A WISH for Cold Tea? Ana's aMAWzing Disney Trip! 12/1-12/7 ~Last Entry~ p.127

What an amazing trip! I think GOD puts us in certain places at the right times. What hope you have given Rick and family, and hope is strong. :hug:

Can't wait to hear of your latest trip:thumbsup2

Tim...Timmy...Tim-Tim...:laughing: So sad to see this TR end, but I know there will be lots more from you! You know I always enjoy your updates, whether it's about an exciting moment in Ana's life or a day at WDW.
What an amazing, wonderful, pixie-dust filled trip you all had!! I so glad we "met" here at the DIS. Juliana is so precious and just looked like she was in princess heaven your whole trip!!

How cool that you caught the BBB parade- I didn't know about that! And great minds must think alike, wait til you read what we did on our last day in FL!! ;)
Wow, what an amazing last day!! I love that she got to participate in the parade (good thing you all keep up the hair-do!!) Love all the pictures! How crazy for you to meet Rick. I hope everything goes okay with his daughter. You should describe him to me and maybe he can meet an another Wilms Survivor next week too!
Wow, that was a very emotional and powerful last update. Love the BBB parade, I guess they had to do a perk for the DTD location to try to get some people to want to do the BBB there. I kind of think its more fun to do that location just to be in a parade. :goodvibes

I'm amazed that you were able to meet Rick, how funny is life that you would meet someone who is going thru what you guys have been thru and give them hope at the last leg of your MAW trip. It makes it all the more magical.

You'll have to let us all know how Rick and Erin are doing from time to time. :)

Thank you for sharing your MAW trip with us all :hug: and I look forward to reading your next TR.
Excellent end to your trip report. I appreciate you giving us the opportunity to take a look inside Juliana's WISH trip and see what GKTW is all about. Hopefully it will be a blessing for Rick and his family that he met you and your family that day. I can understand how that would have been a hard conversation to have, because it was choking me up just reading about it.

Anyway, I'm glad you guys had a great trip and I look forward to reading about your most recent adventure!
Tim...I am a bit sad to see your TR come to an end. I have loved hearing all about your trip and the great time you all had. I guess I can just get excited for your next one:cool1:. Having just started ours I realize it can be lots of work so thanks for sharing everything with us.

I was really touched by your meeting with Rick. I remember back when Chelsea was first diagnosed I wanted so badly to find an infant who had been diagnosed that had made it...it was not easy to find that and my heart just about broke for lack of hope then I found a little boy who was diagnosed at the same age and had the same treatment who was celebrating his 4th birthday and continues to do well to this day. Getting to know his mom on line was the HOPE I so desperately needed. I am sure you were that for Rick's family...I am so glad you all met.

Looking forward to hearing about your latest Disney adventure.
Your last post had me in tears. Each one of these kids is such a miracle. It is so great that there is a place like GKTW where kids can go and be normal for a week and just have the time of their lives leaving all their worries back home. When my cousin did her wish trip they did not put them at GKTW and I think they really got jipped. Not sure if they went through MAW or not, but I know it was a similar organization. It breaks my heart to see all those stars on the ceiling knowing that many sick kids have been there, but heart warming at the same time, knowing that that many kids had their magical moment.

This sounds like the trip of a lifetime for you guys, with magic moments happening for the whole family! And what a way to find out you are adding to the family at the happiest place on earth! Thanks for sharing this. Hopefully you have it all saved. You should print it out and give it to Juliana when she graduates high school or college.
What a great conclusion to your trip! You know, sometimes we get so wrapped up in our little DIS world and the few people we frequently interact with here that we fail to realize just how many stories like yours there are out there! Hearing Rick's story just makes us all realize even more that there are so many children out there (and their families) struggling with illnesses and not being able to just worry about little things like bumps and bruises and skinned knees!

So glad that Rick was uplifted and saw a ray of hope by seeing Princess Juliana! Her happiness and smile and energy with all she has been through is something I wish for all children of the families out there going through similar circumstances.

