Clowning Around on the Boardwalk! A Wigdout Trip report

Oh, I don't want to miss single digit dancing!!


I just can't believe you're that close to finishing the school year. Our kids have about three weeks left!!! June 10.
OOHHH I need to get in on the single digit dance.....

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3::dancer::tigger::tigger::tigger:

Ok. I guess that's enough dancing...I am getting tired!!

Anita are you packed??? Started.. half way...almost done????
I cant wait to hear about your cruise we have finally ecided on one for our honeymoon.. Which cruise are you travelling on??
P.S. I am Grossed out by that Thong Too and just to give you a Laugh here is australia Thong are flip flops and G-Strings are Thongs lol
We are cruising on the Disney Wonder, it's a 4 night cruise...
Are you cruising with Disney?
Here in the U.S. we have the same mixed up terminology for thongs, footwear and underwear....
I'd like to find that website. My 3rd graders did it, but I'm not doing it with the 2nd graders. The online thing would be good to show them.

We have the same as you - four days this week and three and a half next week. It will seem strange not going right into summer school after that.

Have a terrific Tuesday!
Here we are late Friday night and I'm just getting replies done.
It's been a rough day. Our resource para, who has also been a mother at our school for years lost her husband this morning.
He taught at the middle school and both of my girls had him for science.
He leaves behind four of the best kids ever, two still at our elementary school, two in college.
He just had a heart attack and died this morning early....

I have the website here for you for the owl pellets, maybe you can find a bit of time for it next week.
3 1/2 days to go!
So I only had 3 days to your total and that is mine LOL!!! I need to start a countdown on my board but I will wait until Friday, test day to do that for them LOL!!!!

I was able to find a great, yet simple lab and shouldn't take them too long! It is just another step of their ecology unit, which the kids always enjoy!

I'm still debating if I'm going to have time to dissect rats or not LOL!
I think the owl pellets were enough for me!
They would VOMIT!!!
You think?
We're down to 11 days with kids (not counting today), and the last 2 of those are 1/2 days. Personally, I have 1.5 days (or maybe 2) less than that with kids, because I'm on the hiring committee for our new principal, and we're doing interviews next week during school hours. Our last day is 6/4, I'm proctoring the SAT on 6/5, and we go to WDW on 6/6! It's a busy couple of weeks ahead! :)
You are very busy with lots on your mind! :goodvibes
That's to bad about the bayou :( I know DD would have just loved it !

I will def check him out next time were DHS Last year we had an encounter w/ some of the lady streetmosphere actors and right when they started talking to us I opened my bottle of pop & it exploded , they got the biggest kick out of that

I just always thought Cape May was a buffet for dinner So they have a menu you can order off of also ?

Thanks for the tip for upstairs at Columbia Harbor House , put into my notes :)

I think your right granny must like to air her butt out :rotfl:

Cape May is a buffet but they vary what is on the menu for the buffet.

Anita - if you are at all interested in Atlantis, I would suggest just taking a cab over there and walking around the parts that are free. We just did it on our own. You can see the casino, parts of the aquarium, lobby, shopping and artwork. It's quite beautiful. You can't go down to the beach or use the waterpark unless you pay $$$. We did it and just roamed around and took pictures. My TR has a bunch of them.

Otherwise, Nassau does nothing for me. If we ever do another cruise, Disney or otherwise, I will not get off the ship. The only reason I got off last time was to get rum cakes. We did check out the straw market and I ended up with my nice new ring, but I would rather enjoy the ship and the views.
Now I'm really wanting to get a look at Atlantis.....
OMG the pictures were toooo much. My kids got quite a laugh and my 9 yo dd was grossed out (her words not mine!). I am a firm believer in under garments being kept under your garments! I do have a tattoo across my lower back (I won't refer to it as a tramp stamp!) but it and my undies are not for public display!!:rotfl2:

On another note, I had a VB frenzy over the weekend. I ordered 2 frill backpacks for my dd's (my oldest has no interest) in symphony in hue and purple punch. Along with 3 ring notebooks, file folders and spiral notebooks and pencils to match! This is what they wanted for their birthday! I hope those backpacks will hold up for school next year.... I did get a tote for myself - not the sale one it was sold out by the time I logged on. But I did get 11% back on Ebates and 10% off of the VB site - so I guess it was a good haul! :rolleyes1
Sounds like a great haul! I love the frill line and wish they would do more in the patent leather!
Oh whatever! You wear and dress up as you want! We didn't do the Pirate night "dress" anyhow, b/c DH isn't into that sort of thing, but with the kids I might join the fun a bit more. I would say you can probably use a few pieces and be fine! I would worry about being hot, outside, where most of the party is. But maybe that is just me? I would say go for whatever seems fun to you!!! It is your cruise! And don't panic about the newness of it -- really there is plenty to do even if that is plenty of nothing! It can be hugely relaxing with a book, etc. Lots to see. Enjoy it! That book, the Passporter book is a great guide. I felt much more situated after reading it. There is a lot of recommendation to just go to Atlantis and see it (you don't have to do their big excursions. I think we will take a cab next time -- but I have to say we really enjoyed just staying on the boat for most of the time -- we only went ashore for an hour.

You'll have a great time! :goodvibes
They made a counter offer on the outfit and I didn't go for it so we will go more low key on pirate night.
I'll figure it out this weekend...
I'm thinking a cab to Atlantis.

I am way back on page 45. My goal is to be caught up tom.

I love the pics of the Boardwalk /room. I have not seen the remodel and it was better than I expected!

I don't know what happened but I had posted after the Branson airport post and now - I can't find it.

Anyway - glad to have the time to get caught up with you two lovebirds!!!

Baylor just told me to say hi to Baylor!! :)
Baylor said hi right back!
I have to wrap up this trip report this weekend!

My friend just did the Disney excursion to Atlantis this past weekend and said they had a great time. I have read there are cheaper ways to go there though. I want to check it out sometime.
We are trying to find a less expensive way to check out Atlantis too!
Anita, if you want to at least see Atlantis... you can take a water taxi from the cruise ship dock to the Paradise Island dock for like $1/person. From the Paradise Island dock, its only a 5 minute or so walk to Atlantis, where you can do the public things. You can also, for much less money than it would cost to book all of you on the Disney-sponsored excursion, book one night at a neighboring hotel to Atlantis that lets you use the Atlantis amenities (I think it was ~$150 for room) - you walk over, check in to get the wristbands, and then can use the Atlantis amenities all day. You can even go rest or shower in the room you paid for.

We didn't do that in Nassau b/c we went to swim with the dolphins at Blue Lagoon Island (booked independently b/c Disney didn't offer a dolphin swim), but we did take the ferry to Paradise Island since that's where our excursion was leaving from.
We might have to check with a TA this weekend and see about getting a room at an Atlantis neighbor!
I am finally here, a mere 90 pages behind. ;)

I am just loving all your F&G pictures! It's SO BEAUTIFUL! It seems they really stepped it up this year! And your BW pictures...:cloud9: that is where we hope to stay next!

And all I have to say about your "sighting" during dessert is: :eek: :scared1: :sick:

Loving your relaxed trip - the crowds look intense, but you guys took them well!
Brooke! My goodness, it's been a long time! How are you and how is Henry?
Anita -

I did not realize you are going back to Disney so soon. You and Ellen are my trip planning heroes! :worship: I am already starting to scheme about how to make my September trip longer and add a little solo time! :thumbsup2
Our trip is coming up really fast, it's almost time to say this time next week!
I say, scheme away, just tell us all about it!

I did the exact same thing with the Dolphin swim and was so happy to have paid the extra $$ to do that. I vacationed at Atlantis a few years back and it is a beautiful resort. :cloud9: I know several people on the ship booked the room at the neighboring hotel. Next time I would probably stay on ship.

If it weren't our first trip, we would probably just stay on ship but since it's our first time there I think we want to see the sights!
YAY!!! for single digits!!!:cool1::cool1:
Thanks for dancing!
Yippee for single digits!! :woohoo: :yay: :woohoo: :yay:

Yaaaa Hoooo!
I missed dancing day?!?!? We had Field Day, so I wouldn't have had the energy to dance anyway.

Today, however, is a new day.

(Soccer goalie dance.)

(Soccer goalie when the sun is out.)

(The one that cracks my neck to do.)

(The one I don't do in front of an open ground floor window at a Disney resort.)

I am looking forward to seeing the rest of this report,
and then when your next one is finished,
it should be time for us to go back! :cheer2:
Those are some great smileys!
I have a feeling the rest of this report is going to resemble the Readers Digest condensed version...
Good trips are coming up!

