But I Don't Like Peas and Mushrooms! An Aug. '16 Dining Report *updated 10/13 Wrap It Up!*

Wrap Up!

I was so happy we ended our stay with such a delicious dinner at Territory Lounge, and my 3rd Magic Bar made a tasty breakfast once we got to MCO in the morning. It's not that hard to pick a "best" meal of the trip but I can't single out a "worst" because we really didn't have anything bad. I guess I'd say:
Best Meal: IL MULINO! I'm dying to go back in 38 days!!!
Worst Meal: for Steve it would be his plain boring salad at Skippers :sad2: For me I really had nothing bad; I'll go with least fancy meal and say my sandwich at Roaring Forks, but it was still very good.
Best Drink: sorry Grey Goose Slush ol' buddy ol' pal, but I think the Avocado margarita beats you out. Don't worry, you're still my 2nd fave and Steve's first!
And since Steve and I cannot wait to go back to Il Mulino, I'll do the
Place We Liked But Aren't Dying To Return To: San Angel Inn. We had a good meal but it wasn't any different than Mexican restaurants by us - again, not saying it was bad in any way. Luckily I can get the margarita at La Cava :thumbsup2

What did I learn on this trip? Lots of great things about Future World, we love, love, love Wilderness Lodge, and never say never when it comes to a food you think you don't like! You're never too old to embrace a new food; and keep forcing your kids to try things they insist they don't like :rotfl2:

Thank you all for following along!
Awesome! Looking forward to your next report! :-)
That mushroom soup and the fries that came with the burger are making my tummy rumbly and my mouth water. It's going to take all my willpower not to grab a late night snack now, lol.
And speaking of Il Mulino, I just listened to a recent Dis Unplugged episode about top 5 resort table service restaurants and one of them was Il Mulino. I had never read a review about it till I read yours. I am so itching to check it out now, either the one at Disney or NY.
Awesome! Looking forward to your next report! :-)
Thank you for following! Hoping to do one for our Thanksgiving trip next month :thumbsup2

That mushroom soup and the fries that came with the burger are making my tummy rumbly and my mouth water. It's going to take all my willpower not to grab a late night snack now, lol.
And speaking of Il Mulino, I just listened to a recent Dis Unplugged episode about top 5 resort table service restaurants and one of them was Il Mulino. I had never read a review about it till I read yours. I am so itching to check it out now, either the one at Disney or NY.
LOL, I got hungry every time I updated this report!
I saw that episode had been done but haven't listened yet, so I have to do that. Glad Il Mulino made the top 5! Cannot wait to be back there next month......still want to try the NY one at some point :)
I just read this in one sitting...except for halfway through when the Il Mulino pictures made me so hungry I had to get up and fix myself a snack! It all looked delicious and I can't wait to be there in 7 days!

Eggplant with garlic and tomatoes; Salami

I kind of like eggplant; Steve loves it. Well, this eggplant was INCREDIBLE. I couldn't stop eating it!!!
Hey what do you know you actually did do this review :-) This does love incredible. Like Steve, I love, love, love eggplant but Jason not so much so this bad boy would have been all mine. When we went (and when you hear about it 2 years from now) we didn't get an amuse but we sat at the bar.

Sausage and Broccoli Rabe.
Like I said, Steve loves this and makes it at home often. I am not a fan so didn't try this (or the chicken parm for that matter) but he was in love with both.
This is one of Jason's favs too. Not sure how he didn't see this on the menu and order it

I did! And it was out of this world :cloud9: This dish was rigatoni, wild mushrooms, spicy cherry tomatoes, garlic and truffle oil.
Truth, when I finished I had what amounted to quite a few mushrooms left in my dish, quite possibly the same amount that were brought to me minus like 3. While I didn't go as far as to physically eat most of these particular mushrooms the flavor had permeated the pasta and that's what I liked. And I did at least, once more, TRY mushrooms again! Anyway back to the dish: between the mushrooms, cherry peppers and truffle oil this was SO good and had immense flavor I came very close to eating the whole dish! I will not hesitate to order this again and in fact, since I made us an ADR here for Nov. once we returned from this trip, I just may be eating this again in about 55 days.
While I'm not forgiving you for being a mushroom trader, sans the mushrooms this looks and sounds divine. But I'm a sucker for all things truffle oil. Needless to say we did not have this on our trip.

