Phrases from movies/tv that you find yourself using

"That's what she said" of course, from The Office :p
"It's bullsh-t Carrie and you KNOW IT" - SATC said by Matthew MCconaughey's character
"Funny how?" - Goodfellas (we usually quote that whole scene lol)
"The sky's sparklin' blue!"- Top Model Season 4 Acting Challenge

We have such a long list, these are the ones that I can remember from the top of my head.
When I answer the phone, I say "Yello", and I have no idea where it came from!

I also ask my son "What news of the north?" when I come home. Again, no idea on that one either.

Maybe I'm making stuff up.:confused3

"I'm not dead yet" in an English accent- Holy Grail/Monty Python

"It's raining again" in Marge Simpson's voice - episode where Home keeps fiddling with time and it rains donuts

We sing the monorail song from the Simpsons when we're at WDW
The quote we use the most though is from The Princess Bride. At least on a monthly basis one of us will tell the other "Have fun storming the castle!"

We are HUGE movie quoters... I swear every conversation ends up with a movie quote in it somewhere. Princess Bride quotes get used all the time... that is, IMHO, one of the most quotable movies of all time..

"Have fun storming the castle!" (when anyone is leaving to go do anything)

"Life is not fair, Highness. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." (when one of the children says "Its not fair!" about something)

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." (just because it's fun... :) )

"Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist." (Again, just fun)

"Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!" (When my husband challenges me to do something)

"If you're in such a hurry, you could lower a rope or a tree branch or find something useful to do." (When someone is rushing me)

"INCONCEIVABLE!" (self-explanatory LOL)

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." (when one of the children is over-using a word)

"I've worked hard to become so." (when someone complements you - or insults you - on being good at - or evil about - something)

"He's been mostly dead all day." (when someone isn't well or has had a bad day)

"Don't even think about trying to escape" (always said after someone coughs that dry wretching choking cough done in that scene in the movie right before that line)

"EVERYBODY MOVE!" (always done quietly but in Andre the Giant's voice in very crowded places... i.e. Disney World)

And a host of others.. we know Princess Bride by heart LOL.


Quotes we do that are NOT from Princess Bride....

"Don't be ReeDIKulus!!" (in Balki Bartomous' voice from the old Tv show Perfect Strangers)

"And now we are so happy, we do The Dance of Joy!" (Also Balki - always said when things turn out wonderfully)

"And me, with no ointment." (Balki again - always said in a woeful tone of voice, always the response whenever anyone announces "I have a plan!") - I will explain if anyone needs an explanation...

"I shouldn't have come. I'm endangering the mission." (when things are NOT going well - Luke Skywalker, in Return of the Jedi)

"These are not the droids you are looking for... move along, move along" (when we want the children to mind their own business - Star Wars)

"SHH! Even before you start, that was a pre-emptive "shh!" Just know that I have a whole bag of "shh!" with your name on it." (from Austin Powers - said to the children when they need to SHHH! of course)

"The Defense Department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid." (said by me whenever my husband or his friends are being idiots - Top Gun)

"I hate it when it does that..." (from the Top Gun "giving him the bird" scene - acompanies the appropriate action...)

If that is a ____, or If he is a ____, etc then "I am the King of Cashmere" (a twisting of a line from "Willow" to suit whatever situation I am in)

And finally, lines from another of my most quotable movies of all time "Real Genius". They don't have to fit any situation, I just throw them into conversations. :lmao:

"It's a Moral Imperative!" (anytime we MUST do something)

"Why is that toy on your head? Because if I wear it any place else, it chafes."

"Kent puts his name on his license plate. My mom does the same thing to my underwear. Your mom puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?"

"Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you? No... Why am I the only one who has that dream?"

"Would you qualify that as a launch problem or a design problem?" (always asked whenever anything doesn't work out as I had planned)

Love movie quotes! :hippie:

ETA! POTC quotes! Forgot all about those!

