Keeping Ukraine in our thoughts and prayers here

The news media is struggling to find news in a situation where there isn't much news, so it's really hard to tell which stories are accurate and which are not. So far, I have found BBC's coverage to be the most level-headed and apparently factual.

One of the problems is that the Kremlin controls Russia's news feeds. The Russian people actually believe that Putin is bringing justice to the region, and that Ukraine is being ruled by Nazis.
One of the problems is that the Kremlin controls Russia's news feeds. The Russian people actually believe that Putin is bringing justice to the region, and that Ukraine is being ruled by Nazis.
I don't know if that's true or not. In today's world, even strong dictatorships can't totally control what their citizens see and hear.

I read today that the BBC Russian-language webpage had exploded with traffic. They were getting 3 million views a day, now getting more than 10 million views a day.

Surely some of those viewers are Russian-speaking Ukrainians, but still their traffic is up 3X!
And also, there have been a LOT of protests inside Russia. I think there have been something like 7,000-8,000 arrests in Russia for protesting the Ukraine invasion.
I don't know if that's true or not. In today's world, even strong dictatorships can't totally control what their citizens see and hear.

I read today that the BBC Russian-language webpage had exploded with traffic. They were getting 3 million views a day, now getting more than 10 million views a day.

Surely some of those viewers are Russian-speaking Ukrainians, but still their traffic is up 3X!

Sadly the press in Russia IS largely state controlled. One foreign source recently was silenced, anyone who spreads news contrary to the state line is disappeared... it's scary. It's a logistical thing.
Sadly the press in Russia IS largely state controlled. One foreign source recently was silenced, anyone who spreads news contrary to the state line is disappeared... it's scary. It's a logistical thing.
My point was that "largely controlled" is not TOTAL control and the real world still penetrates the toughest dictatorships. Outside sources still work their way in, even under the tightest controls.

Otherwise, there would be no dissension inside of Russia -- but there is, and it's been well-documented.
My point was that "largely controlled" is not TOTAL control and the real world still penetrates the toughest dictatorships. Outside sources still work their way in, even under the tightest controls.

Otherwise, there would be no dissension inside of Russia -- but there is, and it's been well-documented.

In the words of Ryo-san: I see

ETA: Not to be snarky, I genuinely see :p
I wonder... can an invading force ever hope to gain and keep control of a sovereign nation?
It depends on the level of control. They ruled Ukraine and the Balkan nations and so for quite a while. You could also look at places like the British controlled areas to see another aspect.
It depends on the level of control. They ruled Ukraine and the Balkan nations and so for quite a while. You could also look at places like the British controlled areas to see another aspect.

Didn't work out for Britain though. Think of Canada, Australia, much of the Indian Ocean States. No longer our Territories, although we still have a loose connection and compete in the Commonwealth Games. But we don't rule 1/3 of the Earth like we used to.
Didn't work out for Britain though. Think of Canada, Australia, much of the Indian Ocean States. No longer our Territories, although we still have a loose connection and compete in the Commonwealth Games. But we don't rule 1/3 of the Earth like we used to.
True and that is why it's another side of it. There is no iron fist there unlike the USSR and likely today's Russia too.
True and that is why it's another side of it. There is no iron fist there unlike the USSR and likely today's Russia too.
Very good point.

Russia are, IMO, being classically aggressive. Their apparent aims are to take ports, the capital, town halls and the main press outlets including TV towers. It's all over the news. I actually cry for Ukraine :(
Russia are, IMO, being classically aggressive. Their apparent aims are to take ports, the capital, town halls and the main press outlets including TV towers. It's all over the news. I actually cry for Ukraine :(
I honestly don't know what Russia's objectives were in this invasion -- in fact, I'm not even sure they know.

I can't believe military conquest of Ukraine was their goal. If anyone in Russia actually thought that was a remotely achievable goal, that is really scary to me. It's scary in the sense of highly trained, very smart, military leaders -- with nuclear weapons in their arsenal -- being that far off from reality. If they really did make that big of a mistake, that is worrisome.
I honestly don't know what Russia's objectives were in this invasion -- in fact, I'm not even sure they know.

