Strangest Interactions With Other Guests?

A year or two ago, DH and I were at Epcot on the Gran Fiesta Tour. We were seated at the back of the boat behind a couple of teenage girls. One of them kept freaking out that she was going to fall out of the boat. Meanwhile, the other one kept saying things like, "Awww! This is so cute!" Finally she looked at her friend and said, "It's like It's a Small World...but with ducks!!" :lmao:

DH and I couldn't stop laughing!! So now, we say it everytime we get on the ride and one of us will just say it randomly at home from time to time. :teeth;
The year was 2000 it was our first family trip to WDW DD was 8 DS was 5. We were at a character breakfast at the Restaurantosaurus. Donalds Safari Breakfast, different venue. Anyways a Portly man came in wearing jeans, white t-shirt, black boots, suspenders sits down and starts eating by himself at the buffet. He had a white beard, spectacles, etc. Long story short, he looked just like santa. I npointed this man out to the kids and they were going crazy. They had with them autograpgh books for the characters, so on our way out we stopped by and the kids asked him for his autograph. He tells us he is taking a short vacation and has to get back to the north pole soon. He then signs their books "Santa" and we went on our way. Never found out but I knew he did not work for Disney. It was strange but cute and the kids loved it at an age where they were still believers. Great experience, I kinow i have pictures somewhere, and we still have the autograph books too.

I wonder if this is the same "Santa" we ran into at the Poly in Dec 2007? We were leaving O'Hanas and heading to the elevator when we noticed the gentleman in front of us who looked just like Santa. Our DS was also still a believer (8) and his jaw just dropped. Santa had on a tropical shirt with red pants and suspendors.

So we got onto the elevator with Santa and our son is speechless and just staring and DH and I just had the biggest smiles on our face. Santa was very aware of our awstruck little boy and as we all were about to exit the elevator Santa turns around does the motion with taking two of his fingers pointing at his eyes and then to our son and says "I'm watching, so I hope you are being a good boy!" DS's jaw drops open with a little smile and just nods yes. "Good keep it up. I will see you soon."

It was so brief, but such a magical moment. :santa:
Regarding unexpected encounters and what are the odds....

On our first couple of trips we ran into several people from our oldest DK's school. The school is pretty small so the number of families even going to WDW would be very small. We ran into one family twice.

One year we flew to WDW to see if it would help us spend more time at the parks and give the kids the experience. Turn out to be a waste of time and money. :) On the trip back we were stuck at MCO for hours waiting for the plane to show up. Our kids are really good travelers so that helps. A bunch of the kids waiting for the plane gravitated to each other in an open area by the windows. There must have been a dozen kids playing nicely with each other and sharing toys, coloring books, etc. The parents set up a perimeter to keep watch. :rotfl:

The plane finally showed up and we were called to line up. :banana: As we get in line my DW's cousin and his family go in line behind use. :eek::rotfl: We had been there for a couple of hours, walking around, watching the crowd and did not see each other even though we could not have been 50 feet from each other. We knew they were at WDW but it was odd that we did not see each other waiting for the same plane.

The flight back was not fun. Very bumpy and the flight took much longer than usual. We finally land hours and hours late. As we approach the ramp there is a flash of lightning so we have to stop and wait for the storm to pass. :sad1: Then it started POURING down rain. It was bad before then it got worse. Eventually the plane was able to connect to the ramp but by the time we got on the bus to get to the car we were wet. Then we had an hour drive home. If we had driven to WDW we would have been home 2-3 hours earlier. :confused3:):)

No more plane rides to WDW. :thumbsup2

A year or two ago, DH and I were at Epcot on the Gran Fiesta Tour. We were seated at the back of the boat behind a couple of teenage girls. One of them kept freaking out that she was going to fall out of the boat. Meanwhile, the other one kept saying things like, "Awww! This is so cute!" Finally she looked at her friend and said, "It's like It's a Small World...but with ducks!!" :lmao:

DH and I couldn't stop laughing!! So now, we say it everytime we get on the ride and one of us will just say it randomly at home from time to time. :teeth;

Classic!! :rotfl:
Submitted for your approval, the most
-worthy quotes in a thread with quite a few of them:

"I went to Disney in 1972 and there was nothing real. All the animals were fake, there was nothing real, I'd never go back!" -and- "I didn't know the animals at AK were real."

