Strangest Interactions With Other Guests?

This was not something that happened at WDW. I was speaking with a couple of people just this week and one woman said. 'I went to Disney in 1972 and there was nothing real. All the animals were fake, there was nothing real, I'd never go back' she just went on and on repeating the same thing. I told her there have been a few changes in the last 38 years and she should go back and there are real animals at AK. Another woman was there and said, 'oh we took our sons a few years ago and they did not like it - I didn't know the animals at AK were real'. I just had no words for either of them at that point.
Last May.

Okay, so I was waiting in line for Snow White's Scary Adventure with DD8 (who was in 2nd grade) and the family that was in front of us was a mom, and her son (who we found out later was in 5th grade) and youger daughter.

Well, my daughter is quite tall for her age, and often gets mistaken for being older. So, the son starts talking to her and it becomes clear pretty quickly that he thinks my daughter is older, and that he has a bit of a crush on her (if one can develop a crush in 20 minutes.) DD is completely oblivious, but I catch on pretty quick and I think his mother did too, but I didn't know what to say without embarressing the kid.

Finally he starts talking about the math he's studying, and DD is completely clueless because that's quite above her level, but she's trying not to let on, cause no way is she going to admit that a boy knows more than her. Finally his mother says something like "I don't think they teach that in her grade." DD tells him she's in second grade, and his mouth drops, and he starts stammering that she looks so much older and he thought she was in his grade.

It was all rather awkward at the time, but still adorable, and I still giggle when I think about it.
We were eating at Chef Mickey's. After my husband left for the restroom, I felt a hand grab my bottom. My first reaction was I cannot believe a character is doing this!

It was actually a little boy who thought I was his Mom or something.
We were eating at Chef Mickey's. After my husband left for the restroom, I felt a hand grab my bottom. My first reaction was I cannot believe a character is doing this!

It was actually a little boy who thought I was his Mom or something.

It's funny when kids do that. Start asking you to buy something/make something special for lunch and then realize you're not their Mom.
Hopefully this isn't too off topic, but I still can't believe the odds of these encounters...

#1..June 2006... We were waiting in the line for Peter Pan's Flight. We rounded a turn and heard my three year old son say "Hi Emily." On the other side of the rail were our next door neighbors! We knew they'd be there at about the same time, but we never talked park days or even arrival/departure days. It was so funny to see them and then so cute that my son thought nothing of it. We cracked up that the attraction "It's a small world" was right behind us!

#2..It was Spring Break 2009. We went to WDW with another family. This day we were at MK and at one point we separated. My DH, DD and I went to hear storytime with Belle. My DS stayed back with the other family.

After storytime was over, we wandered over for some soft serve ice cream. As I get in line I look at the guest ahead of me and it's my boss. I knew that he and his family would be in Orlando over the week, but they didn't even know if they'd hit WDW at all (and if so, what park(s), what days, etc). Luckily we get along well or I'd have run the other way!

I leaned forward to him and said "Mister, can you buy my ice cream too?" Well, he thought I was just some wacko and directed a "no" in my direction. He got his order, we got ours, the two families chatted for a little and then we went our own ways. We still work together and occassionally I tease him about not buying my ice cream.;)

When I think of the odds of being at the same parks, in the same area, and that close to run into each other, I'm just amazed.
My Mother and I were riding Splash Mountain with this family of 5. Well while waiting to ride one of the older boys was reading the signs along the way (you know the ones that say you "may" get wet). Well they load us on to the ride. My Mother and I in the back seat, the parents of the kids in the next seat, their daughter, and in the front seat the 2 boys that I guess were between 8-12. Well the way it was set up, all the weight was in the back of the boat. As all of us Disney experts know that just sets up the big hill for the ones in front of the boat to get wet. The boys got SOAKED!

The oldest of the 2 boys turns to his parents and us (who are all laughing at the kids for getting wet), and says in a very indignant tone "May Get Wet! May Get Wet!"

Of course that just caused all of us adults to laugh even more.
This one completely involves my own stupidity. So let me preface by saying we are an adult couple w/ o kids. However, I love to see all the kids dressed up in their princess/ pirate costumes. Whenever I see them, I like to make them feel special and tell them what a beautiful Belle, Cinderella, Tinkerbell etc. they are. So last trip I see alot of little girls dressed in their cute little green dresses and I would comment on what a cute tinkerbell they were. Most parents and kids just kinda gave me strange looks and nodded. I began to is the parents think I'm out of line..or is it just the world in general that no one says thank you anymore......until I happened upon the cute little green dress in one of the stores with a tag that said Princess Tiana. From now on..I will catch up on my movies before saying anything.
Hopefully this isn't too off topic, but I still can't believe the odds of these encounters...

