My Big Fat Disney Solo Weekend: April 2015 Trip Report - COMPLETED

LOVE your rainbow face paint! Did your boss let you wear it to the office the next day like you did the tiara? :P:rainbow:

I think that just soaking up the Lion King show instead of taking lots of pics was the right call. Best to enjoy the moment!

Uh oh... hoping your bus didn't break down!
First though, I did stop just outside for a quick entrance selfie...

Great pic!

Also, can we see the humidity getting to my hair yet?

Still looking good, Billie!

These two rhinos were ADORABLE. I couldn't get a good photo, but the one on the ground was rolling around, the other one kept nose-bumping it's butt. So funny! :laughing:

I didn't get many good views of the Rhinos on our Safari. These pics are great!

Ya'll know I had to. I normally don't do the face painting on every Disney day of my trip, but when it's only a 2-days-in-parks trip? Yes. Yes I do. :cutie:

Nice face. ;)

I was sitting under a tree, and those little bright yellow blossoms you see in the pic kept falling all over me while I ate.

I would love being rained on by tree blossoms. Up here the cherry and apple blossoms are at their peak and it's so beautiful!:goodvibes

I did get to see the baby gorilla, though! SO FREAKIN' CUTE! :lovestruc

Yay!! I love him/her so much!!

But that's the lovely thing about being solo... I can change my mind and my plans according to my whims!

Reading this made me wish I'd been in AK solo. :rotfl:

Again to reference my September trip, some of you might remember that I was pretty disappointed because the Maharajah Jungle Trek was really crowded on that day, and I couldn't sit and enjoy the tigers like I love to do. When I would try, people, adults and children, would just swarm in front of me, and I could never get close enough to really see them well.

That's how it was for me when I watched the baby gorilla. I understood it so I took my pics and I moved on. I'm glad you got to spend some quiet time with the tiger. :thumbsup2

She made my whole day, she really did.

Is that a little tongue peeking out in that last photo? It sure makes them seem less fierce.

It was the perfect ending to my short time at Animal Kingdom on this trip, and I more than happily made my way out of the exit and to the bus stop.

Oh, gosh. Can't wait to hear about the bus ride. :eek:
UGH! How did I miss your update! Oh well, all caught now! My goal at AK this trip is to make sure we get to spend some more time on the trails to check out the animals...we have never done it and I always regret it....not this trip!!!!! :) Your tiger pics are awesome...such amazing creatures!
Now as soon as I saw this pic I thought, "wow, her hair looked good on her AK day!" LOL I have ALOT of long thick hair, and no matter what month we're in WDW it frizzes up. I can straighten it or leave it wavy, but within an hour or so of being outside (sometimes within 5 mins) it's frizzing. I can FEEL when it starts.....if you stared at me I'm sure you could watch the whole thing unfold as it happened........
Hahaha! Before I cut my hair off just before my trip, mine was just as bad! I totally understand! :rotfl:

I love tigers, too! All big cats actually but tigers the most. I think the Bronx Zoo has an especially nice habitat for them and a nice viewing area, if you ever have a chance to get up this way.
Awww, I will definitely have to keep that in mind! :goodvibes

Loving the AK face paint! I feel like that's something I may need to do on our next trip. Might be able to talk DS9 into doing it with me; DS13 can go ride EE with DH while we paint ourselves up!
Dooo eeeeet! It's so much fun!! ::yes::

OK back to your Pirates "experience". In March on our anniversary trip, DH and I were in the back row of the boat on Pirates. The rest of the boat was filled with young 20-something guys. They were fun (and may I say, on the cute side? However the same ages as my stepsons :rolleyes1) until our boat got stuck. Then this one guy stood up and started yelling at.....whoever, to get us moving NOW b/c he had to pee. His friends found this hilarious, especially after a CM told the guy, over the loudspeaker, to please remain seated. Well we were stuck for 20 minutes and these guys kept standing up yelling stupid things, rocking the boat, and getting yelled at by the CM who eventually walked over to our boat to yell at them. DH whispered to me that he wanted to hit this one kid. I was like, "We're in Disney, you CAN'T want to HIT someone!!!!" (he does not go around hitting people BTW lol). But you know what? Disney or not....we both really wanted to hit some of them!!!
Or at least knock them into that Pirates water......
Yeah, if I saw one of the standing up, I wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation to rock the boat a bit... :rolleyes1

