The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

OMG!!!!!!!!! I JUST discovered the "top" button for the new software. I was about to throw a very immature temper tantrum about having to double finger scroll for WAY too long to get back to the top of the pages. Will I EVER get used to this new dealio?!

@Flossbolna, my next trick is to try to highlight to multiquote like you were saying.... something about a little man and right clicking? Anyway, I have wasted FAR too much time today, and need to spend my evening hours getting serious again. I am in a bit of a little funk and hope I can climb out of it. I left class with a MAJORLY bad 'tude because the lectures were a completely huge waste of time. I could have used the extra 2 hours of sleep.
Geez, you want them ranked too?!

Just kidding! I am totally willing to do that if it lets me keep avoiding ANY school work at all some more today.

Ok, let's see:

1) Wearing my Mickey Grad ears



4) F & W

5) Photgraphing everything (I should have included documenting as well, but more on that later) so I can present to you a really awesome TR!

6) Dinner at FF surrounded by my family who've given up more than you'll ever know for me to fulfill this dream.
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I'm pretty sure, once you've done MNSSHP you'll rank it far above MSEP.
IMHO, the MNSSHP parade blows away MSEP.
And that's just the parade!
I'm pretty sure, once you've done MNSSHP you'll rank it far above MSEP.
IMHO, the MNSSHP parade blows away MSEP.
And that's just the parade!

I actually contemplated doing a whole chapter on the MSEP, but already have in a past TR; don't want to start boring the long-time readers, ya know. ;)

But it really holds some extra special magic for me. Even now, when the music starts, even if I'm in the car and it comes on on my iPod, I burst into tears with memories of happy times. I grew up with that parade every year growing up and it was a very special part of my childhood. But yes, I am pretty flexible and can't wait for that parade too. Maybe while making memories with my own little girl she will come to love that one as I do the Moog one.
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Liesa, have you and Tate heard of Trader Sam's Grog Grotto yet? It is a new bar at the Poly and I am sure that Tate will love it!

Loved your reasons! That is a great idea to help you keep motivated!
Wellll...... all right.
But only because you have such special memories of it.
I'll bump it down to a very, very close third.

It's one of those "hurts so good" kind of thing, like when you go the massage therapist and it kinda borders on not feeling so great, but you know it is for your own good and that the payout is very worth it.
I get that. Makes sense, it isn't easy, but it is great to reap the rewards.

(give or take 2, yes! I can do math or I wouldn't be IN Nursing School anymore)
Thank goodness. We wouldn't want any more overdoses.

There are FAR more reasons I am choosing to walk this season of life! They are many, and I'm sure you can guess most of them, including building up some retirement that we burned through with our career change and moving back to the US, helping our kids with some college expenses, braces for them, some BADLY needed furniture, home maintenance stuff, (furnaces aren't cheap, are they?) and other things that are actually more important than yearly trips to WDW. (Yes, I did just say that.)
::yes:: Definitely valid reasons. And furnaces most definitely are not cheap. :headache:

Not to be outdone, Tate wanted in on some of the action. He said he has been daydreaming about his tasty Lapu Lapu ever since our last trip and agrees they are delicious and can be rather dangerous. Especially when you order a Mai Tai next and refill the pineapple, making it a just as tasty, yet somewhat cheaper 2nd drink. ;)
Tate's a smart tater. Going cheap on drink #2! :rotfl2:
Love all your little tricks to keep motivated!! You are making me want one of those drinks though lol. I would read a whole post on MSEP...or especially MSSSHP since I've never been....
I Started reading and got interrupted so I can't remember if I even finished your update!

Anyho - I love your list of must do's upon graduation. I know that earning those ears would be pretty darn high on my list. But even higher would be the Lapu Lapu that Tate O'Patty is requesting. :rotfl2:
Liesa, have you and Tate heard of Trader Sam's Grog Grotto yet? It is a new bar at the Poly and I am sure that Tate will love it!

Loved your reasons! That is a great idea to help you keep motivated!

I haven't! Did it replace the old one or is it in a different location? Going now to do a little recon....
Oh my lucky pirate stars!!! That place screams a dinner to me! Way, way better than the busy chaos of O'Hana and the menu is truly something our family would looooooove. And as you know, we are light eaters so Appie-sized dinners are perfect for us.

I can totally see us doing this for an MK DAY DINNER. You are genius Magdalene!
I figured it was time to make some new ones to keep a visual right in front of my face (instead of FB and the DIS....yes, I'm *that* naughty student who sometimes "multitasks") to remind me often of why I'm doing this thing called Nursing School every day for 2 years.

