Once Upon A Time

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I don't mind spoilers as long as SPOILER is posted before the spoil.:thumbsup2 I love reading this thread to see other theories, but I don't want to know for sure what will happen next.

I liked how Cinderella's name was Ashley in Storybrooke. Cinders/Ashes just too cute! Love this show!

I didn't even think about that. LOL
I am confused why Rumpelstiltskin told Cinderella that the wand was "pure evil?" If all magic has a price, what would have been the price for the fairy godmother's help. Something interesting is underlying his motivation and I can't figure it out.

I know people who say they are witches and know how to do spells say you have to be careful because whatever you do will come back to you 3x's. Maybe the idea is that all magic works this way (even if it was the fairy Godmother's)
I find it interesting in the spoiler picture that he is with a wolf. A wolf stopped Emma from leaving the first time....................interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, this show is such a refreshing change. I love it. Last weekend my 15 year old son was like ok what are you guys watching, now the whole family is sitting around watching,. Love this!!!!

Now how am I going to wait two weeks for the show to air. I think I heard the next episode won't air until after Thanksgiving :headache:
I don't mind spoilers as long as SPOILER is posted before the spoil.:thumbsup2 I love reading this thread to see other theories, but I don't want to know for sure what will happen next.

I liked how Cinderella's name was Ashley in Storybrooke. Cinders/Ashes just too cute! Love this show!

I agree with the SPOILER headline.

Love that you caught the Ashley (Ashes). Great job on that one!!

I started thinking about something. What if Mr Gold/Rumpelstiltzkin isn't really a bad guy? Everyone comes to him for help and he always warns them that there will be a price to pay and they always insist they want to go ahead with the magic and then they get all upset with the consequences. What if his purpose is to teach them a lesson? He always gives them a chance to look for a non magical option but then they choose magic.

Another great theory! I'm sure they may also change some characters over time and over seasons...

I am confused why Rumpelstiltskin told Cinderella that the wand was "pure evil?" If all magic has a price, what would have been the price for the fairy godmother's help. Something interesting is underlying his motivation and I can't figure it out.

Well, I guess it could be argued that with Cinderella the "price" was that it was only temporary and she had to be back by midnight or risk being exposed as a fraud. :confused3

I find it interesting in the spoiler picture that he is with a wolf. A wolf stopped Emma from leaving the first time....................interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooh, good one...thanks for the reminder!
I find it interesting in the spoiler picture that he is with a wolf. A wolf stopped Emma from leaving the first time....................interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, this show is such a refreshing change. I love it. Last weekend my 15 year old son was like ok what are you guys watching, now the whole family is sitting around watching,. Love this!!!!

Now how am I going to wait two weeks for the show to air. I think I heard the next episode won't air until after Thanksgiving :headache:

My whole family enjoys this show, too! Even my 14 year old daughter, who never comes out of her room for anything, said to me yesterday "hey Mom, our show is on tonight!" If it can bring teenagers into the living room to watch a show with the whole family, it's GOLDEN!
I was tickled pink to see Snow White and Cinderella dancing together at Ella's wedding. I can't wait to see what tale is next and what characters we will meet!
I started thinking about something. What if Mr Gold/Rumpelstiltzkin isn't really a bad guy? Everyone comes to him for help and he always warns them that there will be a price to pay and they always insist they want to go ahead with the magic and then they get all upset with the consequences. What if his purpose is to teach them a lesson? He always gives them a chance to look for a non magical option but then they choose magic.
Oooh, I like this theory! I mean, I think he's really scary and mean but maybe he is misunderstood...?

Time will tell!
Seems to me that Mr. Gold is an opportunist- not really "bad" he does warn people but then let's them make their own decisions.
I started thinking about something. What if Mr Gold/Rumpelstiltzkin isn't really a bad guy? Everyone comes to him for help and he always warns them that there will be a price to pay and they always insist they want to go ahead with the magic and then they get all upset with the consequences. What if his purpose is to teach them a lesson? He always gives them a chance to look for a non magical option but then they choose magic.

While I don't think Rumpel is going to be a white hat, he may turn out to be a gray hat.

He gave Cinderella good advice (and ahem, it's the same comment I always make when watching Cinderella) -- get yourself going and change your life yourself. Instead, Cinderella choose the easy way out -- magic. He told her, warned her that the easy way is not so easy, that it comes with a price, which is a true life lesson.
I am confused why Rumpelstiltskin told Cinderella that the wand was "pure evil?"

Has Rumple/Gold ever lied outright? It seems like he manipulates the truth but I'm not sure he's told a bald-faced lie. That might reveal some amount of integrity in the character.

Is it true that the Fairy Godmother's wand was "pure evil"? If so, was she really a bad person for using it? If Rumple is actually good, why did he do away with the Godmother instead of the "evil" wand?
Originally Posted by happygirl
So would the huntsman and woodsmen be the same person

Yes- I think so.

They are actually 2 different chaacters.

The huntsman was the assassin that the Evil Queen sent SNow White into the wood with.

