My Big Fat Disney Solo Weekend: April 2015 Trip Report - COMPLETED

I don't know why I'm ever surprised at the pure ignorance and downright rude behavior of some people....sheesh :scared:but it's especially bad coming from a Disney CM. not cool at all dude, not cool. I feel horrible you were treated that way. If it were me I probably would have sat there and waited for the next bus and feeling sad. Good for you for turning it all around once you got to Epcot. I give you mad props for being able to "let it go" :worship:. Soarin is my fav. At Epcot too, just love it!!! I hope that's the last of the baddie stuff and the rest of your trip was super.
Exactly!!! If you can't fake it you shouldn't be doing it! Interacting with people is hard, but if you don't enjoy it or can't pretend get a different job.
Yes, 110% agree! When you get hired on with my company, you get sent to a week of "World Class Customer Service" training. (Which has always kinda baffled me. If you need to take a week to teach a new employee how to be nice... why on earth did you HIRE them to begin with? :confused3) I'm sure Disney does something similar, and that particular CM definitely need a refresher course!

Feel good and know people like that are horrible and you're better than them! :hug:
Aww! Thanks, girl! :hug:

Enjoying your tr! Re handbag hunting: you might like le sportsac. They are lightweight and have many styles. But yours from the park holds memories too. That's the best!
:welcome: Thank you for the tip on the bag! I'll google it and take a looksie! :cutie:

Billie, I am so glad that you spoke of this so that should I ever encounter this situation that I will know how to help. I am very glad that at least someone entering the bus spoke up for you, and I hope that it weighed on Ron and that he realized what he had done. I agree that you should still send in your report if not for an apology for yourself at least so that Disney can track down Ron and provide him with either better education and/or better sensitivity training, and you can be sure that in a service industry such as Disney that they would take this episode very seriously. I am very hopeful that you will be able to report to us how Disney handled this for you.
Thanks, Donna. :hug: Sadly, I've not had time this week to look into it. between work being crazy, and December hours coming out and focusing on the next trip. I think I've moved on past the incident at this point. But in the future, I will be sure to let Disney know promptly about any mistreatment!

And I am so glad that your day improved from there. Yay Soarin'! Yay Sunshine Seasons!
It definitely did! All it too was walking into Epcot for me to forget the whole thing and that bus driver's big stupid face! :laughing:

So Sorry Billie. What a grade A jerk. But you did get over it pretty quickly since your in your favorite park! and doing a great job bee boping around!
Heck yeah! Ain't nobody gonna break-a my stride! Ain't nobody gonna slow me down! Oh no! I gots to keep on movin'! :laughing:

Yet shame on you for not find Nemo!!! I adore that ride.. so cute.
I know! With such limited time in the parks, I had to make some tough cuts. :sad2: Figment was the most difficult for me. But I decided to cut things that I know for sure I'll be doing in December with my aunt with her motion sickness, and to make sure I got some time on the rides that she won't be able to do. :thumbsup2

Here to hoping your EVC doesn't squat out on you!
Ooooh, the anticipation! You'll just have to keep reading! :P

I'm catching up after a weekend away, but I'm so sorry about your awful bus experience! There is really no excuse, and I'm glad that it seems like there is a way to make sure the issue is reported :)
I just hope karma catches up to that awful dude. What jerk! :sad2:

I'm glad that you had such a great morning at AK! I love the tigers; we had a really good view in May last year, and that was one of my favorite parts of Animal Kingdom :)
Yesssss! Aren't the gorgeous? I'm always shocked when I hear people say they always skip the walking trails. I think those are some of the best parts of AK! :cutie:

And EPCOT is really amazing, glad that it cheered you up! The strawberry shortcake looks amazing, and it looks like you had a great time on Soarin' :D Love the manatees too :) The aquarium part of the Seas is another of my favorite things in the park, too.
Yaaaassss! I love the Seas so much! I usually spend more time in there, also visiting the dolphins and the other fishies, but I was on a tight schedule. So this time, all the love was for my manatess! :lovestruc

And finally, I adore the face paint!

Looking forward to reading more :)
Awww, thank you!! :cutie: The face paint is silly, but it makes me happy as can be!