No idea why my whole message came out like I quoted it...and all my faces wouldn't show up :sad1: Just had to get that out!
It's okay, I fixed it in my replies! :thumbsup2

Even with humidity hair, your pics are still cute!
D'awww! Thank you! :cutie:

Reading about you watching FOTLK with no pics and watching the tiger reminds me of why I love AK so much. It’s more of a soak it all in kind of park. A nice break between the other parks.
Yes!!! I mean, it has it's few thrill rides to get excited about, but I mainly love just being there and seeing the animals and learning about them. :goodvibes

I had two updates to catch up on! Geez, Tracy, get it together! :sad2:
I had two on yours to catch up on today! It's fiiiiine! :hug:

You looked totally hardcore defeating the evil Emperor Zorg! :thumbsup2
I was in the ZONE. :rotfl:

Awww, your PeopleMover picture is beautiful! I ride that ALL the time - I can't get enough! And at night?! OMG. Heaven. :cloud9:
Yasssss! I couldn't agree more! :goodvibes

Ugh for your Space Mountain situation :sad1:
It pretty much sucked. :sad1:

And OMG for Rude Dude! Are you kidding me?!?!? What a mean jerk!
I know! I couldn't believe it. Like seriously... WHO DOES THAT?! :confused3

Yay! Just when you thought nothing could beat your much-desired vanilla soft serve, something could: free vanilla soft serve! :thumbsup2

Your castle/carousel picture is fabulous!!!
Why thank you! :goodvibes

OMG you've got to be kidding me about PotC! And this just after your run-in with Rude Dude?! I have no tolerance for the shenanigans of kids like that. How obnoxious.
Yeah, I was having a string of bad luck this trip with run-ins with rude people. :sad2:

But... omg James!!! :lovestruc What a way to turn things around!!! So will we be seeing a post soon about how you up and moved from SC to Florida to live happily ever after with James?!
Only in my dreams, Tracy. :cloud9:

You looked SO happy in that selfie! :goodvibes
I think I was just delirious by that point in the night. :laughing:

So happy you got to spend some quality time with the beautiful tiger at AK!!!
She was so lovely. :lovestruc

Rude folks. Ugh! Free ice cream! Hooray!!
The universe always balances itself out. :goodvibes

Go find James. Then I can read all about your fabulous Disney wedding...., lol
Oh my! :blush: You girls keep making me blush like crazy.

AK is one of our favorites. Love the safari, working up my courage for the Mine Train so I haven't gone near EE.
Awww, you should try Mine Train! It's really not that bad, I promise! :hug:

The tiger was beautiful.
She really was! :cutie:

Your next installment doesn't sound very magical.
It starts off VERY unmagical. But the rest of the day is fine, I promise! :thumbsup2

LOVE your rainbow face paint! Did your boss let you wear it to the office the next day like you did the tiara? :P:rainbow:
Hahaha! Sadly, it was long-gone by then! (I bet she would have let me, though! She tolerates most of my shenanigans.) :rotfl:

I think that just soaking up the Lion King show instead of taking lots of pics was the right call. Best to enjoy the moment!
Yes! I did that with a few things on this day that I normally would have been shutterbuggin' over. It was nice. :goodvibes

Uh oh... hoping your bus didn't break down!
That's about the only thing that could have made it worse. :sad2:

Great pic!
Thanks!!! :cutie:

Still looking good, Billie!
Oh, pshaw! :blush:

