Monorail Drink-A-Thon

Sorry about your bad experience at the Swan, WLL. We always love it there. Come to think of it, the drinks we had by the pool didn't bowl us over either.

I'm thinking April for our next visit to WDW. Gotta convince the wife, however. The kids and I don't need convincing! :lmao:
Howdy Duck!:cool1: Well, I have a negative report on some drinks I had while celebrating my 40th birthday last week! We stayed at the Swan (I was very disappointed in the room, but that's for another thread) and we ordered some mojitos by the pool.

Rule of thumb when drinking...order from the bar and WATCH the bartender make the drinks. I know this rule...but yet my laziness got the best of me and we ordered from the poolside waiter. BTW, we have had MANY mojitos at this pool, and they have always been awesome.

We wanted doubles but the waiter suggested a floater. He warned us that a floater is $5, which was fair of him. But he said a double would just be a double charge for the drink (which we didn't ask how much the drink was...big mistake number 2.)

Sooo, we got our 3 mojitos at once (shared the last one) and they were awful...made with SOUR MIX! Did you hear that? SOUR MIX! I really need to "grow some" and learn to take things back that I am unsatisfied with, but I just have such a hard time with it.

We had some guests visiting us, and in the confusion, I thought DH signed the check, and he thought I did. The next day at checkout...there was a $67 charge from the bar. I requested an itemized bill. They add 18% if you don't sign out with the waiter (which is fine with me, I am a 20 percenter, and I am appalled and embarrassed that neither one of us tipped the guy, but we truly did not see him for a good 45 minutes and we forgot) but that means 3 (sorry azzz) mojitos were $57!!!!:headache: That just kills me. Plus, we had a thermos full of vodka back in our room, but were too lazy to make the trek back up there.


Oh, and we also had margaritas at luunchtime at ESPN. Basically $12 glasses of sour mix. I did not even drink half of it.

Duck-when is your next trip scheduled? It is coming up, yes?
Proud to say I had my first Fiesta Margarita on my trip two weeks ago.
It was a LOOOONG time coming!
cant wait to drink around the world again on sept 12:cool1: then doing the monorail drink a thon on sept 13!!! its gonna be rough but it needs to be done:banana: :banana: :drinking1 :drinking1
Howdy Duck!:cool1: Well, I have a negative report on some drinks I had while celebrating my 40th birthday last week! We stayed at the Swan (I was very disappointed in the room, but that's for another thread) and we ordered some mojitos by the pool.

Rule of thumb when drinking...order from the bar and WATCH the bartender make the drinks. I know this rule...but yet my laziness got the best of me and we ordered from the poolside waiter. BTW, we have had MANY mojitos at this pool, and they have always been awesome.

We wanted doubles but the waiter suggested a floater. He warned us that a floater is $5, which was fair of him. But he said a double would just be a double charge for the drink (which we didn't ask how much the drink was...big mistake number 2.)

Sooo, we got our 3 mojitos at once (shared the last one) and they were awful...made with SOUR MIX! Did you hear that? SOUR MIX! I really need to "grow some" and learn to take things back that I am unsatisfied with, but I just have such a hard time with it.

We had some guests visiting us, and in the confusion, I thought DH signed the check, and he thought I did. The next day at checkout...there was a $67 charge from the bar. I requested an itemized bill. They add 18% if you don't sign out with the waiter (which is fine with me, I am a 20 percenter, and I am appalled and embarrassed that neither one of us tipped the guy, but we truly did not see him for a good 45 minutes and we forgot) but that means 3 (sorry azzz) mojitos were $57!!!!:headache: That just kills me. Plus, we had a thermos full of vodka back in our room, but were too lazy to make the trek back up there.


Oh, and we also had margaritas at luunchtime at ESPN. Basically $12 glasses of sour mix. I did not even drink half of it.

Duck-when is your next trip scheduled? It is coming up, yes?

I had some similar experiences at the AKL pool bar. I was standing at the bar, but got distracted by my cell phone, so I didn't see Bob make my drink. I swear to you, there was NO liquor in there! So as soon as I sipped it back at my seat, I got right back up and brought it back, explaining my lack of satisfaction. After giving me a hard time, he made me another drink. I saw him make it, but it still was not very yummy.