Hi Billie! Joining in! I am really enjoying your report & love that you're including the links to your dining report. It's like getting the best of both worlds! :D
Hi there! :welcome: I like doing separate reports. My TR spares people who maybe aren't foodies from having to scrolls through massive amount of food pics. My DR spares the people who maybe don't want to read about my every moment of my every day at WDW, and just want to see the FOOD! :laughing:

So sorry you experienced the ugly side of some guests & CMs. Glad you didn't let it get you down though!
No way! I'm at Disney World! It takes a LOT to ruin a day at Disney for me! :goodvibes

And I love your Minnis ears/face paint ensemble each day. Too cute!
Thank you very much!! :cutie:

Thank you so much for posting another trip report!! They always crack me up!!
Yay! :welcome: I'm glad you're here!

This had me laughing so hard, tears are pouring down my cheeks! Haha!!
RIGHT?! Finally somebody comments on that! I thought that "Say What!" was the funniest gif and best gif usage in the whole post! Thanks for appreciating it! :thumbsup2

So happy you had this magical moment after the Rude Dude episode!
Me too, I surely needed it! ::yes::

And... again... I died laughing!! Hilarious!!!
Okay, this one is a close second, I admit... I was cracking up laughing even as I was putting it together. :laughing:

I just wanted you to know too that I've finally booked my first solo trip for November 2015 & I had told you before that your TR's were a major inspiration for me to be able to do that. Originally, I was planning the same April dates as your TR, but it didn't work out. But I'll finally make that dream come true in November... So, thank you!!! You rock!! ::yes::
OMG OMG OMG! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: That's AWESOME, dude!!! I'm so glad to hear that!!! I hope you'll do a PTR and/or TR and share the links with me so I can follow along!

Oh Billie I'm so sorry you received such terrible behaviour from the CM, you really should report it as he shouldn't get away with it. I must admit that it seems every trip we go on the CM's seem to be losing their magical dispositions :guilty:
On this trip, for me, it's mostly the guests who weren't magical. Aside from that one bus driver jerkface, the CMs were lovely! :goodvibes

Oh I love Manatees and I'm so pleased you saw them at their most active, they're my favourite animal and I'm keen one day to see them in the wild but till then Epcot will do :goodvibes
I was in AWE! I like to imagine that my chubby butt moves in the water as gracefully as they do! :laughing:

You managed to ride all the big rides - how wonderful :thumbsup2
That was the idea! I was trying to be efficient! ::yes::

We encountered a VERY rude CM at the BBB on our last visit. He treated my 4 year old like dirt and poor baby did not get her princess makeover. My husband went straight to guest services to let them know how disappointed we were that our child was mistreated. They were very nice, offered us an Elsa FP to try and make up for her not getting her princess makeover, and then we had an actual CM give us a call the next day to make sure we were ok. I am sure the CM was repremanded and I was glad to do my part to try and prevent him from not treating ANY other child the way he treated my child. I am still shocked that you were treated in such an awful way. My 4 year old has vision disabilities and all the CM we encountered were very accomidating and friendly when we asked for assistance (mostly during shows we needed front row seats in order for her to able able to see what was going on) we also got the mean faces from others, but I just tell myself thank God they do not have to suffer with a disability and that they have no idea how truley lucky they are. So glad you did not let it ruin your day.....I let my daughters mishap at the BBB ruin my day and almost let it ruin my vacation, kuddos to you for being the more mature person!!!!
I'm so sorry that happened to you! :sad2: And I get it, I truly do. I've always been the type, you can say or do whatever to me, and I'll bounceback quick because I get over it. But when somebody hurts or mistreats somebody I care about? OH. HELL. NAW. I go straight into protective Mama Bear mode, and it ain't pretty. And I don't even have children. I can only imagine that if I did, it would me about a bagillion times worse for whoever mistreated them. I totally 110% understand you feeling the way you did about it! :hug:

I don't know why I'm ever surprised at the pure ignorance and downright rude behavior of some people....sheesh :scared:but it's especially bad coming from a Disney CM. not cool at all dude, not cool. I feel horrible you were treated that way.
It was just so unexpected. I am used to getting rudeness from guests, but not from CMs, and especially not so blatantly. :sad2:

If it were me I probably would have sat there and waited for the next bus and feeling sad.
You know, once the bus was on it's way and I was sitting there blinking back tears, I actually found myself wishing that I had kept my butt sat down on my ECV and just let the bus leave me there. I would have been annoyed, but not humiliated! :rolleyes2

Good for you for turning it all around once you got to Epcot. I give you mad props for being able to "let it go" :worship:.

