Sistah Twistah - A January Dining Review- Updated- 6/25 - COMPLETE!!!


Because 'Ohana means family! And family means nobody gets left behind! Or forgotten! :stitch2:

We had a 9:40 pm dinner ADR at 'Ohana which was pretty late but gave us the chance to compose ourselves before heading out.
As usual we arrived early but only about 10 minutes before our ADR time. We checked in, were given a buzzer and sat down on the comfy couches to wait. Our buzzer went off about 15 minutes after our ADR time meaning nearly 10 pm. I was a little worried because we had a monorail to catch back to the Contemporary and as you know by now, I'm a slow eater....
But, we had finally arrived at probably the most exciting ressie we had made:

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My family and I had all stayed at the Polly for a few nights about 3 years ago but we never ate there. It was exciting for both me and Shira to be back at the beautiful resort and this time know we would also enjoy a meal there. :D

We were led to our table which was right by some big windows. I'm pretty sure we also had a view of the grill.
The first thing we got right away was the pineapple-coconut bread:

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Umm...... how do I put this nicely?
This was pretty terrible! Really dry and had pieces in it which I can only assume were coconut. I don't mind coconut flavor but I can't stand the little pieces of shredded coconut in my food.
And I can ALWAYS tell if there's coconut in something.
I read on a couple of reviews here on the DIS that people got butter with their bread. And some didn't but asked for it and the server brought some out. I didn't think to ask for butter but it might have helped a bit.

Even though I really disliked the bread (as did Shira), I ended up nibbling at it because unfortunately it took another 15 minutes until we got any other type of food!
Our server wasn't a young man, maybe mid-50's,
very friendly but SO SLOW :guilty: He kept disappearing on us and even when the food started coming out, there was a really long wait in between. Normally a slow pace like that would be best for a slow eater like me, but it was SO late and we were hungry and I was worried about getting back.. Also, in order to manage getting anything down, I have to start actually eating- chewing, drinking (sorry if this is TMI) but there was nothing except for the bread.... :sad2:
Eventually we got our drinks so that was a good start.

Next up came our salad:

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Sorry for the lousy pictures- the lighting was terrible in there. This is called a "m
ixed greens salad with a Lilikoi dressing".
It was pretty good! And I'm not a salad person. :rolleyes2 The vegetables looked fresh, the dressing was great and there was some crunchy stuff on top that brought the whole thing together for me. (Also I was probably just starving by then.)

Next we got our appetizers:

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On the left are pork dumplings (pot stickers) tossed in garlic-ginger sauce.
On the right are honey-coriander chicken wings.
They also came with two dipping sauces- something peanut based and a sweet-n-sour sauce.

These were delicious!!!! Especially the pot stickers!! (Shira didn't try them. Sorry Shira.) After trying the wings Shira told me to have one and asked what it reminded me of. Well, we both thought they reminded us of our aunt's chicken :rotfl: That was pretty funny as we were probably the farthest we had ever been from her, both geographically and mentally!

I could have enjoyed a whole plate of those pot stickers for dinner, but alas, more food (finally) arrived at our table:

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These were noodles in a teriyaki sauce and stir-fried veggies. I loved this!!!!
There were a few things that made me really really happy when having this: one was the noodles themselves. These are standard Asian-American noodles I believe. Like the kind they serve at Chinese restaurants in New York. In Israel we have plenty of Asian food but it's rare to find noodles like these. We get wider, thicker ones that to me seem fake and not as good as the thin ones I love. Also, the noodles didn't have vegetables mixed in- they were all on the side. One thing I really dislike about ordering stir-fry here is the tons of veggies they stick in there- carrots, peppers, onions. I just want the noodles!!! :crazy2:
AND the veggies that they did serve were surprisingly excellent! I loved the baby corn, the broccoli, the mushrooms! Really enjoyed this! Also the flavors of both the noodles and the veggies were really good! On the sweet side but not too sweet.