Oh man, this menu just looked so good. We were starting to regret our Whispering Canyon reservation that was slowly approaching. Well, after a quick discussion we decided to be rebels and blow off the ADR (I know, I know, someone else may have wanted that :P) and just eat there!
Welcome to the spontaneity dark side :P It's not so bad and there is always wine

SMOKY PORTABELLO BISQUE, yes guys my THIRD mushroom dish!!!
With Crispy Oyster Mushrooms and Fines Herbs

This is the soup they serve at Artist Point next door that normally gets rave reviews here. I ordered it for 2 reasons: 1. I was freezing my *** off in there, and 2. I was 2 for 2 so far with loving my mushroom dishes so I figured I had nothing to lose! And I chose right; this was delicious.
And to think we were once friends :confused3

The Gourmet Burger that we'd seen earlier, with "Land" lettuce, tomato, house pickles, truffle fries with Aioli

I know this picture doesn't really show the burger but it was cooked perfect and hit the spot. The truffle fries were the hit though, especially with the Aioli. We split the burger and I still couldn't finish half I was so full.
Ok friendship redeemed. This looks amazing. Jason and I are always on the hunt for a good disney burger.

Thrilled you all loved territory lounge. I've always wanted to eat there, but somehow never have. Totally gonna have to change that next time we say at WL.

hat did I learn on this trip? Lots of great things about Future World, we love, love, love Wilderness Lodge, and never say never when it comes to a food you think you don't like! You're never too old to embrace a new food; and keep forcing your kids to try things they insist they don't like :rotfl2:

Thank you all for following along!
Thank you for letting us eat along, though I will forever continue to never say never when it comes to mushrooms. But I'm open to everything else :-) And thankfully my kid eats better than me :P

Glad you all loved Wilderness. I was hoping to stay there on our next trip, but some travel agent booked us into the AKL instead. :confused3 Oh well!
Love reading your reports! I love the avocado marg and the slushie...but my absolute fave is the La Vie En Rose....so delish I even try and make it at home!!
Thanks for the great reviews Ariane!
You're welcome, thanks for reading along!

I just read this in one sitting...except for halfway through when the Il Mulino pictures made me so hungry I had to get up and fix myself a snack! It all looked delicious and I can't wait to be there in 7 days!
Hey there :wave: I had no idea you were going again so soon, awesome! Yup, I was drooling a bit when I wrote up the Il Mulino review lol. I can't wait to eat there again but I have a little longer than you, 37 days :goodvibes
When we went (and when you hear about it 2 years from now) we didn't get an amuse but we sat at the bar.
Geez, nice of you to stop by! Seriously, if I didn't see you pop up around here today I was going to text and see what the heck was going on down there :hyper2:

Well it's good to know they don't "amuse" you at the bar :rolleyes1

While I'm not forgiving you for being a mushroom trader, sans the mushrooms this looks and sounds divine. But I'm a sucker for all things truffle oil. Needless to say we did not have this on our trip.
Mushrooms aside this was still delicious! I did leave most of the mushrooms in the dish anyway and then Steve ate a bunch. I'll be ordering it again next month and I'll send you a close-up fungus picture :thumbsup2

Welcome to the spontaneity dark side :P It's not so bad and there is always wine
Then from now on I'll be there as often as I can!

And to think we were once friends :confused3

Ok friendship redeemed

This looks amazing. Jason and I are always on the hunt for a good disney burger.

Thrilled you all loved territory lounge. I've always wanted to eat there, but somehow never have. Totally gonna have to change that next time we say at WL.
It was one of the best burgers we've had on property and exactly what we were in the mood for. I'm sure somewhere someone who couldn't get a WCC reservation was cursing us out, especially since it was pouring buckets out and everyone seemed to decide to make it a resort night :o
I can't believe you guys have never eaten in the lounge! You need to stay there on your next trip and remedy that.

Glad you all loved Wilderness. I was hoping to stay there on our next trip, but some travel agent booked us into the AKL instead. :confused3 Oh well!
Oh, yeah! Maybe she's punishing you for never trying Territory Lounge :scratchin And maybe, JUST maybe if you're super nice to her she'll check AP rates when they come out and see if WL is a better deal. But then Casey might not like her anymore since she wants AKL and said agent really wants to hear her say "Ep-A-Cot" in person again someday ::yes::

Love reading your reports! I love the avocado marg and the slushie...but my absolute fave is the La Vie En Rose....so delish I even try and make it at home!!

