Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

Well, mine was more of a sad embarrassing moment for me. I was at DL on a high school choir trip and had opted to hang out with 4 guys that I knew. The girls had been having all sorts of drama, and I wanted to have fun, so who better to hang out with than guys? Anyway, the sandals I had been wearing were starting to give me blisters, so I took them off and was going barefoot. Gross now that I think about it. We had just ridden PotC and decided to try and get on Indy but were running out of time. So we decide to run there. Well, about 3 seconds after we started running,me carrying my sandals, I run up a few steps and faceplant. My shoes went flying through the air and hit a lady and her kid. I jumped up, hoping that no one noticed but of course they did, and I said I was fine, but lived with bruised hands and knees the rest of the trip. I still had a great time, just embarrassed.
This first one was embarrassing for my brother rather than myself. My brother, SIL, their two girls, my SILs mother, and myself were all walking along in EPCOT when we spotted a lizard scurrying across the path. We decided to mess with it (block its path, run it towards each other, etc.) and watch it. Thinking back, I'm sure the poor thing was terrified. Well we ran it toward my brother and up his pants it went. It ran around in there for a minute as he shucks his shoes and does his best to shake it out. It finally ran out and I'm sure even more terrified, ran into the bushes. We laughed so hard and continue to laugh to this day. Too bad we didn't have a video camera to capture the action.

The other moment was during the same trip at Whispering Canyon Cafe. We were all given coloring sheets to color and told by the CM to color. So of course kids and adults all pick up a sheet and crayons and begin to color. I am coloring away when I discover that we don't have a green crayon and I need one. I proceed to ask the CM for one. She yells to the rest of the restaurant that "this princess here needs a green crayon" and proceeds to tell them to bring their green crayons to my table if they have one. So here come all these kids bringing me their green crayons. If that wasn't enough, I was coloring and stated to myself and my family that I sure wish I had a pink crayon but that I wouldn't dare ask for it. So when the CM comes back my niece tells her that I need a pink crayon. The CM goes to a cabinet and brings out a giant paper bag FULL of crayons and she tells me that if I can't find it in there, then they don't have it. After we finish our meal, The CM comes to me and tells me she needs me to do her a favor. Fearing further embarrassment, I say "OK". I was embarrassed even more when she made me lead the stickhorse parade around the restaurant. I had all of the kids following me. I was so embarrassed but in the spirit of being in WDW, I just laughed and led the best stickhorse parade ever
Lol some of these I couldn't stop laughting I don't have any embrassing moments luckly but I do like reading about them. Some of them reminde me of the stories in the Mouse tale books
This thread has almost gotten me fired - two days in a row. This is me :happytv:

I have had to read many stories out loud to the people who come in and see me laughing like this. I have been running through my past 5 trips and can't come up with anything better, so here goes.

Keep in mind, I was 16 when this happened, so that makes it a lot more embarassing.

This was my second trip, and I was with my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin who was nearly 3. She was potty training and doing pretty well at home. One afternoon me, aunt, and cousin went back to MK in the afternoon to watch the parade. We sat waiting for a while, like always, and we had great curb seats on Main Street. Right across from me, on crowd control, was a young good-looking CM. Of course, I was 16, so I had my eye on him a bit.
The parade finally gets coming down main street, so I put my cousin on my shoulders to see better. The floats had not even made it to us yet, and what do I feel? That wonderful warm, wet stream right down my back. I took my cousin down from my shoulders, and my aunt got out a few baby wipes to clean me up.
Of course I happen to glance across the street during the clean-up, and see hottie pointing and laughing with the other CM standing there. Talk about a bright red face.
Luckily, we had to leave main street and head to a bathroom, so I got a quick exit.
:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Is all I have been doing. I am subbing to this thread.

We were at ASMu resort and had gotten a banana split to share. 4 of us. While waiting I ask my son (8 then) and daughter (4), wonder why they call them banana splits?..just to make conversation. My son wanted to carry it to the table and OF COURSE I say no I will. While walking to toward "our" table, I turn back to my husband to get napkins and I trip over one of my daughters shoes. While trying to keep the ice cream from falling, I practically trip/run the whole way down the isle and slide into a half split (yes that hurt). After all the are you ok and snickering from my family. My son comes up and says "Mommy! Maybe that's why they call it Banana split!!!"
This is a cool thread and I have a story of my own. So here it goes.

