"I want more....and I know I shouldn't" - 2 Food & Wine Festival Trips - 12/10 Complete! Goofy's/STK

I have been super busy and am just getting to your reviews. Let me start by saying that the Maple Bacon Peach Manhattan sounded good to me when you posted about it on facebook and it looks amazing!

I understand the super busy! I am so behind on other people's reports and pretty much many other things in life it feels like. Apparently my Maple Bacon Peach Manhattan was a very polarizing drink! I think you are either a whiskey lover or you aren't. I'm glad I get to have one again in 2.5 weeks!

Too bad Mix It, Make It was kind of a dud - there's a lot they could do with it. I like tequila a lot and went to a tasting back before lunch was added - may be time to give that another try. I went to ESPN for the first time recently (coincidentally also in a downpour)and was very pleasantly surprised. Your sandwich looks amazing!!!!! Fun morning in the MK- I admire your ability to get up so early!!

There was a lot they could have done. I think some of the events went over better than the others from other people's reviews I'm seeing. Depends on what the item is. The tequila lunch would be a fun choice of event for you!

ESPN was such an easy option for dinner - we had no ADRs and it was at the hotel and it was raining. Can't go wrong with something easy then!

Its not hard for me to get up that early - thats actually sleeping in for me. I'm normally up at 5AM on a work day and on weekends I'm usually up by 7AM anyway. The naps also help :)

ESPN sounds good for the food, but I've never considered eating there as I loathe sports on TV. I record the news so that I can forward through sports and commercials.

Fran loves that cinnamon roll. I'm not sure I've even been on the Jungle Cruise at MK.

I don't enjoy watching sports on TV either. It was actually kinda easy to avoid since the three of us were talking but yes, there were tvs everywhere around.

Well if you have Jungle Cruise in Disneyland - I can see why you would skip it in Magic Kingdom - especially when you travel with an ECV as that just makes it take much longer and the jokes are the same.

That's very nice that you were ok sharing your cinnamon roll from Gastons :goodvibes I am not so nice! Last time DH and I stopped there we each got one and I managed to eat 3/4 of mine. If the kids had been with us I would have slapped their hands away lol!

E is a good enough friend that I knew she wouldn't steal more than 3 bites and the amount I wouldn't eat would more than cover that. No need to waste food! I get not wanting to share with the DH or Kids though as they may take up more than you would be willing to share! Kinda like when I buy myself something special from the grocery store and realize my husband ate the whole thing before I managed to even eat a bite!

Is this really a thing, cause I've never seen it :-) Try as we may, my crew just can't seem to ever make a rope drop or an ADR on time for that matter :P

It is really a thing! I am a morning person not a night time person - although it seems for this trip I've been out later than my bedtime twice! I don't expect to do that in November when I go with my husband though. I also prevent anxiety by being on time or early to things as otherwise - I freak out!

Yum, Yum, and more yum. Sadly we missed Gastons on our last trip and Jason especially was not happy about it. Of course we missed it because of his insistence on having more breakfasts (4 to be exact). I'd give up breakfast for a cinnamon roll from Gastons just about any day.

Well - if you are eating sit down breakfast - I can see why you missed Gaston's! Gaston's isn't a must do for me but every so often it is nice! I'm such an anti-breakfast person. I just want lunch and dinner foods moreso!

Is this really your score? I'm such a novice and totally suck at Buzz that I don't think I've ever gotten much over 100K
That is my score. I've actually maxed out before too. I grew up going to Magic Kingdom and I play video games. Over the years, I've figured out a few of the spots that are worth 100K or 25K points and focus on getting those! Plus - I always keep the button down so it just keeps shooting at an interval rather than me pressing a button. Then I just have to worry about aim!

Wow, how long did this take? Did they literally have to rescue the people off the boat, or just "rescue" the boats?

It took about 30 minutes. A boat had to go in reverse and tow the downed boat with people ahead. The boat had to be unloaded and then towed in the opposite direction into the maintenance dock.

Thanks for sharing!!!

Thank you for reading!
Dawa Bar

E and I woke up from our nap a little after 2PM. S still wanted to relax more and possibly get a run in. E was the most excited to go to Animal Kingdom as she had never done this park before and wanted to do the trails and I think S really wasn’t excited about that part. She said she would meet us there later. We said bye and we would see her later since we leave in an era of cellphones and knew we could get back in touch. E and I headed to the buses and didn’t have long to wait until we were on our way to the Animal Kingdom.


Tree of Life

We did the Maharajah Jungle Trek and then realized the Birds of Wonder show had just started so we grabbed a seat and watched the show. E really enjoyed this!