For the main dishes of the evening they had their standard skewers of chicken, steak and shrimp:

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I didn't eat much of the chicken ^^^ but it was good. Shira enjoyed it but said it was a little too sweet for her.

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The steak was great, not too dry (although I like mine medium-rare so it could have been more pink)

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And I really enjoyed the shrimp! This is what's called peel-n-eat shrimp, apparently. If anyone here saw my pre-trip thread asking about different types of shrimp and how to eat them- well, I managed it!
They were excellent and went really well with the sweet and sour sauce we were served with the appetizers.

Before I come to dessert I want to add that we didn't eat that much all in all. The food was excellent so maybe it was the time or maybe it was because we had a really big lunch that day.
I'd like to get an earlier ressie next time and really take the time to enjoy my food, eating as slowly as necessary and having as much as I want without the pressure of getting back to the resort.
I read some people suggest just taking a cab back but the monorail was supposed to be running until 11 something that night and I really didn't feel like forking over the cash for a cab when it could be spent on a giant Mickey doll or puzzles or other various gifts for myself :blush:

And now we come to dessert! The most fabulous dessert in all the land! The most delicious, fulfilling, magical, dreamiest dessert ever!

Drum roll please!

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The 'Ohana bread pudding.



This picture does NOT do it justice.
We're talking a soft, creamy, hot, sweet bread pudding with ice cream on top and a banana-caramel sauce that you pour over it right at the table.
Oh God.

There is nothing I can compare this dessert to.
If the dole whip was a disappointment, the bread pudding totally lived up to the hype, and more. There is no doubt in my mind that I will not go another Disney trip without stopping at 'Ohana for some delicious food and even more delicious dessert.
Oh my God.
We both agreed this is the best dessert we have ever had anywhere! And our mom's a pastry chef!

Some weeks ago I actually wrote a love poem about 'Ohana and sent it to Shira. It's in Hebrew, otherwise I'd let you guys read it too :angel:

Ok, get it together DeeDee, you've got a dining report to finish here 8-)

*deep breaths*
Forget about the bread pudding. Let's keep going.

Aaaaand of course, what's a Disney meal without the complimentary birthday cupcake.....

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I don't think we touched it. And no pyro this time :hyper:

By the way, this was the second time we were called "cousins" that day. Both 50's Prime Time and 'Ohana call their diners "cousins". It was kind of funny.

So as an overview-

I read a lot of different opinions about 'Ohana on the DIS. Some love it, some hate it, some say it's gone downhill.
If I try to look at it objectively, I wouldn't give this place a high rating if only because the service was bad. But the food was excellent and we didn't feel rushed by our server at all.
I think if you come knowing that it will take time, it's not that bad and the food and atmosphere certainly make up for it.
We both LOVED it and as you will soon see, ended up going there again that week!

In terms of service, I seriously considered giving a really small tip. But then Shira said something about how our server looks kind of pitiful and we started imagining him going home to his 10 kids with no food and no money, sleeping outside on the street and we made ourselves feel bad for him, even though it almost certainly wasn't the case... :sad1:
Also, this whole signing for the tip thing kind of gave me cold feet. I've left low tips at restaurants with bad service before- isn't that the point of tipping?? But I don't have to look the servers in the eye when I do it. I just leave the cash and up and go. In this case (even if I was paying cash for the tip I think) I had to scan my MB, write the tip amount on the line, sign for it... I was too scared to leave anything less. I think I might have even left 20%!!! (Which is an enormous amount of money, you should know. In Israel you leave between 10% and 12% as a rule. And of course you're welcome to leave more or less according to how you felt the service was. I'm not used to 18%-20%!)

Well, what's done is done and knowing myself, I'd probably do it again because I'm a scaredy-cat.

But to end this on a more positive note- we loved 'Ohana and can't wait to be back there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Up next- Back at the Magic Kingdom and lunch at Tony's!

Now I have to decide between 'Ohana breakfast and 'Ohana dinner! Or maybe not...just do both!

