My Big Fat Disney Solo Weekend: April 2015 Trip Report - COMPLETED

No--no, no, no. THAT behavior I can't ignore, especially from a cast member who is supposed to make your day better not embarrass you in front of people. i get needing to get away from that whole situation but I sort of wish you'd run over his toe on your way out. What an a**!!!

Anyway--I'm glad your day changed around and you got to enjoy some lunch and see the manatees! They are pretty awesome!
I know I should have figured out a way to report him. In retrospect, I wish I had, so that he won't continue treating people that way. But in that moment, I just needed as quickly as possible to put as much distance between myself and him and the whole situation, both physically and emotionally. This was NOT going to ruin my day.

Send an email to Tell them the date, approximate time, route (Animal Kingdom to Epcot), and the driver's name. They can probably access work schedules (or will send the email to someone who can) and will probably add a reprimand to his record or something. They'll probably also apologize to you and may be able to do something nice for you.

But yeah, that behavior is unacceptable. As a New Yorker, I'm morally opposed to anything that adds time to my commute ... but even I understand that you can't ignore people with wheelchairs/ECVs, no matter how much you dislike the extra work. ECV users can be Disney lovers too!

Not to mention, I'm at EPCOT finally, my favorite park! And I'm on my way to lunch, where I can do what us fat girls do, and eat my feelings! :thumbsup2

Oh good, that's a normal people thing, not just something I do ...


I love this picture!!

If just BEING in Epcot, and a then a delicious lunch, hadn't already cheered me up, then Soarin' DEFINITELY would have! And did!


If the Animal Kingdom tigers are my land babies, then these chubby cuties are my aquatic babies. :lovestruc I sat watching them for ages on this day. I was more fascinated than I ever have been before. In the 15 years I've been visiting them, they're usually just eatin' dat lettuce, hanging around, chillin' out, floatin' about, and eatin' more lettuce.

This was the first time I'd ever seen them truly ACTIVE. They were both swimming all over the place, doing flips and twirls in the water, playing chase with each other... Oh, and eatin' dat lettuce. :cutie: But it was AWESOME, and I just loved sitting there with them for so long!

Yay! Manatees! They are super cute, and I'm glad you got to see them being active!

Yep... stuck. Everytime, without fail. :laughing:

Is it mean that I find this funny? We got stuck last trip, pretty much right after you turn around and start going backwards.
Also ... this always happens to me on Haunted Mansion. For a while I thought it was supposed to happen...
I'm speechless at the behavior of the bus driver and of all those people on the bus. I am so mad for you. Please, there is still time to report this incident. It should not be ignored. NO ONE should EVER be mistreated the way you were. Period. No excuses! Shame on all those people and the bus driver! I commend you to keep it together and not let it ruin your day. If it was me, I probably would have let some not so Disney family friendly words slip out at that extremely ignorant, rude bus driver, then run over his foot and report him, LOL! hugs to you!!!!

Epcot's my favorite park! Yummy lunch! :)
I can't believe how badly you were treated by the bus driver - I am so sorry to hear how horribly he made you feel in front of all those people. At least one guest tried to help by telling the bus driver to not leave you behind but I can't believe that everyone just sat there and didn't offer to help you with that ordeal parking your ECV. You should definitely notify Disney about this. This is not acceptable and the driver should be reprimanded or put into another position where he doesn't have to interact with guests. I'm so sorry that this happened to you but kudos to you for not letting it ruin your day.
I'm jumping in and on this TR (I came over from reading the DR!) I have to say I would have probably cried if someone treated me like that, and I applaud you for keeping yourself together because choice words would have been coming our of my mouth, and they're not appropriate. I'm so glad you didn't let it ruin your day and were able to move on with a great start to your Epcot day :banana:
I'm so sorry, Billie. I'm boiling with anger for you! The way the driver treated you is 100% unacceptable. I would have been in tears.

I would probably email Guest Relations (not that I know the email address) and explain the situation, noting the bus driver's name and date/time, etc. I'm sure you'll get an apology and maybe he will get a lesson in treating others with kindness and respect!

