New Year, New Experiences! A January 2016 TR - I’m here at WDW! 3/25

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Craziness of the Lights

I had gotten lucky during dinner and scored a FP for TGMR for 5:25 and then we’d head over to the Osborne lights, so we paid the bill and took off.

We scored the last row of the very last vehicle. We’ve been very lucky that day always getting in at the last second! Only grabbed this one picture. Meh, I suck.

After the ride it was time to see what this whole trip was based around… the Lights!

Holy. Calrissian.


Remember, this was the second to last day that the Osborne Lights would be up (found out during that trip that Disney extended the end date!), add to that that this was a Saturday night. This was the busiest I’ve seen any park ever in my entire life, including Disneyland. CM’s were directing traffic going into the Streets of America and getting there took close to 10 minutes and we hadn’t even seen lights yet!

We finally, FINALLY made it to the actual lights!

DS was all about the snoap!

Although it’s blurry, I love his face in this one. He looks like he’s in awe of what he’s seeing :love:

Yep. It was even more gorgeous then the first time I had seen it in 2012.

I want to include this picture to show how the crowds were for us in 2012

As you can see, plenty of room to walk without stepping on anyone, plenty of room to stop and take a picture. It was great!

Fast forward to today and this is what we have

Everyone was taking baby steps, trying not to trample on anyone, folks were attempting to take family pics, but walking while they were doing it. And in past years when we were able to stop and take it all in, we really couldn’t unless we wanted to stop the flow of traffic. I actually found the whole thing to be more stressful than exciting. And I could sense that around me with others as well.

I didn’t take many pictures, I was trying to enjoy this last experience with my family, but I made sure to get that Hidden Mickey and the reindeer with the NYC skyline!

It took 20 MINUTES to baby step it from the beginning of the street to the end! Although I’m super happy that we were able to see it, I was glad to be out of there.

We were all ready to go and check out our place at the Poly so we headed out but stopped for a picture without the hat :sad2: (And yes, I am the only one who misses the hat! :snooty:)

DS wanted to walk (who can blame him?! That stroller is awful. Have I mentioned how terrible that stroller is??? ::yes::) but he just wasn’t keeping up and there was lots of people leaving, so DH flung him over his shoulder with lots of kicking and squealing from DS. Being the phenomenal mother that I am, I took a picture.

We did let him run around in the bus stop area though. Because we’re tremendous parents :lmao: Don’t’ worry, we made sure he didn’t run in front of a bus or anything :thumbsup2

Fantasmic was going on while we were waiting

Forty minutes later :-)scared1:), I took my first picture of the Poly as a staying guest!

And I realized I’ve never been on the ground level of the Poly before! (less blurry pics later, I was rushing.)

This was the plan. I’d go check us in, DH would call about the stroller again and DM would entertain DS.

I wish I could say check in was a breeze, but it wasn’t. There was an issue with the MB’s again :headache: While the nice CM was checking us in, the manager came over and gave us 4 leis for the family, which was awesome! I had forgotten that they did that. I took them over to the seating area where DS and DM were. DH was over at Bell Services (he was asking about our luggage and groceries) and walked over to us. He gave us some good and bad news. DH was talking about our situation with our lost stroller to the CM's and they called SW for us and they had already located our stroller! The bad news was it was in route to Old Key West. Bell Services called OKW to confirm this and it was indeed already there. DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!! :cloud9: So DH went off with the CM while the CM’s I was working with were still in the process of checking us in. In total it was close to 20 minutes and for whatever reason, they ended up changing our room from the Pago Pago building to the Moorea.

The manager was insistent that the CM helping us go with us personally to the room to make sure all our MB’s worked, although I assured him we would be fine. The CM was already around the counter when she told me to follow her. The service was outstanding. We talked about her job and how much she loved working at WDW but loved it even more exploring WDW when she had days off.

She checked all our MB's on the lock and they all worked and she left us to explore our room!
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Our Polynesian Villa

We entered the room and I was in love!

It was beautiful! DS was so stoked that he’d be sleeping next to Lilo and Stitch :love:

I texted DH that we were room 3007 in the Moorea Building. Probably 30 minutes later, I saw the most heavenly sight.