A few years ago, I was at the OKW bar (gurgling suitcase) and I ordered a mojito. That too was awful and I brought it right back. The bartender explained to me that if I was used to fresh mojitos I would not like their version. It was made with Sprite and mint syrup. For all you true mojito drinkers, it should just be rum, sugar, soda water, and fresh mint....then you muddle. Muddle, muddle, muddle, YUM!

I say if you no likey, you bringy back! Drinks are just way too expensive to not get what you's not like it's $1 draft night!
A few years ago, I was at the OKW bar (gurgling suitcase) and I ordered a mojito. That too was awful and I brought it right back. The bartender explained to me that if I was used to fresh mojitos I would not like their version. It was made with Sprite and mint syrup. For all you true mojito drinkers, it should just be rum, sugar, soda water, and fresh mint....then you muddle. Muddle, muddle, muddle, YUM!

Same thing happened to us a couple years back at the AKL bar - they were using Monin syrup, ugh. We haven't tried ordering one since.

I have a similar $$$ story from the AKL bar from earlier this year - sat with a friend having a few drinks, and I tried the mango sparkler (mango puree and champagne), I'm not quite sure on the name. Of course, I didn't ask the price! DH gets the bill, I glance at it and FREAK out at the price: **$14** for a tiny glass of champagne with mango puree. It was MORE expensive than the most expensive glass of champagne!
Since this thread is more of a chit chat thread now, the moderating team has decided to move it over to the theme parks community board.

Thanks for understanding.
Since this thread is more of a chit chat thread now, the moderating team has decided to move it over to the theme parks community board.

Thanks for understanding.

No problem! We were originally on the theme parks board, I think...then did we get moved to Community? I think that's what happened. one cares if we get moved long as we are not LOCKED! :goodvibes Thanks mods!:cool1:

Ummm...Forever42...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? I sent you a PM ages ago, and your PM box was full. I want to resend. I met you and your fiance at a PftS a few years ago, and last year my DH and I were disappointed in the event. Got more pricey and, we thought, had less quality. I wanted to get your opinion, if you went last year. I will resend!

Pixiedust-I know you are right. I just hate that I have to ask, "How do you make your mojitos?"when I order. But SPRITE? that's just awful. Come to think of it, I think ours might have had sprite, too.

I make them at home (mojitos) with my own simple syrup, fresh mint and club soda. I do one thing, though, that is sacriledge...I use VODKA!
Shhhh...don't tell anyone!
Ummm...Forever42...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? I sent you a PM ages ago, and your PM box was full. I want to resend. I met you and your fiance at a PftS a few years ago, and last year my DH and I were disappointed in the event. Got more pricey and, we thought, had less quality. I wanted to get your opinion, if you went last year. I will resend!


Life got busy I guess, eep! I've been trolling around the Cruise Line boards lately - we're FINALLY going on our honeymoon, two years late, on an eastern DCL this December. :cloud9: Oh yeah, we got married in '06 :)

I was waiting to see when someone would flip out :upsidedow

We went to two last year and we WERE disappointed in the price increase, of course. We were still happy with the quality, though - we DID miss Inbev and I've heard rumbling that they may not be at the PftS this year either.

We're still going this year though! One by ourselves and one with my brother, our father, and his girlfriend. And maybe one of those City Tastes.

And I went full vegetarian in the meantime, so this will be an interesting FWF!

What about you? Are you doing any FWF?

And I'm making a pitcher of sacrilegious mojitos next weekend for Labor Day - coconut mojitos! I always make them from scratch too (though I'm lazy and just muddle sugar with the lime and rum instead of making simple syrup), but I'm going to try coconut rum this time.

Life got busy I guess, eep! I've been trolling around the Cruise Line boards lately - we're FINALLY going on our honeymoon, two years late, on an eastern DCL this December. :cloud9: Oh yeah, we got married in '06 :)

I was waiting to see when someone would flip out :upsidedow

We went to two last year and we WERE disappointed in the price increase, of course. We were still happy with the quality, though - we DID miss Inbev and I've heard rumbling that they may not be at the PftS this year either.

We're still going this year though! One by ourselves and one with my brother, our father, and his girlfriend. And maybe one of those City Tastes.

And I went full vegetarian in the meantime, so this will be an interesting FWF!

What about you? Are you doing any FWF?