I didn't get many good views of the Rhinos on our Safari. These pics are great!
I was surprised how many good safari pics I got this time! Very very pleased! :goodvibes

Nice face. ;)
Gracias! :thumbsup2

I would love being rained on by tree blossoms. Up here the cherry and apple blossoms are at their peak and it's so beautiful!:goodvibes
Yassss! I loved it! :goodvibes

Yay!! I love him/her so much!!
I know you do! Also, apparently it's a him. And there's two of him. (There's TWO baby gorillas there!) Here's an article from when the second baby was born in early September:

Reading this made me wish I'd been in AK solo. :rotfl:
Flyin' solo is the BEST! :thumbsup2

That's how it was for me when I watched the baby gorilla. I understood it so I took my pics and I moved on. I'm glad you got to spend some quiet time with the tiger. :thumbsup2
Me too. It was much-needed. :goodvibes

Is that a little tongue peeking out in that last photo? It sure makes them seem less fierce.
YES!!! I didn't even notice until your pointed it out! Here I thought we were having spiritual moment... Turns out that she was just licking her chops, wondering what I would taste like for dinner! :rotfl2:

Oh, gosh. Can't wait to hear about the bus ride. :eek:
It's pretty bad. :sad2:

UGH! How did I miss your update! Oh well, all caught now!
You've been a busy lady! Welcome back! And I know I'm way behind on your PTR too, I will get caught up myself soon, I promise! :hug:

My goal at AK this trip is to make sure we get to spend some more time on the trails to check out the animals...we have never done it and I always regret it....not this trip!!!!! :)
I think the animal trails are probably my favorite part of AK, and the Safari. The rides are cool, but the animal viewing is the best part for me. :goodvibes

Your tiger pics are awesome...such amazing creatures!
They are incredible animals!! :tigger:
Those are some great safari pics you got. I always end up crammed in the middle and can never get any good pictures.

1.) It's in Africa, to the right just upon exiting safari...
2.) It's my Disney guilty pleasure...
3.) It increases my face value...
Man, I was gonna put some money on a Dawa bar bloody mary as it does all of those things for me ; ) Love the face paint.

That was GREAT." Yeah it is, my dude. Yeah it is
Sadly my brain went here:

On April 26, this sweetheart here made up for it all:
These are gorgeous pictures. We've never gotten to see them so close before. Must have been some AK pixie dust just for you
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Right around the 30 minute mark, just as I was really starting to hurt, I got ALL THE WAY to the loading platform... And everything just stopped. The line, the ride cars, everything but the CMs who seemed to be running around frantically.

Yep. It broke. Space Mountain broke. :scared1:
Space Mountain broke when we were there for extra magic hours on Feb 28th. My son and grandsons went on the Peoplemover instead and were able to see SM with the lights on. They got very lucky to see it like that but I think the grandson would have preferred the ride instead. ;)

Then she hands me out my cup of ice cream and a spoon, and as I'm just about to look for the MagicBand reader to charge it to my room... The CM smiles at me and tells me "Don't worry about it, there's no charge."
That was a really nice thing that CM did. It almost makes up for some of the bad things that happened earlier.
It's rare somebody captures my attentions in such a way, but James from Grand Rapids certainly made my heart go pitter-patter. :o Eventually we said good night, and he went on his way, and I briefly considered running after him and forcing him to add me on Facebook or something...
That sounds like it was a very nice conversation. He must like what he does to stay there for eight years. :)

It's a crappy picture. The quality sucks, and I'm looking the wrong direction, and I appear to have recently been hit by a truck. But I look SO HAPPY all the same! (Although now in retrospect, it dawns on me that apparently this is what I looked like while talking to my new CM pretend-boyfriend, so FML.)
you look very happy in that picture. ::yes::
Then as I started back towards the exit, I heard the speakers fill with music. I instantly blurted out "THE KISS GOOD NIGHT!" ...Which I had never seen, only read about. I pull a very quick (but safe) U-turn just in time to see the Castle sparkling... And as I sat there listening and watching the whole thing, I nearly teared up again with joy.