You are so right... we have to realize that there are real people attached to these screen names. There are so many people out there that have daily battles. Was it fate or God's will that we bumped into Rick? I don't know, but I do know he needed some hope and he found that in our family & Juliana.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us and making us feel a part of it! All of us who "know" Princess Juliana, and the strength of you and Mel with all you have been through too, is a blessing to us all! I can't wait to celebrate with you the day Juliana is pronounced cancer free!!! :cloud9:
Thank you Marv. I cannot wait for that day either!

What an incredible story of such a Providential meeting. You were needed in Rick's life at THAT moment to give him hope and encouragement; how truly cool you were used as God's instrument to give a word of life.
I like your view Liesa... ::yes::

After reading Erin's caring bridge page when we got home, we saw the struggles they were going through and it felt 'right' that we met him.

Kathy, your dad is perfectly right! Things in THIS world are NOT the way things are supposed to be. But one day, when the TRUE King returns, all will be right and perfect and beautiful. In this world there is sadness and brokeness, but that won't last forever. We cry here and now, but there is a happy ending to this story. Take courage.

Tim, the princess parade was adorable. What fun for the girls to get to pretend their little hearts away. Very nice!! And you all went out in grand style with the limo ride as your trip's capstone.
I think Juliana has ridden every carousel house in the tri-state area.. She loves them! :thumbsup2 Seeing Santa again was a great way to end our trip. :goodvibes

Lovely, lovely report!
Not as eloquently written as your report, but I try. ;)

Thank you for reading. :)

Sad your trip is over. Looking forward to the new TR!

I shouldn't read sad things at work...I look like a nutcase. Hope Rick's daughter is doing better :hug:
Thank you for reading! Hope all your wedding plans are falling into place. :goodvibes

I will try to post an update if I hear any new news from him.

Aw the start of your pre trip had me bawling and the end of your trip report had me crying again. Feel so sorry for all those little kiddies going through all that. My big brother died from cancer when he was 27 and I was 13 :(
I am so sorry to hear about your brother. :hug:

Juliana's trip seems like it was brill and what a perfect ending the princess getting to lead the parade :)
It was a great ending! She got such a kick out of being in the princess parade. :goodvibes
Tim, now that you are done I'm all caught up. (thanks for the table of contents by the way!)
I'm so glad you guys had a fun trip! I loved all juilianas customs! And she's going to be a great big sister! How lucky to have some time to spend with brother before she has to head off to kindy!
I just wanted to say thanks for sharing this story! The company my works leases our land from, Signature Flight Support, has a couple GKTW fundraisers each year. But they aren't very detailed in just all that goes on there, at least at my location. I'm glad to have some knowledge to share next time!
Great job Tim. It was wonderful to follow-along on your trip!

I imagine you folks really lifted the spirits of that TSA agent. There's nothing like being able to talk to someone who can relate to what you're going through.

I came back tonight to post after NOT being able to when I saw all of the stars on the ceiling at GKTW...that sent me into a tailspin the night I read it and just couldn't write about the incredible update you had just posted..I came back to do that tonight and have been sitting here bawling like a baby after reading this latest update! Praise God for giving you Ana and such a wonderful healing, for your newest addition that will bring such love and laughter to you and Melody, for you Tim for being such a wonderful help and comfort to so many, for Melody for being your beautiful wife and to Rick and his dear family who are fighting such a long, hard fight, and I THANK GOD for putting you in his line. Praise God for GKTW and MAW who bless the most courageous and brave people in the world, the children who battle these horrible illnesses! I LOVED the PRINCESS parade, Little Ana in her plastic cap to keep her Princess hair just so, all of the fun at GKTW, the flight photos home, the limo...I loved this entire journey and THANK YOU for sharing it with us all!
What a way to end the trip.
A Princess parade and a then "chance" encounter where you can pass on encouragement to another dad whose daughter is experiencing a similar stuggle and you can show them the light that is a healthy Juliana. :goodvibes
Hi Tim, I started your report crying, and I'm ending it crying. :goodvibes

I am so happy that you were able to take this wonderful trip with your princess and she was healthy and able to enjoy it. I am even more happy that she came through her last scans with good news!:cloud9:
Thank you for reading. It has been an emotional journey for us, and we are very happy that Juliana is doing as well as she has. :goodvibes