And on to the funny/weird:

"Nudists = Porn?"

Eh... no, just people who hang around the house naked. Trust someone who suffered through four years of figure drawing: nothing is less sexy than naked people just (I apologize in advance for not being able to think of a better phrase here) hanging around. :guilty:

"We got free dessert. Don't know if it was because of me or the Italian speaking lady. LOL!"

If nothing else, we're learning from this thread that a little somewhat esoteric knowledge is a very dangerous thing.

Every year I go to Disney I always take my Red Sox tshirt with me. On one of the trip, in Hollywood Studios, I was wearing my Red Sox tshirt and this man wearing a NY Yankees jersey and hat comes straight to me and ask me "What bet you lost that you have to wear that?". I was shocked! In my mind all I can think was how dare you??? The man keep walking and my husband couldn't stop laughing. I wasn't angry, I was just surprise. :rolleyes:

This has happened to my mom (her favorite hat just happens to be a Susan G. Komen charity supporting Red Sox hat) a few times. I always have to diffuse things by asking that Disney World should be considered a Neutral Zone. (And it really should.)
Last week, DH was at a conference in Orlando and we tagged along. We were at our hotel pool and I was putting sunscreen on my kids. There were two ladies next to us. One woman turns to her friend and says, "Did you know that you should put sunscreen on children at least 20 minutes before getting into the sun?"

Now, there were NO children with them at this point, so I know she was talking about me. I just smiled and kept putting on the sunscreen. Because her DH was part of the conference as well, we saw her several other times last week. Every time we saw her, I would whisper to DH, "Look! It's Passive-Aggressive Lady!" :rotfl2:

We had a sunscreen comment, too. We were in Epcot around 4-5pm, in March. We're walking along, pushing my 9 month old and 2 year old in the double stroller, while our 5 and 7 year olds walked along with us. A woman walking towards us shouted, in a very angry, accusatory tone, "I hope that baby has sunscreen on!"

My husband and I immediately laughed about it, but it was so weird that she singled out the baby, that she had no reason to suspect I hadn't put sunscreen on him, and that it was so late in the day, not peak sunburn time. And why on earth was she so angry about it? Some people. :)
We were having dinner at the Rainforest Cafe in Animal Kingdom when a man at the table next to ours struck up a conversation asking about our son who was 5-7 at the time (not exactly sure of his age/which Disney trip this was as we went a lot when he was small).

Anyway, the gentleman was very kind and then started crying as he told of his own son who had died in a motorcycle accident after coming home on leave while serving in the military during the war in Iraq/Afghanistan. :sad1:
He said our son looked just like his son as a child.:confused:

It was awful....very sad and kind of a strange conversation.
The only real strange thing that has happened to us is when we went to the park in 2006. MY son is autistic and we went about New Years so he wasn't waiting well. We were in line for Pooh and after 30 minutes he got real fussy and was having a problem standing still. There was a man in front of me and loudly says, "If people would only watch their kids or leave the line it would be quieter." So I turned to him and told him my son was autistic and if he could take it for his son then I would gladly wait at the end of the line. He just looked away and said nothing for the rest of the wait.
Submitted for your approval, the most
-worthy quotes in a thread full of them.

"Nudists = Porn?"