We were in the magic kingdom with my mom, dad, brother and nana. and I had been saying that I was going to get the new edition of the Hidden Mickey guide.

So we went into the main street emporium, me my Mom and Nana (My Dad and brother waited outside watching a band.) anyway I found the book and spotted my Nana. I then put the book up in her face and sang "Du de du du da daaaaaaah. she turns to me and IT'S NOT MY NANA!

I leave and tell my mom and she's laughin'. And we continue to make fun of that moment to this day.
:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Is all I have been doing. I am subbing to this thread.

We were at ASMu resort and had gotten a banana split to share. 4 of us. While waiting I ask my son (8 then) and daughter (4), wonder why they call them banana splits?..just to make conversation. My son wanted to carry it to the table and OF COURSE I say no I will. While walking to toward "our" table, I turn back to my husband to get napkins and I trip over one of my daughters shoes. While trying to keep the ice cream from falling, I practically trip/run the whole way down the isle and slide into a half split (yes that hurt). After all the are you ok and snickering from my family. My son comes up and says "Mommy! Maybe that's why they call it Banana split!!!"

That made me laugh outloud!! :rotfl::lmao::rotfl2: Sorry you got hurt doing the split tho.
My most embrassing moment was at HS. We were walking to the Backlot Tour and the cast members were picking volunteers for the pre-show with the ship and stuff. Well my friend and I were not paying attention and my mother and gma were asked to be the last 2 volunteers but they refused. Instead, they volunteered my friend and I...we kept telling the cast members that we were not 16 (very close though) so we could get out of it but they were running out of time and did not have time to find other people. So we had to do it...we were with the 2 other volunteers (who were actually cast members off duty lol). The cast members asked who was the shyest (spelling?) out of the group so I raised my hand and of course I had to be the one who sits and has that I dont know how many pounds of water dumped on them...very embrassing. And worst of all my family took pics....which I have somewhere just not sure where ;)
WOW...I can't believe I just read through this entire thread...:rotfl:...hilarious

Now the Disney story happened on the trip we just got back from last week. It was our 2nd-ever trip to WDW, so a lot of attractions were still brand-new to us. One of these was Carousel of Progress.

We were at the 1920's part of the show, where the dad has lights and plugs jury-rigged all over the room. When it got to the line, "Oh, no, I've blown the whole neighborhood again!"...don't ask me why, but it struck me in the completely wrong/dirty way, and I started laughing. Loudly. I think I might have even snorted. Of course, I am the only one, so now people are looking at me more than the stage, so I am getting super-embarrassed...and yet I couldn't stop laughing! I felt like a total perv freakshow.

:blush: Thanks a lot! That's all I'm going to be thinking of now when we go. This is a mommy daughter trip with my 12 year old. We love CoP Hopefully it will go over her head when I can't hold it in :laughing:
My most embarrassing moment was when my son had a sudden panic attack after we were already in the car on Expedition Everist. He had not said a word about not wanting to ride until the moment when he started screaming. :scared1: The cm came over and asked him if he wanted off to which he SCREAMED "Let me out!" They released the safety bar and we quickly exited. To this day, he can't say what triggered his panic. He had ridden before so knew what was coming. We were both really upset and embarrassed by this event. Thankfully, we both managed to get over it and have a fun day for the rest of the day.
My most embarrassing moment was when my son had a sudden panic attack after we were already in the car on Expedition Everist. He had not said a word about not wanting to ride until the moment when he started screaming. :scared1: The cm came over and asked him if he wanted off to which he SCREAMED "Let me out!" They released the safety bar and we quickly exited. To this day, he can't say what triggered his panic. He had ridden before so knew what was coming. We were both really upset and embarrassed by this event. Thankfully, we both managed to get over it and have a fun day for the rest of the day.

thats the thing about panic attacks, come out of nowhere for seemingly no reason!
thats the thing about panic attacks, come out of nowhere for seemingly no reason!

Yeah, so I'm told. We leave for our next trip in 25 days. I'm not sure if he will try again. Heck, I don't know if I will even LET him try again. At least not this time.
Mine's a little different from everyone else's...I was 10 and mouthing off and my mom spanked me in front of Imagination and everyone around just to prove that she still could.


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