My first trip to WDW and DH's first time being arrested (Dec 2009)

Lee, your horse is beautiful! I had a neighbor with a horse that looked a lot like Banjo, I used to love riding him!! Can't wait to read more of your report!

I am really enjoying your TR. I need to buy some stuff from Basin this trip. Disney is fun to do with friends.

Such a beautiful horse, I grew up around horses, we used to do horse shows. They are such wonderful animals. I could brush my horse for hours. Seeing Banjo makes me miss having a horse around. I love their huge eyes.

Can't wait to read more.
Love the picture! Our dog that we got right after we got married was also named Banjo. We thought we were naming her after a Disney character, but we goofed. :confused3 There was a cartoon-movie on the Disney Channel called "Banjo, the Woodpile Cat" (yes, we named our dog after a cat :rolleyes1) but it wasn't an actual Disney show. It was Don Bluth - the guy who did Land Before Time and All Dogs Go to Heaven - and a bunch of other cool stuff. He did used to work for Disney - but "Banjo" wasn't a Disney product. :confused3

Anyway - longer story than you wanted to hear - but was tickled to see my dog's name (she's been gone for a few years now) being used again!

Thank you, Banjo loves to pose for pictures, he's alot like me.;)

That's funny, naming your dog after a cat. I didn't name Banjo, he came to me with that name and I couldn't see changing it.

What a beautiful horse!!!
Thank you, Banjo knows he's beautiful too, he's metro sexual, he walks different, more proud like after he's been bathed.:lmao:

So, you went to Animal Kingdom and didn't see Festival of the Lion King?

It is (in my opinion) the best show at WDW.
That is correct, I did not see the Lion King that day.

Great picture! Is Banjo Rig's horse?
No, Banjo is mine.

Beautiful picture, Leela!
Thank you

Banjo's beautiful!
Thank you.

Lee, your horse is beautiful! I had a neighbor with a horse that looked a lot like Banjo, I used to love riding him!! Can't wait to read more of your report!

I like riding Banjo cause he's a gentle soul. Rig says he's lazy but I think Banjo just likes to mosey along and feels like he'll get there when he gets there.

I am really enjoying your TR. I need to buy some stuff from Basin this trip. Disney is fun to do with friends.

Such a beautiful horse, I grew up around horses, we used to do horse shows. They are such wonderful animals. I could brush my horse for hours. Seeing Banjo makes me miss having a horse around. I love their huge eyes.

Can't wait to read more.
I could have spent all night in Basin just sniffing the flavor out of everything.:lmao:

I know what you mean about brushing a horse for hours, it's relaxing for both Banjo and me.
LOVE the trip report. Thanks for taking your time to share your adventure.
Just stopping in to see what's new. Hoping for another installment soon! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!!! :woohoo:
Girlfriend, I am LOVING this trip report. Feels like I'm right there with you - making me very excited for my upcoming trip in March. I'll be here waiting for the next installment, thank you so much for sharing!! :thumbsup2
Hi, Leela, nice updates :thumbsup2!! Banjo is really cute, I showed the picture to my daughter, Leila, and she thinks that your horse looks a lot like her horse, Calipe. So, double coincidence, her name and her horse....Anyway, I'm really enjoying your trip report...popcorn::
We fell asleep with the lights on. Some point during the middle of the night Rig woke up complaining he was cold. I told him to get under the covers but he just mumbled words that didn’t make sense. I got out of bed and took his shoes off of him and rolled him over so I could pull his side of the covers down, then I rolled him back over and covered him up. I then set the alarm for 8:00am, I was hoping Rig wouldn’t feel too sick to get up that early, but also figured he did it to himself and at the very least I would give him a hard time about being hung over on our last day at Disney.

I crawled back into bed and quickly fell back asleep.

It felt like mere minutes before the alarm went off, I shaked Rig and told him to get up and get a shower, I just got more mumbling from him, so after a bit I got up and showered, I dressed for the day, looking outside it was gray but not raining, not even sprinkling.

