My first trip to WDW and DH's first time being arrested (Dec 2009)

You are a very brave woman. I understand fear of rides. Mine isn't roller coasters, it is Ferris Wheels. I am wet-your-pants terrified of them. Every few years my husband or kids will talk me into trying one again. Nope. Still terrified. It takes a lot of guts to face something like that--and you did make it! (and isn't solid ground the most wonderful thing!)
Way to go Leela. You faced your fear. I have had a motto for years. "I volunteer to fight what you fear!" You were scared but you fought your fear. Congrats again!
Oh gosh Leela...I was so hoping you came off that ride loving it. It's one that I'm not sure if I could handle riding either. I go through that same horrible sick to my stomach feeling on roller coasters and I hate it! I find Thunder Mountain no problem but Space Mountain is about my max threshold when it comes to roller coasters - is EE worse than that? Just tryna gauge if I should not put myself through torture on my upcoming trip lol.
Congrats on conquering Everest! That is one fast, twisting coaster. You may not have loved the ride, but you did it!!
Finally caught up again. No more trips planned, at least not until April of next year. So I should be able to keep up again.

I'll just make a few general comments.

Note to self. Do not steal a bite of Key Lime pie or else you might get stabbed with a fork. Got it.

KRR. DW and I love water rides. Especially on hot days. Gotta agree with you a little on this one. We were expecting a little more from it, but we still had fun. We have Rig's luck when it comes to this ride. We're the one's that always come off soaked. On days we know we will be riding water rides, we usually wear clothes that dry fast. So we're usually dry in an hour or so. If not, then we also have a change of clothes with us at the park.

DW and I did some damage to the credit cards as well. Since we had been there once before, we didn't expect to buy as much as we did. We still bought more on our first trip. A lot of the damage came from pulling a Rig and Grant. Oh my head!:sick: Kidding. We did almost exactly what you did. We ate at PH, had drinks there and then it continued after as well. Only thing is, we all continued as we were shopping. We didn't feel the rotation of the earth on this trip, but came close a few times.

Banjo is cute.

Glad you at least tried EE. That was real brave of you. Now that you did it once, are you going to attempt it again in the future if you ever get back to WDW? Now that you know what to expect and all. Never know, might be better the next round. You'll be better prepared. Personally EE is a little tame compared to RnRC. That's just my opinion though. At least Rig's nipples survived this ride. :lmao:

Keep the great chapters coming. And yes, I know I know, we're working on it. I'm trying to remember all that we did. My memory isn't as good as it used to be. :rolleyes:
I have been reading this for the last 3 days :goodvibes.

Don't feel too bad about Everst the first time we rode it 3 years ago my daughter had an even worse reaction to it than you. She was 9 and up to that point a roller coaster junkie. She rode that one started crying on it next to me. We got off it walked down the ramp towards the shop she collapsed & I had to sit on the floor with her on my lap rocking her while she cried.:confused3. This was the girl who rode Aerosmith coaster when she was 5!

Love the report can't wait for the rest of the day:banana:
So...I laughed SO hard through that WHOLE update! I shouldn't though cause I would probably be just as bad as you on that ride. I wasn't brave enough to even consider trying it. But the way you described it all was SO funny and SO like what I think when I ride horrible roller coasters.
I don't mind smooth ones that are just speed and not so much up and down. Like, I LOVED the aerosmith one. But I freaked out a little even in line for that one.
Anyway, great update! I'm sad this is getting close to the end but at the same time, I can't wait to hear about it!
Great update Lee!!!! Nice job facing fear. I know looking back you are really happy you did it. and you can say you did it!!!

Cant wait for more! happy thanksgiving!
Loved your trip report Lee....Too bad you didn't enjoy EE, I am a big ride weenie, and I chickened out on everything (RcnRC, EE, ToT) more than once before I braved them! I must admit, EE is one of my favourites though....after I rode it , I thought to myself "I let my self be scared of that!!!???" It really did not adversly affect me at all, I loved it. Thankfully my husband kept his arm around me the whole ride thru my first time and explained everything that was going to happen up ahead....that got me through it, and I just love that ride now. I'm sorry you didn't end up loving it! I guess I'm not as big a ride weenie as I let myself think, I've talked myself on quite a few things! ....My new hurdle is to get myself on Forbidden Journey (the harry potter ride) at Universal Studios when my son and I go on our Mom and Son trip in February. My son is 14, and I don't want to chicken out and make him ride alone, but that's going to be a big hurdle for me to get up the nerves to ride it!!!
Godd job on facing your fears and trying it.....I agree, NO REGRETS!! that's what I keep trying to tell myself when faced with those decisions.
I am sad to see your TR coming to an end, it's been so enjoyable to read!
I am sad I missed the pictures of you and Rig, it seems photobucket has deleted them....if you put up some more I would love to see the 2 of you and see if the picture I've painted in my mind is close, LOL :rotfl: I admit, I have you painted as the couple in the movie 8 miles too!!!
It's like reading a romance novel and escaping to a fun place in my mind when I read your story! You have a real gift for writing.....truly, you should pursue that!! I know I'd buy a novel written by you!!!
I hope to read more in the future! I almost wish I'd have had the chance to meet you in WDW like Jenny and Grant sound like a fun, fun couple to be friends with! Many more happy days are wished for you and Rig.....
~ Marie :flower3:
it's another short update, but I hope to get back here this week and post a longer one plus answer ya'lls posts too.
hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving and found major bargains on black friday.

