Operation Big Thunder: the Dole Whip Conspiracy COMPLETE

Ooo, I was played! :rotfl2:

I'll give Rob +1:thumbsup2 for pulling one over on Glenn.

The Incredible Hulk?


Or the Avengers?

I was going for the Hulk...I don't think they said that in the Avengers. Fun movie, though.

enjoying the report....good job on surprising hte kids even if it wasnt the reaction that you were hoping for.

enjoying reading the game results, but i have no clue on the answers. lol

only one i knew was the remeber the titans one.

:welcome: Dan! Don't worry, it's the NEXT surprise that we really wanted to pull off.
Great report so far! I can't wait until you get to Disney! I live "inside the beltway" and it sure is a pain. Imagine having to drive on it to get to school everyday. :( But seems like you lucked out going thru Waldorf. South of The Border is such an oxymoron...feels so creepy but at the same time happy to pass it and know you're on your way. Your pictures of the beach are fantastic and you have such a beautiful family. Looking forward to more. -Amanda

Oh, I also like how you add the links in your report. :thumbsup2
Great report so far! I can't wait until you get to Disney! I live "inside the beltway" and it sure is a pain. Imagine having to drive on it to get to school everyday. :( But seems like you lucked out going thru Waldorf. South of The Border is such an oxymoron...feels so creepy but at the same time happy to pass it and know you're on your way. Your pictures of the beach are fantastic and you have such a beautiful family. Looking forward to more. -Amanda

Oh, I also like how you add the links in your report. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Amanda! Thanks for jumping on board. Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

Driving on the beltway everyday...:eek: You're a brave woman!

Your team beat mine! :mad:

Tell you what. I'll trade you a victory in that game for the overall records of our teams.
Well, I thought it would be a gimme since I posted the link to the rental listing, but the lie in this chapter was sniffed out by Glenn and Rob: there was no jacuzzi or HDTV in the house.

Up-to-date standings...

FreezinRafiki 12
glennbo123 7
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes 7
afwdwfan 2
vdub322 1
Well, I thought it would be a gimme since I posted the link to the rental listing, but the lie in this chapter was sniffed out by Glenn and Rob: there was no jacuzzi or HDTV in the house.

Sometimes you win…

And there you were trying to talk me out of it.
Sneaky… very sneaky.

Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (hey - it's the 1599 equivalent of a movie, right?)

That’s a bit of a stretch….

Men in Black II

But I should have caught that one.
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (hey - it's the 1599 equivalent of a movie, right?)

Well, it's still not a movie. And we can't have Shakespeare classing up this TR, can we?

Men in Black II

I'm flattered (I think) that you think I would actually remember enough of that movie to be able to quote it in regular conversation. Nevertheless, I did research it, and it is indeed a quote from that movie.


Sometimes you win…

And there you were trying to talk me out of it.
Sneaky… very sneaky.

No, I'm just a jerk. I tried to cast doubt on all guesses equally.

That’s a bit of a stretch….


But I should have caught that one.

Really? I barely remember even seeing MIB II.
No, I'm just a jerk. I tried to cast doubt on all guesses equally.

Fair enough.

But, just to clarify the ground rules…
Are you going with our first guess or would it have cost me had I let you talk me out of it?

I rather like the second option because it would be interesting to see how many times you can get someone to outsmart themselves. Now, I’m not smart enough to be outsmarted, but I’m easily confused, so the policy would still work.

Really? I barely remember even seeing MIB II.

The MIB franchise just happens to be mightily popular in my house. We don’t own very many DVDs, but we do have those two (and will get the third). There hasn’t been a long car trip where I couldn't at least hear those films playing in the back of the car.

Now watch… having said that, I’ll likely miss the next ten MIB references that pop up.
Tell you what. I'll trade you a victory in that game for the overall records of our teams.

Fair enough.

But, just to clarify the ground rules…
Are you going with our first guess or would it have cost me had I let you talk me out of it?

I'll go with whatever you say is your final answer. If you let me talk you out of your guess, well, those are the breaks.

I rather like the second option because it would be interesting to see how many times you can get someone to outsmart themselves. Now, I’m not smart enough to be outsmarted, but I’m easily confused, so the policy would still work.

You might be overestimating my powers of persuasion, but I'll give it a shot.

The MIB franchise just happens to be mightily popular in my house. We don’t own very many DVDs, but we do have those two (and will get the third). There hasn’t been a long car trip where I couldn't at least hear those films playing in the back of the car.

Now watch… having said that, I’ll likely miss the next ten MIB references that pop up.

I like the first one a lot. I only remember seeing the second one once, and being disappointed in it compared to the first. Haven't seen the third one yet. Is it worth checking out?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
I like the first one a lot. I only remember seeing the second one once, and being disappointed in it compared to the first. Haven't seen the third one yet. Is it worth checking out?

Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to…

The second is not as good as the first to be sure, but it’s still entertaining and it does have its moments (and a number of good lines). The first MIB film was just so good that following it up wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. For me the third film is in between the first two. It’s a good adventure. It has a slow point or two, but the action moves along at a good clip. I’m also a sucker for story lines that play with time travel so I may be biased. I particularly liked the depiction of a younger Agent K and their explanations for the origins of such things as Andy Warhol and Super Models.

All in all, not a bad bit of entertainment…
unless this is the possible future where K forgets to leave a tip...
Started this while I was gone so....off to catch up on the top secret mission. While I am a total and utter failure at movie quote spotting, I am rather fond of secret missions and am looking forward to the ride!
Well, crumb! I missed 15 pages. I am seriously neglecting my disboards responsibility lately.

I wish we could surprise our girls with a trip, but I just can't keep secrets at all. Right now we have a Disney cruise booked for April that the girls don't know about and I have almost blown it daily since we booked it.

I feel your pain on the reveal. Our kids never react the way we think they will. They usually just kind of stand there, looking like their brains have chosen that exact moment to fall out.

The beach looks beautiful! What a nice place to spend time!

Can't wait to hear more!
Even though you make it sound so dull, looks like your apparently redundant time at Pawley Island was a good one. "Arrogantly Shabby", haha, that's one way to be quirky and unique with calling a place :laughing: And it's awesome to see your whole family enjoying the private beach even with the seaweed. But that sunburn... that's gotta stink! I'm so glad my minimal Italian blood only allows a burnt face. Hope the sunburns didn't get worse.

Can't wait to read about what else you did at the beach! :mickeyjum
All caught up and a little worried about your crispy family.

My kids can be a bit like that with surprises....processing things while standing there looking like huh? Not the reaction you expect, hopefully Disney brings a different reaction.

Pawley looks like heaven to me, just perfect! Other than the crispy factor that is.
Your trip report slipped by my radar like some others recently. Work is getting in the way of my much needed DIS visiting. Monday is just on the horizon with another week of long work days ahead. I've got to figure out how to sneak in some trip report reading! :scratchin


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