Soarin is my fav. At Epcot too, just love it!!!
Yasssss! It's just the BEST! :thumbsup2

I hope that's the last of the baddie stuff and the rest of your trip was super.
It is, actually. The entire rest of the trip went off without a hitch! :cutie:
April 26th, 2015 - Sunday

World Showcase at Epcot!

So this is going to be a relatively short update, since I spent the majority of the rest of my time in Epcot... eating. :laughing:

I did stop for a photo with these two cutie-pies first, though!


After this, I started making my way through the Flower & Garden Outdoor Kitchens. I more or less skipped the country pavilions themselves, as I know I'll be exploring those with my aunt & uncle in December, and it's unlikely that I'll ever be around again during F&G. And in between food booths, I admired the topiaries and all the pretties!

Of course, all the detailed F&G food reviewing has already gone down over HERE on my Dining Report! :goodvibes

My first stop was Mexico, and I ordered a Blueberry Pomegranate Margarita. It was the one and only F&G purchase I thoroughly regret. The thing was just INSANELY strong. I tasted tequila and... that was it. No blueberry. No pomegranate. It quite literally made me go cross-eyed!


I'm ashamed to admit that I had to throw about 3/4 of it away. It was just TOO much tequila. It seemed like it was for shooting, not for sipping. It just wasn't even enjoyable. :sad2:

Also while in Mexico, I was right on time for a performance from Mariachi Cobre. Now, I don't know the whole story, but an friend I've known for years I guess studied under them at some point. For my last two Disney trips, she's asked me that if I saw them, to take a picture for her. I was finally able to fulfill her request...


I posted it on FB and she loved it. That made my heart happy. :cutie:

After listening for a bit, I moved along to the Florida Fresh booth. I only mention this so I can share a picture of my Blueberry and Lemon Curd Tart...


...complete with a hidden Mickey! ::MickeyMo

I continued gnoshing my way around the world, and in Japan I spotted a PhotoPass dude, so I stopped for a picture.


The wind fairies were having far too much fun with my hair!

Eventually I made it around to the Pineapple Promenade, and ordered the drunken Dole Whip that I've been dreaming about for over a year.


Worth it. So so so worth it.

About this time I was starting to want real food, not just bits and bites, so I stopped at a new one to me... Yorkshire Count Fish Shoppe. Fish & Chips, yum!


I ate everything but the cake... My cavernous stomach just called it quits at that point. But it did make a lovely snack much much later in my room that night!

After dinner, I decided to go ahead and stake my claim on some space for Illuminations. I found a designated Wheelchair & ECV spot not terribly far away, but it wasn't going to open up until closer to the show. Not far down from it was some prime real estate, so I pulled up up to the railing and settled in the for the hour or so of waiting...



...and fell asleep. :rotfl:

Those of you who read my September trip report might remember me sleeping while sitting on my scooter and waiting out the rain storm in the middle of Islands of Adventure. Or me taking a nap on a bench inside the dump area for Spaceship Earth, again while waiting some heavy showers.

So. Apparently when I'm at Disney World, I can't sleep in my bed in my room at night. But. I can sleep pretty much any and every where else. :laughing:


Of course it wasn't like heavy REM sleep or anything, just light dozing. I would occasionally wake up and catch somebody staring at me, then doze back off. ZERO. CRAPS. GIVEN.

Around 8:45pm I was like "Dang, I need to wake up." I looked around, and right across from where I was parked, near the Canada pavilion, glowing like a majestic beacon in a sea of lethargy... Was a Joffrey's Coffee kiosk. Yep. That's happening! I left my ECV parked to save my spot, and shuffled my way over and then quickly returned with an delicious French Vanilla Iced Coffee. Ahhhh! Perfect!

Then the show started, and I got my camera out... then put it away. Like FotLK that morning, I just wanted to sit back and enjoy this one. So no pictures for ya'll. (But really, most of you have seen it, so use your imagination! :P) It was as wonderful at ever. Illuminations was the first thing to make me cry at Walt Disney World, way back in January 2000. It was the first time I "got it." So it'll always be super special to me!

