Park Security

Went to Epcot today and we all had to go through the bag check and some people were selected for a random screening. Bags were throughly checked. Nothing can be left in the bottom of the stroller.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." -- Wendell Phillips

My family lost my sister to violence 4 years ago as of next Wednesday. My hopes would be that no one has to experience this type of pain and tragedy again. Prayers to the victims and their families.
There wasn't a massive terrorist attack there yesterday. People at the parks today are reporting ALL guests are going through metal detectors and screening today.

No, not all. Maybe everyone going through the no bags line, I don't know. We were at EPCOT at rope drop, one of our party was selected to go through the metal detectors. We arrived at AK around 7 pm and a different member of our party was selected then. They were pretty thorough with bag checks, though.
Have to add. If you seen something, in any park or Disney Springs, go to the nearest store/cast member and have them call security. If it's nothing, they are totally happy that you've reported it. And usually, it's just some nit wit and nothing comes of it. But can you be sure? No. Not in this new world we live in. They know how to call security, so just say something. Thank you. Rant over. (Can you tell this was my job (not Disney) for 45 years?)

I once noticed that someone left a small suitcase behind at Hollywood Studios. I didn't see the person, just the suitcase. I reported it to a cast member who looked at me like I was crazy. It made me feel a little uncomfortable, but I persisted. I went on to say, "Maybe I'm overreacting, but I'm a New Yorker, and we say if you see something, say something." He seemed to just realize why I brought it to his attention and went to check it out. I know some people are unhappy about the random checks at the parks, but I am all for them.
there's no way of being absolutely safe. We can only be vigilant and if we see something say something.
Sure the bag checks and metal detectors and under cover security might help but the WDW area is massive. Resorts, buses, monorails, the TTC, Disney Springs, they are all vulnerable and there's no way to check every single person going in.
If any one of you is coming to the parks be extra caring and understanding with Cast Members at Disney and Team Members at Universal. I know of 3 people that are in surgery right now that work to make your vacations more magical. The entertainment community has been hit hard.
EDIT TO ADD: they are slowly releasing the names of those who died. They just released the name of one kid (a 22 year old) he worked at Forbbiden Journey at Universal Island's of Adventure

I didn't want to 'like' but I did want to say thank you for posting this. I'm sorry to hear that the Disney and Universal communities were directly affected. And of course, my heart goes out to everyone affected.

As to security at Disney, I think the fact that they haven't had a major incident there yet speaks volumes about the quality of their security team. Unfortunately, they have to be right every day about millions of people who approach their parks. A terrorist or crazy only has to get it right once. There is no way for Disney to make their parks completely safe. They are giant, highly symbolic targets. But the odds of something happening during any given person's trip are very low. But definitely, it's good to be aware, speak up, and know where the exits are (so to speak).
There wasn't a massive terrorist attack there yesterday. People at the parks today are reporting ALL guests are going through metal detectors and screening today.

No, it's random. I went through a detector a few days ago at HS, but wasn't selected today at EPCOT.

No, not all. Maybe everyone going through the no bags line, I don't know. We were at EPCOT at rope drop, one of our party was selected to go through the metal detectors. We arrived at AK around 7 pm and a different member of our party was selected then. They were pretty thorough with bag checks, though.

My experience as well. The bag checks were much more thorough this trip, even prior to the tragic event of last night.
No, it's random. I went through a detector a few days ago at HS, but wasn't selected today at EPCOT.

My experience as well. The bag checks were much more thorough this trip, even prior to the tragic event of last night.

I'm not sure how random it is. There must be certain markers. My friend has been selected every time we go to MK. I have been selected all but once at MK. We are traveling together. We have not been selected at any other parks. Something keeps triggering them to do an additional check. Not sure what though. We are both Caucasian American 30 somethings with young kids. Nothing interesting about us, except we both have a kid that needs injecible meds that we bring in. I suspect that may be the trigger.
Why would a Muslim terrorist bother risking getting caught in the parks when you can very easily either go to a Disney resort and have just the same effect. Or the boat or service roads to the park. You would be cutting your odds by going the main entrance unless you wanted to detonate it at the entrance when it is jam packed.
Why would a Muslim terrorist bother risking getting caught in the parks when you can very easily either go to a Disney resort and have just the same effect. Or the boat or service roads to the park. You would be cutting your odds by going the main entrance unless you wanted to detonate it at the entrance when it is jam packed.