Though neither DH nor I like bread all. Do they have other desserts?
Now I have to decide between 'Ohana breakfast and 'Ohana dinner! Or maybe not...just do both!

Though neither DH nor I like bread all. Do they have other desserts?
I wish I was a breakfast person! I'd really like to meet Stitch!!! And if I was a breakfast person I'd probably do both breakfast and dinner ;)
Mmm... I believe they have a children's dessert- maybe a brownie and also possibly sorbet or ice cream? Not sure where I read that but they definitely have alternate options for kids.
I think if you're not a bread pudding fan, you need to be a meat-lover to really justify going. (Or a BIG fan of stir fry and pot stickers :D )
I wish I was a breakfast person! I'd really like to meet Stitch!!! And if I was a breakfast person I'd probably do both breakfast and dinner ;)
Mmm... I believe they have a children's dessert- maybe a brownie and also possibly sorbet or ice cream? Not sure where I read that but they definitely have alternate options for kids.
I think if you're not a bread pudding fan, you need to be a meat-lover to really justify going. (Or a BIG fan of stir fry and pot stickers :D )
I can totally be a meat lover....I just love food in general (I say as I'm trying to lose weight before our trip in 3 weeks). But maybe I should stick with the character breakfast. I do have over 6 months to decide, though. :)
I can totally be a meat lover....I just love food in general (I say as I'm trying to lose weight before our trip in 3 weeks). But maybe I should stick with the character breakfast. I do have over 6 months to decide, though. :)
I just love food in general too! :D
Wait, so you're going in 3 weeks and then again in 6 months?? :cloud9:
Loved your 'Ohana review! I am all about some pot stickers...

I am currently sitting in the main plaza at Hollywood Studios, listening to a medly from 'Oklahoma!' while I wait for my SIL and husband to get back from Rockin' Rollercoaster so we can go to the Symphony in the Stars dessert party. Yes, I will be writing a TR/DR when I get back. But you know I need to get my Dis fix...
Loved your 'Ohana review! I am all about some pot stickers...

I am currently sitting in the main plaza at Hollywood Studios, listening to a medly from 'Oklahoma!' while I wait for my SIL and husband to get back from Rockin' Rollercoaster so we can go to the Symphony in the Stars dessert party. Yes, I will be writing a TR/DR when I get back. But you know I need to get my Dis fix...
Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!! You're there now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!! party: :banana: :cheer2: :bounce: :jumping2: :jumping3: :jumping1:
Shira decided to use a snack credit on one but when she approached the cart, the CM's gave it to her FOR FREE for her birthday!!!
Say whaaaaat! :eek: Maaaan, I sure do love Disney pixie dust!
Do you know that in all my years, I've NEVER had a Disney churro? They're just never on my radar for some reason!

Of course we arrived early. Because I like getting places early and also because it's food we're talking about. Our ADR was for 12:20 but we showed up at 12:00.
Actually, you were right on time! I'm pretty sure they still ask that you report to the podium at least 20 minutes prior to your scheduled ADR time. So well done, you!

Oh, that wood paneling, though... :rotfl:

And just to be clear, I thought I knew what to expect with the servers scolding and everything but this surprised me. It kind of felt like he was trying too hard.
See, the one time I went, like 15 years ago or so, I had the exact opposite problem! I was all hyped to have a ton of fun, and then our server was BOOORING. :sad2: So I haven't been back since!

This wasn't included on the DDP as a drink, by the way, but our server comped it saying something about how it's not usually included but it's ok (or something) and so we didn't pay for it at all!
MORE pixie dust! Love it!


A Sampling of Mom's Favorite Recipes - $23
"Golden-fried Chicken, Fork Tender Pot Roast, and Traditional Meatloaf with all the fixings"
Mmmm, this looks SO GOOD. If I ever do decide to eat here again, I'm 99% sure this would be my order!

