Operation Big Thunder: the Dole Whip Conspiracy COMPLETE

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to…

The second is not as good as the first to be sure, but it’s still entertaining and it does have its moments (and a number of good lines). The first MIB film was just so good that following it up wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. For me the third film is in between the first two. It’s a good adventure. It has a slow point or two, but the action moves along at a good clip. I’m also a sucker for story lines that play with time travel so I may be biased. I particularly liked the depiction of a younger Agent K and their explanations for the origins of such things as Andy Warhol and Super Models.

All in all, not a bad bit of entertainment…
unless this is the possible future where K forgets to leave a tip...

Sounds like it's worth a rental. I'm a sucker for time-travel movies, too.

Started this while I was gone so....off to catch up on the top secret mission. While I am a total and utter failure at movie quote spotting, I am rather fond of secret missions and am looking forward to the ride!

:welcome: And don't worry about the movie quotes. They just save me from having to think of anything interesting on my own.

Well, crumb! I missed 15 pages. I am seriously neglecting my disboards responsibility lately.

I wish we could surprise our girls with a trip, but I just can't keep secrets at all. Right now we have a Disney cruise booked for April that the girls don't know about and I have almost blown it daily since we booked it.

I feel your pain on the reveal. Our kids never react the way we think they will. They usually just kind of stand there, looking like their brains have chosen that exact moment to fall out.

The beach looks beautiful! What a nice place to spend time!

Can't wait to hear more!

:welcome MissLiz! Sounds like you'll do just fine with the surprise. I hope you can pull it off!

Even though you make it sound so dull, looks like your apparently redundant time at Pawley Island was a good one. "Arrogantly Shabby", haha, that's one way to be quirky and unique with calling a place :laughing: And it's awesome to see your whole family enjoying the private beach even with the seaweed. But that sunburn... that's gotta stink! I'm so glad my minimal Italian blood only allows a burnt face. Hope the sunburns didn't get worse.

Can't wait to read about what else you did at the beach! :mickeyjum

Well, let's not say "dull". Just repetitive. I figured re-capping all of our swimming would get old after a while.

All caught up and a little worried about your crispy family.

My kids can be a bit like that with surprises....processing things while standing there looking like huh? Not the reaction you expect, hopefully Disney brings a different reaction.

Pawley looks like heaven to me, just perfect! Other than the crispy factor that is.

Is this heaven? No...it's Pawley's Island.

It really was a great beach. If some idiot could remember not to jump immediately back in the water after putting sunscreen on, we would have been fine.

Your trip report slipped by my radar like some others recently. Work is getting in the way of my much needed DIS visiting. Monday is just on the horizon with another week of long work days ahead. I've got to figure out how to sneak in some trip report reading! :scratchin

:welcome: Rozz! Work, shmirk. This is important stuff!

Great TR! I'm joining in :goodvibes

:welcome: Great to have you here!
Pop quiz, hotshot: you're at the beach for a week and your family is already redder than a British soldier's uniform. What do you do?

Well, for one thing, you go souvenir shopping. Pawley's Island is famous for its hammocks for some reason. You're at the beach, there's a lot of downtime, palmettos litter the coast...I dunno. I'm sure there's a reason why people in that situation would want a hammock, but it's eluding me at the moment.

We stopped by The Hammock Shops Village and naturally did not look at any hammocks. Rather, we concentrated on the toy shop, the candy shop, and the "let's see if we can get the dumb tourists to buy THIS crap" shop. It was here that I was sorely tempted to finally complete our fine china set, since we never did get everything we registered for at our wedding.


Being in the Myrtle Beach area, we also could not overlook the golf. There are over 100 regulation golf courses in the area, not to mention the number of mini-golf courses, which is...well, more than you can imagine.

(I don't know...I can imagine quite a bit.)

We were going to use one of the ubiquitous (there's an SAT word for you) $1-off-for-everyone coupons to take the family mini-golfing, but we ended up with some early pixie dust: after choosing a course on the strict criteria that it looked fun from the highway, we pulled into the lot and a gentleman walked up to us as we were piling out. He had a free game coupon that he wasn't going to be able to use, so he gave it to us. :woohoo:

Here, Sarah celebrates a hole-in-one:


Not to be outdone, Dave followed up a couple of holes later:



No holes-in-one for Scotty, but he did conquer this fake rock. So he has that going for him, which is nice.


And, in a bit of foreshadowing, we got a glimpse of the backside of water:


Later in the week, my buddies and I got the chance to play some "real" golf. Or at least dress the part while losing golf balls. We played at a course called the True Blue Plantation.


As you can see from the clubhouse, this is a relatively fancy-pants establishment. It was barely a mile drive from our rental home, so that was a plus. When we were looking for a tee time, we checked out the greens fees:

Maximum rate for the year: $200 :eek: Uh, not gonna happen.
Regular summer rate: $94 Survey says: (buzzer)
Summer afternoon rate: $79 Nope.

Summer-late-afternoon-twilight-after-4pm-rate: $49.

A bit higher than my game is usually worth, but ok for vacation. We booked a 4:00 tee time. My friend Greg and I would be playing, while my other friend Dave would simply be riding along. I asked the course ahead of time if he could ride, and they said no problem, and no charge.