So. My night actually ended on a high note after all. :goodvibes
What a great end to the day! We were there one night when the park closed at 9pm - and we shut the park down - easy to do at that time of night. ;) Now I wish I had remembered to wait for the kiss.

This time? ANIMALS EVERYWHERE. And now you're going to be subjected to the 5 million photos I took of them. You're welcome!
Morning is a great time to go. You got really lucky with all those animals. We went on the safari at 5:30pm and were surprised at how active the animals were. It was a nice time to go.

She made my whole day, she really did. I don't know exactly why I love these animals so much, but I truly do, and have for 20 years. And AK has one of the best exhibits I've ever seen. Something about watching them just makes me feel nourished in my spirit. And there wasn't ANYBODY around for this, so to have a private audience with this gorgeous girl just put the biggest smile on my face. :goodvibes
Your tiger is beautiful. :lovestruc
I'm loving all your updates, even though I don't have anything new to add that isn't the same as everyone else!
Those are some great safari pics you got. I always end up crammed in the middle and can never get any good pictures.
I usually get a row to myself. I guess that they like to give the fat lady a wide berth. :laughing:

Man, I was gonna put some money on a Dawa bar bloody mary as it does all of those things for me ; ) Love the face paint.
Not at that hour, I'm not a professional like SOME of us. :P

Sadly my brain went here:
Even more sad is that it made me think of Pauly D (from Jersey Shore)... and I still typed it anyhow. :sad2:

These are gorgeous pictures. We've never gotten to see them so close before. Must have been some AK pixie dust just for you
She was insanely close. Of course there was a foot of glass between us, but it was still pretty amazing. :goodvibes

Space Mountain broke when we were there for extra magic hours on Feb 28th. My son and grandsons went on the Peoplemover instead and were able to see SM with the lights on. They got very lucky to see it like that but I think the grandson would have preferred the ride instead. ;)
Oooh, I wouldn't have liked that at all! I'm one of those weirdo people who refuse to do any backstage tours, etc. I don't want to see how they do things. I don't want the secrets of the magic revealed. I'm so scared that if I know or see too much, it will spoil my childlike wonderment of it all. :wizard:

That was a really nice thing that CM did. It almost makes up for some of the bad things that happened earlier.
It really did. Free ice cream fixed EVERYTHING. :thumbsup2

That sounds like it was a very nice conversation. He must like what he does to stay there for eight years. :)
We talked about that a bit as well. He'd like to maybe transfer into the same department I've been wanting to go to work for for years now. So who knows where he'll be in December. :goodvibes

you look very happy in that picture. ::yes::
Battered, but happy. :laughing:

What a great end to the day! We were there one night when the park closed at 9pm - and we shut the park down - easy to do at that time of night. ;) Now I wish I had remembered to wait for the kiss.
It was funny. Everything I've read said the Kiss Good Night starts shortly after closing, but it happened for me at 1:30am... and the park was open for EMH until 2am! And I was already headed out of the park... So I was VERY lucky to see it! :cutie:

Morning is a great time to go. You got really lucky with all those animals. We went on the safari at 5:30pm and were surprised at how active the animals were. It was a nice time to go.
Really! I can't recall ever doing it that late in the day. I'll have to check it out! :thumbsup2

Your tiger is beautiful. :lovestruc
She's my BABY. :cutie:

I'm loving all your updates, even though I don't have anything new to add that isn't the same as everyone else!
Aww! Well, I'm very happy that you're here and enjoying reading my ramblings! :welcome: Thank you so much for commenting!
3 pages behind!!! did you hear me? 3 PAGES!!! i don't even know where to start! LOVE the face paint! awesome you were able to get the premo spot for FOTLK!!! WHOOP!!! love everest.. ha ha the guy next you looks like:

Doesn't it???

ohhhhh your own private viewing of TIGERS!!! fantastic!!!
Wow, I can't believe how incredibly rude people can be seeing that you are in a scooter. Good for you to speak up! And how nice to have some Disney magic/pixie dust sprinkled on you! You deserved it after dealing with the scooter snafu and rude people.