“Rig get up now, it’s our last day here and I’m not spending it here in the room with you or at a park by myself.”

He didn’t answer me, so I said I was leaving to go get breakfast and coffee, I had wanted to slam the door but it got caught on something and didn’t even close, so I turned to move Rigs jacket that was on the floor and stopping me from making my dramatic exit, that’s when I saw an envelope hanging on our door. I opened it and aaaaahhhh crap!, it’s my goodbye your leaving tomorrow letter from Disney. I went back in the room and sat down hard on the bed,

“Rig we just got our eviction notice, we have to be on the bus at 10:00am tomorrow.”

“Rig rolled over and patted my knee. “OK I’ll be up by then.”

“You’ll be up now Rig, get moving, I mean it.”

I then got up and was able to make my dramatic exit.

Reading those papers had brought me down to an even worse mood. I wouldn’t call it a bad mood, but I almost felt an anxiety about leaving, there was something I needed to do today I needed Rig to be with me, If I forced him to go and he wasn’t feeling good it would really put a damper on the day.

I got to Everything Pop and went to get a coffee then remembered…I need my refillable mug for this and I had left it in my room, so I just bought a java monster and a muffin, I wasn’t sure how many snack credits we had left so I paid with the debit card.

I sat and ate my muffin and watched the cartoons they had playing. I wasn’t paying attention to the story, my eyes were on the screen but my mind was on the day.

Then I people watched. Families with the little ones are so much fun to watch at Disney, the kids are always too excited to eat their breakfast, the parents are making the threats, “You can’t see Mickey Mouse until your breakfast is all gone.”
Then they start bargaining with them, “Eat half of your pancake and then we’ll go see Mickey.” Then the parents settle for one bite eaten. “Ok good enough, let’s go see Mickey.” The kid is so excited she can barely walk straight, she’s not really walking either, but hopping/stomping, like she’s doing an invisible hopscotch.

I was sad for a minute, I grieved for my inner child who never got to experience Disney World at a time when I believed the princesses were real, right along with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. But then I got to thinking, had I been to Disney as a child, would it still have been as magical for me now. I liked that I got to experience it with Rig. Rig was my first true love so it was special that he was the one to make my childhood dream come true for me. So yea, I spit that sad moment out and told myself it was supposed to happen this way. I was meant to be next to Rig when I saw the castle for the first time and I was meant to be held in his arms when I cried at the sight of it.

I drank every last drop of my java monster and ate half the muffin before I headed back to the room. I was really expecting to find Rig still be in bed, but when I got to the room he was in the shower. Phew! Now I don’t have to use my super powers of guilting him into getting out of bed.

I laid the receipts from my shopping excursion on the table with the debit card and got out my suitcase and began packing. My thoughts on that were, if I could get a lot of the packing done, (which was depressing) and then go to a park I could get lost in the magic for a little bit and not have to think about the chore that lay ahead of me. I packed everything I would not be needing the rest of the time we were there, less than 24 hours I thought, by this time tomorrow I will be walking my suitcase down to Magical Express.

Rig came out of the shower and while he finished getting dressed I went and packed up my shower things, I could just use the Disney shampoo and soap on my last day.

When I came back into the room Rig was looking at the receipts.

“Wow.” was all he said

I smiled my best ‘but you still love me’ smile at him.

“Did you really need all of this stuff you bought?” He asked

I countered with, “did you really need to drink all that beer you drank?”

“No I didn’t.” He said

“Well I guess I didn’t need to buy everything that I did, but seeing as how you can’t return the beer, I think it’s only fair that I don’t have to return anything either.”

Rig laughed and came over to give me a hug. “Babylee you don’t have to return a single thing.”

We each grabbed our jackets and headed out the door for our last full day at Disney World. I wore my new lime green Tinkerbell hoodie.

Rig headed to the Magic Kingdom bus stop but once we got their I kept walking.

“Babylee, I thought you wanted our last day to be at Magic Kingdom.”