But I'm so glad that you didn't let it ruin your afternoon! It's Epcot!

It sounds like you had a great ride on Soarin'! And I'm glad your manatees were playing and having fun! Fun rides on TT, SSE, and Mission Space too - you did pretty much all of Future World!
I'm very sorry this happened to you, but very impressed with how quickly you bounced back!
I have to admit, I didn't know the procedures for loading ECV's before your post, and didn't realize how hard it is to park one properly on the bus! I have so much more appreciation for the difficulties now. It sucks that the CM took out his laziness on you, and his annoyance at being called out on needing to pick you up instead of passing you by.

But, glad you were able to bounce back so quickly!
Billie, I am absolutely stunned, horrified, outraged, etc., etc., by not only the bus driver but every single one of the passengers on that bus (except maybe the guy who pointed out to the driver that you were here). It's just, I mean, okay, I have no words in all honesty. I just can't believe someone (let alone a CM!) could be so horrible to you. But I'm so proud of you for not letting it stand in the way of a fabulous time at Epcot! You are amazing Billie :hug:

Everything you said about Soarin' - I agree 100% :thumbsup2

OMG the manatees are so stinkin' cute! I didn't even realize they were capable of doing anything but floating along looking all adorable :laughing: I'll have to watch for some action next week!

After Test Track, it was time for my final FP+, for Mission: Space! Team Green, of course... Because Orange is just not friendly to my tummy, and ain't nobody got time for dat... :crazy2:
Oh honey, I agree entirely!
Wow, Billie. I don't even know what to say about that bus driver. :sad2: I am so sorry that happened to you.

I'm glad you were able to put it aside and have a nice time in Epcot.
Oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a jerk bus driver. :(
I don't think it's too late to write an email and let them know about how you were treated.
If you have a time frame and date I'm sure there aren't too many rons working the buses all at the same time and date (worth a try!)
My work wife said the exact same thing when I told her what happened. And after reading all the amazingly supportive replies here, I'm leaning more towards doing so!

Honestly I would love to know what the hell is wrong with people. People like that should be allowed to work in any job where you need to interact with people!
Interacting with people in my job is what I personally have burned out the most. I love researching and planning travel arrangements, but actually dealing with people when they first call or walk into the office makes me crazy. But you know what? They have NO idea. I take a deep breath, smile brightly and treat them with kindness and respect. That's part of my JOB. That's why I said, I get that we all have part of our job that we don't like, I do. But if I treated a client the way this CM did me, I would be fired on the spot.

I am so sorry that happened to you, but am happy you didn't let it ruin your day.

I'm at Walt Disney World! It takes more than one rude butthole to ruin my day! :cutie:

Wow, I don't even have words for what you had to go through but you truly handled very well. I still think you should consider informing Disney, just at least so they are aware.
Thanks for the support. I might send an email. I'm considering it!

But way to brush it off and enjoy the rest of your day. Speaking of which, you first the bunny, then the safari, then the tigers, and now the manatee's. You seriously got some animal whisperer skills going on.
It's a Princess thing. princess:

Fingers crossed your scooter hangs in there.
The anticipation! Don't worry, this will be addressed in a few more updates... :P

Billie... I am legitimately boiling with rage reading this. Like full on anger. I honestly don't even know what to say about that EVC situation because there really are no words that are DIS friendly. I'm not sure there are words that are Def Comedy Jam friendly. My last trip was my first where someone in my group had an EVC. Everything this driver did, EVERYTHING, was just flat out wrong. And while I know people are mostly just doing their own thing and anything that intrudes on that is somehow a huge inconvenience, I am ashamed of the other passengers on that bus. There is simply no excuse for allowing someone to be treated the way you were. Period. :flower3:
Thanks for the support and understanding, Rob. :hug: That's how I was feeling about it too, and why I had to bite my tongue as I was leaving the bus. I needed to rise above, and just not say the things that would have tumbled out of my mouth, had I opened it. I'm used to rudeness and mistreatment from other guests (as demonstrated previously in this TR), but from a CM? Seriously, dude? :confused3

I said it in an earlier comment but, YOU. GO. GIRL! :rainbow:
Ha! Thanks! :goodvibes

I know you have a really great meal there, and one of the big things I love about Seasons is the non-traditional CS meals, but all I see is SUNSHINE SEASONS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!!!!
Hahahaha! Well, I mentioned it on my Dining Report but I forgot to here, that it was YOUR September TR that convinced me that I NEEDED to try the strawberry shortcake! And you were 110% right about it... It's deeeeeelicious!!!