I actually have some chicken in the fridge but I'm too lazy to fry it... :rotfl:
Bahaha! Me too! About the only time I fry chicken is for company. But for just me? WAY too much work!


Dad's Brownie Sunday - $6.5
"Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream, Hot Fudge, Caramel Sauce, Whipped Cream, and Toppings"
Oh man, this looks amazing. Is that caramel popcorn on top of it? CRAZY!!!


I think he said it was cupcake day/week/month and also possibly pyro day/week/month :D Note all the candles! (Which were lit when he brought it out of course!)
Hahaha, the first thing I noticed was the candles! How funny! :rotfl:

All in all- a wonderful meal! This will definitely be on my list for next time!!!!
Hrmm, you've got me considering taking it off of my blacklist now... :scratchin

And Shira got herself a Mickey pretzel. Now when I say "got herself"... what I really mean is.... she got it for free again!!!!
Geez, these Hollywood Studios CM's are really friendly, huh? o_O
WHAT WHAT WHAT! They are pixie dusting her up! :goodvibes

(And as any food lover knows- eating is a cure for anything, including cold weather.)
Guuuurl, you got that right.

Because 'Ohana means family! And family means nobody gets left behind! Or forgotten! :stitch2:
:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc


On the left are pork dumplings (pot stickers) tossed in garlic-ginger sauce.
On the right are honey-coriander chicken wings.
They also came with two dipping sauces- something peanut based and a sweet-n-sour sauce.
Unnnnf. My favorite part of Ohana. I always end up putting in at least one re-order of these. I love them wings and dumplings SO MUCH! :cloud9:


These were noodles in a teriyaki sauce and stir-fried veggies. I loved this!!!!
Oh oh oh, and the noodles too! LOOOOOVE those noodles! (The only part of the veggies I like are the mushrooms...)

Also, the noodles didn't have vegetables mixed in- they were all on the side. One thing I really dislike about ordering stir-fry here is the tons of veggies they stick in there- carrots, peppers, onions. I just want the noodles!!! :crazy2:
YAAAAAAAS!!! This!!! Same same same!!!

For the main dishes of the evening they had their standard skewers of chicken, steak and shrimp:
OM NOM NOM! I prefer my steak medium rare too, and the last couple times at Ohana, that's what I got, thankfully. It's pretty much luck of the draw, from what I hear, on what temp they serve the steak at!


The 'Ohana bread pudding.


Oh man... All those delicious carbs. :cloud9: I wish I was eating this RIGHT NOW!

we loved 'Ohana and can't wait to be back there!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was toying with the idea of cancelling my Ohana ADR in October. Thank you for making me realize what a stupid thought that was. :laughing:
Ah, 50's Prime Time!!!!!!!!!! :love::love::love:

This was one of my favorite meals of the trip, although I would have preferred a more engaged server (but more on that on my DR which I will start when I get back home).

Your O'hana dinner looks great, although I can totally understand not wanting to eat much after having lunch at 50's.

Your glowing report of the dessert however is almost making me consider adding O'hana next time (but that probably won't be for another 5 years and anything can happen till then).
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All caught up! Love the pyro cupcake at 50s!

We have had a love/hate relationship with dinner at 'Ohana. Had an awful first experience and then a really good one when we finally tried it again. Our last trip it was fine but hasn't made me want to rush back. Your review may change my mind.
Loving your dining report!! You two are so cute and I love your honest reviews.

20% is a lot of money. Especially if the service isn't all that great. I have on occasion left more however when service has been stellar.

Here is a recipe for 'Oanas bread pudding

Looking forward to more reviews!!!
Forgive me, I'm behind!!

Very close by they had a little cart selling churros. Shira decided to use a snack credit on one but when she approached the cart, the CM's gave it to her FOR FREE for her birthday!!!


YAY! How sweet! I had my first one in Frontierland in April, it wasn't as great as I'd hoped but it was still good. How nice, pixie dust!

