Another money grab...

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No, but you seem to want to dictate where, when, and how much.

Everyone knows it’s your opinion. No one is confused about that. Most just disagree with it. For some reason you won’t accept that.
I did not say nor imply that any place that serves alcohol(like WDW) is not family friendly . Also,I did not say or imply that responsible drinking was "bad" in any way shape or form . My "opinions"and concerns were not meant to tell anyone how to live, spend their money ,or vacation . My post was just me raising a concern I had regarding the gradual additions of places in the parks that sell alcohol (ex. Baseline Tap House , Woody's Lunchbox , and now Pizzafari). Clearly a trend and not just "about one lounge in AK."I also felt that this recent addition at Pizzafari was a quick money grab because of how quickly and easily it was started . Additionally , I know that the Disney company will continue to do whatever they want as long as it keeps boosting their bottom line and doesn't care what is said here. That doesn't mean however that we can't and shouldn't try to express our concerns to them whenever and wherever appropriate (like Resort Parking fees). Agree , disagree all I ask is that everyone be fair and respectful of each other .
As with many things, 'we' as as society tend to rule by the lowest common denominator. As a result, any issues with a particular action or item tends to be used as a sweeping generalization for everyone. It's only natural to make these assumptions, albeit 100% subjective and not necessarily accurate.

While I personally am a little ambivalent on the alcohol issue, I am 100% against being able to smoke in the parks... yes yes, people have rights to make choices etc.. However, as research continues to highlight the major dangers of second hand smoke, it is something that needs to be addressed as those rights negatively affect those of others.
I know,but they shouldn't expand its availability outside of TS restaurants
At AK, it has already been available outside of TS restaurants, as some who doesn't drink, I personally wish all of the parks only had it at TS restaurants, or better still not at all. But I know that isn't realistic and as long as security immediately removes anyone that is drunk, then all is good.
As with many things, 'we' as as society tend to rule by the lowest common denominator. As a result, any issues with a particular action or item tends to be used as a sweeping generalization for everyone. It's only natural to make these assumptions, albeit 100% subjective and not necessarily accurate.

While I personally am a little ambivalent on the alcohol issue, I am 100% against being able to smoke in the parks... yes yes, people have rights to make choices etc.. However, as research continues to highlight the major dangers of second hand smoke, it is something that needs to be addressed as those rights negatively affect those of others.
And they have limited smoking areas, which need to be better enforced, if someone is smoking outside the smoking area, warn them once, second time, they are gone for the day, third time, the rest of the length of their ticket without refund, fourth time, lifetime ban.

I would love to see them eliminate smoking completely, but unfortunately it is an international destination and many outside the U.S. don't take the same views we do on smoking, so a smoking area is better than allowing smoking anywhere in the parks. Another viable option it to setup smoking booths with double doors and negative air pressure to keep the smoke from escaping. Make them comfortable with good air conditioning and heating as needed and direct the exhaust up and away from everyone and everything. This would be my preference over even eliminating smoking in the parks, as if the parks went 100% smoke free, those that smoke would find ways to sneak a smoke somewhere and it would actually result in worse conditions than there are now.
My post was just me raising a concern I had regarding the gradual additions of places in the parks that sell alcohol (ex. Baseline Tap House , Woody's Lunchbox , and now Pizzafari). Clearly a trend and not just "about one lounge in AK."I also felt that this recent addition at Pizzafari was a quick money grab because of how quickly and easily it was started . Additionally , I know that the Disney company will continue to do whatever they want as long as it keeps boosting their bottom line and doesn't care what is said here. That doesn't mean however that we can't and shouldn't try to express our concerns to them whenever and wherever appropriate (like Resort Parking fees). Agree , disagree all I ask is that everyone be fair and respectful of each other .

Pizzafari always sold alcohol AFAIK.

Your concern is that there are more venues selling alcohol, but the reality is there are more venues selling food as well (Woody's Lunchbox being one of many). The parks are expanding, with new rides, lands, and venues selling food, and yes, beer and wine mostly.

On vacation, many of us enjoy day drinking. There are more places to get it, but that doesn't mean there will be issues. There are equally more guests than ever before.
The parks are more crowded, period. They have to increase the number of places that serve food and drink. Period. Or lines will be miles long.

Could you imagine how long the lines will be if there was just one bar???

OP, we get it. You don't like them expanding the offerings. Others disagree. Write a letter to Disney.
Here's the thing. There's no one "right" way for everyone to vacation. Some people like to spend every waking moment with each other, some like breaks and to do some solo time. Some like large desserts, and some like to eat more bread instead. Some like fancy restaurants, and some wouldn't be caught dead in one. Some like rope drop to park close, and some like to have a break during the day for the pool. Some like to have a drink, and some don't.

And you know what? That's totally fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not agreeing 100% on everything. We can all agree to disagree on things without shoving our opinions down each other's throats. Personally, I enjoy having a drink or two. By no means am I walking around drunk. I'm capable of handling myself. But I'll be danged if I can't have a beer just because someone else doesn't approve of it. Your opinion is yours, and you're absolutely entitled to it. But that doesn't mean you get to control my life just because you disagree with me. I've never understood this mentality of "I don't like something so no one should be allowed to do it!"
At times I've consumed more alcohol than I've brought on property than i bought on property. If people are going to drink, they are going to do it no matter if its sold there or not.
I drink at the parks and have even drank before entering Magic Kingdom when it wasn't available. Not one time have I interfered with another guests experience at the park. Its a vacation and people are going to drink. Its up to the person and if they are a loser in the moment.
Here's the thing. There's no one "right" way for everyone to vacation. Some people like to spend every waking moment with each other, some like breaks and to do some solo time. Some like large desserts, and some like to eat more bread instead. Some like fancy restaurants, and some wouldn't be caught dead in one. Some like rope drop to park close, and some like to have a break during the day for the pool. Some like to have a drink, and some don't.

