Once Upon A Time

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I've always viewed Rumpelstiltskin as a teacher, of sorts, and we see that in the show, as well. Always quick to remind people that there is always a price to pay with magic.

In the original tale, I think he was out to prove a point to King & the Miller's Daughter that the most important things in life are our children, and loved ones. The King always referred to the Miller's daughter as "only" a Miller's daughter, but decided to marry her once he found out she could spin the straw into gold. He was only out for riches. For the girl? She, too, only wanted to live a life filled with riches, and marry into Royalty.

I don't think Rumpel really wanted the child, but only to make a point, to prove to the others that their priorities weren't straight. Now, I do think he intended them to feel the true hurt of losing the child, and not having the spell broken when they discovered his name, but, I still think they learned a lesson.

I don't remember the girl wanting to have a life rilled with riches. The king threatened to take her life if she couldn't spin the straw into gold, not once but three times. She was desperate. After the third time, he made her his wife. She gave Rumpelstiltskin her ring & I think a necklace in order for him to spin the straw into gold for her and when she had nothing left to give him, had to promise him her first born thinking it would never happen anyway. I just think he was an evil little man lol.
I'm so happy to have found this thread! Not too many people I know watch Once upon a time, so I'm glad to have somewhere to discuss it now.

I love this show. :lovestruc It really stinks we have to wait 2 weeks :(

BTW- My mouth dropped open when I saw that the Sheriff was the one sleeping with Regina! So much for the meeting she has huh?
I'm wondering if they are one and the same (on the show). It seems like in this version of the Fairy tales, all the characters live in the same "land" (or realm, whatever they call it) and they're stories are connected to each other. I'm thinking the Sheriff could have been the one sent after Snow white and the one to rescue Red Riding.

I still kind of think that Emma has a role in the fairy tale realm too, as well as Henry. What would happen to them if the curse is broken? Does Snow and the Prince live not so happily ever after with out their first born? Is Emma still gone and never able to return? Would she return as a child or would she have still aged even though her mother and father haven't (or maybe they age a bit before Emma breaks the curse now that time is moving again, but probably not 28 years)
My thought is that when Emma breaks the curse, things will go back to the way they were before it started...which means Emma would grow up with her parents in Fairytale realm and have just as much a place in the stories as everyone else. If she doesn't have a "character" in the fairy tale realm it means that either the curse was never broken, or she is never returned to her parents once it is.
Henry knows she is going to be the "savior". How does he know this? Is it because he has read her story too?

This is only my guess, I think they are there to break the curse, once the curse is broke they will go back to fairytale land as if there was no curse. Emma will still be unborn and no one will remember anything.
This is only my guess, I think they are there to break the curse, once the curse is broke they will go back to fairytale land as if there was no curse. Emma will still be unborn and no one will remember anything.

That's what I think too, but wouldn't Emma have a "story" too then? If she ends up growing up in Fairytale land?
I guess it could be that each of the fairytales are only written up until the time of the curse, and as such we wouldn't know what Emma's role in that world would be, but then again Rumple knew that Emma would come to storybrooke, as did Henry, so it's possible that those two (and maybe others) do know what the future holds and what Emma's role in Fairytale land will be.

I also keep trying to remind myself knowing how lost went, this likely will end up not at all as we think it will. Henry will end up being a real life Pinnochio, lying to everyone to create a better world for himself, and Emma will be his "savior" and break the "curse" by giving him a reason to live in the real world. Or something lame like that.
I hated how Lost ended!
That's what I think too, but wouldn't Emma have a "story" too then? If she ends up growing up in Fairytale land?
I guess it could be that each of the fairytales are only written up until the time of the curse, and as such we wouldn't know what Emma's role in that world would be, but then again Rumple knew that Emma would come to storybrooke, as did Henry, so it's possible that those two (and maybe others) do know what the future holds and what Emma's role in Fairytale land will be.

I also keep trying to remind myself knowing how lost went, this likely will end up not at all as we think it will. Henry will end up being a real life Pinnochio, lying to everyone to create a better world for himself, and Emma will be his "savior" and break the "curse" by giving him a reason to live in the real world. Or something lame like that.
I hated how Lost ended

I HOPE not! But you are right, there is a good chance of something like that happening. :guilty:
Just watched the first episode again so my husband can catch up and so I can see anything I might have missed.