Up Next... Cruising through the Boardwalk and Downtown Disney!
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Ok so I was reading your dining report then I found myself here and I've just read your whole trip report so far! Love it! Can't wait for more!! :jumping3:
Oh no! I gots to keep on movin'!

you did not just break out the 80 tunes!!!! :lovestruc

Figment was the most difficult for me.

Whaaaaaaaaa? you DIDN'T SEE FIGMENT?!?! oh i don't know if we can be friends anymore... :sad:

Ooooh, the anticipation! You'll just have to keep reading!

rotten... just rotten.

I did stop for a photo with these two cutie-pies first, though!

ADORABLE! and i see the purse is working for ya! it's cute!

I can sleep pretty much any and every where else. :laughing:


I would have laughed at you... just sayin... :rotfl2: but that's because i know you. :crowded:
So much Epcot fun!! I love that pic of you sipping the awful margerita lol...sorry it was dissapointing but your picture is awesome lol. What kind of cake was it again with the fish and chips? (I guess I better go see your DR...right? Haven't done that yet lol.) I wonder if the F&W have a lot of the same you by chance know where they post that info in advance (or do they for October?). The drunken' dole whip looks...soooo goooood! Want one!! And hey..nothing wrong with catching a few winks while waiting for the show!!!
Oh, I had to giggle at the cross eyed pic! That would have been me too!

I want to see the mariachi band sometime!! We always miss it. I did a surprise Mexican fiesta for DHs 40th years ago and had a mariachi band come. They were so fun and amazing!

A nap, coffee and an awesome spot for illuminations? Sweet!!!!
I have never caught Mariachi Cobre, something to do on our Nov. trip!

I'm just catching up on your last few updates and I am mortified about what happened to you on the bus. My heart hurts for you......I admit I have been one to feel annoyed when scooters/wheelchairs get on a Disney bus I'm getting on if I'm in a hurry to get somewhere. I don't and would never give dirty looks and I understand the safety need for loading them first. I also know how stupid it is to be impatient with them ::yes:: It's like the same feeling I get when I'm driving and the car in front of me is going really slow! I should most definitely be understanding, mom has trouble walking and my young niece, who was fine until age 13 is now 23, is seriously disabled and completely wheelchair-bound. My point here besides possibly sounding uncaring :snooty: is that your story has really touched me. I will be thinking of it and you on future trips when scooters/wheelchairs are loading busses and sincerely hoping they haven't experienced anything on their trip like you, unfortunately, had to :hug:

OK! Sorry for bringing your TR down! Woohoo Disney! Woohoo Sunshine Seasons strawberry shortcake and Illuminations pixiedust: !!!
I would so love to visit during F&G as everything looks so pretty, maybe one day when we're not dictated by school holidays I can make it happen :)

I'm giggling here visualising you fast asleep on your scooter whilst holding your good viewing spot :lmao:
I have yet in my life to have a margarita. Ever. That will change.

This is picture is AWESOME!!! I want my drinks to cause that. :drinking1

I posted it on FB and she loved it. That made my heart happy. :cutie:

YAY. Sharing Disney with friends on FB is super fun.

Oh yeah, love the Yorkshire Count Fish Shoppe.

Oh my goodness. I know for a fact I would never ever ever be able to sleep in a public place. :laughing:


:rotfl2: And once again... YOU... GO... GIRL!

Now that is something I had never thought about. Being solo you basically stay in your spot or lose it. So grabbing some treats is off limits. Very clever to have your scooter to save your spot for you. I may rent a scooter. :scratchin

Then the show started, and I got my camera out... then put it away.

I'm all in on that for sure. :goodvibes
I do enjoy a good margarita, but too much tequila...blech. I approve of all your other menu choices .

Good for you taking a rest and waking up with perfect timing. I've never heard of that coffee brand. Around here it's Dunkin Donuts or Honeydew or Starbucks.

