The Young Avengers: A Very Avengers Holiday (YARP Part 6)

Steve: "I can call him." He called him.

Mike: He got the call. "Yeah, all right, sorry, gotta go." He left.

Eli: "Would you prefer Legolas, Robin Hood or Green Arrow?"

OOC: The latter I've never seen, just heard of.
Nancy: "Thanks."

Evelyn: "Cya."

Jay: "How about you call me the best, most bad-** YA?"

Nancy: She ran to her little brother and gave him a big hug. "I've missed you. It deemed on me today how wierd my funk was and how ready I am to be out of it and stop pushing away everything that can help me."
Eli: He had noticed the glint on Hope's hand earlier and realized it was a promise ring. "Lying is bad for you Jay. Tsk tsk. I hope you don't plan on lying to my Emerald City over there when she marries you, because that would be foolish and tragic." In Stark-Speak, that meant hurt baby little sister Hope and die.

Mike: He hugged her back, emotion keeping him from speaking.
Eli: He had noticed the glint on Hope's hand earlier and realized it was a promise ring. "Lying is bad for you Jay. Tsk tsk. I hope you don't plan on lying to my Emerald City over there when she marries you, because that would be foolish and tragic." In Stark-Speak, that meant hurt baby little sister Hope and die.

Mike: He hugged her back, emotion keeping him from speaking.
Jay: "I only speak the truth. Oh don't worry, I'm head over heels for Hope. I'd never hurt her."

Nancy: She was in the same situation as Mike.
Eli: "Better. I'm gonna go lean on somebody else now."

JARVIS: "Master Stark, you should be in bed. You were told not to exert yourself."

Eli: "Yeah, yeah, do I look exerted to you? Don't answer that J, rhetorical question. Can you make me a smoothie?"

JARVIS: "Was that a rhetorical question, sir?"

Eli: "Curse the alcohol my dad was drinking the day he decided to make the AI sassy," he muttered. "Yes JARVIS, this is a real request, will you please make me a smoothie?"

JARVIS: "Of course sir."

Mike: "Are you okay?"
Eli: "Better. I'm gonna go lean on somebody else now."

JARVIS: "Master Stark, you should be in bed. You were told not to exert yourself."

Eli: "Yeah, yeah, do I look exerted to you? Don't answer that J, rhetorical question. Can you make me a smoothie?"

JARVIS: "Was that a rhetorical question, sir?"

Eli: "Curse the alcohol my dad was drinking the day he decided to make the AI sassy," he muttered. "Yes JARVIS, this is a real request, will you please make me a smoothie?"

JARVIS: "Of course sir."

Mike: "Are you okay?"
Jay: "Alright. Maybe you should sit down?"

Nancy: "Yeah, I'm good. Emotion just hit me hard today. But I'm happy I realized some things and I think things are going to be better now."
Eli: "I'm okay, guys."

Mike: He nodded. "Okay."
Evelyn: "Just don't push yourself too hard. Take it from me, I hate feeling weak and asking for help. Most of us at the tower do. But sometimes you just have to."

Penny: "I'll be right back." She got her presents for Mike and her dad and put them under the tree.
Evelyn: "Just don't push yourself too hard. Take it from me, I hate feeling weak and asking for help. Most of us at the tower do. But sometimes you just have to."

Penny: "I'll be right back." She got her presents for Mike and her dad and put them under the tree.

JARVIS: "Master Stark, your smoothie."

Eli: "Thanks J." He got it. "I guess I'll sit down and drink this," he said, and plopped on a couch.

OOC: You keep calling Nancy Penny lol

OOC: I'm currently watching Arrow and I feel like a traitor, lol.

OOC: lol. You're not a traitor unless you think it's better than Marvel. It's like scoping out the competition.
JARVIS: "Master Stark, your smoothie."

Eli: "Thanks J." He got it. "I guess I'll sit down and drink this," he said, and plopped on a couch.

OOC: You keep calling Nancy Penny lol

OOC: lol. You're not a traitor unless you think it's better than Marvel. It's like scoping out the competition.
OOC: Oh no whoops I do haha
I meant NANCY

True. Marvel will always be supreme.
OOC: See? Great minds think alike.

How am I doing with Eli? Better? I don't think I'm doing worse, but...
OOC: Indeed!
I'm having a lot of fun reading the new ElI. You are doing good. How about me and Fancy Nancy? It's probably too early to tell tbh.
OOC: Indeed!
I'm having a lot of fun reading the new ElI. You are doing good. How about me and Fancy Nancy? It's probably too early to tell tbh.

OOC: This is why we do such good stuff together.
Thank you, relieved to know. Eli's fun to play.
Well, her personality itself is hard to tell at this point, but you've got the emotions down good.
OOC: This is why we do such good stuff together.
Thank you, relieved to know. Eli's fun to play.
Well, her personality itself is hard to tell at this point, but you've got the emotions down good.
OOC: Indeed
No problem. Eli he seems like a fun character. Before Jay seemed more like a Stark than Eli, lol. Not that it was a bad thing, but I love seeing a Stark act like a Stark. Thanks. The smoothie reminds me of when I had strep. That's literally all I could eat for three days, it was bad haha.

Fancy Dancy Nancy Rogers: She handed her father her present. "It's nothing elaborate or expensive, I'm sorry about that. But I think you'l still like it. Actually, Mike open yours at the same time they are similar."
OOC: Indeed
No problem. Eli he seems like a fun character. Before Jay seemed more like a Stark than Eli, lol. Not that it was a bad thing, but I love seeing a Stark act like a Stark. Thanks. The smoothie reminds me of when I had strep. That's literally all I could eat for three days, it was bad haha.

Fancy Dancy Nancy Rogers: She handed her father her present. "It's nothing elaborate or expensive, I'm sorry about that. But I think you'l still like it. Actually, Mike open yours at the same time they are similar."

OOC: Yeah, Starks should act like Starks. He won't be completely Stark because of his mother's influence, but he'll still be a Stark. Oh, strep isn't nice.

Steve and Mike: They opened their presents.
OOC: Yeah, Starks should act like Starks. He won't be completely Stark because of his mother's influence, but he'll still be a Stark. Oh, strep isn't nice.

Steve and Mike: They opened their presents.
OCC: Agreed, and yeah it stunk.

Nancy: She had made really nice dress shirts. Nancy had spent a lot of time alone lately, and sewing had been comforting since it was timeless.
Steve: "This is great."

Mike: "Thanks Nan."

Steve: He had gotten her similar stuff as Mike, but he had also included some of her mother's jewelry.

Mike: He had gotten her a nice blazer.
Steve: "This is great."

Mike: "Thanks Nan."

Steve: He had gotten her similar stuff as Mike, but he had also included some of her mother's jewelry.

Mike: He had gotten her a nice blazer.
Nancy: She beamed. "I'm glad you both liked it. They took me a while to make." Nancy loved all her presents and gave them both hugs with her thank yous.


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