I can't believe military conquest of Ukraine was their goal. If anyone in Russia actually thought that was a remotely achievable goal, that is really scary to me. It's scary in the sense of highly trained, very smart, military leaders -- with nuclear weapons in their arsenal -- being that far off from reality. If they really did make that big of a mistake, that is worrisome.
There are stories that some of the younger soldiers are conscripts who were only told that they were on some "training exercise" and weren't prepared to send or receive live fire.
It's interesting. A released picture of one of Putin's addresses to the nation showed him at a huge table with just two cronies. Here's hoping that his support is ebbing...
No, that is exactly the problem. Putin always had a small group of trustees. Due to covid this group has gotten smaller, hardly anyone has access to Putin anymore.

Here the word is that this is what contributed to his thoughts of it is his mission to restore the Russian empire. No opposition, or anyone to give any other sound besides his own words.

I do think his support among the Russian people is ebbing a bit, but with state controlled media, the two last independent news sources have been shut down, and protesting will get you thrown in jail... it is going to take a long time.
Putin's goal- disrupt democracy. Same as it's been for years.

God bless those fighting for democracy everywhere, especially the innocent in 🇺🇦 Ukraine.
I honestly don't know what Russia's objectives were in this invasion -- in fact, I'm not even sure they know.

I can't believe military conquest of Ukraine was their goal. If anyone in Russia actually thought that was a remotely achievable goal, that is really scary to me. It's scary in the sense of highly trained, very smart, military leaders -- with nuclear weapons in their arsenal -- being that far off from reality. If they really did make that big of a mistake, that is worrisome.

My understanding of it is that it's personal to Putin. As an old KGB officer and true soviet cold warrior, he's never accepted Ukraine declaring statehood. My Ukrainian neighbor explained to me that Ukraine is the heart of Russia in many ways....the culture, language, and a lot of the political beliefs were born in Ukraine. In many ways, Ukraine was the beating heart of Russia. It's the Ukrainian Intelligentsia"that goes back hundreds of years according to my neighbor....and the loss of that history as a part of Russia, that has stuck in Putin's craw all of these years.

And so he wants it back....and he's taking it. As for how it goes from here, who knows. Things could go sideways in any number of ways from here.
Looks like Canada is banning all Russian crude oil imports --
It’s infuriating that we were receiving them at all so hopefully this situation ends with a complete rethink of our senseless dependence on foreign imports. Pure insanity that this nation may be facing $8/gallon gasoline and heating fuel shortages in the near term. Complex domestic issues have lead us here, that are really not so complex after all, when it all starts “getting real”. :mad:
I honestly don't know what Russia's objectives were in this invasion -- in fact, I'm not even sure they know.

I can't believe military conquest of Ukraine was their goal. If anyone in Russia actually thought that was a remotely achievable goal, that is really scary to me. It's scary in the sense of highly trained, very smart, military leaders -- with nuclear weapons in their arsenal -- being that far off from reality. If they really did make that big of a mistake, that is worrisome.
I have been greatly perplexed by reports of “talks and negotiation” between the two parties. What on God’s good earth would the Ukraine be willing to negotiate away to end this baffling siege? They are blameless and owe nothing to Russia. :confused:
It’s infuriating that we were receiving them at all so hopefully this situation ends with a complete rethink of our senseless dependence on foreign imports. Pure insanity that this nation may be facing $8/gallon gasoline and heating fuel shortages in the near term. Complex domestic issues have lead us here, that are really not so complex after all, when it all starts “getting real”. :mad:

I have been greatly perplexed by reports of “talks and negotiation” between the two parties. What on God’s good earth would the Ukraine be willing to negotiate away to end this baffling siege? They are blameless and owe nothing to Russia. :confused:
I had the same response to the idea of peace talks.Probably more like surrender and we will stop killing everybody.


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