Oh, I was happy to see DH too :rotfl: but I was so so happy to have our trusty stroller back (And not broken!) DH really enjoyed his ride over to OKW with the CM and they talked about how the CM had retired and about a month later, got a job at WDW cause he couldn’t stand being at home :laughing: DH was so glad that he got a ride directly there and not buses, it would have taken forever so he tipped the CM $30 when they got back.

It was 9:45 and I was starving. It had been about 4 hours since we last ate and I--uhh the baby--was overdue for food :rotfl2: and the baby was craving sushi. I know! Another ‘no-no’ that I’m going to do that is recommended you shouldn’t do while pregnant. But I just wanted a bite or two, I was desperate.

DM stayed with DS while we went in search of food. We went to the Sushi counter next door to Kona Café and even though they were still open for 10 minutes, they wouldn’t serve us :confused3 Then we headed to the quick service, Cap’t Cooks and while they didn’t have sushi, I grabbed a bear claw for DM for the morning. I told DH that they had Trader Sam's here and we should check that menu, if not, we’d come back to Cap’t Cooks. Checked out the menu at Trader Sam’s and they DID have a couple items! But the wait was 25 minutes :sad:The odds were against me! But we could be served immediately if we sat on the patio. YES, I screamed and practically ran outside! Oh boy, now I know why the seating was immediate for the patio. It was ridiculously cold! But we had some relaxing entertainment for a little bit.

And this cool fountain added to the atmosphere

DH wasn’t hungry but wanted a drink so ordered the Dark and Tropical Stormy and told the waitress it was like his soul :lmao:

I on the other hand was definitely not allowed to have a drink (the one rule I followed while pregnant :banana:*pats myself on the back*) and ordered the Head Hunter Roll

And it’s not the light that’s giving the rice that purplish-red hue. The rice is purple! And it hit the spot. But man, I could have gone for another roll or sashimi.

There was a small line outside, despite the cold weather!

We paid the bill, made the quick 5 minute walk back to our room and called it a night.

Up next: Animal Kingdom, Leaving DS with Strangers and Truffles!
Your memory is definitely better than mine!

:banana: :banana: for the return of the stroller! Your villa looks AMAZING - totally has made me fall in love with the Poly. It just looks so clean and nice!
OMG, how did I miss that this was started????? First, congratulations on the birth of Quentin! He's so cute and looks just like your DH!

I am loving your trip so far! I'm so glad your stroller was found. I can only imagine how annoying it was without it.

Your Poly room is so pretty. That's my dream resort. Some day.

That video of your DH at Sci-Fi had me LOL at work. Men, I swear.

Calvin has gotten so big! It looks like he's having a great time.

I will be back with better responses. I'm so glad I found this!
Wow...those crowds were insane at DHS to see the lights...just nuts. But at least you got to see them. That is so nice that the CM took your DH to get the stroller...that would have taken forever any other way...that's a bit of that magic that sometimes happens right there!! Your room looked amazing spacious!!! I can't tell from the pic though - is it all one room area with the bed the pull out couch and the cot or is it like two separate rooms? Just asking in case we decide to consider this for a trip lol
I had gotten lucky during dinner and scored a FP for TGMR for 5:25 and then we’d head over to the Osborne lights, so we paid the bill and took off.
I had to rack my feeble little brain to figure out what TGMR was. Finally figured it out, but of course thats because its TSLR (the shooting lady ride) in our family :-)

DS was all about the snoap!

Gotta school the disney Christmas novice. What is snoap????

As you can see, plenty of room to walk without stepping on anyone, plenty of room to stop and take a picture. It was great!

Fast forward to today and this is what we have
Oh my goodness, I can't believe those crowds and the difference from year to year. I did Mardi Gras one year and those crowds totally look like bourbon street (sans the beads and booze of course). It was so crowded you couldn't physically control where you went, ya just went where the crowd carried you.