We found a bench to sit on while my body recuperated from the rush I had put it through. My heart rate had slowed down to almost normal. I swear my heart had never raced so fast in my whole life, it was close to beating me to death.

I looked up at the mountain and watched as another train was heading up, I could hear the screams of the people who had already started their descent. Then I looked at Rig who was just staring at me, questioning my emotional/physical state with his eyes.

I started laughing and crying at the same time. I didn’t know why I was crying, but tears were falling as I held my stomach and laughed.

Rig shook his head, “Woman you have gone mad.”

“I can’t believe I just rode that danged thing, I must be mad.”

“I’m proud of you.” He said putting his arm around me, I leaned against him.

I was proud of me too. I had bragging rights, I could tell of my adventure to my friends when I got home, I was excited at not having to say, “I chickened out for that one.” I could honestly say I had done them all at Disney, every thrill ride they offered I had conquered.

We sat for quite a while, I still felt like the ground wasn’t solid yet. Rig had gone and gotten us a pop and some cookies, he had skipped breakfast that morning and his belly was screaming at him, the cookies would hold him over until lunch. He didn’t rush me or act like he was ready to get moving, he let me take my time, we sat and people watched while munching our cookies. Finally I felt normal again and we got out our map to see what it was we wanted to do. Camp Minnie Mickey was something we hadn’t done the day before and it was harmless, just stand and wait your turn to see characters, so we decided on that.

On the way we passed It’s tough to be a bug. Rig wanted to do that right then, so we headed down into the tree again, looking at all the carvings along the way. It still amazed me.
Rig was better behaved with his bug glasses this time, not putting them on until we were inside and the show had started. I had learned from the first 2 times I had gone, to lean forward as to not get stung in the back again.

We left the tree and Rig said he needed to eat RIGHT NOW! There was no question to where we would be eating that day. Flametree Barbque. There was a key lime pie (or 2) with my name on it.

I ordered the same thing I did the day before. The pulled pork, Rig skipped the ribs and ordered the pulled pork as well, and bless him, he also ordered the Keylime Pie for dessert.
We found a nice little table in the corner, not secluded at all though, those tables are crammed in there and on a couple of occasions the man at the table next to us all but rested his rear on our table as he would slide by to go get something, first it was a napkin, then a straw, then some more barbque sauce, Rig finally told the guy in no mean way at all, “Wouldn’t be easier if you just got everything in one trip?”

The guy said he only had 2 hands, Rig said, “You’ve only got one mouth too but you’ve gone back for a straw 3 times.” He laughed when he said it, he wasn’t trying to be smart but the man did not appreciate Rig at all.

I started to eat my sandwich and of course Rig and I did our whole swapping of the food, you take my beans and I’ll take your coleslaw thing. But my eyes were on that Keylime pie. Rig smiled

“Ever eat your dessert first?”

I had at times eaten my dessert before the meal, and the only reason I didn’t this time is because I was saving the best for last. I told this to Rig, and he put his Keylime pie in front of me.

“Now you have two pies, eat one now and still have some for later.”

As much as I loved the keylime pie I knew I wouldn’t be eating two of them, it was nice of Rig to offer me his, but considering he nearly lost his hand when trying to sample my keylime last time, I thought it best to let him have his own.

I was still ecstatic that I had ridden Expedition Everest, but then I had started to feel a little low that we weren’t at Magic Kingdom getting one last glance at the castle and taking one last ride on all of our favorites. I liked Animal Kingdom and all, but it just wasn’t Disney enough for me, I also felt bad thinking that maybe I had ruined it for Rig, I know he’s a grown man and could have spoke up if he wanted to go to Magic Kingdom, but Rig says I have always had a way of pulling on the strings of his heart and it’s hard for him to tell me no. I do not take advantage of that in any way, but it leaves me wondering sometimes if he is doing something he really doesn’t want to do just because I asked.
I rode the coaster, I had no regrets in that form now, but my regrets for changing our plans because I chickened out the last time were huge.

I asked Rig how he felt about it, he shrugged. “I love coasters, I don’t care which park they are in.”

He could tell I was questioning my decision to skip Magic Kingdom. “it’s not a big deal Leela, don’t make it into one.”

That’s what I do best though, sweating the small stuff, if there were a career in it I would be a CEO by now.

“Eat your pie, Rig said, that will put a smile back on your face.”

And it did, you can’t help but smile when eating the keylime pie. I had scarfed mine down before Rig even opened his up. I couldn’t wait for Rig to take his first bite.

“Quit staring at me, you’re wierding me out.”
He bit into his pie and…nothing, no huge smile, no sparkle in the eye.

“Well?” I asked

“What? It’s pie.” he answered

“But is it the best pie ever?”