Yay for single digits! Can't wait to see the rest of this trip and then hear about the cruise. It will be a great way to pass the time until we watching fireworks from BLT!
I need to get busy, lots to do around here!
SINGLE DIGIT DANCING!!! WOOT!!! Trip is going to be hear before you know it!
The days are flying by!
Yay for single digits!!:dance3:

Looking forward to the rest of this report and then it's cruise time!:boat:pirate:
I'm thinking tomorrow night might be when I get this finished!
:dance3: I'm dancing too!!! :dance3:

I wish I could dance my way down to WDW!!! :rotfl: And go on that cruise with you!!! :rotfl:

I can't wait to see the rest of your pics this weekend. :thumbsup2
I think it will just be a two day update!
Woo Hoo!! Single Digits!! :dance3::woohoo::dance3:
Yeeeeee Haaaaaa!
I am joining in on the Single Digit Dance! Woot! :

I am so excited for your cruise!! :hug:

Woohoo for single digits!!!
I'm getting a little excited!:rotfl:

Oh, I don't want to miss single digit dancing!!

I just can't believe you're that close to finishing the school year. Our kids have about three weeks left!!! June 10.
Today was the last day that the district could release non-tenured teachers from their contracts, I still have my job!
So now I have due process in our district!
One less worry in a budget crisis....
We say goodbye to the kids Thursday at 11:30. We work until 3:30. Then we are finished until August 11th.

OOHHH I need to get in on the single digit dance.....

Ok. I guess that's enough dancing...I am getting tired!!

Anita are you packed??? Started.. half way...almost done????
The only packing done is the owner's lockers that are already packed and waiting in Orlando..
There were a couple of things that I needed to get, to restock the locker. Besides that no packing...
I have planned some outfits for dinner on the cruise, they are sitting out. Besides that, I just need to get all of the laundry done, then the packing will be easy.
Here we are late Friday night and I'm just getting replies done.
It's been a rough day. Our resource para, who has also been a mother at our school for years lost her husband this morning.
He taught at the middle school and both of my girls had him for science.
He leaves behind four of the best kids ever, two still at our elementary school, two in college.
He just had a heart attack and died this morning early....

I have the website here for you for the owl pellets, maybe you can find a bit of time for it next week.
3 1/2 days to go! trip report was - fast and furious! ;)
Yeay for single digits!!! I know you are so looking forward to being done with school and headed to a fun-filled Disney two weeks! :banana:

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's husband. :(
Sorry to hear about your friend's husband.

Ready for the tubo TR :car: Seat belt fastened.
Sorry to hear about your friends husband. Your friend and the children will be in by prayers.

I am looking forward to the Readers Digest version of your last trip.

:cool1::cool1::cool1: for single digit.
I am really sorry to hear about your friend's husband. It is so sad and surreal when someone dies so unexpectedly. Sometimes I think its a blessing, but most times I can't believe what a tragedy it is.
Sorry about your friend :hug:
I don't know why...but I find it rather amusing that your only items packed are your OL. Perhaps it is because you didn't have to PACK THEM!!! :rotfl2:
Remember there is laundry on the ship also...I think I did some because it was close to our room :laundy: I think I have a laundry obsession :rotfl2: Well of course unlike most of you I am only doing my laundry :rotfl:
You are going to love the cruise....from the moment they call your name as you are boarding until you step off the ship will be magical. I can imagine that Shocker is excited for the duty free shopping :dance3:

hey! YAY almost time for your disney cruise!! I finally made it back to Louisiana :( Took me 9 months but I'm finally back. I didnt have a chance to mail the surprise yet. but I will soon I promise. Its been a bit crazy the last couple days!! Miss ya'll and I'm sad that i wont get to see you guys this trip.
Hurrah for single digits!!! :yay:

So very sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

Did you hear DVC has launched a grocery delivery service? You can find the order sheets on the member website. Not nearly as good a selection as garden grocer. Hope they aren't going to try to restrict outside deliveries in the future.

I am so looking forward to hearing about your thoughts on the cruise. That is something I would love to try one day!
Sorry to hear of yuor friends loss its not fair when it happen so quickly! :grouphug:
WE will be doing the 7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise then on to wdw for 3 weeks!!
506 days or something until our wedding.
So sorry to hear about your friend. We do not know when we will lose the people we love, so we should treat every moment with them as a treasure. A teacher at the kids' school went out for a jog one evening and collapsed in a neighbor's yard and died. This was several years ago, but every time I think of her, it still shocks me. She was there at school just as normal as everything, and the next day, she wasn't.
I think that's the hardest part, one minute they are there and then, they are gone...

