!!! PLEASE READ!!! Important News Regarding Swaps & Shares!!!

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I know a gal who does the stroller swaps and she has for some time.
I will tell you off the stroller she makes no money - in fact there has been strollers who have fallen apart(because of someone abusing it on the 4th time) and she has had to overnight a new stroller and pay for it out of her pocket until she got more swapers in line to cover the cost.

It is alot of work and they enjoy sharing disney on a budget- why is everyone being so hateful?
I, for one, am GLAD that the swaps will be gone. That's all you'd ever see on the boards. If the board has banned the political threads because "that's all you'd see", then the swaps should go, also.

I really don't see the big deal in this, honestly. Bring a stroller or rent one, bring a cooler or don't. If the added expense of renting a stroller isn't in your budget, don't go to Disney. If you "don't have the room" for a stroller in your van, MAKE ROOM. That's part of having kids, lugging their stuff around. Pretty soon we'll have diaper bag swaps because people won't feel like lugging that home.

I have kids and have both rented and brought my own strollers. It really isn't that big of a deal...and I have twins! (double stroller)

As for the photopass swaps, it was illegal what they were doing anyways. I'm glad this was stopped.

:yay::woohoo::yay::woohoo::yay::woohoo::yay: Thank you mods for making my day!
Okay so I spent 10 mins and did this. Not sure if I am able to post the location of the swap but it is in Yahoo groups. I know of three people who already do swaps here and will be taking them on the group.

I guess PM me for more info.

Cool :thumbsup2 And just so you know, I wasn't calling anyone stupid, just saying if I could figure it out (we have a family yahoogroup), anyone can

I would think that the percentage of stored items that are being stored for swaps would be about 0.0000001% and have basically zero impact. I mean really, how many people are actually participating in these things compared to the number of people who stay at Disney hotels every night.

Is Disney really storing refrigerators for people? I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped doing that, since it's a bit different from strollers.

I believe I've seen fridges, microwaves, toasters, coffeemakers, strollers and more. I think it does add up, especially if there are other boards or groups arranging these things as well.
So you wouldn't come to converse with other people that love Disney because you can't swap a stroller/fridge/bag of buns etc?

I never said anything about me or how I felt. I think its more a concept of supply and demand...If Dis boards don't host (supply) swaps where money is exchanged..the demand for the Dis boards by those who want that option is going to go down.
Oh man and I was just about to start a Refillable mug swap.. :lmao:

Come on - people are acting like this is the end of the world or their entire vacation is ruined. Disboards has the right to set rules and even decide when they want to enforce them or turn a blind eye - if you don't like it - go somewhere else. In the end - this decision is to protect everyone and because of how bad the economy is, makes this even better timing to clamp down. Crime is up, fraud is up and this just eliminates one more avenue to be scammed. yes I realize that for every 1 scammer - 20 honest swaps go off.
Swaps are mini-businesses or at least the potential if done right to be a money making business.

I don't know about the current swaps...but, I participated in a fridge swap awhile back. The first 10 people paid each $10 to purchase the fridge, then it was free for the rest of the people. If it broke....the swap was over unless 10 more people stepped up to pitch in $10 each for a new one.

I was one of the free ones. I was never able to get the fridge from luggage services. The fridge was later found a few people after me. I was out nothing...so, I didn't complain. If I would have been out $10...I still wouldn't have complained. We fought with a styrofoam cooler for 8 days in our bathtub instead. Now, I own DVC...see what you swappers made me do! ;)

Speed :teleport:
I know a gal who does the stroller swaps and she has for some time.
I will tell you off the stroller she makes no money - in fact there has been strollers who have fallen apart(because of someone abusing it on the 4th time) and she has had to overnight a new stroller and pay for it out of her pocket until she got more swapers in line to cover the cost.

It is alot of work and they enjoy sharing disney on a budget- why is everyone being so hateful?

While I am not saying that your friend did not have this experience, I still don't believe the organizer isn't making money from the deal.
I am sorry but some of these swaps go on for 50+ people. At $10 a pop that is $500 right there. Let's say the stroller cost the organizer $300. Now you have $200 left over for maintenance?:confused3 Sorry but I don't care what you are maintaining it doesn't cost that kind of money. I have the same double stroller that went on 8 trips just to WDW alone. It has traveled many other places and has gotten tons of use. The only thing that has broken is the clip to hold it closed. That costs hardly anything to get a new one. Oh- and I don't have an expensive stroller. It was only about $125 brand new.