Great pictures from AK! Love your face painting! I may have to do this on my upcoming trip! :)
3 pages behind!!! did you hear me? 3 PAGES!!! i don't even know where to start!
I'm probably behind much further than that on your PTR. I'll work on doing something about that this weekend! :rolleyes1

LOVE the face paint!
Thanks! :cutie:

awesome you were able to get the premo spot for FOTLK!!! WHOOP!!!
I was pretty stoked! :goodvibes

love everest.. ha ha the guy next you looks like:

Doesn't it???
Hmm. I don't see it. However, that photo of Colin Mochrie TOTALLY looks like...

ohhhhh your own private viewing of TIGERS!!! fantastic!!!
Yasssss! It made me SO HAPPY! :hyper:

Wow, I can't believe how incredibly rude people can be seeing that you are in a scooter. Good for you to speak up! And how nice to have some Disney magic/pixie dust sprinkled on you! You deserved it after dealing with the scooter snafu and rude people.
Yeah, but every rude thing that happened to me was almost immediately followed by a good thing. So. Karma is funny like that. :goodvibes

Great pictures from AK! Love your face painting! I may have to do this on my upcoming trip! :)
Dooo eeeet! The face painting is SO MUCH FUN!!! :cutie:
April 26th, 2015 - Sunday

The Worst CM Ever, and Shenanigans at Epcot!

Oh boy. Okay, time for the final tale of rudeness, the one I've been dreading telling...

So I happily made my way out of Animal Kingdom after my great morning. I got to the bus stop for Epcot, and the line had probably 20 people or so in it. I pulled up to the little area where ECVs and Wheelchairs wait, and as usual I ignored the "Oh, great" looks that some people were shooting at me as I pulled up. I'm used to it. Not worried about them.


Of course as I'm sitting there, the line grows longer. The bus finally comes, and pulls into place, letting off it's current passengers. And I'm watching the doors. Sometimes the bus driver will say something to the people waiting about needing to load the ECV guest first, then close the front door so nobody can get on. Sometimes he or she will just shut the front door after the last person gets off, then head to the back and open the back door and drop the ramp. The point being... for safety reasons, they are required to load wheelchair and ECVs onto an empty bus. That's one of the reasons we wait for the bus where we do, so the driver can see us first thing as he pulls up.

So I'm waiting for the above sequence of events... And instead, the front door just opens, and people all start climbing onto the bus.


I start to panic, and think that he didn't see me as he pulled up for some reason... even though that's impossible, really, but I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. But since so many other people seem to think I'm invisible, maybe I was to the bus driver also, right? :rolleyes2

So I start waving my arms over my head, hoping he'll see me in the review mirror or something. People continue getting on the bus. So now I'm STANDING up, frantically waving my arms around, imagining myself being left to sit there and wait for the next Epcot bus to come along. (I'm sure the ugly look shooters from earlier are now looking at me and thinking all kinds of ugly thoughts about how I CLEARLY don't need the scooter and am just too fat and lazy to walk.) Finally I see a guy stop at the foot of the steps and say something to the bus driver, while pointing at me. Suddenly the doors close in that guy's face, but everybody already on the bus stays on it.

Can you feel the awkwardness mounting? :scared:

So then the backdoor opens, and the bus driver is standing there lowering the ramp... and GLARING at me. At least that's what it looked like. I told myself surely that's not the case, that I'm just being over-sensitive because of how embarrassing the whole situation was. Surely, he's going to come down and apologize for not seeeing me, and then help me maneuver the ECV on up the ramp and into it's little parking spot, especially with people already on the bus causing a safety concern. Right?