“I did Rig, but I can’t leave Disney World having not rode Expedition Everest, I rode all the other coasters, I have to ride this one too.”

Rig had the biggest smile on his face. “What about saying goodbye to the castle?”

“I thought about it all night and I want to ride expedition Everest, saying goodbye to the castle just seems a little less exciting, I said I wanted to go out with a bang.”

Rig put his arm around me, “Alright, let’s go to Animal Kingdom.

I'm sorry it's such a short update, I wanted to get something out and this was all I had time for right now, but I will update again this week.
Ooooh, it's gonna be a whiz-bang ending. Lee has something up her sleeve, I can just feel it! We're on the edge waiting for the next update...
It might be a short update, but it's a great one!

I then got up and was able to make my dramatic exit.

This made me :rotfl2: I can so picture it!

“I thought about it all night and I want to ride expedition Everest, saying goodbye to the castle just seems a little less exciting, I said I wanted to go out with a bang.”

Rig put his arm around me, “Alright, let’s go to Animal Kingdom.

I had a feeling that's what your surprise was. :thumbsup2
I can't stand the Magical Depression envelope, it makes me so sad :sad1:.

I love watching the families too :goodvibes.

Ah, Lee the princesses are REAL, you just have to believe ;).

Love what you said to Rig about not being able to return the beer, too funny :lmao:.

Great idea about going to AK on your last day, I hope you got to see The Festival of the Lion King too. I am interested to see what you thought of Expedition Everest.
Ok, now I know I am way too involved in the story and my love of Disney. I can actually feel the depression kicking in after you mentioned the 'Eviction notice.' I HATE when the vacation is over. I hate having to leave the magic and freedom that Disney brings. I hate having to watch all the people just checking in, just beginning their vacation as mine is ending. I feel for you there, I'm depressed for you. :sad2:

Looking forward to the next installment. popcorn::
It took me two days to read this story. I feel like i know you both. I look at my trips with my young children and hope i was never like that mother you spoke of. But again my kids are dare devils and would try anything. I am the one they drag to the roller coasters.;) Rig sounds like a keeper to me. You are both very lucky to have each other. Enjoy it!!!

I think next time I am at the world I might feel like "moseying" a little bit more!!!
I HATE that evelope on the door!! I am always tempted to put it on someone else's thinking maybe then my vacation will last longer!! Can't wait to see how you do on everest!!

I loved the background of your photo. It looks like a very pretty place to live.
Oh yes, all year round.

LOVE the trip report. Thanks for taking your time to share your adventure.
thanks, and thank you for taking the time to read it.

Just stopping in to see what's new. Hoping for another installment soon! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!!! :woohoo:
You have a great Thanksgiving as well.

Girlfriend, I am LOVING this trip report. Feels like I'm right there with you - making me very excited for my upcoming trip in March. I'll be here waiting for the next installment, thank you so much for sharing!! :thumbsup2
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have a great time at disney in March.

Hi, Leela, nice updates :thumbsup2!! Banjo is really cute, I showed the picture to my daughter, Leila, and she thinks that your horse looks a lot like her horse, Calipe. So, double coincidence, her name and her horse....Anyway, I'm really enjoying your trip report...popcorn::
Wow, that is alot in common. thank you for reading.

Ooooh, it's gonna be a whiz-bang ending. Lee has something up her sleeve, I can just feel it! We're on the edge waiting for the next update...
Whiz-bang. :lmao:that is now part of my vocabulary.
I willupdate soon.

It might be a short update, but it's a great one!


This made me :rotfl2: I can so picture it!
It wasn't as a dramatic of an exit as I wanted it to be, the letter of doom kind of stunk things up for me.

I had a feeling that's what your surprise was. :thumbsup2
I guess I'm pretty predictable.:confused:
I can't stand the Magical Depression envelope, it makes me so sad :sad1:.

I love watching the families too :goodvibes.

Ah, Lee the princesses are REAL, you just have to believe ;).

Love what you said to Rig about not being able to return the beer, too funny :lmao:.