Ugh, what wretched behavior! Not just on the part of the CMs, but the guests too! It would have been nice if another guest had at least acknowledged that he was rude to you or asked if you were okay, but really I would have called him out! "Excuse me, sir, I dont know this woman, but it seems to me that you're not making her day very magical!" Sorry that it happened to you... It's a good reminder for all of us to remember that our attitudes and actions, positive or negative, affect others.
I guess maybe that's why I've chosen to share these stories in this TR. I could have left them out. But a part of me does want to call attention to things that a lot of people maybe forget to consider when they're on vacation, you know? And it's very sweet that you would have stood up for me on the bus. Thank you! :hug:

's not too late to send off an email to guest services. You have enough info (name, approximate time, bus route) for them to track down that driver. That was just mean..can't believe he was just going to leave you behind!
Yeah, I was totally in shock over the whole thing! Just... like... seriously?!

Way to shake it off, though. We are going to try and eat at Land pavilion, just quick service when we go.
Definitely do! Sunshine Seasons is awesome for quick service, and so many amazing options!

The manatees are so peaceful. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day.
They are definitely peaceful! Another experience that just make my spirit happy. :goodvibes

Uh oh. :scared: Not more rudeness Billie...where is James when you need him?
I wish I knew! James would have made everything better! :lovestruc

:scared1: That is shockingly bad. I don't get that AT ALL :sad2: Why would anyone treat anyone that way,period, never mind when you are a CM meant to help guests! What a tango whiskey alpha tango! I hate this happened to you. It makes me so mad when people treat others badly, it makes me even more incensed that he would humiliate you like that when you were alone and clearly getting upset. That man is not a man in my opinion. :furious:
My sentiments exactly. That's why I had to bite my tongue as I left the bus, because by the time we got to Epcot my shock and humiliation had turned into fury... And if I had opened my mouth, it wouldn't have been a good scene. :sad2:

Oh Billie :sad: you poor thing! *Virtual hugs* :hug:
Aww! Thank you, Lu! :hug:

:cool1: Good girl! :thumbsup2 :cheer2::banana::woohoo:::yes::

Must have been a bumpy flight! :rotfl: So nice to see your day wasn't ruined! Good on you for not letting morons and idiots spoil things for you :goodvibes
I'm at Epcot! It takes more than one stupid bus driver to ruin my whole day! :goodvibes

OMG I can't believe that CM. He wasn't just not nice, he was incredibly awful and no one should be made to feel like that. What is wrong with people???
That's the question I found myself pondering several times on this trip. :confused3

I'm glad you were able to put it past you though and enjoy the day. Sounds like a good one!! I can't wait to go on Spaceship Earth, I honestly don't remember the last time I've been on it!! I think the last time I got it confused with Mission Space and wouldn't go on because I thought I would get motion sick. But now I know...that's the more...restful ride lol.
I'm so glad that's sorted for your next trip! Spaceship Earth and Mission Space are totally different animals! :cutie:

No--no, no, no. THAT behavior I can't ignore, especially from a cast member who is supposed to make your day better not embarrass you in front of people. i get needing to get away from that whole situation but I sort of wish you'd run over his toe on your way out. What an a**!!!
Ha! :laughing: I wish that I had too! Would have served him right!

Anyway--I'm glad your day changed around and you got to enjoy some lunch and see the manatees! They are pretty awesome!
Dem big ol' chubby manatees. I just love them!