GKTW is such an amazing place - I am just in awe at how great they have made it, and how they meet the needs of families. The stars make me sad, too - for all the suffering they represent. I'm glad that many are happy endings.
I would like to think that most of those stars are survivors... but you do realize that some of those stars represent children who are not with us any longer. :littleangel:

Love the princess parade! So cute! Thanks for sharing the video! I will have to remember that one for DGD.
The parade was fun. It was nice of them to do that for the girls. princess:

Looking forward to your mini TR, and so excited for your new little prince to join your family! Praying for continued health for all 4 of you!!:grouphug:
Thank you!!!! :goodvibes

Great TR. I got the opportunity to donate to GKTW this year through my United Way contribution. In years before I had been limited to only *local* charities so it was great to support an organization that does so much good.

Can't wait to read your next report!

Jill in CO
Thank you for reading! It is great knowing exactly how your donation helps... and GKTW is a worthwhile cause. :goodvibes :hug:

Tim, just wanted to thank you for the GKTW link....I made our donation for the year and dedicated it to all of our DisBoard MAW kids! we will continue to do our part in helping such a wonderful, magical place for these wonderful children and their families!
That is so nice of you! I know so many kids will be helped by your generosity. :hug:
Tim, you've once again moved me to tears and my heart goes out to not only you, Mel and Ana but now also Rick and his sweet daugther Erin. It wasn't a coincidence that you just *happened* to bump into that particular security officer. He needed that kind of encouragement from someone who knows what he's going through. And I just can't sit here without tears in my eyes knowing that Ana was his ray of hope for his own daughter, that he looked at her sweet little face and felt hopeful. You ministered to each other, God knew you needed each other in that moment. I'm speechless and blown away, no wonder you nearly lost it at that point Tim.:hug:
Sorry... I knew that was a sad story, but I had to share it. You pretty much summed up what happened. :hug:

Ok, enough of the sappy here. Isn't DTD fun? We really enjoy exploring that whole area. And I had NO idea that the BBB does a parade! How perfect for princess Ana!:thumbsup2 I too love how she managed to be in the front, so something my Marielle would do too!:laughing:
From what we heard, the BBB parade is everyday at 2. So when you bring your girls there on your next trip, you'll know. ;) Juliana has to be the center of attention. :rotfl2: princess:

I love this picture, if it's possible I think Ana is even cuter when she squints!:cutie:
LOL I like that one too.... but how could I not? :lmao:

What a wonderful trip Tim. You know, I remember back on your PTR that your plans had lots of time at GKTW. I thought it was a bit strange that you weren't spending more time at Disney. Well, I was 100% wrong because GKTW is an incredible place and I'm so happy that you all were able to vacation there. Thank you for taking us all along with you, it was magical, emotional and aMAWzing (yes, I used it again!).:goodvibes
I wish we spent a little more time at GKTW... but with trying to fit in all the parks and time with Mel's family, we did miss some other great events at GKTW like the Candyland Game (which I know Juliana would have loved) and Christmas. I am happy we took the last day to have some fun in the village.

Thank you for reading along and you BETTER join me for the next TR. ;)

thanks for taking me along on your journey, even if I joined in a bit late. :goodvibes What are the odds that you would run into Rick? Incredible story. I'll definitely see if I can make a donation to GKTW in the next week or two. :thumbsup2

I'll be waiting for the next TR! :wizard:
Thank you for reading! Isn't the saying- better late than never? ;)

We were happy to be able to speak with Rick, even if it was for only a few minutes. :goodvibes

What an amazing trip report! Thank you for taking the time to write about your experience. I am so happy Juliana is doing so well. I know her story inspires everyone! She seems like such an incredible little girl.
Thank you for reading! She has taken everything very well. We can't wait to say our daughter is finally cured. :goodvibes

What a touching moment for Rick. I'm sure it meant the world to him to meet your family and hear your story.
I think at that moment, he really needed to speak to us.

Thank you again for sharing. I can't wait for your next trip report and to hear about your magical moment!
Your welcome! Hopefully I'll have something started before this TR is shut down. :lmao:

Well, as I believe has been said previously... I started this report crying, now I'm ending it crying. We passed someone from GKTW at MCO on our way in, waiting to pick someone up and I almost lost it right there, just saying thanks for all that they do. So, yeah, not sure I could have held it together had I been in your shoes. And it never ceases to amaze me when you encounter a nice TSA agent. But, wow...what a beautiful, almost poetic, ending to your trip.
The volunteers at GKTW are really great. They always had a smile on their face and were so friendly. It is like you'd like to hug each and every one of them.:goodvibes

Juliana's trip was brought full circle by meeting Rick. I would of never thought in 1000 years that could have happened. I am so glad we did meet him though.