We were all ready to go and check out our place at the Poly so we headed out but stopped for a picture without the hat :sad2: (And yes, I am the only one who misses the hat! :snooty:)
Yes you most certainly are :P

DS wanted to walk (who can blame him?! That stroller is awful. Have I mentioned how terrible that stroller is??? ::yes::)
No you haven't. Is there something wrong with the stroller :rotfl2:

We did let him run around in the bus stop area though. Because we’re tremendous parents :lmao: Don’t’ worry, we made sure he didn’t run in front of a bus or anything :thumbsup2
Of course you did because we share the if same it doesn't kill them (aka run in the road) it makes them stronger parent handbook :-)

And I realized I’ve never been on the ground level of the Poly before! (less blurry pics later, I was rushing.)
All these blurry pics are you sure you weren't hitting some sauce :drinking1

DH was talking about our situation with our lost stroller to the CM's and they called SW for us and they had already located our stroller! The bad news was it was in route to Old Key West. Bell Services called OKW to confirm this and it was indeed already there. DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!! :cloud9:
Wow, that is some serious customer service. Especially love that disney empower their employees to do these types of things.

The manager was insistent that the CM helping us go with us personally to the room to make sure all our MB’s worked, although I assured him we would be fine. The CM was already around the counter when she told me to follow her. The service was outstanding. We talked about her job and how much she loved working at WDW but loved it even more exploring WDW when she had days off.
Good on the manager for doing that. We had the same issue at Wilderness Lodge a few trips back and thankfully someone was with us as the bands did not work (a reoccurring theme for the not so magical bands and our family)

Is that two bathrooms in the room????????? Did you have a studio or a one bedroom? Didn't know either had more than one.

I texted DH that we were room 3007 in the Moorea Building. Probably 30 minutes later, I saw the most heavenly sight.

Hope this picture is framed and hanging in your house somewhere :P

It was 9:45 and I was starving. It had been about 4 hours since we last ate and I--uhh the baby--was overdue for food :rotfl2: and the baby was craving sushi. I know! Another ‘no-no’ that I’m going to do that is recommended you shouldn’t do while pregnant. But I just wanted a bite or two, I was desperate.
What the baby wants the baby shall have. When I was pregnant with Casey the first time I saw the OB I didn't want to talk about her size or development so far, no I wanted to know 3 critical things....Could I eat sushi, could I eat prosciutto, and could I drink???? Clearly I'm a woman with priorities. The answer thankfully was yes to all 3 in moderation. I immediately called Jason and had him bring home sushi that night for dinner!

We went to the Sushi counter next door to Kona Café and even though they were still open for 10 minutes, they wouldn’t serve us :confused3
Have you not heard they have a firm don't serve the pregnant woman after sundown rule :upsidedow

ut the wait was 25 minutes :sad:The odds were against me! But we could be served immediately if we sat on the patio. YES, I screamed and practically ran outside! Oh boy, now I know why the seating was immediate for the patio. It was ridiculously cold! But we had some relaxing entertainment for a little bit.

Wow, its really crowded out there ; ) Did they have any heaters or anything?

I on the other hand was definitely not allowed to have a drink (the one rule I followed while pregnant :banana:*pats myself on the back*) and ordered the Head Hunter Roll
Goody two shoes! I myself cannot say the same, though you would be proud that i just sipped on some wine here and there and may have had a margarita or two. I stayed away from beer but had a sudden craving for miller lite one night. A few hours later labor started, I still blame the beer :drinking1

And it’s not the light that’s giving the rice that purplish-red hue. The rice is purple! And it hit the spot. But man, I could have gone for another roll or sashimi.
Purple rice slushi!!! My child would be in heaven.
Wow! Crazy crowds! They were pretty heaving in November but nowhere near that crowded. It does make it harder to enjoy the atmosphere and really take it all in when you feel like you have to keep moving!

LOVE the customer service at the Poly! Glad the great CMs took care of you and that your beautiful stroller made it back to you!

We're going to be staying in a Studio Villa at the Poly in March, so I love your pictures! The boys will love that little bed.

Glad you and the baby both got fed that night!
Everyone was taking baby steps, trying not to trample on anyone, folks were attempting to take family pics, but walking while they were doing it. And in past years when we were able to stop and take it all in, we really couldn’t unless we wanted to stop the flow of traffic. I actually found the whole thing to be more stressful than exciting. And I could sense that around me with others as well.
Ugh, that sounds less than magical. :sad2: Glad you got to see the lights one more time, though. And that DS loved the snoap! :rotfl:

Being the phenomenal mother that I am, I took a picture.
:rotfl2: I would have done the same thing.

DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!!
Wow, that is awesome service!

We entered the room and I was in love!
:lovestruc Beautiful! I miss the Poly! Love all the blue tones in that - very pretty.

