Most Embarressing Moments at Disney

Alright, I've never posted in these before, but I've got a couple from one of our last trips to share. :goodvibes

I was at WDW with my DSis, DBIL, DNeice (5) and DNephew(2). We spent a LOT of time in Fantasy Land that trip. Anyways, at some point my sister and I decided to run off to the bathroom and meet the rest of the group back at the Honeypot ride. Yep you guessed it... one of us (can't recall who) turned back to my DBIL and loudly confirmed, "ok so we're going to go to the restroom and Pooh?!" :rotfl:

The rest of my sister's in-laws were also on that trip. At one point most of the adults (sis, BIL, BIL's brother, his wife, and me) all went to ride the Haunted Mansion. Well, I'm a chicken and that ride still freaks me out, so I was joking around with everyone and rushing towards the (line-less) ride. Well since the line had recently been really long, they had extended the queue by putting those waist height poles in the ground with ropes attached. By the time we were there, the ropes had been taken down, but the poles were still there. In my rush to get to the ride before I lost my nerve, I didn't notice the poles. One second I'm power walking toward the ride, laughing with someone behind me; next second I'm doubled over one of those poles like a cartoon character! I saw it RIGHT before I hit it (as my sister screamed out for me to look out), and I literally folded over it! Completely knocked the wind out of me, and I could hardly walk. Ended up laughing so hard I was crying! I had a beautiful bruise just above my belly button from that.

THEN in the whole lead up/growing room part, when the lights went out my sister, knowing I was fully freaked out, thought it would be funny to grab me in the pitch black knowing I would scream. However, she misjudged where I was standing, and I ended up getting something grabbed on my top half that really shouldn't be grabbed in public (if you get my drift). I about screamed, but I heard her chuckle and knew it was her. The best part was hearing her chuckle cut off and feel her suddenly let go and whisper through major laughter "I'm so sorry!!! I was reaching for your arm! Please tell me that was your arm!" when she realized what she'd grabbed. Lights came back on and we were doubled over with laughter not really wanting to just shout to our group that my sister copped a feel in the middle of the Haunted Mansion! :lmao:

During our last trip to Disney I was sitting on the benches with my DD(3) at the ToT where you can purchase your pictures. She had been potty trained for several months before our trip. I suddenly felt a very warm/wet sensation on my lap. She totally soaked me with pea. I was so miserable. My DH and I tried to find someplace that would have shorts or a skirt to fit me. But no luck. I rode back to the hotel on a bus just miserable. I ended up holding DD the whole time as I didn't see any reason for someone else to be wet too.
...I didn't realize that the waterfall at Epcot was actually a water"up" until a year after I had been there when my friend @MountainMan73 told me that, he was disappointed in me. :confused3
My favorite embarrassing moment happend when DD was 5 and a big My Lil Pony fan. We took her to the DTD My Lil Pony area and she found a fun game screen to play while I walked DD2 around. After a few minutes I look over at DD5 and I see this newly formed wet spot under her feet. I rush over and ask her if she just peed her pants, "Yup", she says, "I didn't want to leave my game it was so fun!"

So I grab her and DD2 into a bathroom to can clean her up and send DH off to find a change of clothes. The entire time we're in the single service bathroom, DD2 is looking under the door shouting "Daddy DD5 go pee pee!"

After a few minutes DH comes back with a bag and a very red face. I quickly change DD5 and asked him why his face was so red. "Well," he says, "It's kind of embarrasing asking a CM if they have any little girl panties when you don't have a little girl with you! I got a lot of strange faces.":rotfl2:

DD7 is now old enough to wear the pants purchased at that time and we all laugh about it - DD10 standing at the Lil Pony game peeing her pants while DH looks for panties! CRAZY!
OMG you guys have me in splits! Just wondering what’s in store for me. Planning my trip very soon.
Mine's not quite as good as a lot of these, but here goes...we were staying at the Poly during our trip last year and we took the monorail back to the resort every time until the last day I said I wanted to take the ferry because it seemed so pretty and serene. Also, DH loves water/sailing/boats/all that stuff. I, however, really, really, really hate water, boats, etc. I'm super terrified of it all but I wanted to do it for him, it was our honeymoon after all, and because I decided that I can't let my fear constantly conquer me! So I strode right onto the ferry and we sat in the back. I was so proud of myself for simply getting onto the boat (I'm that scared) and I began telling the people around me how I had just conquered my fear! Huzzah! And then we took off. I can equate my scream to what I imagine someone sounds like when they are thrown alive into a meat grinder. DH was desperately trying to calm me down and the driver of the boat kept asking me if I wanted him to stop. In between screaming I told him to keep going because we were already on it and I didn't want to have to turn around and get off. The other passangers were giving me looks of concern and trying to hold back laughter. One woman actually started to pray for me. That's probably when I realized how ridiculous I was being and started laughing hysterically until I looked down and realized that at the back of the boat we were about 2 inches away from the water and that's when I started flipping out again, insisting I was falling in and saying that this was the stupidest thing I'd ever done. I literally thought I was falling into this abyss. DH kept saying that it was man made and not even that deep but if I'm not in a pool, depth doesn't matter...its all terrifiying. Finally, we were back at The Poly and I proceeded to get off the ferry like nothing at all had happened.
Mine's not quite as good as a lot of these, but here goes...we were staying at the Poly during our trip last year and we took the monorail back to the resort every time until the last day I said I wanted to take the ferry because it seemed so pretty and serene. Also, DH loves water/sailing/boats/all that stuff. I, however, really, really, really hate water, boats, etc. I'm super terrified of it all but I wanted to do it for him, it was our honeymoon after all, and because I decided that I can't let my fear constantly conquer me! So I strode right onto the ferry and we sat in the back. I was so proud of myself for simply getting onto the boat (I'm that scared) and I began telling the people around me how I had just conquered my fear! Huzzah! And then we took off. I can equate my scream to what I imagine someone sounds like when they are thrown alive into a meat grinder. DH was desperately trying to calm me down and the driver of the boat kept asking me if I wanted him to stop. In between screaming I told him to keep going because we were already on it and I didn't want to have to turn around and get off. The other passangers were giving me looks of concern and trying to hold back laughter. One woman actually started to pray for me. That's probably when I realized how ridiculous I was being and started laughing hysterically until I looked down and realized that at the back of the boat we were about 2 inches away from the water and that's when I started flipping out again, insisting I was falling in and saying that this was the stupidest thing I'd ever done. I literally thought I was falling into this abyss. DH kept saying that it was man made and not even that deep but if I'm not in a pool, depth doesn't matter...its all terrifiying. Finally, we were back at The Poly and I proceeded to get off the ferry like nothing at all had happened.

:grouphug:Now I feel bad for you. And your hubby too.

Just a point of interest, DH is quite correct. The Seven Seas lagoon is manmade. They dredged it out to make the ground level for MK. If the ferry should ever sink, Just go up to the upper deck. The life vests are on the boat to comply with the laws of the land, but the upper deck is above the water levels, so you won't even get wet.
:grouphug:Now I feel bad for you. And your hubby too.

Just a point of interest, DH is quite correct. The Seven Seas lagoon is manmade. They dredged it out to make the ground level for MK. If the ferry should ever sink, Just go up to the upper deck. The life vests are on the boat to comply with the laws of the land, but the upper deck is above the water levels, so you won't even get wet.
Hahaha, the thing is, I know its manmade and not even that deep. My fear is so ridiculous though that I can't even tolerate that. I need to go on Oprah or something. DH's favorite picture from our honeymoon is when we first boarded the Disney Wonder (yes, he managed to get me on a cruise ship) and I had to squat down and basically become one with the guardrail to even look into the water. He really enjoys making fun of me. See...
Yea so i seem to be a complete magnet for embarrassing moments in life in general but i can think of a few things that really stick out.

Just a little context for my embarrassing moments : Just my luck that 3-4 days in to my 2008 holiday i get a bad tummy bug:sick: that sends my throwing up after almost every meal. But like a trouper i went along to every sit down meal and tried my hardest to pick through my food. popcorn::

1. Usually my tummy bug had a least allowed me to get back to my room after the meal before starting its attack. However on the night of a relatives non-disney wedding we all sat down to what was supposed to be a lovely meal in Cinderella's royal table.
Didn't even make it as far as dessert, when i shot off to the bathroom at speed:teleport: praying that i didnt throw up over anyone. My sister tagged along to and whilst i was in the bathroom heaving my guts she was trying to convince curious/anxious bystanders that ;

"No there is nothing wrong with the food, she just hasn't been feeling well, honestly it isn't food poisoning!" :thumbsup2

As if that wasn't bad enough when i resurfaced back to the table i had to also explain to the waiter that the food was fine i just hadn't been well before we arrived...