And I have to say again that not only is Juliana beautiful, she seems to love posing for pictures! Her personality shines through.
Oh, she is a total HAM! Once she sees the camera, forget it!

Looking forward to the next TR!
Taking a few days break, then starting the next one! :surfweb:

Thank you for sharing her trip with us
So glad you were there for Rick he sounded like he needed some hope in his life and I am glad you were there to give him some :cloud9:
Thank you for reading. :goodvibes

I'm glad we were there to talk with him too.

Tim I am teary eyed too !!My prayers are going up for Rick's daughter Erin right now !!What a beautiful last day you had !!Ana looked radiant in the Princess Parade !! Also I have never seen the Shamu SWA planes before it was neat!!Please tell Rick that he has a whole community of well wishers here on the Dis who I know will be adding Erin to their prayer lists !!!
Thank you for reading Rosie!

I will tell him there will be a bunch of people keeping his little girl in their prayers. :littleangel:

Oh and I forgot to say I luv the Shamu plane :)
HAHA! We wanted to fly on that plane!
I wasn't even there and I don't think I can forget it! Your pictures and descriptions are awesome. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading Barry. It was a pleasure hanging out with you and your family.

YAY! Parades!
Excited? Seems like you really like the parades! :cool1:

Her and Madison have that in common - the always seem to be the center of attention.princess:
We need to get these two together more often. :lmao::lmao:

Disney just had to squeeze in one more bit of magic, huh?
Of course we did!

Such a small world. Sending prayers for Rich and his daughter.
Thank you. They really need it.

Tim - the report, like all of your other ones, was very well done and an awesome read! Julina is such a special girl, and I'm glad everything came together for her and you guys to have an awesome trip. I'm glad we got to spend a little bit of it together and I hope our paths cross again - either in WDW or somewhere else.
Thank you! You guys make writing it really fun! I do hope we have the chance to meet again- 2 times in 1 year was pretty good! :goodvibes

After all, Evan will have to meet his nemesis pretty soon. :thumbsup2
:lmao::lmao: :lmao::lmao:

Tim, thanks for sharing this TR. I'm glad we got to see GKTW and get a glimpse of what they do for kids in need. What a great organization.
Thanks for reading Mark.

And I'm just amazed at the story of Rick and his daughter. Incredible how you managed to pick just the right line, and your wife made just the right comment. Things happen for a reason. We'll keep his family in our prayers.

Can't wait for the next TR!
If you saw this in a movie, you would think it was over the top fake... speaking with Rick was good for him as well as good for us. Erin does need more prayers, she has more battles to face.

Tim loved the trip report. Most importantly you answered the burning question in my mind is Baby #2 a souvenir from the December trip or did you already know. I agree with the others things happen for a reason. It wasn't chance you ended up in Rick's line you were sent to give him hope. Looking forward to reading the TR from this last trip.
LOL It wasn't a Disney baby. Melody wasn't feeling the best and we had been trying so she thought it would be a good idea to get the test. She was bummed she didn't get her Grey Goose Slushie in Epcot, but was happy she didn't once she realized she was pregnant. ;)

Thank you for reading and helping to make Juliana's Wish trip so special. :grouphug:

Great trip report Tim, thanks SO much for sharing it!! So many awesome moments, and a few tear jerkers as well. I loved following along, even though I really don't post much. Good luck to your and your growing family in the future, and I can't wait to read the next report!
Thank you for following along Ellen! The dress you made for Juliana turned so many heads and it had random people coming over to talk to us about it. Juliana loves that dress and we brought it with us a few weeks ago too. Thank you for being part of Juliana's trip! :goodvibes:goodvibes

Wonderful wrap up Tim. I think you and Mel were put in that line at that exact time for a reason. It is wonderful that you could give Rick and family some hope! :cloud9:
Thanks Jen! Thinking back, so many things had to fit into place for us to meet Rick. We are so glad we were able to talk with him. :goodvibes
I just wanted to give you a quick bye for two weeks....I hope you'll have your new TR up and running before we get back!