It was beautiful! DS was so stoked that he’d be sleeping next to Lilo and Stitch :love:
And who wouldn't be? So cute!

Oh, I was happy to see DH too :rotfl: but I was so so happy to have our trusty stroller back (And not broken!)
Yay! :cheer2: Glad it finally returned to you!

The evening at Trader Sam's looks great, other than the cold. Glad you got your sushi craving fulfilled! :goodvibes
CM’s were directing traffic going into the Streets of America and getting there took close to 10 minutes and we hadn’t even seen lights yet!

That's how it was for us, but it took like 20 minutes to get there and it was crazy busy!

We finally, FINALLY made it to the actual lights!

At least they fixed the "earth" by the time you got there, I think it said "Eart" when we were there.

I want to include this picture to show how the crowds were for us in 2012

Now that looks manageable.

It took 20 MINUTES to baby step it from the beginning of the street to the end! Although I’m super happy that we were able to see it, I was glad to be out of there.

I think we were lucky to get out of there in 20 minutes. I wasn't keeping track of time, but it seemed to me that it took a long time to get out. If we hadn't found a banzai scooter rider, we would have been stuck much longer.

DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!! :cloud9: So DH went off with the CM

That is so awesome he was able to get a ride there and back. I'm sure it saved an incredible amount of time!

they ended up changing our room from the Pago Pago building to the Moorea.

We ended up in Pago Pago when we switched to a studio. If we had planned on using the BBQ while we were there, we would have had an ideal location, but we had quite an unexpected turn of events. Not bad just unexpected!

Oh, I was happy to see DH too :rotfl: but I was so so happy to have our trusty stroller back (And not broken!) DH really enjoyed his ride over to OKW with the CM and they talked about how the CM had retired and about a month later, got a job at WDW cause he couldn’t stand being at home :laughing: DH was so glad that he got a ride directly there and not buses, it would have taken forever so he tipped the CM $30 when they got back.

That was good of him, and nice to tip him well. We do that too when they go above and beyond!

But we could be served immediately if we sat on the patio. YES, I screamed and practically ran outside! Oh boy, now I know why the seating was immediate for the patio. It was ridiculously cold! But we had some relaxing entertainment for a little bit.

Well you were there in January. I'm not surprised it was somewhat cold, but the place really needs a few more tables. The indoor seating is pathetic. They could fit another table or two, not sure why they don't do it unless the fire marshall is keeping them from it.

And it’s not the light that’s giving the rice that purplish-red hue. The rice is purple! And it hit the spot. But man, I could have gone for another roll or sashimi.

Interesting. I loved the potstickers from there, but that's all we got.
What crazy crowds.
Nice CM!
WOW! I hope to be able to stay at Poly sometime! Nice room.
I would have been so stressed out with all those people in HS! Wow.
Your room at the Poly was gorgeous!
I am in awe over those Osborne lights pics...that is a LOT of people! :scared1: I honestly don't know if I could have enjoyed that.
Like even on a regular day there when it wasn't about to close it would get crowded. So I cannot imagine the throngs of people trying to get in and see them before they were gone for good. I am sad they are gone but very glad I got to see them twice before!

I love these artistic and amazing photos you share with have a true talent my friend :artist: ;)

I wish I could say check in was a breeze, but it wasn’t. There was an issue with the MB’s again :headache: While the nice CM was checking us in, the manager came over and gave us 4 leis for the family, which was awesome! I had forgotten that they did that. I took them over to the seating area where DS and DM were. DH was over at Bell Services (he was asking about our luggage and groceries) and walked over to us. He gave us some good and bad news. DH was talking about our situation with our lost stroller to the CM's and they called SW for us and they had already located our stroller! The bad news was it was in route to Old Key West. Bell Services called OKW to confirm this and it was indeed already there. DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!! :cloud9: So DH went off with the CM while the CM’s I was working with were still in the process of checking us in. In total it was close to 20 minutes and for whatever reason, they ended up changing our room from the Pago Pago building to the Moorea.

What a pain! :headache: But there's that Disney service we know and love! Sometimes I worry that they are losing their touch and then I hear things like this and I know there are still amazing CM's there that truly care! :thumbsup2

The manager was insistent that the CM helping us go with us personally to the room to make sure all our MB’s worked, although I assured him we would be fine. The CM was already around the counter when she told me to follow her. The service was outstanding. We talked about her job and how much she loved working at WDW but loved it even more exploring WDW when she had days off.

