Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween DIS Party! DISney Princesses Party with Style! *DONE*

Haha thanks for the partner in crime comment...it's so true though :lmao: . Can't wait to finally meet you and everyone else, it's getting so close.

Ohhh Lindsey the cake sounds so awesome I can't wait to see it. Mmmmm we can always use a ton of Disney candy...nothing like a sugar rush for our dis party! :cool1:

Hope you had a good weekend! I just got home from the American Idol concert and about ready to hit the bed but of course I had to check out the Dis!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend! :goodvibes DH & I actually spent Saturday and Sunday at Islands of Adventure. The weather is finally cooling off and the crowds are going away, so we are loving Florida again! :rotfl: We have had rain every day for the past two weeks. We had a huge down pour today, so everyone left Islands of Adventure pretty quickly. We were soaked to the bone, but we were able to ride everything! The longest wait was 10 minutes! :thumbsup2 Plus, we really got to enjoy the water rides because we were wet already! It was great weather, not hot or cold. :)

I am hoping for nice weather like that for the night of our DIS Party! I know last year, it was extremely humid and hot when my Mom & I went to MNSSHP. I am hoping it's cooler this year and no rain! :sunny: *fingers crossed*

Tomorrow I am visiting the endodontist, which means...my first root canal! :scared: I am not looking forward to it at all, but I am hoping for the best! :goodvibes
Glad you had a good weekend and a fun time at Islands of Adventure. I've never been there so I gotta check it out sometime. Too bad for the rain though but if your already soaked might as well make the best and ride the rides because you can only get so wet. So you guys had the right idea!

Oh good luck tomorrow with the root canal. Those can't be any fun so Im sending lots of pixiedust :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: !
I'll be there on the 5th! I can't wait to follow along with your TR anyhow. I need to do one of these some day! Your excitement makes mine that much more!
Bring on the Candy!!! :jumping1:

We have a Mickey's Happy Surprise Cake that we put together at work to send out, in place of a baker's cake. It's actually a Candy Cake made with Mickey Candy Bars and filled with all kinds of candy! It's pretty neat and I decided this would be a great idea to have at the Halloween Party! Halloween is all about candy! :woohoo: Now, they do give out candy at the party, but it's not the big stuff or the Disney stuff! I know we needed some real Disney candy! :mickeyjum

I spent some time at work last week putting together a special DIS Halloween Cake! I still have to keep it a secret because it's still a surprise for three of my fellow DIS'ers, tinkerbell87512, GoofyBaby, and jnjusoioa! Of course, I had to add some special Halloween and DIS touches to it! ;) I can't wait for them to see it! :yay:

It'll be a lot of candy to go around for the 4 of us! YUMMY!!! :earboy2:

Oh, I just can't wait to dig into this candy cake, first of all I just can't wait to see it!!! Oh, it is just going to be amazing I bet!!! I so can't wait!!!

Thank you for letting me know about the pictures, I am sure I will just order the whole CD, I bet we get some awesome photos to put some awesome borders around. :)
I hope everyone had a nice weekend! :goodvibes DH & I actually spent Saturday and Sunday at Islands of Adventure. The weather is finally cooling off and the crowds are going away, so we are loving Florida again! :rotfl: We have had rain every day for the past two weeks. We had a huge down pour today, so everyone left Islands of Adventure pretty quickly. We were soaked to the bone, but we were able to ride everything! The longest wait was 10 minutes! :thumbsup2 Plus, we really got to enjoy the water rides because we were wet already! It was great weather, not hot or cold. :)

I am hoping for nice weather like that for the night of our DIS Party! I know last year, it was extremely humid and hot when my Mom & I went to MNSSHP. I am hoping it's cooler this year and no rain! :sunny: *fingers crossed*

Tomorrow I am visiting the endodontist, which means...my first root canal! :scared: I am not looking forward to it at all, but I am hoping for the best! :goodvibes

Islands of Adventure sounds like it was fun, I was there once back in 2000 for a soap opera event, so didn't get to see most of the park, I love Seuss Landing though, I can't wait until the Harry Potter island is built, that will be great. I did enjoy Hulk and Dueling Dragons was great, did you and DH ride those?? Are you doing a trip report from that trip, just curious.:)
I can barely wait to meet all of you!

I have my lime green wig and tiara all ready to go! And I think my mom found a boa for me.

Only 8 more sleeps until I leave :cool1:
It sounds like y'all are going to have a great time! Can't wait to read all about the night and the rest of the plans!
I'll be there on the 5th! I can't wait to follow along with your TR anyhow. I need to do one of these some day! Your excitement makes mine that much more!