"Disinclined to aquiesce..." when I am saying no to someone.
"Why is the rum gone?"
"Its Elizabeth.. hide the rum!"
"Don't think I deserved that.."
"I've got a jar of dirt..."
"Where's the thump-thump?"
"You need to find yourself a girl, mate."
"Parlay!" and "That would be the French, actually..."
and many more....
"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Also working Monty Python into conversations as much as possible.
Dont touch me, leave me alone! Sung by Fantine in Les Miserables as the crone tries to convince her (Fantine) to sell her hair to the crone on order to pay Fantine's daughter's doctor bill. (You had to be there...)

Queen Colleen
Oh my, so many quotes. Our family quotes the original Arthur movie quite a bit, "I'll alert the MEDIA." "Steal something casual." "Yes, if she MURDERED the ties it would be a perfect crime!" "Ah, you're a HEDGE!" "Don't you hate Perry's wife?"

Oh, there are too many great quotes from too many great would take forever! :thumbsup2
We do this all the time!

One of my favorites is from Christmas Vacation (said when something unexpected happens)
"If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am right now."
One of my favorites is from Blazing Saddles......It's true, it's true.
The one that I use from that class is: "Well, raise my rent!!!"

"But this one goes to 11!" (This Is Spinal Tap)
"Looks good on you, though!" (Caddyshack)
"DOOOO-DEEEE!!!" (Caddyshack)
"They can't do that to our pledges... Only we can do that do our pledges!" (Animal House)
From Ghostbusters:
"That's a big Twinkie." Usually used in the grocery store when we go by the Twinkie display and it has a big Twinkie on the top. Never gets old.

"Cats & Dogs Living Together, Mass Hysteria" This is how we describe what the house is like to the other spouse on the phone.

"I love this plan, I'm excited to be a part of it." When I agree to one of DH's messed up ideas. Last one involved me driving for 3 days straight with two kids cross country.

This is going to sound bad, but when the kids go pee at the same time in the morning we yell "Don't cross the streams!"

From the Star Wars Trilogy:
"You scruffy looking nerf herder!"
"We'll just float away... with the rest of the trash." Trash day.
"You don't need to see his identification, these aren't the droids you're looking for." Usually used when we want t hide something from the kids (birthday presents, Christmas presents, etc.)
"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"- When we go to a neighboring town, for shame I know. But you can see it from the hill before you approach and the surrounding area looks like Tatooine.
"I love you... I know"

From Clerks:
"But, I'm not supposed to BEEE here today!"

From Donnie Darko:
"I seriously doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"

From O Brother Where Art Thou:
"Gopher Everett?"
"Ain't this place a geographical oddity, two weeks from everywhere!"
"And stay out of the Woolworths"
"I'm gonna R U N N O F T!"

I'm sure I'll think of more that we use. That's just what I can come up with off the top of my head.
"you're right, you're right, I know you're right" From When Harry Met Sally
"I'm very angry with my father" from Pretty Woman
"yeah yeah" from Sandlot
"have fun storming the castle!" from TPB
"as you wish" from TPB
I coach T-ball so this time of year it's "Crying? There's no crying in baseball."
I use it constantly during games because 3 and 4 y/o's cry a lot.
"Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming" Finding Nemo, said when things get bad and we have to keep moving on
"You so totally rock squiret" also Finding Nemo, said when someone does something good/great
"Bueller, Bueller, Bueller" Ferris Buellers Day Off, said when I ask a question and noone answers

BTW, great thread
"That's gonna leave a mark" from Tommy Boy, I believe.
"Tartar Sauce" from Spongebob
"Feed me, Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors
"Erroneous! Erroneous! Erroneous on both counts!" from Wedding Crashers

That movie gets quoted often around here, in fact... :rolleyes1
The one that I use from that class is: "Well, raise my rent!!!"

"But this one goes to 11!" (This Is Spinal Tap)
"Looks good on you, though!" (Caddyshack)
"DOOOO-DEEEE!!!" (Caddyshack)
"They can't do that to our pledges... Only we can do that do our pledges!" (Animal House)

We were just quoting lines from Spinal Tap at work Friday! :thumbsup2 Hello Cleveland!!!!


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