Hope Mel continues to feel good and tell Ana she is one special princess to us! Take care of your girls and we will "see" you when we get back!
I just wanted to give you a quick bye for two weeks....I hope you'll have your new TR up and running before we get back!

Hope Mel continues to feel good and tell Ana she is one special princess to us! Take care of your girls and we will "see" you when we get back!
I'm sure I will have my report going when you get back! :goodvibes

I hope you and Megan have a great trip (i'm sure you will) and make some memories that will last a lifetime. :goodvibes:goodvibes

Thanks for thinking of us! :) :grouphug:
I've been trying to get to all of your responses... It is taking me a while.:surfweb:

I wanted to share with you all what Rick wrote on Erin's caringbridge page last night:

Erin went to start getting ready for her radiation today. She is going for a simulation, were they mark her body where they will be doing the radiation and then Tuesday or Wednesday next week she will start. 8 days of regular radiation and 8 days of high dose radiation- total of 16 days not including weekends. Erin will be taken out of school again for her health reasons. Her lungs have already been through a lot and radiation can make them weaker for complications, so we decided to take her out again. Thank you for all the prayers. Please keep praying for my baby that this will be the last thing she would have to go through.

Well Erin didn't want the tattoos and was crying and the Dr said she didn't have to get them, so she is happy again. She will be starting on Tuesday and will be getting it every day except the weekend for 16 days. Erin is ok with it. She knows when it’s over her uncle Paulie, aunt Lisa, Bryan and Emily will be here with her to have FUN.

"Never Give Up Never Surrender"

God bless


Please keep this little girl in your prayers.

What an amazing trip! I think GOD puts us in certain places at the right times. What hope you have given Rick and family, and hope is strong. :hug:

Can't wait to hear of your latest trip:thumbsup2

Thank you for reading! :goodvibes

They still need prayers, they have been through so much already and it still isn't over. I think we were put in that line for a reason.

Tim...Timmy...Tim-Tim...:laughing: So sad to see this TR end, but I know there will be lots more from you! You know I always enjoy your updates, whether it's about an exciting moment in Ana's life or a day at WDW.
Thanks Tink! I still need to get to your TR and catch up. It seems like I am always doing that around here. I tell myself I am not going to sub to any more threads but I can't help myself!

Thank you for following our adventure. :goodvibes

What an amazing, wonderful, pixie-dust filled trip you all had!! I so glad we "met" here at the DIS. Juliana is so precious and just looked like she was in princess heaven your whole trip!!

How cool that you caught the BBB parade- I didn't know about that! And great minds must think alike, wait til you read what we did on our last day in FL!! ;)
It was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to see what happened on yours! :goodvibes:goodvibes

Wow, what an amazing last day!! I love that she got to participate in the parade (good thing you all keep up the hair-do!!) Love all the pictures! How crazy for you to meet Rick. I hope everything goes okay with his daughter. You should describe him to me and maybe he can meet an another Wilms Survivor next week too!
I can't believe your trip is here! :woohoo:

His daughter had a bi-lateral Wilms so it has been extra hard on her. His last name is Perez so you can look for him.

Wow, that was a very emotional and powerful last update. Love the BBB parade, I guess they had to do a perk for the DTD location to try to get some people to want to do the BBB there. I kind of think its more fun to do that location just to be in a parade.
She loved being in the parade! It had all the components- princesses, parade, carousel- what more could she ask for! princess: :lmao:

I'm amazed that you were able to meet Rick, how funny is life that you would meet someone who is going thru what you guys have been thru and give them hope at the last leg of your MAW trip. It makes it all the more magical.

You'll have to let us all know how Rick and Erin are doing from time to time. :)
I am so glad we met him, and I posted an update on Erin at the top on this post.

Thank you for sharing your MAW trip with us all :hug: and I look forward to reading your next TR.
Thank you for following along! It was a pleasure meeting you! :goodvibes
What a great trip report. Julianna and your family deserved this magical trip together. I will keep Rick's daughter in my prayers.


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