So, when we walked into the clubhouse to pay our greens fee, of course they tried to charge a cart rental fee for Dave. :mad:

After standing our ground on that one, they relented and let us go. But, Dave could not bring the cooler of adult beverages with him. This, he was told, was for "liability" reasons. Really? You wouldn't happen to be selling beer in the clubhouse, would you?

Anyway, we got to the first tee under threatening skies. Huge dark thunderheads had built up, but we didn't see any lightning. Greg wondered if we should stay back, but I told him I'd keep playing. I didn't think the heavy stuff would come down for quite some time now.

It turned out that Pawleys Island weather was a little strange that way--storms would build and build and build, threaten an awe-inspiring show, and then just completely disappear. Kind of like the Philadelphia Eagles every year.

True Blue was designed by a golf course architect named Mike Strantz, who sadly passed away a few years ago from tongue cancer, after only building a handful of courses in his career. It's a shame he's gone, because he had the eye of a true artist. Some of his more famous courses (among golfers, anyway) are Tobacco Road in North Carolina and the Monterey Peninsula Shore Course, which is part of the rotation in the PGA Tour's Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

3rd hole (island green):


12th hole:


16th hole:


Me taking a mighty rip. It's in the hole! Ok, not exactly. But this was one of my better shots. Ended up about 10 feet from the pin.


The beautiful 18th hole. I snap-hooked a tee shot about 50 yards left into the pond here. :sad2:



Also, not long after we teed off, we played a hole that went right past the clubhouse parking lot. So Dave (we were calling him Jarvis at that point, since he was serving as our caddy) took a right turn and rescued some adult beverages from the cooler he'd been forced to leave in the car. Mark's Buddies 1, Snooty Golf Course 0.

Let the record show that I lost 4 defective golf balls during the course of the round. However, Jarvis found 6, so we came out ahead. :thumbsup2

Sticking with the golf theme, we found a short par 3 course in the area that the boys begged me to play. So I took them out while Julie and Sarah went shopping for a shark-tooth necklace (don't ask).

Scotty tees off. Note the golf-course appropriate visor with the inappropriate Animal t-shirt. And the oblivious drivers, who have no idea how much danger they're in right now.


Be the ball, Scotty. Be the ball.

Here, Dave takes a mighty rip. Still working on differentiating between a golf swing and a baseball swing. But then again, so am I.


Greatness courts failure, David.

Finally, we found that you get a lot less sunburned on the beach after the sun goes down. We got the kids some glowsticks and Julie played with the camera. Here, Sarah gives us an S for, well, Sarah:


Scotty does a "P" for Pawleys:


Dave didn't figure it out at first and decided to just become a ghost:


David! Don't go into the light!


So, as you can see, even when we weren't swimming, we were still having fun.

I'll leave you with one final image, since I have nowhere else in the report to put this but can't leave it out. The house had no shades on the windows in the dining room, which proved to be a problem at dinner time since the sun was directly in our eyes. So, to combat that issue, I give you...

Redneck Window Shades. Feel free to use this one at home. And you're welcome.


Coming Up Next: Somebody drops the ball and lets our family onto an aircraft carrier.
I'm sure there's a reason why people in that situation would want a hammock, but it's eluding me at the moment.
Either that's a lie, or you're not as smart as we give you credit for. And I'll even admit, we don't give you much credit.

"let's see if we can get the dumb tourists to buy THIS crap" shop.
Those are usually the most entertaining. :rotfl:

And, in a bit of foreshadowing, we got a glimpse of the backside of water:
Jungle Cruise (not a movie or TV show, but still a quote)

I asked the course ahead of time if he could ride, and they said no problem, and no charge.

So, when we walked into the clubhouse to pay our greens fee, of course they tried to charge a cart rental fee for Dave. :mad:

But, Dave could not bring the cooler of adult beverages with him.
Did they check the golf bags??? :rolleyes1

It turned out that Pawleys Island weather was a little strange that way--storms would build and build and build, threaten an awe-inspiring show, and then just completely disappear. Kind of like the Philadelphia Eagles every year.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: It's funny because it's true!

Unless Micael Vick's prediction is right and they're going to become a dynasty now. :rolleyes1

It's in the hole!
Lie... you even admitted it! :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

Mark's Buddies 1, Snooty Golf Course 0.
:thumbsup2 :cool1:

So, as you can see, even when we weren't swimming, we were still having fun.
Indeed. Looks like a great time!

Redneck Window Shades. Feel free to use this one at home. And you're welcome.
That engineering degree is finally coming in handy, isn't it? :rotfl2:

Coming Up Next: Somebody drops the ball and lets our family onto an aircraft carrier.
So I guess it really wasn't just that chapter where you explained all that happened lol Anyways, looks like you had a lot of fun playing golf. A shame you guys couldn't have all gotten hole-in-ones though. LOL @ the backside of water, pretty much like the front right? Haha

And the full-on golf course you went to is very nice like you said, I guess you can use that as a distraction for losing all those balls to the water lol Great night pictures with the glow sticks, wish my camera was that nifty haha But I did catch a movie reference in there:

"David! Don't go into the light!"

Poltergeist, right? Probably wrong, but it was a guess.

Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum
More! More! More! Please!! How can I not love a trippie that includes our family vacation from last year (except it was North Myrtle), our trip this year (to WDW, but kids have known for months) written by a fellow Phillies fan? I'm a glutton for punishment!! Pile it on :cool1:


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