And I'm making a pitcher of sacrilegious mojitos next weekend for Labor Day - coconut mojitos! I always make them from scratch too (though I'm lazy and just muddle sugar with the lime and rum instead of making simple syrup), but I'm going to try coconut rum this time.

Well, the PftS I went to last year was the very first Saturday of F&W. I am starting to think that maybe that was *not* a "good one" because many people whose opinions I trust, including you, says that last years PftS was still good. I think we will skip this year (we went the last 3 years in a row...or was it 4?) and will reassess next year.

Is it my imagination,or are there none of the signature dinners held at various resort restaurants this year? Like...last year I remember something at Jiko, I think something at Citricos, etc. I did see a dinner event at V&A's for some super duper amount...was it $425 per person? Or maybe I am confusing it with the Bocuse d'or . At any rate, I don't have any great plans for any F&W events, I am sad to say. We are going to be with our DD9, and while we usually let her stay in a kid's club while we are at a PftS (which, at $11 an hour, really adds up!) but many of the events I am interested in are during the afternoon. Kid's Clubs aren't open then.:(

CONGRATS TO YOUUUUU on your wedding, and upcoming honeymoon cruise!:yay: I can't wait to hear all about it. And kudos to you for going veggie. While I am still a confirmed carnivore, my theory is that vegetarians are more "highly evolved" than us meat eaters. I would like to get there "someday"and i am interested how a fellow foodie is handling it. I think I would like to be a pesce/ovo/lacto-terian (LOL, sounds ridiculous) for a few months/years and then reevaluate after awhile. I'll let you give me the lowdown sometime on your trials and tribulations as a veggie!

Mmm, coconut rum! Sounds great, although you do know coconut rum, I believe, has less alcohol that regular rum. So, you may want to do half regular light rum, half coconut. Unless you like weak drinks, which many people do. When making drinks at home, I don't mind a weak drink...but when paying $18 for a better BURN my tongue off!:eek:

You may like does feel like you are "working" for your drink, which is somehow satisfying. But just boil a cup of water with a cup of sugar until the sugar is dissolved and then you can keep that for quite a few days in the fridge. Makes making mojitos a tad bit TOOOO easy, tho!
Well, the PftS I went to last year was the very first Saturday of F&W. I am starting to think that maybe that was *not* a "good one" because many people whose opinions I trust, including you, says that last years PftS was still good. I think we will skip this year (we went the last 3 years in a row...or was it 4?) and will reassess next year.

Reeeeeeeaaaaallllly? We were at the same one, and considered it our favorite that we've ever been to. How bizarre.

Is it my imagination,or are there none of the signature dinners held at various resort restaurants this year? Like...last year I remember something at Jiko, I think something at Citricos, etc. I did see a dinner event at V&A's for some super duper amount...was it $425 per person? Or maybe I am confusing it with the Bocuse d'or . At any rate, I don't have any great plans for any F&W events, I am sad to say. We are going to be with our DD9, and while we usually let her stay in a kid's club while we are at a PftS (which, at $11 an hour, really adds up!) but many of the events I am interested in are during the afternoon. Kid's Clubs aren't open then.:(

Yep, the $425 is the Bocuse d'or. Come on over to the FWF thread, we're discussing it all there. :) Looks like no Signature Dinners or EEs this year, so far.

CONGRATS TO YOUUUUU on your wedding, and upcoming honeymoon cruise!:yay: I can't wait to hear all about it. And kudos to you for going veggie. While I am still a confirmed carnivore, my theory is that vegetarians are more "highly evolved" than us meat eaters. I would like to get there "someday"and i am interested how a fellow foodie is handling it. I think I would like to be a pesce/ovo/lacto-terian (LOL, sounds ridiculous) for a few months/years and then reevaluate after awhile. I'll let you give me the lowdown sometime on your trials and tribulations as a veggie!

Thanks!!! We didn't have a real wedding, just ran down to the Kissimmee courthouse then had friends and family for dinner at Jiko. We did it on Oct 27 to .. get this.. be in the thick of the FWF. ;)

And you know, going veggie was something I wanted to do for a long time, and DH finally said to me one night, "You're an adult, do what you want." It just clicked after that, silly me. Let me know if you need any help, and it is COMPLETELY possible to be a foodie and veggie at the same time.

