DVC and Deluxe should get more FP+ and an earlier window

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I think that since everyone pays the same amount to enter the parks then that should be equal....the resorts you pay more for because you get more (restaurants, bigger pools with slides, balconies, transportation that is closer to the parks, on the monorail ect...)...
I shelled out a lot of money to become a DVC member. 20k to be exact. I believe that I should be treated accordingly.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that someone who is paying $100 per night to stay at All Star Music gets the same number of FP+ and the same booking window of FP+.

I made a long-term commitment to go to WDW. They know I made this commitment because they have my signature on their DVC contract. They should give me something extra to pay me back.

I know what the negative responses will be: How can you say that you greedy SOB...everyone should be treated equally regardless of how much money they have! Well that's not how the real world works. It's not like Disney is giving away access to their parks for free.

I paid a lot of money for DVC, as have several thousands of other people. People who stay at Grand Floridian or Yacht Club spend a truckload more than people at Pop Century. We should be treated fairly.

It is not fair that people who stay at lesser accommodations have the same access rights that people who stay at the best accommodations have.

And Off-Siters shouldn't get any FP+s. Why should Disney give them a damn thing?

When a valuable good or service is scarce the market needs to adjust the price to reflect this scarcity. Disney's FP+ is a scarce resource. It's simple Econ 101.

The amount of money one pays for a resort or DVC villa determines only the type of accommodations that they receive. You chose to spend your money on accommodations that would give you a specific level of services and amenities at that resort. Similarly, value resort guests spent their money on a resort that gave them a specific level of services and amenities. The difference in the amount spent is reflected (on a Disney scale) in the quality and number of the services and amenities at each level. Period.

The parks are completely separate. Access to the parks, and the amenities and services included, are tied to the ticket. It's bad enough that they have excluded off site guests for the first 30 days of FP+ bookings. I have the feeling that this is going to reach out and bite them in the butt in the long run. But to then start grading access to FP according to level of resort accommodation would be the last straw for a lot of the onsite guests staying at mod and value resorts. The same guests who make up the bulk of onsite visitors.

Disney already has your money, OP. They don't need to give you any more perks to get you to stay. You really arent as special, in their eyes, as you think you are. And FWIW, our family, staying primarily at mod resorts over the years, have easily spent more money on our resort rooms than you have on your DVC time share. So by your standard of entitlement, we should be placed ahead of you in the FP priority line. But that thought had never entered my mind until now. :rolleyes2

My thought exactly after reading op.

We all pay the same admission price for park entry. Isn't entry to the park what gets you fast passes? Being a DVC member gets you on property. You can do whatever you want there; you don't have to go to a park. It was your choice to join as it is others choice to stay at a value or where ever they want. I doubt access to fast pass was in your DVC contract.

This. :thumbsup2

I completely disagree. I made a bigger commitment that you-I moved here. if anyone should get more it should be locals and local AP :)

It is not fair that you tourists come here and back up our roads and get in our way.

Lol! Appreciate the humor!:rotfl:
Wow, Op, troll much?

Has it occurred to OP that this particular pendulum could theoretically swing very far the other way? If the parks were to close, or DVC were to change their agreements with the parks division, you could end up with a "$20,000" timeshare with NO theme parks perks at all?

What you bought was a portion of a condo. No more, no less. The rest is gravy.

FWIW, I'm an owner, too, but I try not to live in Fantasyland all the time.
Ooohhhh, you spent $20 000 on a timeshare condo! You must be really really rich and special! I mean, people who have $20 000 to spend are so rare and amazing that they should be allowed to wear a special "rich person" hat so they can get to the front of the line everywhere and everyone knows how elite they are. :lmao:

We get it. You dropped what seems to you to be an enormous amount of money on something with the assumption that it would make you super special. You can't accept the fact that there are many other people (like the folks that make up the rules at Disney) who don't really think that's a big deal at all. Did it ever occur to you that the people who stay at Pop might be spending thousands of dollars during their trip on meals, merchandise and special experiences and are just allocating their travel money in a different way?