She checked all our MB's on the lock and they all worked and she left us to explore our room!

That is so awesome they did that! And that they worked! Woohoo! :woohoo:

This was my reaction when I saw this little Murphy bed with the Lilo and Stitch background:

I HEART EYE EMOJI LILO AND STITCH! Love love love :stitch:

Such a cutie pie!!!!

It was beautiful! DS was so stoked that he’d be sleeping next to Lilo and Stitch :love:

This picture is everything! :love:

It was 9:45 and I was starving. It had been about 4 hours since we last ate and I--uhh the baby--was overdue for food :rotfl2: and the baby was craving sushi. I know! Another ‘no-no’ that I’m going to do that is recommended you shouldn’t do while pregnant. But I just wanted a bite or two, I was desperate.

This is acceptable in my book! I too could not deny my sushi cravings when I was pregnant with DS. It was only a few times :rolleyes1

DH wasn’t hungry but wanted a drink so ordered the Dark and Tropical Stormy and told the waitress it was like his soul :lmao:


I on the other hand was definitely not allowed to have a drink (the one rule I followed while pregnant :banana:*pats myself on the back*) and ordered the Head Hunter Roll

We should honestly win "moms of the year" for our ability to refrain from consuming alcohol while pregnant. IT ISN'T EASY PEOPLE! ::yes::

Mmmmmmmmm that looks so good!!!!


Can't wait to read more!!! :goodvibes
Remember, this was the second to last day that the Osborne Lights would be up (found out during that trip that Disney extended the end date!), add to that that this was a Saturday night. This was the busiest I’ve seen any park ever in my entire life, including Disneyland. CM’s were directing traffic going into the Streets of America and getting there took close to 10 minutes and we hadn’t even seen lights yet!

:faint: I don't think it was even that bad when we visited.

Everyone was taking baby steps, trying not to trample on anyone, folks were attempting to take family pics, but walking while they were doing it. And in past years when we were able to stop and take it all in, we really couldn’t unless we wanted to stop the flow of traffic. I actually found the whole thing to be more stressful than exciting. And I could sense that around me with others as well.

Yeah, baby-stepping was really annoying. Still, I wouldn't have gotten to see these lights otherwise.

It took 20 MINUTES to baby step it from the beginning of the street to the end!

Goodness. That's just brutal.

(And yes, I am the only one who misses the hat! :snooty:)

Yes. Yes, you are.

Er, I mean, sorry about that...:rolleyes1

Being the phenomenal mother that I am, I took a picture.

Because that's what you do!

We did let him run around in the bus stop area though. Because we’re tremendous parents :lmao:

Hey! Stop trying to steal my award!

I took my first picture of the Poly as a staying guest!


While the nice CM was checking us in, the manager came over and gave us 4 leis for the family, which was awesome! I had forgotten that they did that.

Hooray! You got lei'd!

DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!!

Wow! That's awesome service.

It was beautiful! DS was so stoked that he’d be sleeping next to Lilo and Stitch :love:

Love those rooms. The Lilo and Stitch art is just perfect.

But we could be served immediately if we sat on the patio.


It was ridiculously cold!


DH wasn’t hungry but wanted a drink so ordered the Dark and Tropical Stormy and told the waitress it was like his soul

“To all who come to this happy place: Welcome!”

(cause this intro hasn't been used, like a million times :laughing:)

Hello DIS friends, new and old, and welcome to my 5th Trip Report! For those that don’t know me, Hi! I’m Alicia and this was my 6th trip to the World along with my DH (Dan). We are Disneyland Vets that enjoy Disneyland, but LOVE Disney World!

Mickey and Donald sweater is so cute!
Yay for the return of the stroller! Also yay for fantastic Poly CMs for helping you get it back!
I love the Poly rooms and that trundle bed with the lilo and stitch picture is adorable!
How sad that Kona wouldn't give you your sushi but I am glad that Trader Sam's had what you wanted.
Your memory is definitely better than mine!

:banana: :banana: for the return of the stroller! Your villa looks AMAZING - totally has made me fall in love with the Poly. It just looks so clean and nice!