#1..June 2006... We were waiting in the line for Peter Pan's Flight. We rounded a turn and heard my three year old son say "Hi Emily." On the other side of the rail were our next door neighbors! We knew they'd be there at about the same time, but we never talked park days or even arrival/departure days. It was so funny to see them and then so cute that my son thought nothing of it. We cracked up that the attraction "It's a small world" was right behind us!

#2..It was Spring Break 2009. We went to WDW with another family. This day we were at MK and at one point we separated. My DH, DD and I went to hear storytime with Belle. My DS stayed back with the other family.

After storytime was over, we wandered over for some soft serve ice cream. As I get in line I look at the guest ahead of me and it's my boss. I knew that he and his family would be in Orlando over the week, but they didn't even know if they'd hit WDW at all (and if so, what park(s), what days, etc). Luckily we get along well or I'd have run the other way!

I leaned forward to him and said "Mister, can you buy my ice cream too?" Well, he thought I was just some wacko and directed a "no" in my direction. He got his order, we got ours, the two families chatted for a little and then we went our own ways. We still work together and occassionally I tease him about not buying my ice cream.;)

When I think of the odds of being at the same parks, in the same area, and that close to run into each other, I'm just amazed.

Similar story--I was working at the MK during my CP days. I was ringing up this man's purchases. He notices my nametag, which said my college in NC (UNCC). He mentions that he just went to a wedding of a friend who works at UNCC. Turns out, the friend is a mutual friend! I was supposed to go to the wedding, but couldn't get the time off!

Same month, I am ringing up purchases and my cousin comes in to buy something! I didn't know she was visiting WDW and she did not know I was working there!

I went to the nearest CM, panicking, and explained what happened. We went to a nearby snack counter and I got him some food and stuff while he talked my ear off about how cool the kids at school will think he is that he has a black mom now... LOL. :confused3

LOL, this is funny but oddly enough we've had a slightly similar experience. My daughter is one of those kids that always seems to make friends quickly and for some reason toddlers and preschoolers seem to gravitate to her. They were playing over in the area with the spitting fountain that sprays water (LOL, I can't remember which area it is in). Anyway, this maybe 3 year old boy started trying to follow us and hold my daughters hand when we left the area. I was mortified thinking someone would think we were trying to kidnap him! Luckily his grandmother didn't let him get very far before she came running to get him and she thought it was funny.
We were eating at Wolfgang Puck Express on afternoon and some Austrailian grandfather came over, sat down at our table, and proceeded to talk for the next 20 minutes. His wife and dughter were DYING and trying to talk him into sitting at their table with them but he was quite happy talking with us random Americans. Even when his food came he wasn't to interested in going back to his family...not sure what was so fascinating about us though...
People who say things to be rude and do it loudly so you hear crack me up. Dh and I were on line to see Donald. Behind us was a family of parents with adultish children (probably late teens, early 20's). This couple with two kids behind says really loudly, "Geez, they should reserve these lines for people who deserve to see Donald, and that means kids." DH and I couldn't stop laughing. I did not know you had to DESERVE to see Donald. So, every time we saw a character, we'd ask each other if we deserved to see so and so!

Then, there are the people who keep asking me where I am from. I tell them I am from Vegas and they will argue with me about my accent. I don't feel I have an accent, but I have been told that I am from New York to Boston to the South to Canada, eh! The best one was the lady that ARGUED with me that I was from Canada. I kept telling her no, the most time I have been in Canada is when I spent a few hours in the airport. She insisted and then told her DH, "She doesn't even know where she is from!" Cracked me up! My DH says I have my own accent and I must have made it up!

And here is the best one from DH. We were standing on line to see the princesses, which he was refusing to pose with. We walked up to Belle, and she pointed at DH and said, "Is this your handsome beast?" He looked right at her and said, "I am no beast, maam and I don't care if you are a princess, that is just rude!" Don't think DH has ever seen that movie. I thought Belle might break character and laugh, but she didn't. She apologized and actually got him in the picture. He was muttering for a while about her!
All of these stories are hilarious. :lmao: I have so many stories I dont know where to start.