It was us and a few other tables in this one room and he went around talking to everyone together which kind of left us no choice but to engage in conversation with the other tables. Not much but I still would have liked a bit more privacy and less forced chatting. It was different at Biergarten and even at Nine Dragons when we had conversations with our table mates or neighbors. This felt forced- maybe because I didn't really enjoy his sense of humor.

AHH yeah that's awkward. I'd be a little annoyed too.. It's one thing to expect it at Biergarten, but if I book a table for 2 I don't want to interact with the people around me.. lol

We also HAD to order a milkshake- no, not the PB&J because Shira's not really into that. We got a cookies and cream milkshake and that was fantastic!


OOOH YUM... I should include I've been on the Whole30 for 28 days (no gluten, dairy, grains, sugar, alcohol, fun.. you know) and I've been dying for a milkshake. So that looks extra great!

Best fried chicken!! Great choice. I love the sampler too.

The crisp was hot and sweet and crispy and hit the spot. Especially with the ice cream!
The brownie sundae was also incredible! Just maybe a little heavy after such a big meal (including the milkshake!) Still- I'd probably get both again even if I'm dining solo! :goodvibes

Omg, both sound so great! I have never ordered dessert there. I saw a huge chocolate peanut butter cake on their menu before and that looked amazing too.

Lucky girl! This quickly became Shira's favorite park! I wonder why!

HA! It would be my favorite, too.. how sweet!

This was pretty terrible! Really dry and had pieces in it which I can only assume were coconut. I don't mind coconut flavor but I can't stand the little pieces of shredded coconut in my food.
And I can ALWAYS tell if there's coconut in something.

Oh no, say it ain't so! I love this dang bread, I eat half the loaf myself! (It is dry though)

I read on a couple of reviews here on the DIS that people got butter with their bread. And some didn't but asked for it and the server brought some out. I didn't think to ask for butter but it might have helped a bit.

Weird - in April they didn't bring us any either. In 4 previous trips (2014/2015) we got butter every time.

If anyone here saw my pre-trip thread asking about different types of shrimp and how to eat them- well, I managed it!

Omg I forgot about that! I am so glad you loved the shrimp, one of the best parts. And those noodles, ahhhh.

This picture does NOT do it justice.
We're talking a soft, creamy, hot, sweet bread pudding with ice cream on top and a banana-caramel sauce that you pour over it right at the table.
Oh God.

:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc I can't even... best dessert in Disney by far!!

We both LOVED it and as you will soon see, ended up going there again that week!

YES! We always talk about going back to Ohana later in the trip! So glad you had such a great meal, I have found service is sometimes off too.. I am a chicken at leaving a lower tip.. I feel like Disney forces you to leave 18-20% when at home I would typically leave 15%, 20% if the service is amazing. So I feel so guilty leaving 15% here and I can never do it.. they unspokenly guilt you into leaving more since you're signing for it!
Do you know that in all my years, I've NEVER had a Disney churro? They're just never on my radar for some reason!
You've been there more times than me, I'm sure, but I'd never tried one until that day either :) I think the smell might be better than the flavor..

Actually, you were right on time! I'm pretty sure they still ask that you report to the podium at least 20 minutes prior to your scheduled ADR time. So well done, you!
YES! Well done me! So I'm not crazy after all!

See, the one time I went, like 15 years ago or so, I had the exact opposite problem! I was all hyped to have a ton of fun, and then our server was BOOORING. :sad2: So I haven't been back since!
I think I'd give it a second chance even though our server was disappointing. (Fried chicken, y'know?)

Bahaha! Me too! About the only time I fry chicken is for company. But for just me? WAY too much work!
I'm the opposite- I'd never make it for company, I want it all for myself!!! :rotfl: (Shame I'm so lazy about making it though)

Oh man, this looks amazing. Is that caramel popcorn on top of it? CRAZY!!!
Yep! Caramel popcorn and lots of other yummy stuff!

Hrmm, you've got me considering taking it off of my blacklist now... :scratchin
I'm thinking for next time I'd ask for a fun server when checking in. Maybe that would give us the full experience?

