Coupon Train ~~ New Riders Welcome!

Got your envie in the mail yesterday!! Thanks! Have a great weekend!!
off2dabeach...I got your envie today..thanks!

Glad you got it. I hope there are alot you can use. I got my Envie from Jen today. Lots of coupons on cleaning items which we neeed seeing My Mom is moving in a few weeks so tyty :cheer2:
got your envie yesterday.. TY there were some pretty cool c/o's that I can use this coming weekend
Your envie is all ready to be put in the mail tomorrow. Have a great week!
Honeybunches, I have two ready to mail to you in the morning.

Savings from coupons 9/8
Baililan - hope you got your bonus envie last week. The one I mail out tomorrow will be slimmer! Hmcfall711 - got yours the week before last. Hope everyone has a great week! :cool1:
Good Morning everyone!!

LJCRAW555 - I rec'd the HUGE envie you sent last week - thank you!!

VitFamily - I have a BIG envie heading your way in today's mail!

Have a great week everyone!
Disneyislove86 - Envie ready to go out today:)

Received two envies last week:)

Thank you! My mail has been wacky this past week (maybe the regular guy is on vacation) but I didn't receive last weeks envie yet. It will probably come today...along with all the bills that went "missing". :crazy2:

Of2DBeach I sent out a little tiny one to you this morning.

Have a great week everyone!

Petsmart: $4.00
I received my envie UDsweetpea, so thanks a bunch. Lots of good ones. I am you can use a bunch of the ones I sent you Ladytink75.
This weekend I saved $44.00.:cool1: Yeah, I am back in the saddle again.
Hello all!
I apologized for my absence. We made it through Isaac with very minimal damage. One tree came down, but didn't hit anything. We couldn't save the tree, but on the up side DH now has a spot for his shed. He couldn't decide where to put it, but this will be the perfect spot. :thumbsup2

An area in my town that has never flooded before (labled a no flood zone) flooded. People had up to 4ft of water in their houses. :(

I received an envie last week, but did not mail as I had not received anything the week before.

I did mail a nice size one to you today. And I was able to walk to the post office again. :cool1: We are only in the mid 80s today and it feels great!:goodvibes

I understand I have a new sendee and look forward to receiving from her. :wave2:
Hi Lori ( LJCraw), DH went to Post office this morning with an envelope for you. PM me if you need anything specific, sometimes I use order some coupons from a clipping service. I used to buy a few off ebay, too, haven't done that since I read there was someone with bogus deals on there. Strange, I am an avid ebayer (maybe 600plus?), and I really only got stuck once with a deal I didn't like.:confused3

Have a good week all, Happy Savings! ::yes:: Deb
Eyor44- Received your envie yesterday. Thanks so much!:)

I had to go back to see when you actually received this one. I'm glad it didn't get lost. With all the wind and rain that Isaac put our way, I was a little concerned. Glad you got it and pray you all didn't have any flooding or damage.


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