2. Yea so the next day my dad brought me some antacid tablets to take with breakfast to see would they help and yep they did not help at all! I ended up again at the bathroom antacids in hand thinking what could possibly make things worse, yep i dropped the bleepin' antacids in the toilet:headache: ! Ugh I shouldn't be allowed out in public !!!:rolleyes1

3. Oh but the vengeful bug had not yet wreaked all its humiliation on me after resigning myself to a hermit like state in which i stayed in my room whilst the rest off mhy family went shopping off property, I got a phone call to meet up with them for dinner in the mk so the smartie-pants that i am thinks;
"You know i dont feel so bad now, maybe my pre-toilet antacids i had taken earlier had done the trick, I could head over tovthe park early and get a few rides in before dinner."

So off i pop to space mountain and then decide i want to see the Monster inc Laugh floor to fill up some time. Unfortunatley it was down but just as i was about to turn and leave a cm opened it up.

So there i am all on my lonesome, waitng patiently for the doors to the inner theatre to open... hmmm curiouser and curiouser since when was their a dense fog in the pre-show and why had i lost the ability to hold my self up....


Yep i passed out ... twice ... first time caught myself on the wall and then TIMBER i hit the floor likea sack of potatoes. So i wake up with worried faces including EMTs, a few cms and a really kind passerby who saw my go down but thought i had tripped.
Ugh why me ??
So whilst trying to reassure the EMT's that having a tummy bug and nothing to eat since breakfast was the cause of my passing out they informed me that since I had no guardian with me and was only 17 at the time i would have to go to hospital if I couldn't get a guardian on the phone:scared1: thankfully I did and the EMT's agreed that i could be transfered back to my room upon my insistence.

So out came the wheel chair being pushed by a man who may well have gone to school with Walt Disney himself :rolleyes1... i'm fairly average size girl but I doubted this man could push tinkerbell :tinker:around in that thing yet they insisted I sit in it and be taken through the queue of people and out into a backstage area where I was bused back to my resort ...

Oh and incase you are wondering my little incident caused the Laugh floor to be shut down again they didn't even get one show one because I was at the very front of the line.

I have never lived it down !!! My lovely sister even told the chatty flight attendant on the way home. 9 hours of "We've got a fainter here !" got old reeeeaaalllll quick.:sad2:

P.S. just remebered one good thing that came out of my "incident" I got some nice Mickey Mouse stickers.:rolleyes::cheer2:
I have horrible insomnia (haven't had a night of unmedicated sleep in 7 years to give you an idea)

Backround: I got up Sunday at around noon and spent my day packing and whatnot, and then went to my father's house to "sleep" over since we were taking a 7:35am flight and it'd be easier to leave from his house rather than having our ride pick me up at my house. I was jazzed and knew it would have been a waste of an Ambien to try and sleep that night so I stayed up all night, and ended up dozing for about 20 minutes on the plane. We got in, and settled, tooled around the hotel because it was our first time at POP, and I didn't know how similiar some of the buildings looked. Nighttime rolls around, take my medicine, and try to sleep and nothing happens. It normally takes me about 2 hours to fall asleep even with the meds, so after 4 hours of laying in bed it's now about 4 am and I'm still awake. I figure this is my chance to learn the hotel. I got up and threw on some clothes, and started walking around the grounds, watching some of the crews, ran into a few people who were getting a really early start on the day (presumably for RD) Again may I just state my case that there are a few building that look really similiar, even to the point of the landscaping by the room being the same. At this point it's about 5:30am and I decide I'll head back to the room. I go to my room and put the key in and it doesn't work. I try again, and then opens the door with some blonde lady standing there. My face drops and before she can say anything I say "Ohhhhhh crap this isn't my room" Turns out I had gone to like..9784 when I meant to go to 7784. Luckily she and her family were up so it wasn't a huge deal and when I blathered on about how similar the buildings looked and I could swear this was my room she just nodded and said "I almost did the same thing the first day I was here too, just not at 5 am":rotfl:
Yea so i seem to be a complete magnet for embarrassing moments in life in general but i can think of a few things that really stick out.