So very very wrong... :sad2:

He stands there, staring at me. I hesitate, and he gestures for me to move forward and says "Well come on!" I am in complete shock over what's happening, so I just do as I'm told. I get to the top of the ramp, everybody on the bus staring holes through me. Usually at this point the driver will ask me if I want to park it myself, or if I want to take out the key, have a seat and let them quickly slide the ECV into the parking spot. I always let them do it, because trying to parallel park the thing into that tight little spot on the bus is a freakin' nightmare, and takes much longer than just letting the driver do it.

Well, you can probably imagine what this ****** did. Yup. Just stared at me. So I said gently "Should I go ahead and get off, or..." and he cut me off, "No, you need to park it" and starts barking instructions at me irritably. So I'm trying to follow them, and I suppose I'm slowly making progress, but what's mostly happening is a whole lot of crashing into the seats and the walls, as I try to maneuver and squish the scooter into the spot, him barking more instructions at me "Go forward, now back, cut the wheel, no, do it again!" etc... while 20 people who didn't want me there to begin with watch me struggle and hold them all up.

It took every ounce of self-control in me not to start screaming at him in sheer frustration and humiliation. Finally I just stood up and cried out "Will you just finish this, PLEASE?!" and stumbled over to the nearest bus seat, and sat down hard. And stayed there, curled up against the metal bar beside me, and staring straight at the floor because I couldn't bear to look at anybody. So he dealt with getting the ECV it's last few inches over into the spot, stomping and slamming things as it did, making his anger clear. Finally it was secured, and he went back up front and let the rest of the people on, and off to Epcot we went.

I didn't look up the entire trip. I was too busy holding back tears.


At this point, it was 110% clear to me that he didn't overlook me at that bus stop. He was going to actually pretend not to see me, and just leave me there. We all have parts of our jobs that we hate, I get that, but you suck it up and do it because that's YOUR JOB. In this cast member's case, it was painfully obvious that he doesn't like dealing with ECVs, or the guests who need them. And when I refused to be ignored and left behind to wait for another bus, he took it out on me and humiliated me.

When we finally got there (and it felt like the longest bus ride ever), I stayed frozen in my seat while everybody else got off the bus. Then he came down and didn't say a word to me as he released the restraints holding the ECV secure, and turned it a bit for me to drive it off the ramp. While he was working, I was staring at his CM name tag. His name was Ron, but I couldn't make out where he was from. It was a very long name, wherever it was, and as I'd been blinking back tears, I just couldn't clear my eyes enough to read it. When he finally did speak, his tone was a little bit softer, but not much. He just said something like "There you go." And as I went down the ramp "Have a good day." This time it was my turn not to speak, because at that moment if I allowed anything to come out of my mouth, it would have started off by rhyming with "Duck Hue" and followed by lord only knows what other unkind words... :sad2:


I know I should have figured out a way to report him. In retrospect, I wish I had, so that he won't continue treating people that way. But in that moment, I just needed as quickly as possible to put as much distance between myself and him and the whole situation, both physically and emotionally. This was NOT going to ruin my day.

Not to mention, I'm at EPCOT finally, my favorite park! And I'm on my way to lunch, where I can do what us fat girls do, and eat my feelings! :thumbsup2


The closer I got to the entrance, the more I could feel the horror of what just happened sliding off my shoulders. I just kept looking up at Spaceship Earth and getting closer... and closer... and closer...

Until finally...


I was over it. :goodvibes I was here and I was happy, and going to have a GREAT day!


The lunch I came for was calling my name, so I headed straight to the Land. It was the perfect place and perfect timing, because my silly butt had actually forgotten to charge my ECV the night before. :eek: :headache: :sad2: Total rookie mistake.

But in the Land pavilion, I know exactly where to park it to find a wall outlet that I can hook it up to. And just my luck, the spot was empty! So I pulled up, plugged it in, and then headed downstairs on foot to...