Eh... no, just people who hang around the house naked. Trust someone who suffered through four years of figure drawing: nothing is less sexy than naked people just (I apologize in advance for not being able to think of a better phrase here) hanging around. :guilty:

Sorry if you took this wrong but if someone walked up to my wife and I in a Disney park and started talking about nudist hotel or park they sound like they have a motive that I don't want part of.
While waiting in line for Soarin' we (my DD19 and I) began speaking with mom of the family waiting in line behind us. Small talk led to where are you from? My response was Ontario to which she paused, and then asked if we are "fluent in Canadian"? I smiled and responded "yes, and you are too". The man and woman in front of us turned around and gave me a huge smile. It was really very comical.
Weirdest experience I had in WDW was in the MK. I was waiting for the castle show and this man walks up to me and starts berating me for wasting his tax money to come to the parks. I use a PWC in the parks because of arthritis and fibromyalgia. He keeps going on about how he pays my disability from his taxes and how dare I use the money to enjoy Disney. I looked him straight in the eye and informed him I am not on disibility and have never been. That I pay taxes just like him and I have the right to enjoy Disney if I want. He sputtered and walked away.
Why in the world did he assume I was on disability. My legs and hips aren't so great but it has not affected my ability to work at all. Not all wheelchair users are on SSI or SSDI.
The last December Hubby,dd8 and myself visit the world for a few days to enjoy the beautiful christmas decorations,and we were boarding the monorail in our way the our Dinner at 1900 Park Fare,Our DD8 was wearing her beautiful Snow White Costume and to be honest (Dont want to brag about it);),She was just beautiful...princess:..We were standing there,no seats available,(its ok) and suddenly this mature,old lady give this just snooty look to my daughter (she looked at form head to toe):snooty: and said and I quote : "Since when Snow White is hispanic". Gooosh!!:eek:,I was about to loose it,but I guess she thought that we were not able to understand what she was saying,,Gees ,people we are in the 21st century and most hispanics are bilingual...My husband also heard her and decided its not worth it let it go..But I am puertorrican and a US Citizen and I am a very passionate person when it comes to defend myself and my family and I got the right to do soo..I went over to her in a very decent way and I told that it was very rude what she said and that we were able to understand EVERYTHING.. She then apologize and said that I was not her intention to offend anyone..My point is that we can just all have respect and dont matter how you looks or where u come from,we can all just get along??! and to the other PP that said that wea are not able to understand what are you saying..just dont be soo sure;)
US Army wife..
I have to subscribe because this is hilarious!

I have another one. Every year I go to Disney I always take my Red Sox tshirt with me. On one of the trip, in Hollywood Studios, I was wearing my Red Sox tshirt and this man wearing a NY Yankees jersey and hat comes straight to me and ask me "What bet you lost that you have to wear that?". I was shocked! In my mind all I can think was how dare you??? The man keep walking and my husband couldn't stop laughing. I wasn't angry, I was just surprise. :rolleyes:

at the Siesta Key beach in Florida, my dad had a Patriots shirt on, and one person went up to him and said "Go Steelers" and some woman told him "this is Bucaneers country." i told him later as a come back (not trying to offend any Bucs fans here) that he should of told her "no your wrong, this is Suckaneers country.":rotfl2:
The last December Hubby,dd8 and myself visit the world for a few days to enjoy the beautiful christmas decorations,and we were boarding the monorail in our way the our Dinner at 1900 Park Fare,Our DD8 was wearing her beautiful Snow White Costume and to be honest (Dont want to brag about it);),She was just beautiful...princess:..We were standing there,no seats available,(its ok) and suddenly this mature,old lady give this just snooty look to my daughter (she looked at form head to toe):snooty: and said and I quote : "Since when Snow White is hispanic". Gooosh!!:eek:,I was about to loose it,but I guess she thought that we were not able to understand what she was saying,,Gees ,people we are in the 21st century and most hispanics are bilingual...My husband also heard her and decided its not worth it let it go..But I am puertorrican and a US Citizen and I am a very passionate person when it comes to defend myself and my family and I got the right to do soo..I went over to her in a very decent way and I told that it was very rude what she said and that we were able to understand EVERYTHING.. She then apologize and said that I was not her intention to offend anyone..My point is that we can just all have respect and dont matter how you looks or where u come from,we can all just get along??! and to the other PP that said that wea are not able to understand what are you saying..just dont be soo sure;)
US Army wife..
I am truly sorry that someone said that when you were so proud of your little girl. I must say, though, that my first thought was that the "mature, old lady" that said the offensive words, might have been having mental issues. Before my MIL was diagnosed and then institutionalized with Alzheimer's, she said some pretty rude things to people...even children. We were mortified by a few of the things that came out of her mouth. We now know it was the disease attacking her brain. Having spent time in her care facility and being around tons of Alzheimer's patients...I give older folks a lot of latitude in areas like this. I would be inclined to whisper something to my child like, "I think the older lady might have some problems that she would say something like that. Don't pay attention." Honestly, it's just NOT normal for that lady to have said that.
We were eating at Chef Mickey's. After my husband left for the restroom, I felt a hand grab my bottom. My first reaction was I cannot believe a character is doing this!