YAAAAAAAS!!! This!!! Same same same!!!
(I found this sushi place that serves a kids' meal of noodles and chicken- with no veggies at all! I always order this together with my sushi :D )

I was toying with the idea of cancelling my Ohana ADR in October. Thank you for making me realize what a stupid thought that was. :laughing:
Whew! That was a close one! So glad I could help! :goodvibes
Ah, 50's Prime Time!!!!!!!!!! :love::love::love:

This was one of my favorite meals of the trip, although I would have preferred a more engaged server (but more on that on my DR which I will start when I get back home).

Your O'hana dinner looks great, although I can totally understand not wanting to eat much after having lunch at 50's.

Your glowing report of the dessert however is almost making me consider adding O'hana next time (but that probably won't be for another 5 years and anything can happen till then).
Odelia, you're here! Have you started your report yet??
In 5 years you gotta try 'Ohana ;) :D

All caught up! Love the pyro cupcake at 50s!

We have had a love/hate relationship with dinner at 'Ohana. Had an awful first experience and then a really good one when we finally tried it again. Our last trip it was fine but hasn't made me want to rush back. Your review may change my mind.
So glad you're here with us :wave2:
I think to fully enjoy 'Ohana you just need to have the right mindset. If you know it might be a long meal with slow service but the food seems good and you would enjoy the atmosphere, then go for it! It's all about expectations.

Loving your dining report!! You two are so cute and I love your honest reviews.

20% is a lot of money. Especially if the service isn't all that great. I have on occasion left more however when service has been stellar.

Here is a recipe for 'Oanas bread pudding

Looking forward to more reviews!!!
Thank you so much for the recipe link! I actually went looking for it a while back but haven't gotten around to making it yet. So thanks for reminding me!!
And I really have to keep updating! This weekend for sure! (or maybe even this evening!) :dance3:
YAY! How sweet! I had my first one in Frontierland in April, it wasn't as great as I'd hoped but it was still good. How nice, pixie dust!
Apparently it smells better than it tastes :laughing:

AHH yeah that's awkward. I'd be a little annoyed too.. It's one thing to expect it at Biergarten, but if I book a table for 2 I don't want to interact with the people around me.. lol

OOOH YUM... I should include I've been on the Whole30 for 28 days (no gluten, dairy, grains, sugar, alcohol, fun.. you know) and I've been dying for a milkshake. So that looks extra great!
:eek: :faint: :confused: :confused3
Now why would you do a thing like that?

Omg, both sound so great! I have never ordered dessert there. I saw a huge chocolate peanut butter cake on their menu before and that looked amazing too.
Oh my gosh, these desserts would have been first place if not for 'Ohana!!

Oh no, say it ain't so! I love this dang bread, I eat half the loaf myself! (It is dry though)
I remember from your report :rotfl:

Weird - in April they didn't bring us any either. In 4 previous trips (2014/2015) we got butter every time.
Well, next time I'm asking for it! :cool2:

Omg I forgot about that! I am so glad you loved the shrimp, one of the best parts. And those noodles, ahhhh.
It was kind of an embarrassing question to ask on the boards but I'm glad I did!

:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc I can't even... best dessert in Disney by far!!

YES! We always talk about going back to Ohana later in the trip! So glad you had such a great meal, I have found service is sometimes off too.. I am a chicken at leaving a lower tip.. I feel like Disney forces you to leave 18-20% when at home I would typically leave 15%, 20% if the service is amazing. So I feel so guilty leaving 15% here and I can never do it.. they unspokenly guilt you into leaving more since you're signing for it!
thanks again for your review on Ohana..we went there the first week of May and we were HUNGRY...thank goodness...we had a great wait person Cathy was her name and she kept on bringing the meat and the shrimp...the meat was fork tender..and you are right..just waiting for that DESSERT...omgoodness it was beyond words...just the groan can be heard around the world...thanks again for your reviews


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