I did search for the owl pellets and found that kidwings site. I did a couple of bones just to see what it was like. I might do that with them this coming week. We have three and a half days. :)
It's amazing that we both just have a half day with kids on Thursday.
Do you have to stay and work in the afternoon?
We do.
We are supposed to have a work day on Friday as well but since our test scores were so high that day has been forgiven.
Woo hoo!

That's how our October trip report was - fast and furious! ;)
I won't be using the brakes at all!

I'm so sorry to hear about friend's DH. :(
Thanks, it's so sad...
Your trip is so close! Have you started to pack?
The luggage is upstairs.
Nothing is in them.
I have started to organize.
I feel like I know what I need to get done.
As long as Shocker has the camera batteries charged and the cords packed we will be good to go!

I am so sorry about your friend's loss.
Thanks, it's really hard to even know what to say to her...

Yeay for single digits!!! I know you are so looking forward to being done with school and headed to a fun-filled Disney two weeks! :banana:
I'm at the point that I just wish we were on the plane.
The week ahead is not one that I'm looking forward to.
What's up for you next week? Relaxing? Sleeping in? Celebrating?

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's husband. :(
It was such a strange quiet day at school on Friday. We were all in shock.

Sorry to hear about your friend's husband.
Thanks, we were just at a graduation party at another teacher's house, in fact both husband and wife teach in the district. So many of us there were teacher's that knew the person that passed away.
It was on our minds at the party.:sad2:

Ready for the tubo TR :car: Seat belt fastened.[/QUOTE
Hang on to your hat, I'm about to get started!

Sorry to hear about your friends husband. Your friend and the children will be in by prayers.
Thanks for the prayers, this family certainly can use them...

I am looking forward to the Readers Digest version of your last trip.

:cool1::cool1::cool1: for single digit.
Speed reading not required, I hope you enjoy it though!
I am really sorry to hear about your friend's husband. It is so sad and surreal when someone dies so unexpectedly. Sometimes I think its a blessing, but most times I can't believe what a tragedy it is.
She had been missing some work, but we didn't know what was wrong.
I guess I thought she was having some dental work done.
Now I know he was having some trouble.
Something that should have been routine.

Sorry about your friend :hug:
I don't know why...but I find it rather amusing that your only items packed are your OL. Perhaps it is because you didn't have to PACK THEM!!! :rotfl2:
Remember there is laundry on the ship also...I think I did some because it was close to our room :laundy: I think I have a laundry obsession :rotfl2: Well of course unlike most of you I am only doing my laundry :rotfl:
You are going to love the cruise....from the moment they call your name as you are boarding until you step off the ship will be magical. I can imagine that Shocker is excited for the duty free shopping :dance3:

My poor friend, her life will never be the same again.
There is nothing we can do to make this OK for her either.
It's so hard.

I'm a laundry freak too.
I feel rather certain that we will love the cruise, as long as Baylor has a good time.
We need to make a decision about Atlantis.

hey! YAY almost time for your disney cruise!! I finally made it back to Louisiana :( Took me 9 months but I'm finally back. I didnt have a chance to mail the surprise yet. but I will soon I promise. Its been a bit crazy the last couple days!! Miss ya'll and I'm sad that i wont get to see you guys this trip.
Are you still thinking about October?
Hurrah for single digits!!! :yay:

So very sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:

Did you hear DVC has launched a grocery delivery service? You can find the order sheets on the member website. Not nearly as good a selection as garden grocer. Hope they aren't going to try to restrict outside deliveries in the future.

I am so looking forward to hearing about your thoughts on the cruise. That is something I would love to try one day!

Both of my girls had him for 8th grade science. When kids got in trouble for talking they had to stand up and sing "I'm a little teapot". Megan says she never had to do it...:littleangel:
I'm sure Keeley had to all the time.:laughing:
Megan did a video for his class, she and another student wrote a rap, "Uranus Is the Place to Be" ....

I know, pathetic.

We are thinking we are going to get a Town Car this trip and making a stop at Publix instead of Garden Grocer this time...
I hear we are going to love the cruise, so I'll just bet you are going to want to take one.
We all need to plan one together!

I will say a few prayers for your friend and her children. So sad. :hug:
Thank you! I'm so worried about them.
I'm so very sorry about your friend. :hug:

Thanks, they are just the nicest family.
Sorry to hear of yuor friends loss its not fair when it happen so quickly! :grouphug:
WE will be doing the 7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise then on to wdw for 3 weeks!!
506 days or something until our wedding.

I agree, the loss was so hard because it was so unexpected.

I think your honeymoon sounds magical.:goodvibes


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