Send an email to Tell them the date, approximate time, route (Animal Kingdom to Epcot), and the driver's name. They can probably access work schedules (or will send the email to someone who can) and will probably add a reprimand to his record or something. They'll probably also apologize to you and may be able to do something nice for you.
Honestly Sarah, the more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to work an email this week. I don't know what can be done about it at this point, but I think it's important for them to know what's going on, even if they can't find out exactly which driver it was.

But yeah, that behavior is unacceptable. As a New Yorker, I'm morally opposed to anything that adds time to my commute ... but even I understand that you can't ignore people with wheelchairs/ECVs, no matter how much you dislike the extra work. ECV users can be Disney lovers too!
Yes! And thank you! :hug:

Oh good, that's a normal people thing, not just something I do ...
I don't know that I'd call myself normal... :laughing: But no, you're definitely not alone! popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::

I love this picture!!
Me too!... Except for the fact that I can see a bit of breakfast wrap in between my teeth. How embarrassing! :rotfl2:

Yay! Manatees! They are super cute, and I'm glad you got to see them being active!
It was AMAZING! I just sat there in wonder forever watching them! :eek:

Is it mean that I find this funny?
Not at all. I found it hilarious. :lmao:

We got stuck last trip, pretty much right after you turn around and start going backwards.
Also ... this always happens to me on Haunted Mansion. For a while I thought it was supposed to happen...
I've only gotten stuck once in HM, and it was in Madam Leota's room. By the time we started moving again, my friend and I were reciting her lines right along with her, word for word. :rotfl:

I'm speechless at the behavior of the bus driver and of all those people on the bus. I am so mad for you. Please, there is still time to report this incident. It should not be ignored. NO ONE should EVER be mistreated the way you were. Period. No excuses! Shame on all those people and the bus driver! I commend you to keep it together and not let it ruin your day.
Thanks to all the comments here on this thread, I think my mind is made up to send an email. I may never hear anything more on it, but you're right, I should try.

If it was me, I probably would have let some not so Disney family friendly words slip out at that extremely ignorant, rude bus driver, then run over his foot and report him, LOL! hugs to you!!!!
Hahaha, I'm love the suggestions that I should have run over his toe or his foot. Just the thought makes me smile! :cutie:

Epcot's my favorite park! Yummy lunch! :)
Mine too! :D

I can't believe how badly you were treated by the bus driver - I am so sorry to hear how horribly he made you feel in front of all those people. At least one guest tried to help by telling the bus driver to not leave you behind but I can't believe that everyone just sat there and didn't offer to help you with that ordeal parking your ECV. You should definitely notify Disney about this. This is not acceptable and the driver should be reprimanded or put into another position where he doesn't have to interact with guests. I'm so sorry that this happened to you but kudos to you for not letting it ruin your day.
It was shocking, that's for sure. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. I'm probably going to write that email to guest services. ::yes::

I'm jumping in and on this TR (I came over from reading the DR!) I have to say I would have probably cried if someone treated me like that, and I applaud you for keeping yourself together because choice words would have been coming our of my mouth, and they're not appropriate. I'm so glad you didn't let it ruin your day and were able to move on with a great start to your Epcot day :banana:
Hello, and welcome to my TR! :welcome: Thank you for your support. It was a really bad situation, and I tried to make the best of it. And by the time I was at the gate into Epcot, it was far behind me. :cutie:

I'm so sorry, Billie. I'm boiling with anger for you! The way the driver treated you is 100% unacceptable. I would have been in tears.

I would probably email Guest Relations (not that I know the email address) and explain the situation, noting the bus driver's name and date/time, etc. I'm sure you'll get an apology and maybe he will get a lesson in treating others with kindness and respect!
I was pretty furious as I was leaving that bus, that's for sure. But you're right, I should write and tell them about my experience. I'm probably going to work on that this week!

But I'm so glad that you didn't let it ruin your afternoon! It's Epcot!