:thanks: so much for reading along! I've heard of the La Vie En Rose and it does sound good but I've never tried it. I know they normally feature it at F&W and I think maybe at F&G also? Do they sell it somewhere in France regularly too? And how has it turned out for you at home? Steve and I need to make the Grey Goose slushes here!
I've been so terrible at keeping up with reports lately, work has been kicking my butt over the past week... But, I'm caught up now!

First of all - so many mushroom dishes! Yuck! I'm glad you enjoyed them though :)

I'm really intrigued by some of the items on the menu at Territory Lounge - Oregon Chardonnay Fondue?! I think I need to go back to my schedule and figure out how to fit this place in...

You're getting so close to your next trip, can't wait to read that report!
I've been so terrible at keeping up with reports lately, work has been kicking my butt over the past week... But, I'm caught up now!

First of all - so many mushroom dishes! Yuck! I'm glad you enjoyed them though :)

I'm really intrigued by some of the items on the menu at Territory Lounge - Oregon Chardonnay Fondue?! I think I need to go back to my schedule and figure out how to fit this place in...

You're getting so close to your next trip, can't wait to read that report!
LOL, I believe Kari @kastoney shares your exact mushroom sentiment :rotfl2:and so did I before this trip! And I haven't had any mushrooms since coming home, so I think I'll keep that to Disney.

I definitely suggest squeezing in Territory Lounge for a nice relaxed evening if you can! You still have time to tweak and the nice thing is you don't need an ADR so you can do it whenever you feel like it or can fit it in last minute. Yes, our trip is in 34 days :cheer2: and by the time we get back yours will be just around the corner!
Geez, nice of you to stop by! Seriously, if I didn't see you pop up around here today I was going to text and see what the heck was going on down there :hyper2:
Thought I'd breeze through and see what everyone is up too :-) Sadly I've been working like a mad woman lately. 60 hours a week has become my new norm and sadly the dis has had to pay the proverbial price. We were also out of town in WV last weekend. But I'm back and hoping I can keep up on my own and everyone's reports.

Mushrooms aside this was still delicious! I did leave most of the mushrooms in the dish anyway and then Steve ate a bunch. I'll be ordering it again next month and I'll send you a close-up fungus picture :thumbsup2
I'll be checking my phone by the minute :P

Oh, yeah! Maybe she's punishing you for never trying Territory Lounge :scratchin And maybe, JUST maybe if you're super nice to her she'll check AP rates when they come out and see if WL is a better deal. But then Casey might not like her anymore since she wants AKL and said agent really wants to hear her say "Ep-A-Cot" in person again someday ::yes::
Maybe. But we'll see. This is the first time we are using her so I'm still on the fence :-)

LOL, I believe Kari @kastoney shares your exact mushroom sentiment :rotfl2:and so did I before this trip! And I haven't had any mushrooms since coming home, so I think I'll keep that to Disney.
@fallonkendra is my mushroom spirit animal :D
:thanks: so much for reading along! I've heard of the La Vie En Rose and it does sound good but I've never tried it. I know they normally feature it at F&W and I think maybe at F&G also? Do they sell it somewhere in France regularly too? And how has it turned out for you at home? Steve and I need to make the Grey Goose slushes here!

We go during Flower and Garden...and I maybe took advantage of staying at YC to try it a few times...here it is in all it's glory!

It took us a few tries but it turned out good. Of course I am drinking it in my apartment in NYC so not quite as good as it was in May! :confused3
We go during Flower and Garden...and I maybe took advantage of staying at YC to try it a few times...here it is in all it's glory!
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It took us a few tries but it turned out good. Of course I am drinking it in my apartment in NYC so not quite as good as it was in May! :confused3
We're trying to go for F&G next year so I'll definitely try it if we do :thumbsup2 So you're in the city.....you're about 90 minutes south of me :)
I'm way behind...back on pg 8 before the update there but I had to comment. One - you guys are totally doing moscato wrong! Go to Aldi and get Winking Owl. $2.89 a bottle and it's better than the $7 bottles I've had. I don't usually go much higher than that for my wine at home, so I can't compare to the $11 bottles or better...but it's definitely as good as most supermarket brands and at $2.89 a bottle, my fridge is filled! Lol.
Two - I'm. Afraid the avacado Margo may be out for me. I don't do banana. Let me clarufy...I'll eat a banana, especially with peanut butter on it, but it's not my fave AND I don't do it flavored in slushies or smoothies or whatever. Oh well. But I'll try the grapefruit beer....