You will have to come find us at the party! I know we won't be hard to miss! party:

Islands of Adventure sounds like it was fun, I was there once back in 2000 for a soap opera event, so didn't get to see most of the park, I love Seuss Landing though, I can't wait until the Harry Potter island is built, that will be great. I did enjoy Hulk and Dueling Dragons was great, did you and DH ride those?? Are you doing a trip report from that trip, just curious.:)

I can't wait for you to see the Candy Cake! I know we are all going to love it! I am so glad I finally will get to enjoy one too! :yay:

DH & I have Annual Passes to Universal, so we go to Universal, Islands of Adventure, and City Walk a lot. We ride everything, but Spiderman is my favorite! The food at the theme parks is fantastic too!

We do Disney a lot, but we have to through Universal in there too! :rolleyes1

I can barely wait to meet all of you!

I have my lime green wig and tiara all ready to go! And I think my mom found a boa for me.

Only 8 more sleeps until I leave :cool1:

I can't wait to meet you too! :banana: I want this week to be over already! :rotfl2: I can't wait to see you in your wig! How great! You are going to look fantastic and the boa is just a plus! :rotfl:

Well, I survived my first root canal! :scared: It was not fun at all and I was in the chair for over two hours. I was about to go crazy and just wanted to scream! :scared1: I was in a little pain, but I have been taking my pain killers. I had plans to do a lot today, but then I ended up just resting on the couch and watching TV. :happytv: The "Dancing with the Stars" premiere was on tonight! I am obsessed with the show! I am ready for the men tomorrow night! I am a huge Wayne Newton fan! Go Wayne! :woohoo:

Here's me & Wayne in Vegas last year!


Yes, I am a Wayniac and a big dork! :rotfl:

I have other exciting news from this past weekend too! I am now officially a Floridian! I finally got my FL license plate. Now, we have finally transferred everything over to Florida! :yay: I chose the Dolphin plate and that means I donate money to saving the dolphins yearly. :goodvibes It looks great on the "Doom Bugy" too! ;)


I also found these neat decals when DH & I were at Epcot a couple weekends ago. I thought the cat one was really cute and a great representation of Jax! :cat: My Beetle is totally DIS'ed out now! :thumbsup2



Oh, and I also forgot to mention that I have my lime green Crocs ready for our DIS Meet too and our DISney Princess theme! I actually bought these months ago, but I got them because I knew I wanted to be able to wear them to our DIS Meet. They are my favorite pair of Crocs and I added some Tinkerbell style! :tinker: They are going to look great with my lime green boa!



I also bought some lime green glow-in-the dark nailpolish that I found at CVS last week! :thumbsup2 They have all of their Halloween items out and a lot of neat lime green/glow-in-the dark items! I am all set! :disrocks:

10 DAYS!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Glad to hear that you survived your root canal. The severest dental surgery I have had is getting my wisdom teeth out and that was not fun so I can only imagine a root canal.:scared:

Love the decal you got for your car too cute and the license plate is very pretty and you are donating to a good cause.:thumbsup2
I can't wait for you to see the Candy Cake! I know we are all going to love it! I am so glad I finally will get to enjoy one too! :yay:

DH & I have Annual Passes to Universal, so we go to Universal, Islands of Adventure, and City Walk a lot. We ride everything, but Spiderman is my favorite! The food at the theme parks is fantastic too!

We do Disney a lot, but we have to through Universal in there too! :rolleyes1

Spiderman was awesome too!! I remember riding that and actually trying to grab the side of the car because I really thought we were that high up on that building.:rotfl: But it is a great ride!!!!

Can't wait to see the candy cake, it will be great and it is great that you will finally get to enjoy one yourself.:goodvibes
Lindsey, so glad you survived your root canal!!!:goodvibes I have never had to have one so I can't imagine. But hopefully the worst is behind you. Your photos with Wayne are amazing, very lucky!!!!:banana: You sound like a huge fan so I bet that was amazing getting to meet him!!!!:goodvibes

Yeah for your FL plates, I truly hope to have a car with them on one day, hopefully in the not so far off future but only time will tell..:goodvibes

Awesome little Disney decals with the family, I hope that I can find a girl and a dog when I am down, they would look so cute on my car for me and my Jake!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Your Crocs are so great, love them!!! I will have to make a quick trip to CVS, the nail polish sounds great!!!! Also I have been so wanting to try one of those new 3 Muskteers mint bars, I keep seeing them advertised on TV and so want to try one, now I have several reasons, not that I really need any chocolate before our trip but oh well!!!! Thank you for the heads up about the stuff at CVS.:goodvibes
Lindsey I'm glad you survived the root canal! That does NOT sound like fun!

I love the accessories! The MJs are my favorite Crocs I think, except maybe the flip flops. I want another pair before we go, the green is VERY pretty!! Very cool for the dis meet!