I have a great memory when it comes to pictures, so there's a lot of pics that I don't post, so it's just for me to remember when I come back to write it out. It works!

I felt like hugging the stroller when I saw DH walking down the hallway with it :rotfl2:
OMG, how did I miss that this was started????? First, congratulations on the birth of Quentin! He's so cute and looks just like your DH!

I am loving your trip so far! I'm so glad your stroller was found. I can only imagine how annoying it was without it.

Your Poly room is so pretty. That's my dream resort. Some day.

That video of your DH at Sci-Fi had me LOL at work. Men, I swear.

Calvin has gotten so big! It looks like he's having a great time.

I will be back with better responses. I'm so glad I found this!

Hey no worries! And thank you! I totally agree, he looks just like DH.

We've been so lucky to be able to stay at our dream resorts through DVC. Like before our trip in 2015, my dream resort was the Grand Floridian and then it happened! And then before this trip was even a though, my dream resort was the Poly and it happened! Now my dream resort is Wilderness Lodge. I've got to get there!

When the camera is on DH, he is an entirely different person :rotfl:Hmm, I should keep the camera on him 24/7, maybe he'll help around the house more!

Wow...those crowds were insane at DHS to see the lights...just nuts. But at least you got to see them. That is so nice that the CM took your DH to get the stroller...that would have taken forever any other way...that's a bit of that magic that sometimes happens right there!! Your room looked amazing spacious!!! I can't tell from the pic though - is it all one room area with the bed the pull out couch and the cot or is it like two separate rooms? Just asking in case we decide to consider this for a trip lol

The crowds were terrible! But you're right, I was so glad that I was able to see them one last time before they left:sad2:

I'm thinking it would have taken at least an hour and a half for the roundtrip? Poly -->theme park-->OKW OKW-->theme park-->Poly. Yep that would have been forever!

Yep it's all in one large room. HOWEVER, the cool thing about this studio is that there are two bathrooms. One bathroom with a toilet, shower/tub and sink and then another separate bathroom with a shower and sink only. It was PERFECT for us when we took showers at night and got ready in the mornings. That's what made the room feel even more spacious.
I had to rack my feeble little brain to figure out what TGMR was. Finally figured it out, but of course thats because its TSLR (the shooting lady ride) in our family :-)

Ha it actually took me a minute or two to remember what the darn ride was called in the first place!

Gotta school the disney Christmas novice. What is snoap????

Someone on the DIS coined this term and vowed to use it forever, but because the snow looks like little soap bubbles, it's snoap!:love:

Oh my goodness, I can't believe those crowds and the difference from year to year. I did Mardi Gras one year and those crowds totally look like bourbon street (sans the beads and booze of course). It was so crowded you couldn't physically control where you went, ya just went where the crowd carried you.

You forgot the other B word that is majorly associated with Mardi Gras ::yes:: But that's exactly right! It felt like in some sections we found ourselves in middle-left on the street when we had never intended on being on that side of the 'street' for the lights! I was like, How did we get over here :rotfl2:

Yes you most certainly are :P

Ugh, I knew I'd get some of you crazies replying to this. Hat lovers unite!!!....anyone???
No you haven't. Is there something wrong with the stroller :rotfl2:

Oh I haven't? Oh well let me tell you about it... :rotfl:

Of course you did because we share the if same it doesn't kill them (aka run in the road) it makes them stronger parent handbook :-)

That is the best handbook around. Ready to pick it back up from the beginning with Quentin :laughing:

All these blurry pics are you sure you weren't hitting some sauce :drinking1

I wish that was my excuse. Sadly, I was just rushing and too excited to stop!

Wow, that is some serious customer service. Especially love that disney empower their employees to do these types of things.

Exactly! And the fact that the CM didn't have to go OK the taking of the Disney Van to a manager and explain while he'll be gone for a period of time, is great!

Good on the manager for doing that. We had the same issue at Wilderness Lodge a few trips back and thankfully someone was with us as the bands did not work (a reoccurring theme for the not so magical bands and our family)

Ugh, that would have sucked if they didn't work. Although now thinking about it, even though the CM was with us and if they didn't so happen to work, all of us would have had to go back together anyway?! Unless she had a 'master' key with her to let us in? :confused3

Is that two bathrooms in the room????????? Did you have a studio or a one bedroom? Didn't know either had more than one.

