Phrases from movies/tv that you find yourself using

"No touchy!" The Emperor's New Groove (or something like that) I use this line the most, I'm sure.

"Keep your temper." Alice in Wonderland

"But I don't want to be around mad people." Alice in Wonderland

"Off with her head!" Alice in Wonderland

"Everybody wants to be a cat." Aristocats (We sing that from time to time)

I know there are more, I can't think of them right now. :upsidedow
"No touchy!" The Emperor's New Groove (or something like that) I use this line the most, I'm sure.

I use that one a lot too, along with " Ohhhh, BAD llama, now I have GUILT!" :rotfl:
We love star wars and use lots of quotes from there, 2 favs are:

"I find you lack of Faith disturbing" when we disagree

"I felt a great disturbance in the force" when we suspect the kids are up to something.

Sometimes we fall into calling each other "Sir" back & forth because we both love Kevin Smith & in "An evening with Kevin Smith 2 Evening Harder" all he & Jason Mewes did was call each other Sir which struck me as funny. Every once in a while I wonder if people think I am being subservient, then I think who cares and carry on giggling.

DH does the whole Top Gun "You Lost that Loving Feeling" thing for me when I'm being grumpy, it always makes me laugh.

Lots of Godfather references
I use that one a lot too, along with " Ohhhh, BAD llama, now I have GUILT!" :rotfl:

I've used, "Bad, llama!", and "Demon llama", too. I love that movie! It is so cute and full of great one liners!
On the subject of Emperor's New Groove (one of Disney's funniest movies ever - just love it)... I had to go look this one up, as *I* don't have it memorized, but my DD16 and her best friend do and they recite it back and forth to eachother all the time. The use it in situations when something slightly perilous is happening or all the fun has gone out of a situation.

Kuzco:I don't know about you but I'm getting all fun'd out.

Pacha:Uh Oh

Kuzco:Don't tell me, we're about to go over a huge waterfall.


Kuzco:Sharp rocks at the bottom?

Pacha:Most likely

Kuzco:Bring it On

We are HUGE movie quoters... I swear every conversation ends up with a movie quote in it somewhere. Princess Bride quotes get used all the time... that is, IMHO, one of the most quotable movies of all time..
I Love The Princess Bride :thumbsup2. This quote was going through my mind all day on Friday:

Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam. And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah… So tweasuwe youw wove.
Our favorite (almost daily) is "that's what she said".

DH and the kids say "eat the food, Tina!" all the time from Napoleon Dynamite.

Who's Tina? :confused3:laughing: I've never seen the movie. LOL

They also say "eat the chips, Kip!" or something like that. I don't know, I don't get it. :rotfl:
"You can't handle the truth"


"Lighten up Francis"
Douchepocalypse (How I Met Your Mother)
Game Over Man! (Aliens)
I like The Wizard Of Oz...Don't bother me.. I'm- thinking (Xmas Story)
Seinfeld 4! (once DH put 4 of us in as this name and everyone cracked up when they called us.)
but.. Why is all the rum gone? (POTC)
Are you kidding me? This is hand-carved mahogany. ...(Emperors New Groove)
Merry Christmas movie house! (It's A Wonderful Life)
F-B-I (X-Files)
I love...cake (That 70's Show)
There's your answer fish bulb (Simpson's)
Inflammable Means Flammable? What A Country! (Simpson's)
Me fail english that's unpossible (Simpson's)
I choo choo choose you! (Simpson's)
The Princess Bride:
I like many other LOVE this movie. "Have fun storming the castle" Is what's used most.
Until recently when I had a pycho customer come in and call me a liar. Now a co-worker and I often shot it at each other just to fun, "LIAR!"

Top Gun:
"That's a negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full" Can't believe no one (at least not that I saw) mentioned this one. I use it ALL the time. Usually when someone asks for something there's NO way they'd ever get. :laughing:

"Ello poppet." Again I'm really surprised no one mentioned this one either. It's used as a greeting with one of my favorite co-workers.

Animated Alice in Wonderland:
"Lose something?" For those who aren't die hard fans like myself the Cheshire cat says this line while Alice is looking for him trying to figure out which way to go next in Wonderland. I usually say it when I find people being nosy.

"Who's been painting my roses RED?" I often use this on at work when co-workers mess with or move something. Which is often.

Live Action Alice in Wonderland:
"I shall futterwhackin - vigorously." It's a shortened part of the actual quote. But oh so funny. :rotfl:

"But I do not owe you a kindness" White Queen says this line to the Nave when he asks her to kill him instead of having a life of exile with the Red Queen. Very few get the reference, but it still amuses me all the same.

"All the best people are." Another shortened quote - I always say it when people rhetorically ask if they are going crazy.

I'm sure there are many many more... those are all I could think of off the top of my head.
Saw several already posted that we use:

"Cats and dogs, living together, mass hysteria." (from Ghostbusters) We say it to describe any situation that's chaotic or potentially so or (best yet) ironically NOT chaotic

"Have fun storming the castle!" (Princess Bride) We say it whenever anyone's going to go do something unpleasant or impossible

"You keep using that word...." (Princess Bride) When we hear someone either misusing a word or someone who has NO clue but speaks anyway

"Important safety tip, thanks Igan." (Ghostbusters) Say whenever someone offers either a good solution to what seemed like a complex problem or (with iriony) an obvious and not-very-helpful solution ;)

"Sure, Dad, all t.v. repairmen can do this." (Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day) DH will say whenever I'm amazed at his being able to do something :rotfl:

Many more but it's getting late and I can't think of them. DH and speak in movie lines a lot!
From "The Waterboy"-
"M-M-M-Momma says....."
"You can do it!!"

From "The Godfather"-
"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis".
"Save it for the liberry".

From the "Vacation" movies-
"Am I going to eat, or am I going to starve to death?".
"Mornin'. S***ter's full".

From "Silence of the Lambs"-
"It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again".
"Quid pro quo, doctor".

From "Trading Places" -
"Is that your purse? That's a nice purse". (police station scene)
"Looking good, Billy Ray" "Feeling good, Louis".

just off the top of my head.....
Geico commercial: Jackwagon

I also use Dementor from HP movies and call DM that when she is trying to suck the life out of me.:rotfl2:
"I have a posse and you don't."- Snotty Boy, Back at the Barnyard

"Ah, Ha, Ha."- Snotty Boy, BATBY

"Awesome!"- Singsongy, I forget where I heard it first.
"Awesome!"- Singsongy, I forget where I heard it first.

Could it be Fishhooks? I know the character of Bea does that singsongy voice and has said that before.

DH and I will also say "Squirre!l" from UP when DS8 gets distracted while doing homework (which he does a lot :rolleyes:).
"Good Talk Russ"

:lmao::lmao: That's awesome!

"I was born a poor black child"

I use that one a lot too!

"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"


Could it be Fishhooks? I know the character of Bea does that singsongy voice and has said that before.


DH and I will also say "Squirre!l" from UP when DS8 gets distracted while doing homework (which he does a lot :rolleyes:).

Yep, we yell SQUIRREL! at least once a month!

"Tension Breaker, had to be done" Summer School
"Which is it Mister, do you want us to freeze or do you want us to get on the ground" Raising Arizona
"K-K-K-Ken" A Fish Called Wanda
"I KNEW IT!!" Chandler from Friends
"Deze Yuts" My Cousin Vinny
"You don't get to touch me.....EVER" Dodgeball
"I drink it because it's sterile and I like the taste" Dodgeball


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