Birds of Wonder

We started heading back toward Africa after the show. E was going to pick up a snack of hummus at one of the carts but they were sold out and we both kinda realized we were hungry as we didn’t really eat lunch and it was 4:30pm! A warm cinnamon roll was pretty much all I had and E had a banana in the morning and the pretzel around 11AM.

We looked at the other carts on our way towards Africa and nothing looked interesting, so being responsible adults - we got alcohol. These drinks were super refreshing! I loved my Tikiti Punch with its Watermelon Lemonade as it just felt like summer! E got a little tipsy off her one drink but lack of food and not being a champion drinker like me would do that.


Lost on Safari - Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, Pink Pigeon Mauritian Rum and Pangani Punch & Tikiti Punch - Snow Leopard Vodka & Watermelon Lemonade
I think the Tikiti Punch is going on my list to try next month :thumbsup2
I love the Flights of Wonder show and we haven't done it in over a year. Missed it last Nov. and then it was closed in January, and didn't even think of it in August. While I love animals in general birds aren't my favorite but I find that show really enjoyable. Hope E liked the park!
Ah! Dawa is just one of the many reasons I love Animal Kingdom so much. The new bar over by Expedition Everest is great too, but at Dawa there's usually live music (and I am a Burudika fangirl all the way through). I will have to try that Tikiti Punch! If you are a bloody mary fan, they have great ones at Dawa as well.

(I am starting your Aulani trip report - just found it over on the Aulani forum so thanks in advance for writing that one :sunny:)
Over the years, I've figured out a few of the spots that are worth 100K or 25K points and focus on getting those! Plus - I always keep the button down so it just keeps shooting at an interval rather than me pressing a button. Then I just have to worry about aim!

Thanks for the tips! I'm going to MK with 5 friends so I'll definitely try holding the button down. When my kids were little, my DD, then 7, ended up with a crazy high score. When asked how she did it she said, "I got Zurg." We can't ride the ride without saying that now.
Liquid lunch, my favorite kind :drinking1 Those drinks look delicious. I'm such a Dawa Bloody Mary fan that I've never even been after noon. But I'm going to have to seriously try some of that watermelon drink.
I think the Tikiti Punch is going on my list to try next month :thumbsup2
I love the Flights of Wonder show and we haven't done it in over a year. Missed it last Nov. and then it was closed in January, and didn't even think of it in August. While I love animals in general birds aren't my favorite but I find that show really enjoyable. Hope E liked the park!

E loved Animal Kingdom! She loved it the most out of the 3 we went too. Its been a few years since I remember doing Flights of Wonder so I'm glad we did it as well! It is a good show (even with the goofy story line of the tour leader afraid of all birds)

Ah! Dawa is just one of the many reasons I love Animal Kingdom so much. The new bar over by Expedition Everest is great too, but at Dawa there's usually live music (and I am a Burudika fangirl all the way through). I will have to try that Tikiti Punch! If you are a bloody mary fan, they have great ones at Dawa as well.

(I am starting your Aulani trip report - just found it over on the Aulani forum so thanks in advance for writing that one :sunny:)

I don't think I've gotten a drink by the new bar by Expedition Everest yet! Animal Kingdom is the park that we visit the least so a lot of their alcohol spots get missed. I'll have to keep that in mind though next trip since I'm not running!

Thanks for the tips! I'm going to MK with 5 friends so I'll definitely try holding the button down. When my kids were little, my DD, then 7, ended up with a crazy high score. When asked how she did it she said, "I got Zurg." We can't ride the ride without saying that now.

Glad to provide you the tip! Once I figured that out - it did help a lot. Then you learn the other high point spots and you should always win!

Liquid lunch, my favorite kind :drinking1 Those drinks look delicious. I'm such a Dawa Bloody Mary fan that I've never even been after noon. But I'm going to have to seriously try some of that watermelon drink.

Liquid Lunch is good! I know you do love your Bloody Mary! I'm not a Bloody Mary type person - mainly since I'm not a tomato juice fan. But that means more Bloody Marys in the world for you! I love Watermelon drinks!
Zuri’s Sweet Shop

As we were enjoying our refreshments, S had texted us that she was on the bus. We knew it shouldn’t be long until she would be joining us. E and I decided to look at the Harambe Market if there was a snack that interested us since we were hungry. There wasn’t. I got something sweet at Zara’s instead!


Banana Chip Mickey

At least it had bananas in it ;)

While I enjoyed my banana mickey, E and I watched the musicians played until S arrived. This was the first time I really watched them and it was a lot of fun!