Yes! So we got the Studio and with it comes two split bathrooms. One bathroom with a toilet, shower/tub and sink and the other with a shower only and sink. It was perfect for the evenings when we all took showers! DM had the shower/tub bathroom so she was able to set up all her toiletries in there, while we took the other.

Hope this picture is framed and hanging in your house somewhere :P

Even better, it's mounted over our mantle ::yes::

What the baby wants the baby shall have. When I was pregnant with Casey the first time I saw the OB I didn't want to talk about her size or development so far, no I wanted to know 3 critical things....Could I eat sushi, could I eat prosciutto, and could I drink???? Clearly I'm a woman with priorities. The answer thankfully was yes to all 3 in moderation. I immediately called Jason and had him bring home sushi that night for dinner!

:lmao:I love you! She told me to be careful of soft cheeses--which by the way, on this trip I was careful with them....carefully putting them in my mouth! :rotfl: Yeah didn't listen at all to that one either :scratchin Wow i'm a bad pregnant lady.

Have you not heard they have a firm don't serve the pregnant woman after sundown rule :upsidedow

They don't know the anger that can come out in pregnant women if they don't get food immediately.

Wow, its really crowded out there ; ) Did they have any heaters or anything?

Nope, unfortunately no heaters and no booze to heat me up from the inside.

Goody two shoes! I myself cannot say the same, though you would be proud that i just sipped on some wine here and there and may have had a margarita or two. I stayed away from beer but had a sudden craving for miller lite one night. A few hours later labor started, I still blame the beer :drinking1

:rotfl::lmao:So beer is the magic key to labor! I FIRMLY believe that the Chicken Tikka Masala that I had made for dinner the night before and had eaten for lunch the day of is what triggered it. Sooooo many spices! Next time (wait, is there going to be a next time?!?) i'll just throw a Sam Adams in there and get ready for pushing!

Purple rice slushi!!! My child would be in heaven.

Looks like you'll have to try this one time!

Wow! Crazy crowds! They were pretty heaving in November but nowhere near that crowded. It does make it harder to enjoy the atmosphere and really take it all in when you feel like you have to keep moving!

LOVE the customer service at the Poly! Glad the great CMs took care of you and that your beautiful stroller made it back to you!

We're going to be staying in a Studio Villa at the Poly in March, so I love your pictures! The boys will love that little bed.

Glad you and the baby both got fed that night!

Exactly, stopping to actually watch the lights wasn't happening, even during the 'shows' people were still pushing forward which made me sad. Usually everyone stops during the songs to watch but no one did :sad2:

They were over the top amazing at the Poly! Couldn't have been treated any better unless they carried us to our room :laughing:

Baby was very happy with me that night and I was happy to have made him happy :love:

Ugh, that sounds less than magical. :sad2: Glad you got to see the lights one more time, though. And that DS loved the snoap! :rotfl:

I felt bad. I wanted him to get out and play with the snoap like he had done the year before but it was madness!

:rotfl2: I would have done the same thing.

Trust me, I know you would have :laughing:

Wow, that is awesome service!

It was definitely magical, adding even greater memories to our trip!

Beautiful! I miss the Poly! Love all the blue tones in that - very pretty.

It is so gorgeous in there! I'm so happy we were able to secure a villa last second!

And who wouldn't be? So cute!

Not gonna lie, I was envious that he was sleeping in there. :lmao:I actually laid down in there for a few minutes that night with him.

Yay! :cheer2: Glad it finally returned to you!

I was beyond happy!

The evening at Trader Sam's looks great, other than the cold. Glad you got your sushi craving fulfilled! :goodvibes

I was FREEZING(i'm always extra cold when i'm pregnant - despite all the extra blood that's supposed to make you warmer:confused3) so it being January and me being pregnant was not helping. But the sushi hit the spot!
That's how it was for us, but it took like 20 minutes to get there and it was crazy busy!

So you know exactly what I mean by craziness! Not fun. I'm sure even worse for you with scooters!

At least they fixed the "earth" by the time you got there, I think it said "Eart" when we were there.

:laughing:No technical difficulties that I saw!

Now that looks manageable.

Right? I mean, there was a drastic difference in crowds.