And you know what? That's totally fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not agreeing 100% on everything. We can all agree to disagree on things without shoving our opinions down each other's throats. Personally, I enjoy having a drink or two. By no means am I walking around drunk. I'm capable of handling myself. But I'll be danged if I can't have a beer just because someone else doesn't approve of it. Your opinion is yours, and you're absolutely entitled to it. But that doesn't mean you get to control my life just because you disagree with me. I've never understood this mentality of "I don't like something so no one should be allowed to do it!"
Here's the thing. There's no one "right" way for everyone to vacation. Some people like to spend every waking moment with each other, some like breaks and to do some solo time. Some like large desserts, and some like to eat more bread instead. Some like fancy restaurants, and some wouldn't be caught dead in one. Some like rope drop to park close, and some like to have a break during the day for the pool. Some like to have a drink, and some don't.

And you know what? That's totally fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not agreeing 100% on everything. We can all agree to disagree on things without shoving our opinions down each other's throats. Personally, I enjoy having a drink or two. By no means am I walking around drunk. I'm capable of handling myself. But I'll be danged if I can't have a beer just because someone else doesn't approve of it. Your opinion is yours, and you're absolutely entitled to it. But that doesn't mean you get to control my life just because you disagree with me. I've never understood this mentality of "I don't like something so no one should be allowed to do it!"

Exactly. I don't like salmon. I've tried. From good chefs. But I still don't like it. I mean, what if someone's family member liked salmon so much that they left the group to seek out a salmon dinner? If salmon wasn't there, they would be forced to stay and make family memories. Do we really need another restaurant that serves salmon? When will it end? Think of the children!
This thread is great. People are acting like this is going to transform the parks into frat houses.

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I’m in recovery and have zero issue with folks having options to drink in the parks. I encountered some highly intoxicated guests at Epcot during my last solo trip in December. They spoke to me in between talking about leaving to get Applebee’s and comparing alcohol tolerance levels, but were not disruptive to others or children.

Side note - people will find a way to drink if they want to. Cut to me working at Space Mountain on the college program before alcohol was served at MK. A guest drops his empty fifth bottle as he’s getting out of the rocket, awkwardly looks at me. Availability of alcohol in a specific park won’t stop people from drinking before they arrive or smuggling it in. And I’m sure we’ve all been around intixicated people and would never know - they rarely cause a problem.
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Not trying to villianize I said there is atime and place .

I have never said that alcohol doesn't belong in the parks .

I can only say that I certainly perceived your comments about "a time and place" after complaining about new lounges being opened in the parks as meaning that you didn't feel that alcohol belonged in the parks. The only other interpretation I can make from your multiple comments is that you think that there is a maximum number of places in the parks before it becomes unacceptable, i.e., there is "a time and place" for more than X number of lounges and that number, once exceeded, does not belong in the parks. As you haven't specified how you determine what that value is - other than prophesying doom and gloom because of the addition of one more lounge - I don't think that anyone can be blamed for thinking that 'alcohol doesn't belong in the parks' is pretty much exactly what you were implying. I know and understand that many people feel this way, but time will tell if it actually becomes an issue. If it does, I'm sure Disney will take action.

However, I think that Disney has considered the potential, looked at past data about the number of difficult guests due to alcohol, correlated the number of such incidents to the amount of alcohol available, and made the determination that adding a few more lounges will increase the bottom line, will make a certain number of adult guests happy and will not add significantly to the number of disruptive guests. In some ways, they are a fairly risk-averse organization - they do not want a lot of adverse publicity and do not want to have to add a lot of security/bouncer-type CMs to handle drunk guests. So my view is that a few more lounges will not unduly add to the potential for hordes of drunk vacationers to be running about scarring the minds of little children. I can't personally see myself going to this lounge although I would encourage many others to do so as I would like to have a little less competition for the outdoor seating area of the Nomad lounge.
I used the wrong wording in that I’m not talking about influencing other people to drink — they just push to go spend time at the cocktail outlets instead of doing other things.

And another poster mentioned ditching out for awhile because he was bored with the family time. Fair enough, but if the option wasn’t there to go have a tall cool one, he may have been “forced” to stick around and build family memories.[/QUOTE]

This is a bit of slippery slope, don't you think? I am not sure if you are arguing that if one steps away for a bit of space, they cannot build family memories, or if you are arguing that going for a drink is the reason one cannot build family memories.

Who are these people who push to go to cocktail outlets? Perhaps the people you know "push" others to spend time there, but this does not mean all people who drink alcohol do this. Your anecdotal observation and my anecdotal observation do not make something fact or expand to all people who drink.

I do not smoke, but if a smoker wanted to go to a designated smoking area, I would not feel obligated to start smoking, or assume the smoker would not be able to make family memories because of their desire to smoke.
My issue with the original post, is why drinking makes sense in Epcot and HS, but not AK. I also agree with other posters here that the lounge makes sense as there are more people in the parks. I don’t see this as a money grab, but as reducing lines at the other locations and giving people different options.
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