Party in Africa

When S joined up, we all went on the safari ride together and E had the best time! It was the most excitement I’ve probably ever seen from her as she loved seeing all of the following...



Hippo Out of Water!




African Dogs




Sleepy Lions

The Zebra Wasn’t Where He Was Supposed To Be

I'm going to have to get to Zuri sweets sometimes. I always see great and different stuff from there, but I never seem to remember once we are on site.
I've yet to go in Zuri's even though I've meant to the last couple trips, so adding it mentally to our trip next month :)
I LOVE all the performers and entertainment in AK! We always watch the band and in August caught the acrobats for the first time who were awesome. I'm making it a point to watch the Harembe Street Parti and whatever Carnivale next month, too :thumbsup2
I'm on the bus to AK as I read this. We will definitely have to check out this place. I'm thinking of lunch at the Harambe market since it's relatively new.
Dawa is one of my favorites (although I really hate they went to the pre-mixed drinks vs. freshly-made). I usually get the Afican margarita but that watermelon drink is looking pretty delicious! I'm also looking forward to trying Nomad Lounge. You guys had great luck on the safari!!!! Your whole trip just sounds so fun. I can't wait to hear what's next!
I'm going to have to get to Zuri sweets sometimes. I always see great and different stuff from there, but I never seem to remember once we are on site.

They do have some of the more creative sweets on site out of the confectionaries! We don't usually get sweets there either but I was hungry and none of the Hamabre Market sounded good to me (or the options small enough to not spoil dinner!)

I'm just sad they got rid of their poop desserts because of parents complaining! I'm sure Casey and Jason would have loved those treats and imagine the jokes you would have!

I've yet to go in Zuri's even though I've meant to the last couple trips, so adding it mentally to our trip next month :)
I LOVE all the performers and entertainment in AK! We always watch the band and in August caught the acrobats for the first time who were awesome. I'm making it a point to watch the Harembe Street Parti and whatever Carnivale next month, too :thumbsup2

I get that - there are so many different places that some places just get missed during the drink! I like how they seemed to have added more performers over the years to the entertainment at AK especially after Camp Mickey-Minnie closed down. We'll see what we catch in a couple weeks!

I'm on the bus to AK as I read this. We will definitely have to check out this place. I'm thinking of lunch at the Harambe market since it's relatively new.

Hope you checked it out! Did you end up getting lunch at Harambe? I hope you checked out Nomad Lounge as well!

Dawa is one of my favorites (although I really hate they went to the pre-mixed drinks vs. freshly-made). I usually get the Afican margarita but that watermelon drink is looking pretty delicious! I'm also looking forward to trying Nomad Lounge. You guys had great luck on the safari!!!! Your whole trip just sounds so fun. I can't wait to hear what's next!

I didn't like that change either but I know they did it for efficiency and pour control. The African Margarita is a good choice as well but I had enough tequila the day before that I figured Vodka would be good choice! I was happy we had so much luck on the safari as I figured we wouldn't have any with it being so late in the afternoon and hot!
Nomad Lounge

After the safari, E and I walked the Gorilla Falls Exploration Trails while S left us to head straight to Nomad Lounge where we would meet up with her afterwards.

Mr. Hippo!


Mr. Meerkat!

E really enjoyed the trail as well :) Some people just really are animal lovers!

After the trail, we joined S at Nomad Lounge. We still had some time before our dinner reservation for Tiffins.



S had already ordered her cocktail and a cheese board for us all to share. I ended up ordering a cocktail as well. It was just strong enough!


Snow Leopard Salvation - Snow Leopard Vodka, Belle de Brillet Pear Liqueur, Mint, and Lime Juice topped with Ginger Beer

The cheese board was a nice selection. I’m not a blue cheese fan and neither is E, so S kept all that to herself. I enjoyed some of the goat and gouda as did E.


Artisanal Cheese Board - Blue Cheese, Goat Cheese, Gouda

Our server was super nice and it was a nice relaxing experience before dinner. A lot of the cocktails sounded interesting as well so I’ll have to check them out eventually!​
We love Animal Kingdom, you guys lucked out on that safari with all the up close animals! Your drink looks very refreshing. Love any kind of cheese plate that is available, it is fun to mix and match all the toppings :thumbsup2
We love Animal Kingdom, you guys lucked out on that safari with all the up close animals! Your drink looks very refreshing. Love any kind of cheese plate that is available, it is fun to mix and match all the toppings :thumbsup2

I've never had a cheese plate, but I'm not sure why! I LOVE cheese.
We love Animal Kingdom, you guys lucked out on that safari with all the up close animals! Your drink looks very refreshing. Love any kind of cheese plate that is available, it is fun to mix and match all the toppings :thumbsup2

We did luck out on the safari!