Just a little context for my embarrassing moments : Just my luck that 3-4 days in to my 2008 holiday i get a bad tummy bug:sick: that sends my throwing up after almost every meal. But like a trouper i went along to every sit down meal and tried my hardest to pick through my food. popcorn::

1. Usually my tummy bug had a least allowed me to get back to my room after the meal before starting its attack. However on the night of a relatives non-disney wedding we all sat down to what was supposed to be a lovely meal in Cinderella's royal table.
Didn't even make it as far as dessert, when i shot off to the bathroom at speed:teleport: praying that i didnt throw up over anyone. My sister tagged along to and whilst i was in the bathroom heaving my guts she was trying to convince curious/anxious bystanders that ;

"No there is nothing wrong with the food, she just hasn't been feeling well, honestly it isn't food poisoning!" :thumbsup2

As if that wasn't bad enough when i resurfaced back to the table i had to also explain to the waiter that the food was fine i just hadn't been well before we arrived...

2. Yea so the next day my dad brought me some antacid tablets to take with breakfast to see would they help and yep they did not help at all! I ended up again at the bathroom antacids in hand thinking what could possibly make things worse, yep i dropped the bleepin' antacids in the toilet:headache: ! Ugh I shouldn't be allowed out in public !!!:rolleyes1

3. Oh but the vengeful bug had not yet wreaked all its humiliation on me after resigning myself to a hermit like state in which i stayed in my room whilst the rest off mhy family went shopping off property, I got a phone call to meet up with them for dinner in the mk so the smartie-pants that i am thinks;
"You know i dont feel so bad now, maybe my pre-toilet antacids i had taken earlier had done the trick, I could head over tovthe park early and get a few rides in before dinner."

So off i pop to space mountain and then decide i want to see the Monster inc Laugh floor to fill up some time. Unfortunatley it was down but just as i was about to turn and leave a cm opened it up.

So there i am all on my lonesome, waitng patiently for the doors to the inner theatre to open... hmmm curiouser and curiouser since when was their a dense fog in the pre-show and why had i lost the ability to hold my self up....


Yep i passed out ... twice ... first time caught myself on the wall and then TIMBER i hit the floor likea sack of potatoes. So i wake up with worried faces including EMTs, a few cms and a really kind passerby who saw my go down but thought i had tripped.
Ugh why me ??
So whilst trying to reassure the EMT's that having a tummy bug and nothing to eat since breakfast was the cause of my passing out they informed me that since I had no guardian with me and was only 17 at the time i would have to go to hospital if I couldn't get a guardian on the phone:scared1: thankfully I did and the EMT's agreed that i could be transfered back to my room upon my insistence.

So out came the wheel chair being pushed by a man who may well have gone to school with Walt Disney himself :rolleyes1... i'm fairly average size girl but I doubted this man could push tinkerbell :tinker:around in that thing yet they insisted I sit in it and be taken through the queue of people and out into a backstage area where I was bused back to my resort ...

Oh and incase you are wondering my little incident caused the Laugh floor to be shut down again they didn't even get one show one because I was at the very front of the line.

I have never lived it down !!! My lovely sister even told the chatty flight attendant on the way home. 9 hours of "We've got a fainter here !" got old reeeeaaalllll quick.:sad2:

P.S. just remebered one good thing that came out of my "incident" I got some nice Mickey Mouse stickers.:rolleyes::cheer2:

You sound like such a sweetie. Glad everything turned out well. My feeling (as a mom) is that you never should have left your room for your own well being and the well being of all WDW guests. You could have been seriously injured, you probably infected other people and you caused a ride to shut down. Thank goodness you didnt crack your head open when you fainted.

I hope you are able to come back and enjoy the parks soon.
these stories are hysterical,:rotfl2: thanks for the laugh!
This was during our last trip in January. We got to DHS early to get FP for TSM. After getting the FP's we went to get a little breakfast at Starring Rolls Cafe. It was a cool morning, so I had two large hot chocolates, two cinnamon buns, a bagel, and two chocolate milks. While in line to pay with my DS6, a mother comes in with her stroller and I notice that the little girl in the stroller had lost her socks and they were on the floor right behind her. So, being a dad I decide I'm going to be nice and pick them up for her. Well, I apparently don't have good enough balance to hold a tray full of food in one hand while bending down to pickup socks with the other. Over went the first hot chocolate, right down the front of my shorts. Ohhhh... went the entire room full of customers as my stomach and other areas burned with scolding chocolate. Then, while trying to stand back up, the other cup went, only this time it hit the floor and splattered all over everything, including some of the people in line. This brought out another Ohhhh from the crowd.