Great idea about going to AK on your last day, I hope you got to see The Festival of the Lion King too. I am interested to see what you thought of Expedition Everest.

I believe the princesses are real, but you know it's kind of different when you're a kid.

Ok, now I know I am way too involved in the story and my love of Disney. I can actually feel the depression kicking in after you mentioned the 'Eviction notice.' I HATE when the vacation is over. I hate having to leave the magic and freedom that Disney brings. I hate having to watch all the people just checking in, just beginning their vacation as mine is ending. I feel for you there, I'm depressed for you. :sad2:

Looking forward to the next installment. popcorn::
Yea, I am feeling it all over again too. And ditto on having to watch other people checking in when I am leaving.

It took me two days to read this story. I feel like i know you both. I look at my trips with my young children and hope i was never like that mother you spoke of. But again my kids are dare devils and would try anything. I am the one they drag to the roller coasters.;) Rig sounds like a keeper to me. You are both very lucky to have each other. Enjoy it!!!

I think next time I am at the world I might feel like "moseying" a little bit more!!!
I think moseying is a good way to travel through Disney World. I still feel like we got to see and do alot, and the things we mised? Ah well, I'll make it back some day.

I HATE that evelope on the door!! I am always tempted to put it on someone else's thinking maybe then my vacation will last longer!! Can't wait to see how you do on everest!!

If life worked that way, I would have put that enevelope on someone elses door too, and all my bills in someone elses mailbox along with it.;)

I guess I'm pretty predictable.:confused:

Awww, don't take it that way! You're not that predictable. Just chalk it up to years of watching TV and trying to figure out what's gonna happen next. It's what I was hoping would be your surprise, based on your story so far. :goodvibes
The bus ride to Animal Kingdom was pretty quiet, neither Rig or I talking much. My silence was due to nerves, his I'm sure was from his slight headache, he said he had taken something for it and was just waiting for it to kick in. I figured riding a roller coaster might make his headache worse and if need be we could hold off on it for a while.
Then it dawned on me, I was already making excuses for why I shouldn't ride Expedition Everest. The second guesses started coming fast and furious.

what if we get in to the park and I don't ride the coaster, then I have just waisted what could have been a relaxing day at Magic Kingdom.

What if we do ride it and Rig is left feeling worse than ever, then again I have waisted what could have been a great day at magic Kingdom.

I felt stupid all of a sudden and wished I had never changed our plans.

The bus dropped us off and we made the long walk to the gates of Animal Kingdom. It was way past rope drop by that time and there weren't alot of people waiting to get in. Right before we were to put our cards into the machine Rig asked me, "Are you sure?"

"I don't know anymore, if I chicken out again and don't ride what will we do the rest of the day?"

"Our favorites I guess, and some of the things we missed since we left pretty early in the day yesterday."

We stepped away from the machine to talk it out more thoroughly. My anxiety level was so high, it could have had alot to do with it being our last day, but the majority of it was coming from facing that roller coaster, the last of the Disney thrill rides, I had done them all but that one, could I really walk away from it and be happy with myself? I got angry at myself again. My gosh, why? Everytime!!!!!! I had done far more scary things in life that I didn't think twice about, of course the scary things I did had nothing to do with rides, it was more life changing decisions that I just made in seconds.

"This is so stupid Rig, I am fretting over a park decision."

"Do you want to go to Magic Kingdom instead?" he asked

"Yes, but I also want to ride Expedition Everest."

"At this point Babylee, you can only do one or the other."

"Will you be mad if I back out of riding Expedition?"

"You know I won't be." He said kissing my forhead

I took a few more minutes to think and then decided to just go for it.

So we went back to the machines and fed it our cards, scanned our fingers and then it was done, the first step towards riding that coaster was just getting into the park.

Rig picked up a park map, we didn't have our guides with us that day so we were on our own to find things. It was nice being able to just follow along before and not have to look at signs or landmarks to figure out where we were.

