Ooohhh... I think I like you.

Awwwws, I think I like you too. I mean, costumes, parties, solo trips, good writing...

Maybe we can go at the same time and we can leave our respective spouses in front of the TV while we go have a blast at the party.

I think there actually are several others coming along on my next trip. Something to think about.... The party poopers can... watch the Disney channel or read their novels that they can read any old time. Whatever. Imma gonna dance with some Villians and chat it up with the HM Lady.

Wait.... would that be cheating?

Who cares! Costumes!


Because... costumes.

That's definitely the first time someone's said I'm not insane. :rolleyes:

Hmmm.... quite a claim to fame there.

Oh, my name's out there.
It was the source of much speculation on a TR somewhere. Probably one of mine.
But as far as I know, it's only been posted... once.

Great! I love me a treasure hunt. May take me about 3 months until school is out and I pass my NCLEX...[/QUOTE]
I :love: your Mickey wreath with the reasons for your trip! I may need one of these in my office to remind myself why I'm working so hard...

Thanks so much! We actually carted 3 small grape vine wreathes with battery twinkle lights and attached the Mickey Heads with our wishes written out on them and hung them in the windows with big suction hooks. They were absolutely adorable and so very meaningful. You see, the last trip was a celebration of sorts as well. Soon, I hope to spend some time with Cynthia getting some help in re-creating links to my old TRs (I know it's not finished- and for good enough a reason), but I still think it worth reading. I hope you'll stick around and read when I can do that after this term is over.

Holy cow, I was behind! Playing catch up!!!!

Jill in CO

Welcome back, Jill! Glad you are still here reading as you can. :D
Exam #1 of 6 at 8:00 AM. I have a lab right after until 1:00, a meeting after that, then happy hour with the girls. Then family from Washington after that. I hope I can sneak on and let you know how it went though during the busy-ness.
Great! I love me a treasure hunt. May take me about 3 months until school is out and I pass my NCLEX

Good luck on the treasure hunt. And by the time you read this it'll be too late for a good luck on the exam...
so hope it went well!
Nope I'm up and absorbing the we'll wishes. Thanks, my friends!! I'll let you know as soon as I can the score....
Okay! Changing my well wishes to Good Luck on the exam!
So here's the lowdown....

I think I may have I gotten the highest grade on this exam at an 88%. My study group partners barely passed with mid 70's which is both surprising and super, like MAJORLY, stressful for them.

I am happy with my 88% given the curve of it; glad to start the term off strong!
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Hey congrats! I knew you could do it!

Thank you so much for your encouragement! It is definitely becoming harder to stay focused. It's going to be a long 9 more weeks.

Tough exam! But you did we'll, sorry for your study partners

They can recover, but starting off the term behind the 8 ball isn't fun!

Great job on the test! Glad to see your hard work and studying are paying off!

I had no idea how much hard work this whole deal would be. But the payoff will be very worth it! :)
R is for: Reasons and Reminders

So, after blowing off school in its entirety today after lectures, by getting a pedi and my hair done, I decided I hadn't been irresponsible enough. So I played. And put some concrete-ness to my daydreaming.

After sharing my little wreath wishes last time, I figured it was time to make some new ones to keep a visual right in front of my face (instead of FB and the DIS....yes, I'm *that* naughty student who sometimes "multitasks") to remind me often of why I'm doing this thing called Nursing School every day for 2 years. Go to Nursing School; it'll be fun, said no one. Ever. I mean, yeah, I'm absolutely loving it, even the stuff I'd rather not admit is part of my job, but "fun" is not exactly a term I personally would use to describe it. It's one of those "hurts so good" kind of thing, like when you go the massage therapist and it kinda borders on not feeling so great, but you know it is for your own good and that the payout is very worth it.

I dug these little beauties out that I've saved for over 5 years now (THANK YOU @OhioDisneyLover), and started to think.

"What shall I write on these?", I asked myself. "What are the things I am MOST looking forward to?" "What will remind me of the "Grand Prize" every time I open up my binder?"

Surprisingly, this was MUCH harder than I thought it would be. I mean, how can you narrow down to just a few things that which you've been wanting to do for 5 years?! You may be asking yourself, "Why so few?" I'm glad you asked that because afterall this is my PTR, so it is naturally my job to tell you. What if I made about 6 or so of these each Post-Exam-Day? Let's see... 5 more exams this term + 12 or so next year= 17X6= roughly 100 or so (give or take 2, yes! I can do math or I wouldn't be IN Nursing School anymore) big and little things I am looking forward to. That's over 100 things to continually remind me of just WHY I am putting in so much hard work, giving up social time, and spending enough money to go to Disney myself 6 times over. So, instead of merely reporting back to you on how my progress is going, and thanking you profusely as best I can for your thoughts and prayers, I will share with you a few more of the motivations that keep me going.

Let me be clear though, just so you don't think I'm a only a hedonistic Disneyphile. There are FAR more reasons I am choosing to walk this season of life! They are many, and I'm sure you can guess most of them, including building up some retirement that we burned through with our career change and moving back to the US, helping our kids with some college expenses, braces for them, some BADLY needed furniture, home maintenance stuff, (furnaces aren't cheap, are they?) and other things that are actually more important than yearly trips to WDW. (Yes, I did just say that.)

So, I now present to you the top 6 things I am looking forward to with my Oct, 2016 Graduation Celebration:

And there ya have it- 6 of the things that are at the top of my "It's so hard to wait, but I'll have to list". In 2 weeks, I'll have to think of the next 6 things down the list to put on cute little Mickey heads that will do a small part in keeping me motivated to do what I need to in order to stay the course, keep on keepin' on, and my nose to the grindstone. I hope I still have one by the time this is all said and done.

Not to be outdone, Tate wanted in on some of the action. He said he has been daydreaming about his tasty Lapu Lapu ever since our last trip and agrees they are delicious and can be rather dangerous. Especially when you order a Mai Tai next and refill the pineapple, making it a just as tasty, yet somewhat cheaper 2nd drink. ;)

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I love your inspiration Mickey's! You can do this!

Jill in CO


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