A radical Muslim wants to be caught and killed. They think they are going to heaven as a marter and will get 13 virgins.

Most of Disney and other Major parks security is undercover and behind the scenes and cameras. They are watching for body language, clothing, I would expect they are using facial ID's. That I beleive is why sometimes the same person gets picked over ad over. Something in their make up is tripping a alarm.

After this latest attack on Americans, It is very likely 100% screening will be set up. Its about time.

Someone made a good point. No security before you get on the monorail or boat at the TTC. Anyone could bring on anything there. Scary thought. Even the buses at the resorts, theoretically anyone could get on those crowded buses by just paying to park at a resort. Yes, there is security to get inside the parks but not much outside of the parks.
I I reported it to a cast member who looked at me like I was crazy. It made me feel a little uncomfortable, but I persisted. I went on to say, "Maybe I'm overreacting, but I'm a New Yorker, and we say if you see something, say something." He seemed to just realize why I brought it to his attention and went to check it out.
I usually see something "off" at least every other WDW vacation. Last Feb, I had just exited the first Kili Safari ride at AK and was walking up the winding little path back to Harambe Village. I was moving quickly and left the rest of the guests behind me. I came around a corner and saw an older man placing a small plastic container, about the size of a plastic travel goo tube bottle, under the vegetation near the edge of the path. He didn't throw the container into the bushes. He bent down and placed it. He then walked quickly away. I thought that was beyond strange so I told the next CM I came across (at the Safari FP+ entrance), what had happened. She called for another CM & they went back down the path to investigate. In hindsight, my guess is that this was prob someone's Grampa who had smuggled in a small container of vodka or other booze, decided he needed a shot first thing in the a.m. before rejoining Gramma & the grandkids, and when he couldn't find a garbage can, instead of just tossing the plastic deep into the bushes, set it just under the bushes near the path where the cleaning crew would be more likely to find and dispose of it. However, I reported it and left it up to the CMs to make that call and decide whether it is an issue or not. I don't regret looking a bit silly at all. Guests should make the effort to notify WDW about the strange little things that ring alarm bells.
I wouldn't worry once I was in the park. I do worry about the waiting area before security. I also worry about the ferry from TTC.
I much rather have alert and active fellow guests reporting any issues to the nearest CM, than being CCTV monitored at every step on my visits. I know that most of the public areas already are camera monitored for our safety, but not every nook and corner.

I never hesitate to inform a CM, and I think that it's always better with one alert too many than missing a potential hazard for fellow guests and of course one self too. :chat:

And it could be an alert for anything, from left bags or other items to obvious hazards like something broken or otherwise harmful left behind. :earsboy:
A radical Muslim wants to be caught and killed. They think they are going to heaven as a marter and will get 13 virgins.


I read that they translated it wrong and the real meaning is they will get 13 raisens or nuts, pretty pointless killing yourself for that.

And pointless doing these suicide bombs as they don't do anything. If they were smart they would coordinate and attack the power plants/transformers as without electricity the vast majority would die/ kill each other leaving the country easier to take over.
Disney doesn't have a no fly zone. It is listed as a TFR and only prohibits needing permission to enter the airspace below 3000ft in a 3 mile radius. This was NOT done in response to 9-11 at all or terrorism in general. It was put in place to keep out banner towers and the sky writers. Also Disney is shooting themselves in the foot with this right now by trying to allow themselves to fly drones through the area, which is in direct violation to the TFR.