"Did you want to go straight to it, Rig asked, or did you want to do a few other things first?"

"If your head can handle a roller coaster right now then I want to go straight to it."

Rig took my hand in his. "Don't worry about me Leela, I'm fine."

We walked slower than slow. I was in no hurry and Rig wasn't pushing me at all to hurry, normally when I walk too slow he keeps his speed normal and I kind of get dragged by the hand, but that day he walked next to me.

We had to stop and look at the map once just to make sure we were heading in the right direction. there were a couple different ways to get to Expeditiin Everest, we chose to take a right at the tree of life and pass by dinoland USA so we could check out the times guide for Finding Nemo. Rig wanted to go into it's tough to be a bug again, of course we would I told him, we're going to do everything we can at Animal Kingdom and make a whole day of it.

As we passed by Flame Tree Barbque I thought of the Key Lime pie from yesterday.

"Oooh Piiiiie." I smiled and for a few seconds my mind was on that dessert and nothing else.

Rig laughed, "I'll order the key lime pie for dessert today and you can have both yours and mine."

"Thank you," I said

Rig nodded, "just don't fork me this time if I want a little bite."

We made it all the way to Expediton Everest and just stood there looking up at the mountain. My knees were weak and shaking, my heart pounding so loud I was surprised Rig couldn't hear it, or maybe he could and just chose not to comment on it.

Standby was a 30 minute wait. Rig suggested getting fastpasses and we find something else to do until our time to ride came, but I thought either way I would have anxiety, I could wait in the standby line and worry about it for 30 minutes, or I could get a fast pass and worry about it for the next hour when our time was up. I chose to wait it out in the standby line. So in line we went.

We walked for quite a bit, I was starting to think that the wait time posted was wrong and we were going to walk right up to the vehicle but just as I had that thought we hit the end of the line and the waiting began.

the walk through to the line was very interesting, alot of things to look at and if I hadn't been so scared of what was awaiting me I probably would have enjoyed looking at all of it more.

I looked at the people around me, kids younger than me, girls my age, parents, they were all laughing and talking excitedly. Seriously I thought, I can't be the only one this scared to ride, somebody else is just as terrified, they're just faking it. I couldn't fake anything, and I'm sure my fear showed on my face. I was standing in front of Rig, his arms around me and with each step he had to use some force to get me to move forward with the line.

I won't back out, I won't back out, I kept repeating it to myself, This is going to be fun, I am going to love this, Expedition Everest is going to be my favorite ride. I was trying so hard to believe the lies I was feeding myself. I would look down at my watch every few minutes, the line was moving fast compared to the time on my watch. This is going to be less than a 30 minute wait. After 25 minutes of waiting, we were being asked how many in your party? I tried to answer, my mouth formed to say the word two, but nothing came out. Rig answered for me and we were pointed to our spot Close to the back of the train.

We had 3 other couples ahead of us and one of them was just loading into their train. I tried to slow my breathing down and control my body shakes. I felt so pukey, then I felt like I needed to pee. I should have gone right before I got in line.

"Are you ok?" Rig asked

I couldn't speak so I just nodded. the next couple then loaded into their train. I was that much closer. I won't back out, I won't back out. Keep breathing Leela, slow and steady. I leaned back against Rig, He leaned down and started humming in my ear one of my favorite songs "she's got a way with me." by Billy Currington I closed my eyes and rested the back of my head on his chest. We started to sway a bit and I was able to relax some.

the next couple loaded into their train. Wow, I'm next, my eyes started to play tricks on me and I saw little flashes of streaking lights, the sounds around me became muffled. I felt hot and cold at the same time, then I felt my knees start to give, they buckled just a bit but I caught myself, Rig grabbed me tighter around the waist.

Did I just almost pass out? I asked myself, this was crazy.

"let's not ride." Rig said, "Let's tell them we changed our minds."

I shook my head no, I was going to ride, I changed our plans to do this and I had to stick to it now.

"there's nothing wrong with backing out Leela, you tried."