Ok, back to reading.
Damn, the trails end brunch has me rethinking that as an option for a spontaneous arrival day meal. That would be about the only time we could swing it. It looks like there is a lot of ADR availability so that might actually work out.
And yes, the WL is amazing. It is hand's down my favorite resort anywhere (not just WDW) and it's the only one I have ever returned to. My first trip there was also an adults only short last minute trip (well, before we had kids so duh) and it was so magical. It was also the first time I ever went to the food and wine festival.
I'm way behind...back on pg 8 before the update there but I had to comment. One - you guys are totally doing moscato wrong! Go to Aldi and get Winking Owl. $2.89 a bottle and it's better than the $7 bottles I've had. I don't usually go much higher than that for my wine at home, so I can't compare to the $11 bottles or better...but it's definitely as good as most supermarket brands and at $2.89 a bottle, my fridge is filled! Lol.
Two - I'm. Afraid the avacado Margo may be out for me. I don't do banana. Let me clarufy...I'll eat a banana, especially with peanut butter on it, but it's not my fave AND I don't do it flavored in slushies or smoothies or whatever. Oh well. But I'll try the grapefruit beer....

Ok, back to reading.
I actually have an Aldi by me but I haven't been there yet, it just opened a few months ago. Now I really want to go check it out this afternoon - especially since Chris is having some friends sleep over tonight for his birthday. A fridge full of wine will come in handy :rotfl2:
I'm not positive there's actually banana in the Avocado Margarita, it just kind of tastes a little bit like banana. But I guess you'll have to find another adult beverage to try in June. And it shouldn't be hard!

Damn, the trails end brunch has me rethinking that as an option for a spontaneous arrival day meal. That would be about the only time we could swing it. It looks like there is a lot of ADR availability so that might actually work out.
It's funny, for as much as people talk about TE and seem to love it, no matter what time of year I'm checking for I see availability there - except for Thanksgiving day once like 4 months prior hit. It was really great and I'm looking forward not only to our brunch there next month, but Thanksgiving dinner as well :goodvibes

And yes, the WL is amazing. It is hand's down my favorite resort anywhere (not just WDW) and it's the only one I have ever returned to. My first trip there was also an adults only short last minute trip (well, before we had kids so duh) and it was so magical. It was also the first time I ever went to the food and wine festival.
I'm very excited to be trying Beach Club for the first time next month and I think my kids, especially my youngest, will enjoy Stormalong Bay and the big arcade there. But if we weren't booked on points I definitely would have looked to switch once we got back in August! And I'm really hoping for a good AP discount for WL when we go again, hopefully in the Spring, because I think the boys would love it there, too. Plus I'm keeping up with the WL thread on the Resorts forum and that makes me happy, yet sad lol.
I actually have an Aldi by me but I haven't been there yet, it just opened a few months ago. Now I really want to go check it out this afternoon - especially since Chris is having some friends sleep over tonight for his birthday. A fridge full of wine will come in handy :rotfl2:
I'm not positive there's actually banana in the Avocado Margarita, it just kind of tastes a little bit like banana. But I guess you'll have to find another adult beverage to try in June. And it shouldn't be hard!
Wow, I should really learn to re-read what I have typed before I press submit! LOL I was such an Aldi shamer before I tried them out. Now, I buy half our groceries there! And the wine alone is reason enough to go! I hope you get to check it out today or in the future.

Yeh, I'm fairly certain I'll find plenty of adult beverages to try...probably too many, if there is such a thing.

BTW, I got sidetracked and didn't get to finish reading your updates yesterday. I will try today during my breaks at school...like right now while my kids are at computer lab!
Territory Lounge sounds great for a couples dinner. We will be doing WCC if we get our VWL ressies, which I have done before with Mom, but I think my boys will love the fun and my DH will love the food. Glad you took a walk over to the Villas and I'm really glad you are so hooked on this resort. I REALLY, REALLY need to stay here next June!


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