I think we were lucky to get out of there in 20 minutes. I wasn't keeping track of time, but it seemed to me that it took a long time to get out. If we hadn't found a banzai scooter rider, we would have been stuck much longer.

I didn't mention it, but we got behind a lady that was not shy with her stroller, so she was paving a way for us, but even with her somewhat pushing through, it still took 20 minutes which is nuts.

That is so awesome he was able to get a ride there and back. I'm sure it saved an incredible amount of time!

I bet it saved him at least an hour and a half wouldn't you say?

We ended up in Pago Pago when we switched to a studio. If we had planned on using the BBQ while we were there, we would have had an ideal location, but we had quite an unexpected turn of events. Not bad just unexpected!

Uh oh!!! Coming up soon??

That was good of him, and nice to tip him well. We do that too when they go above and beyond!

And this CM certainly did. I regret not getting his name to write something positive to Guest Relations!

Well you were there in January. I'm not surprised it was somewhat cold, but the place really needs a few more tables. The indoor seating is pathetic. They could fit another table or two, not sure why they don't do it unless the fire marshall is keeping them from it.

Yes! I thought the same thing. If Trader Sam's at DLR can fit a good amount of tables in that itty space, so can this one!

Interesting. I loved the potstickers from there, but that's all we got.

I'll try those next time!

What crazy crowds.
Nice CM!
WOW! I hope to be able to stay at Poly sometime! Nice room.

I was expecting crowded, but not insanely crowded like that!

The CM was so hospitable, I regret not getting his name to give him so recognition.

Will you be going back to the World anytime soon? It's been a long time since you've been!

I would have been so stressed out with all those people in HS! Wow.
Your room at the Poly was gorgeous!

Yeah it was seriously nuts! Don't even want to think about what the crowds looked like on the very last night:scared1:

Isn't it so pretty?! I was in love!
Remember, this was the second to last day that the Osborne Lights would be up (found out during that trip that Disney extended the end date!), add to that that this was a Saturday night. This was the busiest I’ve seen any park ever in my entire life, including Disneyland. CM’s were directing traffic going into the Streets of America and getting there took close to 10 minutes and we hadn’t even seen lights yet!
Oh my gosh...I didn't realize you were there at the end of the lights =! Did the park seem crazy all day or just at night?
I actually found the whole thing to be more stressful than exciting. And I could sense that around me with others as well.
I would be the same way...
Great picture of the three of you!:goodvibes
I wish I could say check in was a breeze, but it wasn’t. There was an issue with the MB’s again :headache: While the nice CM was checking us in, the manager came over and gave us 4 leis for the family, which was awesome! I had forgotten that they did that. I took them over to the seating area where DS and DM were. DH was over at Bell Services (he was asking about our luggage and groceries) and walked over to us. He gave us some good and bad news. DH was talking about our situation with our lost stroller to the CM's and they called SW for us and they had already located our stroller! The bad news was it was in route to Old Key West. Bell Services called OKW to confirm this and it was indeed already there. DH asked about the easiest way to get there and without hesitation, one of the CM’s said, I’ll personally take you there to get it. I LOVE DISNEY CM’S!!! :cloud9: So DH went off with the CM while the CM’s I was working with were still in the process of checking us in. In total it was close to 20 minutes and for whatever reason, they ended up changing our room from the Pago Pago building to the Moorea.
I'm glad everything worked out in the end with checking in but I bet it's not the most fun to wait when it's really late. And yay for SW finally finding the stroller and that nice CM to help your husband get the stroller!!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
I am in love with that bed. When I get a chance to stay at the Poly Villas, I just may have to try and sleep in it...too cute!:goodvibes
:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc Adorable.
And it’s not the light that’s giving the rice that purplish-red hue. The rice is purple! And it hit the spot. But man, I could have gone for another roll or sashimi.
Cool! That's great you were able to get your sushi!:thumbsup2
Wow! That was some great Poly customer service! And yay for getting the stroller back and with no damages! I bet DS was pretty excited about not having to ride in the yucky stroller anymore.

MMM, the sushi looks good. What all was on it, if you remember? Keep in mind that I don't have any kids and I am a horrible influence on others but I feel like a little sushi every once in awhile when you're pregnant is okay. Now, if you're eating it every single meal the whole 9 months, we might have issues. :)

I totally love that bed!!! I wonder where I could put on in my house......hmmmmmm......


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