At that point, I decided to cut my losses and go out to find my DW and DS9 so I could hide in a hole while I extinguished my shorts. I set the tray on the counter and walked out to the tables. My mother and sister were two of the others in line, so they were nice enough to purchase some breakfast for us. Of course my sister didn't let me forget it.

The other problem was that it was our transfer day, so all of my clothes were somewhere between POR and BC, which meant I didn't have anything to change into and had to walk around with a huge brown stain on my kaki shorts.

You know, all day I kept running into people that were in there when it all went down….
This was during our last trip in January. We got to DHS early to get FP for TSM. After getting the FP's we went to get a little breakfast at Starring Rolls Cafe. It was a cool morning, so I had two large hot chocolates, two cinnamon buns, a bagel, and two chocolate milks. While in line to pay with my DS6, a mother comes in with her stroller and I notice that the little girl in the stroller had lost her socks and they were on the floor right behind her. So, being a dad I decide I'm going to be nice and pick them up for her. Well, I apparently don't have good enough balance to hold a tray full of food in one hand while bending down to pickup socks with the other. Over went the first hot chocolate, right down the front of my shorts. Ohhhh... went the entire room full of customers as my stomach and other areas burned with scolding chocolate. Then, while trying to stand back up, the other cup went, only this time it hit the floor and splattered all over everything, including some of the people in line. This brought out another Ohhhh from the crowd.

At that point, I decided to cut my losses and go out to find my DW and DS9 so I could hide in a hole while I extinguished my shorts. I set the tray on the counter and walked out to the tables. My mother and sister were two of the others in line, so they were nice enough to purchase some breakfast for us. Of course my sister didn't let me forget it.

The other problem was that it was our transfer day, so all of my clothes were somewhere between POR and BC, which meant I didn't have anything to change into and had to walk around with a huge brown stain on my kaki shorts.

You know, all day I kept running into people that were in there when it all went down….

Now, THAT is something I would do!! :rotfl:
Not my most embarrassing moment personally. I was at Writer's Stop at DHS and ordered a coffee drink. While waiting for it to be made, a rather stout young fellow behind me with a lot of bravado and a booming voice orders SIX espressos to be put into one large cup. He is talking to everyone non-stop and explains that he is with friends, and they all just got to WDW, and he needs his caffeine fix, and this is the way he always orders his coffee, etc., etc., etc. Well, I am still waiting for my drink and the CM rings him up. He gives her his credit card and it is declined. He seems very bewildered and calls up someone on his cell phone. As he is talking on the phone, he makes his way subtly out the door and disappears towards Indiana Jones. It took a few moments for everyone to realize he wasn't coming back.

I just thought to myself: if he just arrived at Disney World, and he doesn't have enough credit on his credit card to buy a $10 drink, and he had no alternate way to pay for his drink, then his trip was already in a lot of trouble! :sad2:
Mine was in 98 I was 12 and my 6th grade class went to the magic kigdom and we were riding the people mover and this guy that was with me new Iam scared to death of space moutian any way we were passing by the sign that says space mountan and the guy is like it looks like you are going on the ride after all and I screamed my head off
Ok, this is what I have:

We were leaving the MK one afternoon to head back for naps. DD(1) was already sleeping in the stroller, and DD(3) was sitting next to her. DH and I are enjoying a nice stroll right down the middle of Main Street USA, when out from the canopy shade of the stroller, pops DD's middle finger! From behind the stroller, all we saw was this tiny little hand giving Disney the one-finger salut! I promise that she had NO CLUE what she was doing or what it means, she was just playing around and experimenting with her fingers as any 3yo would. DH and I nearly died - our Disney loving family would never do such a thing, especially not down the middle of Main Street! Once we got her hand down (we didn't want to make it a big deal, didn't want her to start to wonder what that finger could mean), we nearly wet our pants laughing with each other. Our leisurely stroll turned into one quick walk out of the park after that :rotfl:
This may be disgusting

During last years MNSHP I had eatten a turkey leg and drank too much Coca-cola, we were wating for the parade to roll down the street, only for me to get sick to the stomach, and I threw up cola and turkey into a empty cup.

Thankfully this happened before the parade and no one saw it, thank goodness I didnt do it when Alice came up to say hi.



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