The inside of the Land is so pretty...


I walked around a little bit and peeped the menus at the different stations, but went ahead and ordered what I figured I would be having, since I'd already checked out the various menus online...


Pork Chop with BBQ Sauce (on the side), Cheddar Mashed Potatoes, and Strawberry Shortcake! (As usual, the complete review of my experience here can be found over HERE on my Dining Report!)

I actually got to Sunshine Seasons and finished eating about half an hour earlier than I planned on, so I just hung out for a bit, people watching and Facebooking, while waiting for my first FP+ to open up... and finally, it did!

It's time to go Soarin' ya'll! It was a great flight, Patrick always CRACKS ME UP no matter how many times I've seen the video, and I was seated in the front row, almost centered. SCORE!!!!!!! I love love love loved this attraction. I think it might be my favorite overall in all of the parks, not just Epcot

If just BEING in Epcot, and a then a delicious lunch, hadn't already cheered me up, then Soarin' DEFINITELY would have! And did!


I don't know how my Minnie ears got crooked, but it amuses the crap out of me. :rotfl2:

Then I headed back upstairs and grabbed my scooter, unplugged it, and said a silent prayer in hopes that I'd given it enough juice to get me through my late night! Onward!

I headed on over to the next thing on my agenda... The Seas! Skipping the Nemo ride and Turtle Talk this time, I had one real purpose here... A visit to my favorite plus-sized friends...






If the Animal Kingdom tigers are my land babies, then these chubby cuties are my aquatic babies. :lovestruc I sat watching them for ages on this day. I was more fascinated than I ever have been before. In the 15 years I've been visiting them, they're usually just eatin' dat lettuce, hanging around, chillin' out, floatin' about, and eatin' more lettuce.

This was the first time I'd ever seen them truly ACTIVE. They were both swimming all over the place, doing flips and twirls in the water, playing chase with each other... Oh, and eatin' dat lettuce. :cutie: But it was AWESOME, and I just loved sitting there with them for so long!

Finally, I pulled myself away and headed out, as it was time for my next FP+... Spaceship Earth!


Let me tell you... It's impossible for me to ride this without it getting stuck somewhere along the way. On my last trip, it was right by the scene of Rome burning. (If I really concentrate, I can still smell it...)

Well, on this go-round...


Yep... stuck. Everytime, without fail. :laughing:

From there I headed over to Test Track, and hopped on into the Single Rider line! I should have taken more photos, but this is about when I started slacking on taking pictures of anything that wasn't food. :rotfl: As I exited, I took a moment to lust over all the shiny new Chevrolet cars that I can't afford.

After Test Track, it was time for my final FP+, for Mission: Space! Team Green, of course... Because Orange is just not friendly to my tummy, and ain't nobody got time for dat... :crazy2: It was a successful training mission, as always!

And that concludes the first half of my Epcot visit! :cutie:

Up Next... World Showcase!
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Oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a jerk bus driver. :(
I don't think it's too late to write an email and let them know about how you were treated.
If you have a time frame and date I'm sure there aren't too many rons working the buses all at the same time and date (worth a try!)
Honestly I would love to know what the hell is wrong with people. People like that should be allowed to work in any job where you need to interact with people!

I am so sorry that happened to you, but am happy you didn't let it ruin your day.

Wow, I don't even have words for what you had to go through but you truly handled very well. I still think you should consider informing Disney, just at least so they are aware.

But way to brush it off and enjoy the rest of your day. Speaking of which, you first the bunny, then the safari, then the tigers, and now the manatee's. You seriously got some animal whisperer skills going on.