Keep the reports coming!
I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible bus experience. That bus driver should never have acted like that. I bet there were people on that bus that felt sorry for you. We were waiting for the boat to Fort Wilderness for a HDDR reservation when a lady on an ECV had trouble driving it. The scooter just stopped dead and wouldn't move. And no one seemed to know how to help her. The CM's on the boat just stood there while her relatives dragged that ECV on the boat and you could tell it was very heavy. I really felt sorry for that family. And it was nothing for that lady to feel embarrassed about, but I'm sure they were.

a picture of my Blueberry and Lemon Curd Tart...
I'm so glad that you liked this. We liked this tart enough to get another one later in the trip. :lovestruc I also saw on your dining report that you really liked the duck at the booth at France. That is one item I have been wanting to try and missed it both at F&W and F&G. :(

About this time I was starting to want real food, not just bits and bites, so I stopped at a new one to me... Yorkshire Count Fish Shoppe. Fish & Chips, yum!
We tried the fish and chips here for the first time last January and loved it. I can't believe we had been going to WDW for ages and never tried it before. It is really good.

Aw, sweet shot of you 3! Your new bag looks like it was working out well!


...complete with a hidden Mickey! ::MickeyMo

I love the hidden Mickey!

About this time I was starting to want real food, not just bits and bites, so I stopped at a new one to me... Yorkshire Count Fish Shoppe. Fish & Chips, yum!

Yum! This is on my list for May! It looks so delicious!

Of course it wasn't like heavy REM sleep or anything, just light dozing. I would occasionally wake up and catch somebody staring at me, then doze back off. ZERO. CRAPS. GIVEN.

Hey, no shame. I can fall asleep just about anytime, anywhere. It sounds like a great way to pass the time until the show. And you really needed your rest for your late night!

Then the show started, and I got my camera out... then put it away. Like FotLK that morning, I just wanted to sit back and enjoy this one.

I think that's great! It's hard to enjoy the show when you're focused on the perfect shot. It sounds like a perfect night!
So this is going to be a relatively short update, since I spent the majority of the rest of my time in Epcot... eating. :laughing:

Well that's completely shocking ... or not. :rotfl:

My first stop was Mexico, and I ordered a Blueberry Pomegranate Margarita. It was the one and only F&G purchase I thoroughly regret. The thing was just INSANELY strong. I tasted tequila and... that was it. No blueberry. No pomegranate. It quite literally made me go cross-eyed!

Holy cow. Sorry the drink was a disappointment ... it sounds like someone needed to cut back on the tequila when making that!

I love the blueberry Mickey!

The wind fairies were having far too much fun with my hair!

Yeah, that's the big problem with short hair ... it gets blown all over the place.

...and fell asleep. :rotfl:

Awesome! Well, you gotta sleep some time ....

Around 8:45pm I was like "Dang, I need to wake up." I looked around, and right across from where I was parked, near the Canada pavilion, glowing like a majestic beacon in a sea of lethargy... Was a Joffrey's Coffee kiosk. Yep. That's happening! I left my ECV parked to save my spot, and shuffled my way over and then quickly returned with an delicious French Vanilla Iced Coffee. Ahhhh! Perfect!

Convenient coffee nearby ... that's the best way to wake up!

Then the show started, and I got my camera out... then put it away.

Good! I love Illuminations pictures as much as the next person, but enjoying the show is more important than taking pictures!

Up Next... Cruising the Boardwalk!

Yay! I'm really excited to read about the boardwalk (and hopefully see pictures)!
You cross eyed drinking the margarita: Lol! I absolutely love everything about this picture!

Blueberry lemon curd tart: Oh gosh, yum. The blueberry Mickey just makes it that much better!!

You are too much fun! And I'm totally with you on the falling asleep in weird places at Disney thing... on a bench outside China, in Ellen's Energy Adventure, on the bus... but put me in my bed and my eyes are wide open! haha!
So this is going to be a relatively short update, since I spent the majority of the rest of my time in Epcot... eating. :laughing:
That's exactly my plan on Sunday :rotfl2:

Love the pictures of you! I love the combo of the face paint colors and the Minnie ears ::MinnieMo :goodvibes

OMG your fingernails are SO gorgeous! So jealous...

Yay!!! Sounds like you had an ideal spot for Illuminations AND how handy that you spotted coffee! Yay for the mini-nap, too! :thumbsup2
I'm being a total ignoramus but what is FotLK? :oops: I can't for the life of me figure that one out. Shocking but I have never seen Illuminations, Wishes OR Fantasmic, can you believe it? I've only seen Hallowishes and it was amazing. We gotta fix that!
The fish and chips look totally yummy! Epcot sure has some good eats!


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