If you want to feel special, pay the big bucks for the VIP tour. Lots of people spend thousands at Disney. Get over yourself already.
I do think that something of this nature will come to fruition at Disney at some point. Its been the game plan all along.::yes:: Will be a great way for Disney to cut back even more on the discounts. I do feel as though it is coming some way, some how.

I even think that concierge will get even more perks than DVC or other deluxe resort guest.
This is an excellent parody thread! You almost had me for a minute! (This is a joke, right?)
Replying to this thread the way I would truly like to would earn me an instant banning, so I will simply echo the "wow" sentiment.
I shelled out a lot of money to become a DVC member. 20k to be exact. I believe that I should be treated accordingly.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that someone who is paying $100 per night to stay at All Star Music gets the same number of FP+ and the same booking window of FP+.

I made a long-term commitment to go to WDW. They know I made this commitment because they have my signature on their DVC contract. They should give me something extra to pay me back.

I know what the negative responses will be: How can you say that you greedy SOB...everyone should be treated equally regardless of how much money they have! Well that's not how the real world works. It's not like Disney is giving away access to their parks for free.

I paid a lot of money for DVC, as have several thousands of other people. People who stay at Grand Floridian or Yacht Club spend a truckload more than people at Pop Century. We should be treated fairly.

It is not fair that people who stay at lesser accommodations have the same access rights that people who stay at the best accommodations have.

And Off-Siters shouldn't get any FP+s. Why should Disney give them a damn thing?

When a valuable good or service is scarce the market needs to adjust the price to reflect this scarcity. Disney's FP+ is a scarce resource. It's simple Econ 101.

Wow! What an entitled *** you sound like! Personally, I think CM's who have to put up with people like you should be the ones with access to more FP+. As of now, they can't get one until they are in the park for the day. And by that time, they are usually gone. These people work their butts off to make our stays happy and can't even enjoy their parks as a "normal" guest with their families on their day off. So, get over yourself, say thank that you CAN get those precious FP+ and enjoy your stay.

I shelled out a lot of money to become a DVC member. 20k to be exact. I believe that I should be treated accordingly.

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that someone who is paying $100 per night to stay at All Star Music gets the same number of FP+ and the same booking window of FP+.

I made a long-term commitment to go to WDW. They know I made this commitment because they have my signature on their DVC contract. They should give me something extra to pay me back.

I know what the negative responses will be: How can you say that you greedy SOB...everyone should be treated equally regardless of how much money they have! Well that's not how the real world works. It's not like Disney is giving away access to their parks for free.

I paid a lot of money for DVC, as have several thousands of other people. People who stay at Grand Floridian or Yacht Club spend a truckload more than people at Pop Century. We should be treated fairly.

It is not fair that people who stay at lesser accommodations have the same access rights that people who stay at the best accommodations have.

And Off-Siters shouldn't get any FP+s. Why should Disney give them a damn thing?

When a valuable good or service is scarce the market needs to adjust the price to reflect this scarcity. Disney's FP+ is a scarce resource. It's simple Econ 101.
$20,000 over how many years? Using a very coservative 30 years, that works out to $667 per year. If you go once a year and stay seven nights, that's $95.23 per night. If you go more frequently/stay longer, your nightly cost is even lower.

Explain again why you should get more privileges/benefits than someone paying more than you whose resort has far fewwer amenities?

DVCcurious said:
So it sounds like most of you have a problem with Deluxe and DVC getting more FP+s

Not at all. We disagree strngly (vs have a problem) with your misguided premise.

DVCcurious said:
Extra Magic Hours - How come off-siters aren't allowed in the park, they paid the same amount for their park ticket as on-siters do!
Off-siters getting a 30 day window - how is that any different than giving deluxe resort people a 75 day window and non-deluxe a 60 day and off siters a 30 day window? If you are ok with the off-site 30 day window then how can you be mad at my suggestion?