The woodsman was the 1 who saved Little Red Riding Hood from and cut Granny out of the Big Bad Wolf.
Does anyone know what Rumple's obsession with first born children is? Why does he want these babies? Why did he want to know Emma's name? Actually, he seemed to need to know it and when Snow told him, it was like a "fix," for lack of a better word. Creepy and interesting.

I'm not just talking about OUAT, but the real fairy tale, too. I'm not sure I ever heard why he demands a baby instead of riches in exchange for spinning the straw into gold. I'm very curious.
Does anyone know what Rumple's obsession with first born children is? Why does he want these babies? Why did he want to know Emma's name? Actually, he seemed to need to know it and when Snow told him, it was like a "fix," for lack of a better word. Creepy and interesting.

I'm not just talking about OUAT, but the real fairy tale, too. I'm not sure I ever heard why he demands a baby instead of riches in exchange for spinning the straw into gold. I'm very curious.

Why would he need riches is he can make his own gold?
I like that it is reversed from the original story. Instead of needing to know his name, now he needs to know everyone else's.
I can't believe I have to wait 2 more weeks! Well, at least I have Grimm on Friday to tide me over!
Does anyone know what Rumple's obsession with first born children is? Why does he want these babies? Why did he want to know Emma's name? Actually, he seemed to need to know it and when Snow told him, it was like a "fix," for lack of a better word. Creepy and interesting.

I'm not just talking about OUAT, but the real fairy tale, too. I'm not sure I ever heard why he demands a baby instead of riches in exchange for spinning the straw into gold. I'm very curious.

I've always viewed Rumpelstiltskin as a teacher, of sorts, and we see that in the show, as well. Always quick to remind people that there is always a price to pay with magic.

In the original tale, I think he was out to prove a point to King & the Miller's Daughter that the most important things in life are our children, and loved ones. The King always referred to the Miller's daughter as "only" a Miller's daughter, but decided to marry her once he found out she could spin the straw into gold. He was only out for riches. For the girl? She, too, only wanted to live a life filled with riches, and marry into Royalty.

I don't think Rumpel really wanted the child, but only to make a point, to prove to the others that their priorities weren't straight. Now, I do think he intended them to feel the true hurt of losing the child, and not having the spell broken when they discovered his name, but, I still think they learned a lesson.
Originally Posted by happygirl
So would the huntsman and woodsmen be the same person

They are actually 2 different chaacters.

The huntsman was the assassin that the Evil Queen sent SNow White into the wood with.

The woodsman was the 1 who saved Little Red Riding Hood from and cut Granny out of the Big Bad Wolf.

In that case I'm going to guess the woodsmen is Graham/sheriff for the simple fact the wolf is always around Graham
I also can't wait to see what Mr. Gold asks of Emma. Whatever it is, it's going to be bad, maybe to even give Henry up for good.:eek:

This is going to be one heck of a cliff hanger for sure!!:laughing:

Not sure what the deal will turn out to be, but if they keep to the true form of Rumple's story, I bet Emma at some point will have to guess who he really is in order to break the deal. Seems like the writers made it a point to reveal to us that both Emma and Henry don't know Mr. Gold's true name...
In that case I'm going to guess the woodsmen is Graham/sheriff for the simple fact the wolf is always around Graham

I'm wondering if they are one and the same (on the show). It seems like in this version of the Fairy tales, all the characters live in the same "land" (or realm, whatever they call it) and they're stories are connected to each other. I'm thinking the Sheriff could have been the one sent after Snow white and the one to rescue Red Riding.

I still kind of think that Emma has a role in the fairy tale realm too, as well as Henry. What would happen to them if the curse is broken? Does Snow and the Prince live not so happily ever after with out their first born? Is Emma still gone and never able to return? Would she return as a child or would she have still aged even though her mother and father haven't (or maybe they age a bit before Emma breaks the curse now that time is moving again, but probably not 28 years)
My thought is that when Emma breaks the curse, things will go back to the way they were before it started...which means Emma would grow up with her parents in Fairytale realm and have just as much a place in the stories as everyone else. If she doesn't have a "character" in the fairy tale realm it means that either the curse was never broken, or she is never returned to her parents once it is.
Henry knows she is going to be the "savior". How does he know this? Is it because he has read her story too?
Does anyone know what Rumple's obsession with first born children is? Why does he want these babies? Why did he want to know Emma's name? Actually, he seemed to need to know it and when Snow told him, it was like a "fix," for lack of a better word. Creepy and interesting.

I'm not just talking about OUAT, but the real fairy tale, too. I'm not sure I ever heard why he demands a baby instead of riches in exchange for spinning the straw into gold. I'm very curious.

As it happens, this weekend I was at an event and having lunch with a table of anthropologists and amongst the table conversations was one about the power of names. One professor was commenting about how in some cultures, names are seen as invested with power, including the power of identity, because the names are supposed to be meaningful and evocative. So acquiring the knowledge of someone's full name is akin to acquiring power over them.

From attending events at this same conference over the years, I also know that in most cultures first born children are considered the most valuable.
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