It was actually a little boy who thought I was his Mom or something.

We call that "Wrong Mommy Syndrome" around here...:) I always think it's sweet and a little funny when you see the look on their face.
Weirdest experience I had in WDW was in the MK. I was waiting for the castle show and this man walks up to me and starts berating me for wasting his tax money to come to the parks. I use a PWC in the parks because of arthritis and fibromyalgia. He keeps going on about how he pays my disability from his taxes and how dare I use the money to enjoy Disney. I looked him straight in the eye and informed him I am not on disibility and have never been. That I pay taxes just like him and I have the right to enjoy Disney if I want. He sputtered and walked away.
Why in the world did he assume I was on disability. My legs and hips aren't so great but it has not affected my ability to work at all. Not all wheelchair users are on SSI or SSDI.

What a horrible story! My mom has been teaching from a wheel chair for 10 years, and we used a GAC card on our last trip. I would be livid if a complete stranger berated her like that. The nerve!
While waiting in line for Soarin' we (my DD19 and I) began speaking with mom of the family waiting in line behind us. Small talk led to where are you from? My response was Ontario to which she paused, and then asked if we are "fluent in Canadian"? I smiled and responded "yes, and you are too". The man and woman in front of us turned around and gave me a huge smile. It was really very comical.

LOVE IT!! :cool1::cool1:
Weirdest experience I had in WDW was in the MK. I was waiting for the castle show and this man walks up to me and starts berating me for wasting his tax money to come to the parks. I use a PWC in the parks because of arthritis and fibromyalgia. He keeps going on about how he pays my disability from his taxes and how dare I use the money to enjoy Disney. I looked him straight in the eye and informed him I am not on disibility and have never been. That I pay taxes just like him and I have the right to enjoy Disney if I want. He sputtered and walked away.
Why in the world did he assume I was on disability. My legs and hips aren't so great but it has not affected my ability to work at all. Not all wheelchair users are on SSI or SSDI.
He seriously must have had a "screw loose", if you KWIM! I am so sorry that ANYONE would say such a thing to another person!
DF and I had a pretty strange experience at AK at the Festival of the Lion King show. We sat down in some bleachers next to a family with 4 kids. 3 of the kids were toddlers and walking/standing around, and the mom was holding an infant. I was sitting next to the mom (on my left), DF was on my right. She said hi to me and then 2 minutes later says "Here, hold my baby," and proceeds to start handing me her baby! I tried to tell her no and I was not comfortable with that, and she tells me "oh don't worry" and hands me the baby anyway. I just looked at DF and he had to stifle a laugh I guess because of the look on my face. I guess she was trying to look for something in a bag or something? Don't get me wrong, I love children, but I did not know who this was and why she wanted me to hold her baby! I don't get why she would hand her infant to a complete stranger instead of to her HUSBAND who was sitting right next to her with no child in hand. Strange, but true.
but I did not know who this was and why she wanted me to hold her baby! I don't get why she would hand her infant to a complete stranger instead of to her HUSBAND who was sitting right next to her with no child in hand. Strange, but true.

Well.... once you have more than one child you realize they are pretty resilient. A mom with ONE kid would never do this!!

My story comes from many years ago. We were at Epcot and my parents had a new camera. My dad was sitting on the bench putting film in it and some lady came running up to him and said... "Oh good! You have the same camera as me and I CAN'T figure out how to load the film! Will you do mine too?" So dad says sure and loads her film same as his.

We get home and send our film out and when we go to pick it up EVERY picture was black. :lmao: Poor lady is probably still cursing him!


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