Well, the scene near the end when Prince Charming is stabbed and Snow White finds him and holds him, the Evil Queen comes in to tell them what's about to happen (the curse) and how she won't remember she even knew the prince. Then the Evil Queen asks her guardsman, who stabbed the prince and whose face is covered by a black mask, where the baby is and he tells her it was in the wardrobe and then it disappeared...that IS the voice of Sheriff Graham! I'm sure of it!!! :thumbsup2

edited to add this description of the Sheriff from the official website:

Graham is Storybrooke’s dashing town sheriff. He is level headed and competent, a man of action, always rising to the moment. As sheriff, Graham works very closely with Regina, the town’s mayor. Perceptive and diplomatic, he has an easy rapport with everyone in town, including (perhaps surprisingly) Regina.

He is independent, guided by his own moral compass, and he always does what he thinks is right, regardless of whatever grief he may get from his boss. But, in spite of all these clues, Henry remains unsure of Graham’s identity in Fairy Tale Land.

Jamie Dornan on playing Sheriff Graham:

"Sheriff Graham is a man, who through his position of authority always wants to do the right thing. He's a little naïve, and is too easily controlled by the Mayor. Graham is constantly battling to be his own person and to feel things out for himself.

Graham is someone who struggles to convey his emotions, and I, on the other hand, am very open with my emotions, so this was something I had to work on when playing Graham - closing off to an extent."
I don't remember the girl wanting to have a life rilled with riches. The king threatened to take her life if she couldn't spin the straw into gold, not once but three times. She was desperate. After the third time, he made her his wife. She gave Rumpelstiltskin her ring & I think a necklace in order for him to spin the straw into gold for her and when she had nothing left to give him, had to promise him her first born thinking it would never happen anyway. I just think he was an evil little man lol.

In the original story, the miller bragged about his daughter in order to impress the king. The daughter didn't want anything, but was forced to come and spin straw into gold because that was what her father told the king she was able to do. She was locked into a room for the night and in the morning the king would return and collect the gold.
The rest of the story is the way you told it.
The third morning, the king was impressed and asked her to marry him ( why she wanted to marry him after all that, I don't know).
After their baby was born, Rumplestiltskin came to claim the baby and made a bargain that if the girl could guess his name, she would be able to keep her baby. He would come on three separate mornings for her to guess, so she sent servants out all over the place trying to find his name. The first 2 days, she was not successful, but on the third day, she guessed correctly because one of the servants heard him dancing around a fire and bragging that she would never guess that "Rumplestiltskin is my name."

One version has him being angry and disappearing and one has him getting so angry that he stomps into th ground, getting his foot caught in a hole and then tears himself in half.
First I confess that I haven't read all 30 pages of this thread.

That being said...I just wanted to say how well done I think this series is. I admit that I tuned in (okay watched it on Hulu) out of sheer curiosity. Disney's channel & fairy tales;). Who knew?

And it just seem to get better & better. Didn't see that coming with the sheriff:eek:

Hopefully, it will continue to be this good. And I agree...great job with the casting. And pulling in the last name Swan. pirate: Clever!
First I confess that I haven't read all 30 pages of this thread.

That being said...I just wanted to say how well done I think this series is. I admit that I tuned in (okay watched it on Hulu) out of sheer curiosity. Disney's channel & fairy tales;). Who knew?

And it just seem to get better & better. Didn't see that coming with the sheriff:eek:

Hopefully, it will continue to be this good. And I agree...great job with the casting. And pulling in the last name Swan. pirate: Clever!

what is with the name Swan - i've been trying to figure out that catch?
ITA, 100% :thumbsup2
I LOVE having a show that I can watch as a family! I didn't even bother pre-screening this week's episode, though with a pregnant Cinderella next week, I might have to!!

Looks like it is time to start screening. Boo Disney/ABC way to alienate an audience. Not sure what possible help Ema taking her shirt off and stanging around in her bra possibly has on this show. Yes, I know there are a bunch of 65 year old single disney fans sitting around in their beer stained wife beaters absolutly loving that that scene was included. But it does nothing for me but make me not want to watch it, or let my kids. Love the show, but there are so many good shows that networks ruin by throwing in this crap.

I read that they have cast the role of Belle. Ready for this LOST fans??? Evengaline Lilly. Really excited about this casting.
OH thank God that is not true!!!!!! Kate was the worst part of lost by far.
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