!!! PLEASE READ!!! Important News Regarding Swaps & Shares!!!

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No. That's a charity for people who truly need help and aren't trying to get something for nothing.

Actually my interest comes in when people scam Disney out of money and then I'm forced to pay more because of it.

There are many ways to maximize your vacation dollars--going to Disney for a shorter period of time,skipping the dining plan or going somewhere local.

As for the one swap where you didn't use CMs--what about the bulk of the swaps that do? Is it fair to the CMs to be required to haul a fridge all over the resort or to take their time searching thru storage to find one box with Winnie the Pooh stickers stuck all over it?

Your right about a Disney vacation being a want and not a need. And your wanting to continue participating in swaps just means that now you'll have to find some place else to do it or take the information posted previously about renting a stroller that will be more accomodating once you get to Orlando.
You can't be serious, can you? really?

Trying to get something for nothing?
Since when is the idea of sharing the cost of something that you only need temporarily a bad thing? I guess people who rent cars are trying to get something for nothing, because it's the same thing. You only need the car for a short period of time, so you pay only a small portion of it's cost.

Trying to scam Disney out of money? This has to be a joke.

Are you seriously suggesting that sharing the cost of a stroller is somehow immoral or illegal? Is everyone who brings their own stroller from home trying to scam Disney out of money because they don't rent one from Disney?

I really don't know how the swaps work or how the storing of items is done. But if Disney doesn't want to store items for people, they don't have to. They certainly don't need you to make those decisions for them and they certainly don't need you to be the "fair" police.

I don't even know what else to say here. I'm just stunned that people are like this.
Wow, nothing like being on a high horse? Some people have to budget for years for a trip, saving a few hundred on a fridge and a stroller is a huge help. Some people want to take their kids when they are young enough to still believe in the "Magic"

I am sorry but I have to address this. There are plenty of places I would like to take my children while they are still young. I am willing to bet that everyone has plenty of destinations that they would like to take their kids. The problem is that if you can't afford to then you can't afford to. My parents would have loved to take me to WDW when I was young. They couldn't. They took me when I was 14. It was very magical. Heck we didn't even stay on property and I thought (and still do think) that it was an amazing trip! My parents had to budget for years for that trip and they managed to do it without swapping anything. If anything I think you are on a high horse so to speak. You want what you want and feel entitled to it. Just because someone saves for years then they are entitled to more than those who can afford to go every week? Really?:confused3
Here's another thought, which is why I decided to not opt-in on a stroller swap. Depending on the age of your kids...you MIGHT need a stroller like that again on a future trip to WDW, depending on when you go. I know not everyone is in this situation, but for those of you with young kids that go every or every other year...you might be better off buying one and saving it for future years....might even pay for itself!

I do own a double stroller but as I stated in a previous post, the airline that I use considers that luggage that I have to pay for besides the fact that it is much more convienent to have it there because of the space of the shuttle to the airport ect. I am in one swap this year but will look into off site rentals for future trips because taking ours with us is not the best choice for our family (I am sure others are in that situation as well)
I really hope that I did not give the impression that people can either love it or leave it. I'm really trying to help everyone to come to the best possible solution that fits within the rules.

Bottomline: If the swap is free to all participants, then it stays open. No problems there. We're not forcing anyone out or telling them to go elsewhere.
Out of curiosity - seems like it is possible that the swaps will turn into being advertised with a wink and a nod that the proper thing to do is to offer a donation to the organizer.

It seems to me it might be in the DIS best interest to instead create a subforum where the rules are laid out and you clearly make it a buyer beware situation.

If there is pressure from Disney - why not state the rules on the Photopass is that one full price CD must be purchased and then a $20 copy CD must be purchased from Disney Photopass as well. This makes the swaps perfectly legal and seems like a reasonable solution that will keep everyone happy.
I don't even know what else to say here. I'm just stunned that people are like this.

Oh spend much time on any type of message board, and you will learn real quick that for some reason hiding behind a screen name brings out the "best" in people !! popcorn::
I feel I DO have a vested interest. My interest lies in a few places. With photopass shares my interest lies in not wanting my name (even my internet name;)) sullied by being a part of a forum which condones and enables illegal behaviour. Really a photopass share is no different than saying that the newest Disney movie is being released on DVD Tuesday why don't a group of us get together and buy just one copy and burn several more so we can all pay only 2 bucks?! It is copy right infringement nad illegal (even if you give it away I am pretty sure it is illegal). Secondally, because it is illegal I ahve an interest because I really enjoy the DIS and I think (just hitnk do not know at all) that Disney could have the DIS shut down for such activities if Disney has enough and wants to jsut stop it all together.