I love a cheese plate too although I don't usually get them a lot as there is usually something else on the menu I want more! My drink was really refreshing :) Totally cooled me down form the heat!

I've never had a cheese plate, but I'm not sure why! I LOVE cheese.

You totally should get one! Disney has a lot of good cheese plate options!

We checked in for our dinner reservation right on time and were lead shortly to our table in the main dining room. The restaurant was only about half full - I guess it hasn’t gotten super popular yet but hopefully it will get more busy as Avatarland opens up.

They brought out the bread while we reviewed the menu to make a decision on what we wanted to have. We liked the dipping oil for the bread as it had some decent flavor thanks to the pomegranate and molasses!


Pomegranate Focaccia Bread w/ Pomegranate, Molasses and Olive Oil Dipping

I went with the Exploration Beer Flight as I wanted to try the Kungaloosh but I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it with it being a spiced beer so I wanted to have backup options that I knew I would be ok with. I thought the Kungaloosh was ok but I won’t get it again. The cocktail menu has so many option that I’m sure that is what I’m going to go with!


Exploration Beer Flight - 5 Oz Pours of Kungaloosh Spiced Excursion Ale Draft, Safari Amber Draft and Xingu Black Lager

I ordered the Signature Bread Service for the table as I wanted to try the Harissa Yogurt and I knew E was craving Hummus still from earlier so she would totally help out with eating it if S decided not to help (S did help) I really liked this selection of dips with the different types of breads. I really liked the Harissa Yogurt dip and I tried the Zhough one which was ok. I let S and E have all the hummus and the Olive Oil was the same as what was given to us with the bread.

Tiffins Signature Bread Service - Harissa Yogurt, Zhough Yogurt, Black-Eyed Pea Hummus, Pomegranate Olive Oil

I went with the archaeologist salad as I hadn’t eaten any vegetables yet that day. I mean I had some banana chips in a chocolate Mickey but that doesn’t count as ‘healthy’ I really liked this salad! It had a great mix of various vegetables and I liked how instead of croutons, it was broken up like soil (hence the name, haha!) and the dressing was a nice touch as well. I can totally see myself getting it again.


Archaeologist Salad - Spring Vegetable Variations, Pumpernickel Soil, Champagne Vinaigrette

As soon as I saw the menu on line, there wasn’t much of a question on what I was going to get for my main entree. I love Wagyu and I didn’t really care about having to pay for it, especially since E and S had covered my dinner the two previous nights. This was so good! My strip loin was cooked perfectly to the rare side of medium-rare. I loved the short ribs as well. S stole some of my potatoes and she liked those as well. I skipped eating the potatoes as I was full from the bread service, salad and the meat! This entree was a winner!


Wagyu Strip Loin & Braised Short Rib, Rainbow Carrot, Roasted Peruvian Potatoes, Chimichurri

We skipped getting dessert as we all were super full. We decided to go back to the Safari to see the ‘night’ version. Well - I was kinda disappointed in the Night Safari as it was the same as the day pretty much without much differences and less animals out for us! Not sure I would do that again.


Night Safari

After the safari, we called it a night and headed back to the hotel.​
I'm just sad they got rid of their poop desserts because of parents complaining! I'm sure Casey and Jason would have loved those treats and imagine the jokes you would have!


Snow Leopard Salvation - Snow Leopard Vodka, Belle de Brillet Pear Liqueur, Mint, and Lime Juice topped with Ginger Beer
Yum!!!!! We ate at Tiffins on our last trip and I just glanced into the lounge. It is gorgeous and definitely a great place to grab a drink in the park.

The cocktail menu has so many option that I’m sure that is what I’m going to go with!
I was very impressed by their cocktail menu. Really inventive and different that other things on property. I got some kind of gin drink that was delicious, even if I can't remember what the heck it was

I went with the archaeologist salad as I hadn’t eaten any vegetables yet that day. I mean I had some banana chips in a chocolate Mickey but that doesn’t count as ‘healthy’ I really liked this salad! It had a great mix of various vegetables and I liked how instead of croutons, it was broken up like soil (hence the name, haha!) and the dressing was a nice touch as well. I can totally see myself getting it again.

Are you turning into your hubby???? :P Seriously so glad to hear Tiffins was good for you all. It was one of our fav meals on our last trip and I can't wait to head back.
So happy to hear you tried Nomad & Tiffins and liked both. I cannot wait to try them. From pictures the lounge looks incredible... I could see spending the afternoon on that porch!


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