And I also love the window decals! I saw those in MAY at WOD and really wanted them...I may have to get them when we go back. Who cares if they embarass DF?? haha.
Lindsey, so glad you survived your root canal!!!:goodvibes I have never had to have one so I can't imagine. But hopefully the worst is behind you. Your photos with Wayne are amazing, very lucky!!!!:banana: You sound like a huge fan so I bet that was amazing getting to meet him!!!!:goodvibes

Yeah for your FL plates, I truly hope to have a car with them on one day, hopefully in the not so far off future but only time will tell..:goodvibes

Awesome little Disney decals with the family, I hope that I can find a girl and a dog when I am down, they would look so cute on my car for me and my Jake!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Your Crocs are so great, love them!!! I will have to make a quick trip to CVS, the nail polish sounds great!!!! Also I have been so wanting to try one of those new 3 Muskteers mint bars, I keep seeing them advertised on TV and so want to try one, now I have several reasons, not that I really need any chocolate before our trip but oh well!!!! Thank you for the heads up about the stuff at CVS.:goodvibes

Oh, it was a dream come true! It was actually on my Top 10 List for things I must do in my lifetime! :goodvibes I told him that when I met him too. He is such a sweet man!

They do have a very cute dog decal too! :thumbsup2 You'll have to get them! The ones on my car are the adult man and adult female decals, and then they have kids, a baby, dog, and cat. :)

Go check out the nail polish! I got a smallest bottle and it was only 99 cents. I've been seeing those commercials too! Three Musketeers is my favorite candy bar! Now, you have me craving it! :rotfl:

I'm late, I'm late.............

But I'm here now.

That is so cute! :goodvibes I am SO glad you are here! :yay:

Lindsey I'm glad you survived the root canal! That does NOT sound like fun!

I love the accessories! The MJs are my favorite Crocs I think, except maybe the flip flops. I want another pair before we go, the green is VERY pretty!! Very cool for the dis meet!

And I also love the window decals! I saw those in MAY at WOD and really wanted them...I may have to get them when we go back. Who cares if they embarass DF?? haha.

Yeah, it was no fun and something I hope I never have to do again! :scared: I was really happy with the color of the Crocs! I think it is my fav! I got my Mom hooked on Crocs after she same the MJ Crocs. :thumbsup2 I got the decals without DH knowing and he really liked them. He said, " Look, it's our family!" :goodvibes
Time to Decorate!

I pulled out my box of Halloween decorations today! I always start decorating before October. ;) I was glad I would be able to decorate with all of my Disney Halloween items I bought last year. They were all brand new to me! :goodvibes

I also went to Yankee Candle to buy all of my favorite Halloween and Fall scented candles. I always have scented candles burning from now until January. :) I am so glad it's this time of year because that means everything flavored pumpkin for me!



I think I may make a stop over at Downtown Disney tomorrow to see if there are any Mickey pumpkin candleholders. I didn't get one last year because they were sold out and I hope they have them this year! Oh, and I bought a Disney candy corn antenna topper with Mickey ears. It's really cute and I don't remember seeing it last year. I'm so glad Halloween is right around the corner! :mickeyjum
I'm glad you survived!!! That root canal doesnt sound fun at all.

Your halloween decorations look great! I can't believe halloween is so close. Have fun at Downtown Disney today if you end up going. If you get the candle holder can ya post a pic? It sounds cute and I'd love to see it!!
Oh, it was a dream come true! It was actually on my Top 10 List for things I must do in my lifetime! :goodvibes I told him that when I met him too. He is such a sweet man!

They do have a very cute dog decal too! :thumbsup2 You'll have to get them! The ones on my car are the adult man and adult female decals, and then they have kids, a baby, dog, and cat. :)

Go check out the nail polish! I got a smallest bottle and it was only 99 cents. I've been seeing those commercials too! Three Musketeers is my favorite candy bar! Now, you have me craving it! :rotfl:

That is still so awesome about Wayne!!!:goodvibes I remember when I had the chance to meet some famous people I admired, it was just such a neat feeling, so happy you had the chance to meet him!!!!:goodvibes :goodvibes

That is so awesome they have a dog one too, I will have to for sure get one and the adult female, I said girl yesterday, silly me, I didn't know they had the adults ones too, very cool, I will have to keep my eyes open.:goodvibes

I will be sure and check out the nail polish, 99 cents is an awesome deal. :banana: Sorry I made you crave those Three Musketeers, I keep seeing those commercials for the new mint flavor and I just want to try it so bad!!!:)
Time to Decorate!

I pulled out my box of Halloween decorations today! I always start decorating before October. ;) I was glad I would be able to decorate with all of my Disney Halloween items I bought last year. They were all brand new to me! :goodvibes

I also went to Yankee Candle to buy all of my favorite Halloween and Fall scented candles. I always have scented candles burning from now until January. :) I am so glad it's this time of year because that means everything flavored pumpkin for me!



I think I may make a stop over at Downtown Disney tomorrow to see if there are any Mickey pumpkin candleholders. I didn't get one last year because they were sold out and I hope they have them this year! Oh, and I bought a Disney candy corn antenna topper with Mickey ears. It's really cute and I don't remember seeing it last year. I'm so glad Halloween is right around the corner! :mickeyjum

Your Halloween decorations are awesome!!!! They are all Disney, how very cool!!!!:goodvibes


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