As far as the otehr swaps, IF they involve Disney storing an item (glad yours did not:thumbsup2) I have an interest because when people abuse the system by working within the rules but not the spirit of the rules then the rules change eventually and then those who did not abuse the system (liek me with my vested interest here) are "punished" by changes made to stop the few (how often do you see the few ruin it for the many in all kinds of situations really).

I am sorry everyone is so upset, and I agree stroller rental prices onsight are nuts (I think the fridge rental is reasonable), but they are what they are and you still have other options like bringing your own, buying one when you arrive, having an older child walk and just taking breaks and going at his/her own pace (my preference--we have not seen the need for a stroller at DIsney except one day when DS was ill but not contagious and prefered to "rest" in the stroller and look at hte park to resting in the room since the kdis turned 3). I know our family does WDW on a very tight budget--tighter than most, yet we manage without swaps and I think many of you will be surprised at how well you will do and how creative you will be in finding other ways to save now--this is a smart bunch you can do it:goodvibes

This is an awesome post that bears repeating.:thumbsup2
First - I love the outfits in your signature photo - did you make those????

Next - I agree that the poster you quoted was NASTY and RUDE. We are a military family and own 2 DVC contracts. DVC allows for points to be shared/rented in our contracts. You won't make a profit renting your points -even if you never used them and only rented though. The cost you pay for your points plus dues/maintenance fees are far more than you will get from renting.

I don't know why the shares are being stopped - the reason has yet to be given. While I am sure that bell services gets tired of the fridge swaps, they haven't put a stop to them so why should the DIS?

To rent a stroller from a local company for $85 is MUCH more than joining a stroller swap for $15. I can totally understand not wanting to spend money renting a stroller from Disney or from a local company if you can get one elsewhere for cheap.

So if any items that are "like cash" can't change hands on the DIS will this finally end the threads by the same 2 people that beg for Gymbucks (which are like cash at Gymboree)?

Yes, I make them! I love sewing and have learned to do so because of friends here on the dis---njow I use that to help supplement DHs income. Funny how things work out :) I hope one day to own into DVC but it is a long way off, if ever!
Yeah, lots of green... green stuff with dead presidents on it. (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.) Back to questions about what to do with the swaps that are already going....
Swaps that are already going need to be offered for free to any new participants. The decision to cancel & refund or continue without collecting further monies would be up to the swap leader and current participants.
Perhaps it's possible that Disney did contact Pete about it all. They do read here afterall. Maybe they decided that they are sick and tired of storing all the fridges, strollers and other crap. They have a responsibility to take care of their paying customers, not the ones trying to scam them. Yes, I feel like you are scamming them. I know you all pay to stay there as well but they are there for delivering and storing luggage, not delivering a kitchen.

So, if you need a fridge rent one like all the other folks do. Bring your own stroller along. Planes don't count those towards checked baggage. Besides how do you manage getting the little ones through the airport without one?

Sorry, but it seems to me the free ride is over and time to suck it up and pay for things like the rest of us dolts.

I'm glad the Dis is putting a stop to it. It's been wrong all along.
I do own a double stroller but as I stated in a previous post, the airline that I use considers that luggage that I have to pay for besides the fact that it is much more convienent to have it there because of the space of the shuttle to the airport ect. I am in one swap this year but will look into off site rentals for future trips because taking ours with us is not the best choice for our family (I am sure others are in that situation as well)

I get that....I really do. And it was definitely a factor in our decision to drive instead of fly. I think a lot of reason why people are freaking out on this thread is because the airlines are making it more impossible to travel with kids adn all the extra baggage. A sign of the times, I guess.

Last time we went to WDW we flew, and it was just our DD and us. We gate checked our stroller, no charge. This time around, we've got 2 more kids, things are more expensive. It's just different. We ever thought that we would choose driving over flying, but it was what made sense to us economically. We figured the price we saved on airfare, we bought a nice double stroller, that is now ours to keep for future trips. Is it going to be a tight fit in the trunk of the van with the rest of our luggage? Most definitely! But we'll make it work. We leave in a week...so ask me when we get back how it went...I might be singing a different tune. :rotfl2:
I don't think the fact that Disney stores stuff for some of these swaps will "ruin it for the rest of the people".

I don't see any difference in Disney storing a stroller for a couple of days compared to Disney storing 3 boxes of stuff shipped from Staples, Office Depot, etc for me until I arrive.

I also thought that Disney was going to be implementing some type of fee for storing things for guests. Did that ever happen yet?