Always good to have an incentive. And it's always fun to procrastinate. Reminds me of a t-shirt I used to own:


Let me be clear though, just so you don't think I'm a only a hedonistic Disneyphile.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

They are many, and I'm sure you can guess most of them, including building up some retirement that we burned through with our career change and moving back to the US, helping our kids with some college expenses, braces for them, some BADLY needed furniture, home maintenance stuff, (furnaces aren't cheap, are they?) and other things that are actually more important than yearly trips to WDW. (Yes, I did just say that.)

If you figure out how to handle all that, will you please let us know the secret?

I'll have to think of the next 6 things down the list to put on cute little Mickey heads that will do a small part in keeping me motivated to do what I need to in order to stay the course, keep on keepin' on, and my nose to the grindstone. I hope I still have one by the time this is all said and done.

A nose or a grindstone?:confused3:rotfl2:
As mush I would love to sit and get some replies done, I need to have a short nap before heading out to my all-nighter Clinical- first of 4 for this term. (My other rotations are Labor and Delivery and the Mother/Baby Unit 8 shifts this term.) I've had half the coffee I normally drink, so hopefully I can get a few hours of sleep, and be able to safely care for patients all night long. :)
As a veteran of night shifts (been doing them for almost 25 years now) they're not too bad to start...
But they do get tougher as you get older.
Fair warning.
Dark room. No TV. No light. Cool temp.
Wellll...... all right.
But only because you have such special memories of it.
I'll bump it down to a very, very close third.


Am I supposed to thank you for your rich generosity now?

(Thank you, I feel better already!)

I get that. Makes sense, it isn't easy, but it is great to reap the rewards.

It has gone extremely fast; like I've said before there never, ever seems to be enough days between exams, and 2 weeks always shows up at my doorstep long before I feel ready to ACE any of them. I hope next year feels the same way, because I hear it's harder by a factor of about a billion- mainly due to super cranky instructors.

Thank goodness. We wouldn't want any more overdoses.

Or mistakes between valium and viagra.

::yes:: Definitely valid reasons. And furnaces most definitely are not cheap. :headache:

I was wondering if you'd catch that.

Tate's a smart tater. Going cheap on drink #2!:rotfl2:

He knows all the tricks the WDW vacay trade. He spends almost as much time lurking here as I do.
Love all your little tricks to keep motivated!! You are making me want one of those drinks though lol. I would read a whole post on MSEP...or especially MSSSHP since I've never been....

Oh my- the Lapu is one of the nomilicious concoctions in all the World. They go down WAYYYYY to easy. ;)

I will try to find and dig out my photos of MSEP and re-post them. It's really the music that makes me grin like an idiot from ear to ear though.

I Started reading and got interrupted so I can't remember if I even finished your update!

Anyho - I love your list of must do's upon graduation. I know that earning those ears would be pretty darn high on my list. But even higher would be the Lapu Lapu that Tate O'Patty is requesting. :rotfl2:

You sound like me when I read. SQUIRREL!!

That is only the very starts of my list. It's definitely a work in progress! I think I can order my ears even now, but that would be getting ahead of myself. I checked out EBay, and I'm not convinced they are any cheaper there than at the parks.

Ahhh, the Lapu Nectar of the Gods..... so pineappley good. :lovestruc:drinking1
Always good to have an incentive. And it's always fun to procrastinate. Reminds me of a t-shirt I used to own:


:lmao:I like that one!

Used to? Have you procrastinated buying a new one?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I don't know if it's good or bad that I agree.

If you figure out how to handle all that, will you please let us know the secret?

Enroll in your nearest Community College and work your donkey-end off for a couple of years? And then hope it's enough for all of the above.

A nose or a grindstone?:confused3:rotfl2:

The grindstone would go nicely with my "hairy toes", eh Marv (@GoofyFan1515)?

As a veteran of night shifts (been doing them for almost 25 years now) they're not too bad to start...
But they do get tougher as you get older.
Fair warning.
Dark room. No TV. No light. Cool temp.

So, here I sit 3 hours early because my body REFUSED to sleep one minute from noon to 2. I gave up, and decided to come to the hospital and just catch up here and study (I promise, that's about to happen- however, given the recent modus operandi, I may give up on that too.) and wait for our instructor to show up and give us out assignments so I can prep for my patients.

I had taken a nice hot bath before, had all the lights off- still no luck. I think this first one is one big massive experiment; we'll see how it goes....
Am I supposed to thank you for your rich generosity now?

You may. I'll allow it.

I had taken a nice hot bath before, had all the lights off- still no luck.

Hot bath. That's a no-no.
Don't worry, you'll figure out what works best for you eventually.
Do find some literature on it though if you can.

I think this first one is one big massive experiment; we'll see how it goes....

Good luck!


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