I just kept shaking my head no, then our train pulled up and we were ready to load. I got into the train with Rigs help, I felt like mush, I couldn't do anything, my fingers weren't working at all, nothing was working.

we got strapped in and the CM came by and checked our bar restraints. I looked at Rig and knew there was no backing out now. He wiped the tears from my cheek that I hadn't even known had fallen.

I managed a smile, Rig smiled back and put his arm around me then the train started forward, I felt a peace for a second then I saw the hill we were going to climb and the peace left, I buried my face in Rigs chest.

"Please Leela, don't bite me, please, that really hurt last time." He wasn't being funny, his pleading voice was so serious.

The ride up the hill took forever, I wanted it to hurry up and get there but at the same time I never wanted it to come. I did look up and one point to see how close to the top we were and I even braved a look over the side, I didn't look straight down but I did look straight out and dang! we were high up there.

We made it to the crest of the hill and then plummeted down over the other side. I was trying to hold onto Rig but the force was shoving me around so much I felt safer letting go of Rig and grabbing onto the bar with both hands. I kept my head down though and refused to look up. I felt the ride slow and come to a stop, that was quick I thought, it's over and I survived. I opened my eyes and looked up, all I could see was mangled tracks infront of me. I let out the scream of a life time, nothing in this world could ever make me scream like that again.

"Oh $h!t, Leela, Rig yelled, "that's supposed to be there, I'm sorry, I should have told you, I'm sorry."

It didn't register at first what Rig had said, and in seconds I had a million things run through my head. He's lying! was the first one, then I thought, if he isn't lying then how do we get out of this, will a new track drop down? The ride started going backwards. "I'm falling." I screamed

"It's part of it." Rig said

I buried my face in his chest again. "Watch the nipples Lee, watch the nipples." Rig shouted

Going backwards on a roller coaster is the wierdest feeling, I felt like I was falling backwards and upside down like a backwards sommersalt. I didn't like the feeling at all, it was dizzying. The train slowed down, stopped and then righted itself again. I kept my head buried the rest of the time, I could hear shrieks and screams all around me and then growls, it really sounded like a murder was happening, a grizzly horrible murder and I dared not look.

This ride went for far too long, I was over it before it even started, "God please end this now."

The train started to slow down again, is this another trick or is the ride really over, a few poeple cheered and some even clapped, I couldn't hear people saying, "That was awesome." "I'm doing this again." and things like that, so I was sure the ride was done and it was safe to look up.
the train pulled back into the station and came to a stop, getting out of the ride vehicle was not easy, I couldn't move my legs at all, they were moving mind you, but I didn't know how because I couldn't feel them, I stood up and felt myself start to go down again, Rig was right there along with a CM holding me up. I felt my breakfast in my throat, I started dry heaving, oh how embarrassing to throw up in front of all these people. I worked to keep it down, I needed to sit a minute so I sat down right there, alot of attention was on me, also embarrassing, they weren't even allowing anybody to get onto the train. Rig and 2 CM's were all talking to me at once, "Do you need water?" "Do you need a wheel chair?" "Do you want a cold cloth?" "Are you going to throw up?"

I just kept putting my hand up to all them and shaking my head no, finally I felt good enough to stand with Rigs help. After Rig assured them all that I would be fine and we were just going to find a bench to sit on for a while, the CM's stepped back and let us go, but one of them asked me, "So what did you think of our little train ride?"

I know he was trying to be humorous and make light of the situation now that nothing "bad" came from it. But I didn't think it was funny.

"You can keep your little damn train ride." I said and let Rig, who was chuckling, help me out of there.

I have to catch up again. Went hunting with my uncles and cousins. Then had to catch up at work. Off to see what I missed. :surfweb: Now if I can only remember where I left off. :lmao:
Oh Dear Lee,

I really didn't think EE was that bad! I guess seeing it through the eyes of someone who is really terrified is shocking.

My mom and I rode in the front mom is 63! She screamed and laughed the whole way.

So sorry you had such a bad experience! :scared1:


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