I was in AK with my husband and 8yo daughter. We were ready to have lunch and decided to eat at Flame Tree BBQ. My husband went to find a table with my daughter. I went to the very long line. While reading the menu the line in front of me move a little (maybe half a feet) when suddenly I hear the men behind me tell his wife in Spanish "OMG! This b***h dont know if she is coming or going". Well I was surprise but I reacted super fast. I turned around and told him in a very clear Spanish "This b***h know 5 different language, know that she is going not coming and will ask you to call me by my first name, thanks". The man's wife was pale and the man's face was priceless. The move to another line. I was laughing. When I took the food to my husband I notice the man and his family was sitting at the table next to us. As soon as he saw me they moved far away. For me it was very funny.

That is my favorite! I look white but I actually grew up in a Spanish speaking household. I love when people say rude things in Spanish and then you can embarass them by speaking to them in Spanish!
Just got back (haven't even had time to change my sig). We had late FPs for the AK Safari and saw a ton of animals. However, as we approached the lions (beautiful majestic male) someone on our truck starts growling loudly so the driver had to high tail it out of there and remind everyone not to make loud noises. I guess the guy thought they were fake. Would have been a beautiful picture though, it seemed like we were quite close.
Just remembered another one. We were waiting in line for the Princess lunch in Norway when a man walked up to the podium with 2 boys. He asked the hostess if he could just go in for the buffet. She directed him to the check in podium but as he looked over at me I told him that it was a sit down meal with the princesses. He was shocked that there was no more buffet and then explained that he had not been here in 17 years. I felt bad for him, I used to love the restaurant before the princesses also. It always surprises me when people don't check out the park attractions/restaurants before their trip.
Last week, DH was at a conference in Orlando and we tagged along. We were at our hotel pool and I was putting sunscreen on my kids. There were two ladies next to us. One woman turns to her friend and says, "Did you know that you should put sunscreen on children at least 20 minutes before getting into the sun?"

Now, there were NO children with them at this point, so I know she was talking about me. I just smiled and kept putting on the sunscreen. Because her DH was part of the conference as well, we saw her several other times last week. Every time we saw her, I would whisper to DH, "Look! It's Passive-Aggressive Lady!" :rotfl2:
Strange encounter...yeah.

Several years ago we were having breakfast at WCC in the WL. That year all of our children were still living at home so there were eight of us all together. I noticed a woman who kept staring at us from across the room. There was a man at her table and a child. After a while she comes across the restaurant straight to our table and says to me, "Excuse me, but HOW can you afford to be here with all these kids? I mean, it took me forever to save to bring my daughter!" She went on and on expressing her shock that we could DO THIS. OK, whatever. I don't even remember how we responded to her. do you respond to such tactlessness? I still can't believe her nerve!
I have to subscribe because this is hilarious!

I have another one. Every year I go to Disney I always take my Red Sox tshirt with me. On one of the trip, in Hollywood Studios, I was wearing my Red Sox tshirt and this man wearing a NY Yankees jersey and hat comes straight to me and ask me "What bet you lost that you have to wear that?". I was shocked! In my mind all I can think was how dare you??? The man keep walking and my husband couldn't stop laughing. I wasn't angry, I was just surprise. :rolleyes:
Last summer we stayed at POP. We have 3 girls (11,6, 2). The older girls were in the pool playing with their Dad. The pool wasn't really crowded that day so they were playing Marco Polo and he was picking them up and throwing them in the water. They are both very good swimmers. After awhile, another little girl saw how much fun they were having and came over. When she wanted him to pick her up too, I quickly jumped in and explained to her that it wasn't a good idea. Strange man touching a little girl in a swimsuit was not a story I wanted to have to explain to her parents!

After that the little girl followed me around the pool telling me how her mommy and daddy had a fight and they were yelling at each other and her Daddy was back at the room because he was mad. I kept trying to change the subject because I didn't want her mother (who was apparently calming her nerves with a couple of drinks at the pool bar) to think I was prying but this little girl just kept telling me more and more about her family life. I felt bad for her but it was so awkward.
Last summer when we went, we were in line at Main Street Station to head over to Frontierland. Just as we got in line, we saw a little girl throwing a tantrum ahead of us. The mother wasn't really trying nicely to calm her down, as she said:

"You're a naughty girl, and that's why everyone is looking at you!"

I felt so bad for her, but it was hilarious at the same time.


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