I am not flaming you but if anyone thinks that the stroller swap organizers aren't making money on this deal you are kidding yourself.

Exactly on 1 swap alone the leader has taken in $2,720(this isn't including last years take,that total is just for 2009)

Her total equipment costs equal $1,270

So $2720-$1270= $1,450

Does anyone seriously believe that a seat or a wheel that needs replacing even comes close to $1,450.
Oh man and I was just about to start a Refillable mug swap.. :lmao:

Come on - people are acting like this is the end of the world or their entire vacation is ruined. Disboards has the right to set rules and even decide when they want to enforce them or turn a blind eye - if you don't like it - go somewhere else. In the end - this decision is to protect everyone and because of how bad the economy is, makes this even better timing to clamp down. Crime is up, fraud is up and this just eliminates one more avenue to be scammed. yes I realize that for every 1 scammer - 20 honest swaps go off.
Swaps are mini-businesses or at least the potential if done right to be a money making business.

You're right. It is their decision to decide what they will and will not allow. I just think that people have a point when they bring up all the money being exchanged between DIS'ers with DVC rentals. Perhaps the owners of the board should have been more accurate in the reasons they gave.

Personally, I don't care one way or the other. I only got involved in this discussion/argument because some of the anti swappers got so nasty and insulting and turned the thread into an attack on swappers, rather than a discussion about why swap threads should or shouldn't be allowed on the DIS.
Exactly on 1 swap alone the leader has taken in $2,720(this isn't including last years take,that total is just for 2009)

Her total equipment costs equal $1,270

So $2720-$1270= $1,450

Does anyone seriously believe that a seat or a wheel that needs replacing even comes close to $1,450.

It's not that hard to set up a yahoo group or even a yuku board. Call it "Disney Swaps" or "Disney Swappers". If you (general you, not specific you) have half a brain in your head you can have it set up in less than 10 minutes. Would one of you (again, general you, not specific you) please just take a few minutes and do it and the rest of you go search for it. You can continue your swaps and complain about how unfair it is that you're not allowed to do that on the Dis anymore. Those of us who have always thought the swaps were a bit nuts can just go about our regular lives, you can all keep swapping. Win-Win :thumbsup2

Actually less than ten minutes, I did one as soon as I read this thread earlier.
Exactly on 1 swap alone the leader has taken in $2,720(this isn't including last years take,that total is just for 2009)

Her total equipment costs equal $1,270

So $2720-$1270= $1,450

Does anyone seriously believe that a seat or a wheel that needs replacing even comes close to $1,450.

I know she gets about 10 uses out of the stroller and the stroller is over 400.00
Start $400.00
If she is in the stroller only 4 times (-$40) and the stroller breaks and she overnights another- at 400.00 and she has to honor the remaining 6 people.. and then gets 4 more uses out of it at 40.00 how do you figure she made money? She is in the hole $360.00?? Hope I explained that right.
This is a sad day.I have participated in stroller, Photpass and refrigerator sawps and I was fortunate that they all worked out well. It was easy and very cost efficient. In this day and age, any little bit helps. Maybe someone can stay an extra day if they didn't have to rent a stroller all week as well as a refrigerator. It adds up quickly.

I understand that some people feel that photopass sharing is like stealing however, at least with the photopass, someone is actually purchasing something from Disney. Whereas, with the stroller and refrigerator, Disney is actually losing out on money because someone HASN'T purchased or rented from Disney. Out of all of them at least Dinsey is profiting from the Photopass.
Well, I have seen just by a private message there are people that do care about this and have well.. taken the bull by the horns and gone to Yahoo...
You just have to do a search for what you are looking for. :)

Yay for leadership!

Yay for the DIS to do what they deem necessary for the boards to remain 'healthy'

Thanks for the option DIS leaders.

I LOVE the DIS and WDW!

Glad for freedom and to chose what is best for our family and stretching the budget as far as I can make it go. ;)

One Happy DIS'er.....
LOOK on the Yahoo groups for what you are looking for.....
I think people are upset because it was relatively easy to put together a swap on this board. You are looking for people that will be visiting Disney around the same time that you will be going...where better to go than the DIS.

I just did a Google search on Photopass share and probably the first 5 hits are either the DIS or an aritcle / blog on another site referencing the DIS....lol.