“It’s good, he said, I wouldn’t call it shank worthy though.”

“You don’t deserve that pie Rig, It’s being wasted on you.”

“Do you want it?” he asked pushing it towards me

“No, but you could at least fake loving the pie so I don’t feel so stupid about how much I loved it.”

I shouldn’t have said that, I knew better, Rig went over board with his fake love for the keylime.

“Oh my God, life never existed until you key lime pie.”

“Rig people are watching us.”

He held the pie up in the air, “I have found true love.”

I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms glaring at Rig, “You can stop making fun of me now.”

“I’m not making fun of you, I’m just giving you what you want.”

“I’ve had enough so please stop.”

“Do you want the last bite? he asked offering me his spoon, I couldn’t pass it up so I took the last bite and all was well in the world again.

We finished eating, tossed our trash and put our tray away. Rig asked the guy at the table next to us if he needed anything while he was up. The guy ignored Rig.

It made me wonder though seeing that guy there alone, was he there with family and just chose to sit and wait while they ran around to all the attractions, or was he maybe someone who worked there and showed up on his day off? Maybe he just loved Disney and took a trip by himself. I mentioned it all to Rig who replied with, “Who cares?”

Rig must not wonder so much about things the way I do, I always have a question in my mind that I spend time trying to come up with an answer that works for me.

We started making our way to Camp Minnie Mickey, we came across the little pond with the statue like Goofy and Donald and Hewey Dewey and louey. They were fishing and hiking.
Rig liked goofy, laying back and fishing. “Makes me want for summer time.” he said

The first time Rig had ever taken me fishing was up in Cloudcroft. I had never even held a fishing pole before, he showed me how to cast, I was impatient and told him I had it and could do it on my own, and oops, I flung the whole pole into the lake. I will never forget the look on his face.
So he hasn’t let me go fishing with him since, fine with me, I find it BORING!

As we were entering Camp Minnie Mickey I felt the need to go.

“Rig I need a potty break. He looked on the map and saw that there was one at the end of camp so we kept walking passing up the characters on the way and figured we would just work our way through the character lines on the way out.

I did what needed done in the bathroom, took a few extra minutes to check my hair in the mirror and came out to meet Rig. The place was jam packed with people by then, what the heck where did they come from.
Rig said a show just let out. It was Festival of the Lion King.

“The lion King?” my eyes got huge and my heart pitter pattered, “I love the lion king, we have to see the show.”

There was a little wait for the next show, and the lines for the characters had grown so we took a seat on the bench to wait. I tested Shannon and told her that I rode Everest, she texted back good 4 U. I then texted Ally and she called me within a few minutes. She was excited to hear all about it, I told her that we waiting to see the Lion King and she asked that once the show started I call her so she could listen. She’s such a goof but I agreed to it. Rig had stepped away to call Charlie and check on business back home. When he came back he didn’t look happy.

“The fuel pump went out on one of the work trucks so I know what I’ll be doing once I get home tomorrow.”

I didn’t want to think about work at all, I told Rig to put it out of his mind and just think Disney for our last 24 hours left. I know if things were reversed and I had been told that something at work needed done as soon as I got home (although with my job I can’t imagine what that would be) I would be thinking about it too. But Rig got rid of the sour look on his face and went back into Disney mode quite fast.

A line started to form for the show so Rig an dI jumped into it. We were maybe 10 people back, I was thinking we would be front and center but the lady behind us told me that I really wanted to sit on the right in the lion section. I took her at her word.

We were soon ushered in and sat on the right, the place filled up quick, people just kept coming and coming. I was getting excited. I couldn’t wait for the show to start, I was hoping it would be as good as Finding Nemo, the same lady who told me where to sit said that it was better than finding Nemo. “Really? Is that possible?”

I can't wait to hear what you think of the Lion King! It is definately a favorite of mine.:lovestruc
I much preferred Nemo to Lion King. There is just something truly magical to the Nemo show. Amazing!

Can't wait to hear what you thought of the Lion King. popcorn::
Can't wait to see what you thought of The Lion King, I tear up every time I see it.

I was browsing the TR board today, and I heard about your story on another TR. I never heard of it before, but it must have been a sign. Because somehow I stumbled across it, and wasn't even aware that it was the famous "RigLee's" report until a few posts in. But now after reading the first 45 pages in one night... i COMPLETELY understand why this is as popular as it is. Oh my freakin' God i am LOVING it. :worship:

You are amazingly talented and I can not wait to keep continuing on with the story. I just need to go to sleep because I have school tomorrow.

And I just want you to know that I believe that your story is true :) and I pray to God every night that I find the perfect guy to marry someday.. and I hope that one day I can meet my own Rig and can fall for him as hard as you fell for your husband. It is the most adorable thing I have ever heard and gives me even greater hope that one day I will meet my prince. I hope hope hope!

But I will definitely continue reading this and probably within a day or so I will have read the whole thing... because I get ADDICTED to TRs.

Thank you for writing though! You are VERY appreciated. And I can't wait to continue tomorrow! :wizard:


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