It sounds like you had a great ride on Soarin'! And I'm glad your manatees were playing and having fun! Fun rides on TT, SSE, and Mission Space too - you did pretty much all of Future World!
I did try to squeeze in as much of the attraction highlights of Future World as I could into just a couple of hours! I had to skip a few things, and didn't shop at all... In fact, it dawns on me right now that this the very first time in the history of the universe that I went to Epcot and did not set foot into MouseGear!!! Weird, right?! o_O

I'm very sorry this happened to you, but very impressed with how quickly you bounced back!
Girl, I'm at Walt Disney World! I'm not lettin' some jerk face bus driver ruin my whole day! :cutie:

I have to admit, I didn't know the procedures for loading ECV's before your post, and didn't realize how hard it is to park one properly on the bus! I have so much more appreciation for the difficulties now. It sucks that the CM took out his laziness on you, and his annoyance at being called out on needing to pick you up instead of passing you by.

But, glad you were able to bounce back so quickly!
From my understanding, the bus drivers aren't required to move it into the parking spot for you. Most just do it to be nice, and because they recognize how much quicker and easier it is. Clearly, these things didn't matter to this particular fella, though. :sad2:

Billie, I am absolutely stunned, horrified, outraged, etc., etc., by not only the bus driver but every single one of the passengers on that bus (except maybe the guy who pointed out to the driver that you were here). It's just, I mean, okay, I have no words in all honesty. I just can't believe someone (let alone a CM!) could be so horrible to you. But I'm so proud of you for not letting it stand in the way of a fabulous time at Epcot! You are amazing Billie :hug:
Aww, thank you, Tracy! :hug: It was a tough situation for sure. As my old co-worker would say: "He needs Jesus. I'mma pray for dat fool." :rotfl:

Everything you said about Soarin' - I agree 100% :thumbsup2
Yasssss!!! :hyper:

OMG the manatees are so stinkin' cute! I didn't even realize they were capable of doing anything but floating along looking all adorable :laughing: I'll have to watch for some action next week!
I didn't know either!!! :rotfl2: It was AWESOME to watch them swimming around and playing with each other!

Wow, Billie. I don't even know what to say about that bus driver. :sad2: I am so sorry that happened to you.

I'm glad you were able to put it aside and have a nice time in Epcot.
I absolutely brushed it off, and had a WONDERFUL Epcot day! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! :rotfl:
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teracting with people in my job is what I personally have burned out the most. I love researching and planning travel arrangements, but actually dealing with people when they first call or walk into the office makes me crazy. But you know what? They have NO idea. I take a deep breath, smile brightly and treat them with kindness and respect. That's part of my JOB. That's why I said, I get that we all have part of our job that we don't like, I do. But if I treated a client the way this CM did me, I would be fired on the spot.

Exactly!!! If you can't fake it you shouldn't be doing it! Interacting with people is hard, but if you don't enjoy it or can't pretend get a different job.

Feel good and know people like that are horrible and you're better than them! :hug:
Enjoying your tr! Re handbag hunting: you might like le sportsac. They are lightweight and have many styles. But yours from the park holds memories too. That's the best!
So Sorry Billie. What a grade A jerk. But you did get over it pretty quickly since your in your favorite park! and doing a great job bee boping around!
Yet shame on you for not find Nemo!!! I adore that ride.. so cute.

Here to hoping your EVC doesn't squat out on you!
I'm catching up after a weekend away, but I'm so sorry about your awful bus experience! There is really no excuse, and I'm glad that it seems like there is a way to make sure the issue is reported :)

I'm glad that you had such a great morning at AK! I love the tigers; we had a really good view in May last year, and that was one of my favorite parts of Animal Kingdom :)

And EPCOT is really amazing, glad that it cheered you up! The strawberry shortcake looks amazing, and it looks like you had a great time on Soarin' :D Love the manatees too :) The aquarium part of the Seas is another of my favorite things in the park, too.

And finally, I adore the face paint!