I did not know that, Thank You! I was misinformed !
there's no way of being absolutely safe. We can only be vigilant and if we see something say something.
Sure the bag checks and metal detectors and under cover security might help but the WDW area is massive. Resorts, buses, monorails, the TTC, Disney Springs, they are all vulnerable and there's no way to check every single person going in.
If any one of you is coming to the parks be extra caring and understanding with Cast Members at Disney and Team Members at Universal. I know of 3 people that are in surgery right now that work to make your vacations more magical. The entertainment community has been hit hard.
EDIT TO ADD: they are slowly releasing the names of those who died. They just released the name of one kid (a 22 year old) he worked at Forbbiden Journey at Universal Island's of Adventure

Don't know if you saw but J.K. Rowling actually tweeted about him

I read that they translated it wrong and the real meaning is they will get 13 raisens or nuts, pretty pointless killing yourself for that.

And pointless doing these suicide bombs as they don't do anything. If they were smart they would coordinate and attack the power plants/transformers as without electricity the vast majority would die/ kill each other leaving the country easier to take over.

Our Muslim friends tell us Isis and the radicals mis qoute the Koran, but the 13 virgins are there.

Why do they do any of this?.Isis kills anyone for any reasons........ skinned a Muslim man alive awhile ago.

All we can do is be carefull and report what you see as odd.

Do I mind having to stand and wait at security points? Yes, and no. Sure we all want to get on with our fun. But, we want to be able to do so knowing we are safe. So, it's a mixed blessing.
Sure, everyone is saying they are fine with security measures at WDW. BUT.....for every person that says it's fine, and they don't mind waiting a bit longer, there are 10 people that are annoyed, and are quite vocal about it. Case in point...I was at DLR a few weeks ago. In a long line to enter the park. I had a bag that needed to be checked....cross body bag that all compartments had been opened prior to getting to the bag check area. But...the family in front of me? Three, yes three, huge backpacks, stuffed to the brim. They must have been difficult to zip! I overheard the dad (assume it was the dad anyway) saying to the mom (again, assumption) that this was ridiculous...didn't these people understand that they just wanted to get into the park and start having fun...that there was no reason it needed to take so long. I changed lines at this point. the time that family had had all their bags checked (quite thoroughly) there must have been 5 groups that had gone through in the next line!!! It was ridiculous.
And there were dogs working the entrances to both parks, and walking up and down the walkway going into the security areas from the main street entrance. And this was, as I said, several weeks ago. So, security was high then.

Security is random. It has to be. Do I mind going through a metal detector? No, not at all. But if it wasn't random, it would be easy to beat. Security in and around the parks? Seriously? You all do understand that 'big brother' is alive and well at WDW, right? There are more cameras in operation than can be imagined. There are more undercover security people than would be believed. Are we 100% safe? Heck no. I'm not 100% safe at the grocery store, or movies.
Could something happen at WDW? Sure. But in all reality, I'm more scared of biochemical agents. Something that could be released into the air, or the water. I try to be vigilant...all the time. I fully realize that there are crazies out there. So, like Roz, I'm watching, always watching. At the end of the day, I'm responsible for myself and my family. I try to be aware of my surroundings at all times, I try to imagine various scenarios. I try to look for escape routes. I tend to be a bit compulsive about it. But...I'm a worrier! Always have been.

I'm not sure what more Disney can do to keep us safe. Heaven forbid we give up anymore 'rights'. Those rights are part of the reason that shooter was able to get an assault weapon...just weeks prior to the shootings. Why? Federal privacy laws prevent state background checks from getting into federal data bases...or something like that! Yes, he was on an FBI watch list, but that fact wasn't available to a state background check. He was licensed for heaven's sake.
So, sure, people can keep telling us that our rights are being violated. Me? I figure that if all the info is out there, this crap is going to be harder to get away with. No one, not one single person, needs to have a weapon like that. And there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind.

I'll keep going to WDW. I'll continue to feel as safe as I can possibly be. I truly believe Disney does a good job. I'm sure that there are people watching the areas prior to bag the bus areas, the monorail platforms, etc.


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