Fingers crossed your scooter hangs in there.
Billie... I am legitimately boiling with rage reading this. Like full on anger. I honestly don't even know what to say about that EVC situation because there really are no words that are DIS friendly. I'm not sure there are words that are Def Comedy Jam friendly. My last trip was my first where someone in my group had an EVC. Everything this driver did, EVERYTHING, was just flat out wrong. And while I know people are mostly just doing their own thing and anything that intrudes on that is somehow a huge inconvenience, I am ashamed of the other passengers on that bus. There is simply no excuse for allowing someone to be treated the way you were. Period. :flower3:

I was over it. :goodvibes I was here and I was happy, and going to have a GREAT day!

I said it in an earlier comment but, YOU. GO. GIRL! :rainbow:

I know you have a really great meal there, and one of the big things I love about Seasons is the non-traditional CS meals, but all I see is SUNSHINE SEASONS STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!!!!
Ugh, what wretched behavior! Not just on the part of the CMs, but the guests too! It would have been nice if another guest had at least acknowledged that he was rude to you or asked if you were okay, but really I would have called him out! "Excuse me, sir, I dont know this woman, but it seems to me that you're not making her day very magical!" Sorry that it happened to you... It's a good reminder for all of us to remember that our attitudes and actions, positive or negative, affect others.
It's not too late to send off an email to guest services. You have enough info (name, approximate time, bus route) for them to track down that driver. That was just mean..can't believe he was just going to leave you behind!

Way to shake it off, though. We are going to try and eat at Land pavilion, just quick service when we go.

The manatees are so peaceful. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your day.
Oh boy. Okay, time for the final tale of rudeness, the one I've been dreading telling...

Uh oh. :scared: Not more rudeness Billie...where is James when you need him?

Well, you can probably imagine what this ****** did. Yup. Just stared at me. So I said gently "Should I go ahead and get off, or..." and he cut me off, "No, you need to park it" and starts barking instructions at me irritably. So I'm trying to follow them, and I suppose I'm slowly making progress, but what's mostly happening is a whole lot of crashing into the seats and the walls, as I try to maneuver and squish the scooter into the spot, him barking more instructions at me "Go forward, now back, cut the wheel, no, do it again!" etc... while 20 people who didn't want me there to begin with watch me struggle and hold them all up.

It took every ounce of self-control in me not to start screaming at him in sheer frustration and humiliation. Finally I just stood up and cried out "Will you just finish this, PLEASE?!" and stumbled over to the nearest bus seat, and sat down hard. And stayed there, curled up against the metal bar beside me, and staring straight at the floor because I couldn't bear to look at anybody. So he dealt with getting the ECV it's last few inches over into the spot, stomping and slamming things as it did, making his anger clear. Finally it was secured, and he went back up front and let the rest of the people on, and off to Epcot we went.

:scared1: That is shockingly bad. I don't get that AT ALL :sad2: Why would anyone treat anyone that way,period, never mind when you are a CM meant to help guests! What a tango whiskey alpha tango! I hate this happened to you. It makes me so mad when people treat others badly, it makes me even more incensed that he would humiliate you like that when you were alone and clearly getting upset. That man is not a man in my opinion. :furious:

I didn't look up the entire trip. I was too busy holding back tears.


Oh Billie :sad: you poor thing! *Virtual hugs* :hug:

I was over it. :goodvibes I was here and I was happy, and going to have a GREAT day!

:cool1: Good girl! :thumbsup2 :cheer2::banana::woohoo:::yes::


I don't know how my Minnie ears got crooked, but it amuses the crap out of me. :rotfl2:

Must have been a bumpy flight! :rotfl: So nice to see your day wasn't ruined! Good on you for not letting morons and idiots spoil things for you :goodvibes
OMG I can't believe that CM. He wasn't just not nice, he was incredibly awful and no one should be made to feel like that. What is wrong with people??? I'm glad you were able to put it past you though and enjoy the day. Sounds like a good one!! I can't wait to go on Spaceship Earth, I honestly don't remember the last time I've been on it!! I think the last time I got it confused with Mission Space and wouldn't go on because I thought I would get motion sick. But now I know...that's the more...restful ride lol.


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