Looking forward to reading more :)
Hi Billie! Joining in! I am really enjoying your report & love that you're including the links to your dining report. It's like getting the best of both worlds! :D

So sorry you experienced the ugly side of some guests & CMs. Glad you didn't let it get you down though! And I love your Minnis ears/face paint ensemble each day. Too cute!
By the time my encounter with Rude Dude was over, it was almost my turn. The lady ahead of me finished and walked away with her items. I did the sharp turn I was lined-up for, and pulled up to the window. I greeted the CM with a bright smile and a hello (as I always do), and placed my order... A large cup of ice water and a cup of vanilla soft serve. So first she hands me out the water, and I secure it in my ECV basket. Then she hands me out my cup of ice cream and a spoon, and as I'm just about to look for the MagicBand reader to charge it to my room... The CM smiles at me and tells me "Don't worry about it, there's no charge."


Thank you so much for posting another trip report!! They always crack me up!! This had me laughing so hard, tears are pouring down my cheeks! Haha!! So happy you had this magical moment after the Rude Dude episode!

But then... Enter James. :lovestruc

I headed back through the hub and onto Main Street, and as I went along I was looking to see if any of the PP photographers were pointed towards Main Street instead of the Castle. They weren't, so I decided to just do a selfie. I went to back into position behind a PP photographer who was shooting towards the Castle, figuring this would give me the best chance of being centered.

As I started to back up at an angle, I had to stop quick to stop from colliding with a CM (another PP photographer) that almost walked right into the side me! He stopped too, and apologized profusely, and said he's usually much more aware of his surroundings, how he sees people not paying attention and walking to ECVs all day long and he never thought he'd be one of them, etc. I reassured him just as profusely that it was fine, that it's not my first trip with one, that I've gotten hyper-aware of my who's around me when I'm on the ECV for this exact reason, ect.

Anyhow. All of that started a half-hour conversation (about anything and everything) that went by far too quickly. His name was James from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He had been a CM for 8 years, all of that with the PhotoPass, the last 6 of those as a Coordinator in the department. He was so sweet and kind and easy to talk with, and really cute and even a little sexy with his salt & pepper hair (which also meant that he was age-appropriate for me). Oh, and I almost forgot to mention... He was single, too.

It's rare somebody captures my attentions in such a way, but James from Grand Rapids certainly made my heart go pitter-patter. :o Eventually we said good night, and he went on his way, and I briefly considered running after him and forcing him to add me on Facebook or something...


And... again... I died laughing!! Hilarious!!!

I just wanted you to know too that I've finally booked my first solo trip for November 2015 & I had told you before that your TR's were a major inspiration for me to be able to do that. Originally, I was planning the same April dates as your TR, but it didn't work out. But I'll finally make that dream come true in November... So, thank you!!! You rock!! ::yes::
Oh Billie I'm so sorry you received such terrible behaviour from the CM, you really should report it as he shouldn't get away with it. I must admit that it seems every trip we go on the CM's seem to be losing their magical dispositions :guilty:

Oh I love Manatees and I'm so pleased you saw them at their most active, they're my favourite animal and I'm keen one day to see them in the wild but till then Epcot will do :goodvibes

You managed to ride all the big rides - how wonderful :thumbsup2
We encountered a VERY rude CM at the BBB on our last visit. He treated my 4 year old like dirt and poor baby did not get her princess makeover. My husband went straight to guest services to let them know how disappointed we were that our child was mistreated. They were very nice, offered us an Elsa FP to try and make up for her not getting her princess makeover, and then we had an actual CM give us a call the next day to make sure we were ok. I am sure the CM was repremanded and I was glad to do my part to try and prevent him from not treating ANY other child the way he treated my child. I am still shocked that you were treated in such an awful way. My 4 year old has vision disabilities and all the CM we encountered were very accomidating and friendly when we asked for assistance (mostly during shows we needed front row seats in order for her to able able to see what was going on) we also got the mean faces from others, but I just tell myself thank God they do not have to suffer with a disability and that they have no idea how truley lucky they are. So glad you did not let it ruin your day.....I let my daughters mishap at the BBB ruin my day and almost let it ruin my vacation, kuddos to you for being the more mature person!!!!


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