Benefit for every onsite guest and then some. Doesn't discriminate based on cost of hotel room.

DVCcurious said:
DVC APs are discounted - how is this fair to non-DVCers because a discounted AP gives DVCers cheaper access to the parks
Discount requiring DVC membership, provided as a perk, subject to change at any time. Would you like eniugh of us to protest to try to get it removed.

DVCcurious said:
I could go on but you get the idea. Disney already does a TON to stratify the park experience by resort guest type. On-siters get to arrive earlier and stay later than off-siters

Those arent different resort types. Disney doesn't own any offsite resorts. There's no reason to offer the same perks to people who aren't giving their hotel dollars to Disney.
$20,000 over how many years? Using a very coservative 30 years, that works out to $667 per year. If you go once a year and stay seven nights, that's $95.23 per night. If you go more frequently/stay longer, your nightly cost is even lower.

Explain again why you should get more privileges/benefits than someone paying more than you whose resort has far fewwer amenities?

I was waiting for someone to bring this up, OP you do realize “We GF/Yacht Club Guests” spend more money than you, so I think I should get more than you. It's only fair since I spend about the same amount on accommodations in a single year, than what you have spent for 40+ years of accommodations. :thumbsup2
People who are not staying at Grand Floridian are not allowed to use the Grand Floridian pool.

Are you shocked about that? Is that also an injustice?

How is that any different than what I'm saying?

How about Extra Magic Hours. Do you have a problem with EMH? After all, Disney won't let Off-Siters into the park during EMH. Is that also a "wow"?

If you buy a ticket for the third level at Yankee Stadium they won't allow you to sit behind home plate. Is that also a "wow"?

Our society has all agreed that you get what you pay for. And Disney is screwing it's higher-end customer with FP+.
The presumption in this statement speaks volumes! Thanks for the laugh OP. As to getting what you pay for in our society, you are right. You paid a significant-to-you sum for a DVC membership that allows you access to particular resort accommodations. In addition to your resort membership, and to show Disney's appreciation for your purchase of that membership, you are afforded additional perks such as dining, merchandise, and annual pass discounts. So, you are getting what you paid for and a little something more.

So it sounds like most of you have a problem with Deluxe and DVC getting more FP+s.

Do you people have a problem with the following?

Extra Magic Hours - How come off-siters aren't allowed in the park, they paid the same amount for their park ticket as on-siters do!

Off-siters getting a 30 day window - how is that any different than giving deluxe resort people a 75 day window and non-deluxe a 60 day and off siters a 30 day window? If you are ok with the off-site 30 day window then how can you be mad at my suggestion?

DVC APs are discounted - how is this fair to non-DVCers because a discounted AP gives DVCers cheaper access to the parks

I could go on but you get the idea. Disney already does a TON to stratify the park experience by resort guest type. On-siters get to arrive earlier and stay later than off-siters even though the ticket costs the same. DVC members get to pay less for their AP giving them cheaper access to the park. My idea of giving DVCers and Deluxers more FP+ and earlier FP+ window is not that radical.

It is a fact that Deluxe resort occupancy is way down the last few years. That's why they're converting Poly and Wilderness Lodge rooms to DVC. Maybe if Disney offered more FP+s they would increase occupancy at their high-end properties.

I don't have a problem with the actual suggestion itself, even though I personally wouldn't like it. I think what everyone is responding to is your entitled attitude. When you basically start off by announcing that you spent "X" amount of dollars and therefore feel you deserve special treatment it means you're either trolling us or you're completely clueless about what's socially appropriate. Money can buy a lot of things. It can't buy class.
Ok, so we realize what most people think of this post, but what do you think about it actually coming to par? (more FP+ for higher resort levels) I feel strongly that it will come to be. I think it will become a class system with the resorts. Not sure if I like it or not, we stay at all levels, so kinda unsure about that.

But there is a post on this board with the title that the FP+ is worthless if you stay on site. Now whether or not it is, I don't know, buy I am sure that is the type of post that Disney just loves to see.
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