Speed :teleport:
BTW, Mods....one suggestion....since we are banning swaps, and it's freeing up all the Sticky space, can we create a sticky for alternative offsite stroller company recommendations? All the numbers and reviews of the companies on one thread...I think that would be helpful! :goodvibes
I get that....I really do. And it was definitely a factor in our decision to drive instead of fly. I think a lot of reason why people are freaking out on this thread is because the airlines are making it more impossible to travel with kids adn all the extra baggage. A sign of the times, I guess.

Last time we went to WDW we flew, and it was just our DD and us. We gate checked our stroller, no charge. This time around, we've got 2 more kids, things are more expensive. It's just different. We ever thought that we would choose driving over flying, but it was what made sense to us economically. We figured the price we saved on airfare, we bought a nice double stroller, that is now ours to keep for future trips. Is it going to be a tight fit in the trunk of the van with the rest of our luggage? Most definitely! But we'll make it work. We leave in a week...so ask me when we get back how it went...I might be singing a different tune. :rotfl2:

they do not charge to check the stroller at the gate. That is the same as always. It is not impossible to fly with kids. You can still take all the same things, you just have to pay to check the suitcases as luggage. It is a pita, but ticket prices are not bad these days. It is cheaper to fly now than years ago.
Sorry, but a quick google search of:

Airtran, American Airlines, Continental, Delta, Southwest, Spirit, and US Air, all state that strollers can be "GATE CHECKED AT NO CHARGE". It does not state that only "single strollers" are allowed.
You can't be serious, can you? really?

Trying to get something for nothing?
Since when is the idea of sharing the cost of something that you only need temporarily a bad thing? I guess people who rent cars are trying to get something for nothing, because it's the same thing. You only need the car for a short period of time, so you pay only a small portion of it's cost.

Trying to scam Disney out of money? This has to be a joke.

Are you seriously suggesting that sharing the cost of a stroller is somehow immoral or illegal? Is everyone who brings their own stroller from home trying to scam Disney out of money because they don't rent one from Disney?

I really don't know how the swaps work or how the storing of items is done. But if Disney doesn't want to store items for people, they don't have to. They certainly don't need you to make those decisions for them and they certainly don't need you to be the "fair" police.

I don't even know what else to say here. I'm just stunned that people are like this.

No joking.

And I don't consider myself to be the "fair" police but more of a recruiter to common sense.

And your analogy doesn't work--If something goes wrong with the car the company is responsible--if something goes wrong with the stroller (fridge,photopass,whatever) people complain to the DIS.

Whatever the DISs reason is for stopping the swaps everyone must be accepting of it.

Oh spend much time on any type of message board, and you will learn real quick that for some reason hiding behind a screen name brings out the "best" in people !! popcorn::

And judging by most of the swappers responses,also the worst.
What caused the banning of swaps? Anyone know the actual answer?
Sorry, but a quick google search of:

Airtran, American Airlines, Continental, Delta, Southwest, Spirit, and US Air, all state that strollers can be "GATE CHECKED AT NO CHARGE". It does not state that only "single strollers" are allowed.

We travel with 4 kids. We use a double and a single and gate check them all at no charge.
Oh spend much time on any type of message board, and you will learn real quick that for some reason hiding behind a screen name brings out the "best" in people !! popcorn::

Trust me, I've seen plenty of this. It's just that usually it's on forums with a much larger proportion of teenage or early 20's guys. It's not often I've seen DIS'ers getting so nasty. Hmmm, maybe I take that back. Just try suggesting that you're going to have a 5 year old use a stroller at the parks.

If photopass sharing is illegal, than by all means stop those threads. But that has nothing to do with something like a stroller swap. And the reason given was the exchange of money, not illegal or morally questionable or abusive practices.
they do not charge to check the stroller at the gate. That is the same as always. It is not impossible to fly with kids. You can still take all the same things, you just have to pay to check the suitcases as luggage. It is a pita, but ticket prices are not bad these days. It is cheaper to fly now than years ago.

If you can let me know where I can find those cheap prices, I'd love to see it! Always looking for a deal. When we last went in 2005...we paid 130.00pp RT on SW. No extra fees. When I looked for our family of 5, the cheapest I found was 258.00pp RT, at horrible times, and that didn't include the extra fees. When we did the math, it was waaay more expensive to fly this time around!
We are traveling in June with 4 children. There is no way we can fit a double stroller in our rather large SUV with 2 teens and 2 five years old. I have planned my budget months in advance based in using a stroller swap. I feel that the stroller swaps in place should be allowed time to close out "business" and take care of the people involved.

I got a feeling of community from the swap thread- reading advise and experience that I feel is lacking from a lot of the other ones.

If the "buyer beware" notice was on a seperate sub-forum each adult could make their own informed decision about using a swap based on the tone of the thread and how each swap is run.
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