I think I'm going to start a refillable mug swap, but you have to pool hop to a minumum of 10 Disney resort pools during your stay and take pictures as proof to be able to participate.

Speed :teleport:
You don't involve Disney? Not true at all. You do involve Disney - you call and make the reservation on the renter's behalf. Then Disney has to treat the reservation as a guest and not DVC member. Making sure they charge them for benefits given to DVC members on a stay vs. when they rent the points (free internet and valet) - this takes some extra manpower or more likely just gets overlooked. or causes a hassle for members when they are charged and have to go get the charges taken off their bills.

A guest staying on member points is not treated any differently then a renter as far as DVC is concerned. They have no way of knowing if I am making a reservation for my sister or somebody I don't know. Also not sure what you are referring to with DVC members being "charged" and the hassle to get charges taken off. What would members be charged for and what bills are we taking charges off of???
Because it is written by Disney it is allowed. Show me IN WRITING by Disney that any of these swaps are allowed.

This is an OT question but I'll bite anyway b/c I am so tired of the holier than thou attitudes surfacing claiming that shares are illegal, immoral, or ripping disney off so that you (general you, not you specifically) end up paying more for things b/c others save a few dollars.

Would the letter from Disney's Photopass Department sent to me with more than a hundred photopass cards specifically intended to be distributed beforehand to make it easier to combine pics for our HS show choir/band members work for you? I made the call in my professional capacity so the reply letter we received with the cards is an offical correspondence on disney letterhead. I do not work for the school system in any capacity and was in no way related to trip planning for the group so this was not a one time charity exception or anything like that. On the contrary, they knew that the parents were each pitching in several dollars so that the kids didn't have to carry cameras. That's no different than what is done with the photopass shares here every day.
In the travel industry, it's called an affinity group -- and can be a group of people gathered from a high school, church, club, group or even a message board who may, or may not, have known each other prior to organizing to benefit from a group discount.

The photopass letter is very clear that all the cards may be entered by multiple people for one photopass cd and states that there is an additional charge for duplicate copies if ordered form photopass but that purchase of the cd includes copyright release so we may make as many copies as we'd like as the CD copyright owners. I can dig it out of my files later and scan it into photobucket but I doubt even that will stop the self appointed rules police from using the issue to belittle others in a sad attempt to build themselves up.
I know she gets about 10 uses out of the stroller and the stroller is over 400.00
Start $400.00
If she is in the stroller only 4 times (-$40) and the stroller breaks and she overnights another- at 400.00 and she has to honor the remaining 6 people.. and then gets 4 more uses out of it at 40.00 how do you figure she made money? She is in the hole $360.00?? Hope I explained that right.

I'm confused by your post. Are you saying that a $400 stroller only has the capability of being used 10 times??

And the make and model shown that I did the price check on has an MSRP of $239.99.

Heck the most expensive model from the manufacturer is $369.
I know she gets about 10 uses out of the stroller and the stroller is over 400.00
Start $400.00
If she is in the stroller only 4 times (-$40) and the stroller breaks and she overnights another- at 400.00 and she has to honor the remaining 6 people.. and then gets 4 more uses out of it at 40.00 how do you figure she made money? She is in the hole $360.00?? Hope I explained that right.

If you're only getting 10 uses out of $400 stroller than that's a piece of crap stroller. I'd be pretty ticked and looking for a different model. Who pays $400 for a 10 time use stroller?
that the people who are "against" the swaps or questionning their validity are those who have never used one and, therefore, really have no room to talk, since they really have no vested interest one way or another.

The swaps are a fabulous convenience for those of us who choose to participate. Our choosing to do so is one way we maximize our vacation dollars. We could afford to rent a stroller from Disney, sure, but their strollers are overpriced and have no storage. I choose to spend my $300 elsewhere (and believe me, Disney still gets it!).

If Disney was adamantly opposed to the swaps, they wouldn't let us store strollers and fridges. And, to address a pp who was so concerned about those inconvenienced CM's, the swap I participated in didn't even involve CM's!

And in addition, to address a previous statement regarding my specific WANTS: no one NEEDS a Disney vacation, but we all WANT one, which is why both you and I are on the DIS. I WANT to take my chances and pay $15to use a great stroller, and the swaps provide this for many many many people with absolutely no problems at all. That fact has nothing to do with the DIS or anyone who chooses not to participate.

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