PftS shouldn't be TOO bad, there's still wine and cheese and chocolate and wine and beer and carbs....and wine!

Mmm, coconut rum! Sounds great, although you do know coconut rum, I believe, has less alcohol that regular rum. So, you may want to do half regular light rum, half coconut. Unless you like weak drinks, which many people do. When making drinks at home, I don't mind a weak drink...but when paying $18 for a better BURN my tongue off!:eek:

Now come on .. were you in my head an hour ago? I WAS thinking about how it would be weaker, and maybe I want to do half light rum and half coconut rum! I think that may be exactly what I'm doing.

You may like does feel like you are "working" for your drink, which is somehow satisfying. But just boil a cup of water with a cup of sugar until the sugar is dissolved and then you can keep that for quite a few days in the fridge. Makes making mojitos a tad bit TOOOO easy, tho!

Oh, I think that's my problem - I don't make the simple syrup because I need one more obstacle to keep me from regular mojitos at home. I already normally have club soda, a Costco bag of limes, and a mint plant on the porch.

I have these bikinis, see, and DH expects me to be wearing them on the cruise, and I still have 22 more lbs to lose, AND the FWF coming up and :scared1: So any calories I can shave right now, they go. :(
Oh geez...I don't know how to do multiple quotes!

That is very bizarre about the PftS! I am going to see if i find my original thread where I reviewed it and explained why it didn't seem as good to us. The thing is, DH agreed with me. There have been times where I have said something was not as good, and he has disagreed with me, and vice versa. We always RAVED about PftS and this was the first year we felt it was not as good.

We are going to be there for the fist weekend of F&W but this year the Bocuse thingy is going on that first I guess it is a good thing we did not plan on attending PftS!

Funny thing is, I told DH I would like to do a sig dinner, and now there is none!:eek:

*sigh* wearing bikinis...yeah, I gotta wear one next weekend amongst a bunch of friends, including some super hot moms. Unfortunately, the wine and cocktails are the last thing I shave off. I know if I did, I would lose weight much quicker (more quickly?)

Did you become a veg to lose weight, or moral reasons, or any other reasons? Personally, for me, it would be moral reasons. I feel like an idiot saying that, because anyone that knows me knows I love a big thick medium rare steak and pork is one of my all time favorites, but I do think it is the right thing to do. I would just be concerned about getting the proper amounts of protein, especially if I go back to my strength training routine.
Oh geez...I don't know how to do multiple quotes!

Pretty easy! Just quote the block of text with the "quote" button. When you get the new window, go through the quote and find where you want to respond to an individual sentence/part, and right after that type in [./quote] without the period. Type your response, then right before the next part of quote from the other person, type in: [.quote] without the period.

That is very bizarre about the PftS! I am going to see if i find my original thread where I reviewed it and explained why it didn't seem as good to us. The thing is, DH agreed with me. There have been times where I have said something was not as good, and he has disagreed with me, and vice versa. We always RAVED about PftS and this was the first year we felt it was not as good.

Huh! We did another one last year as well, one of the later ones, and it was great - only "bad" part was that my little brother was there, which was nice, but he was a third wheel. ;)

We'll be going to two this year, and maybe a City Taste, so we'll see how it turns out.

We are going to be there for the fist weekend of F&W but this year the Bocuse thingy is going on that first I guess it is a good thing we did not plan on attending PftS!

Funny thing is, I told DH I would like to do a sig dinner, and now there is none!:eek:

I'm conflicted for that first Saturday - it's my birthday and the LAST day of the Adventurer's Club! Part of me wants to go to Pleasure Island for it, but I'm afraid its going to be absolutely nuts and a madhouse. Well, I'm sure it will be! The first Friday, DH's birthday, we'll be there after work with a friend and a group of her coworkers.

And yeah, DH and I decided we'd try branching out this year...nothing really to branch out into!

We'll have to meet up during FWF. :)

*sigh* wearing bikinis...yeah, I gotta wear one next weekend amongst a bunch of friends, including some super hot moms. Unfortunately, the wine and cocktails are the last thing I shave off. I know if I did, I would lose weight much quicker (more quickly?)

Yeeeeeaaah. Hence why I'm posting in this thread, huh? Wine and and such is the hardest for me as well - especially since I got into microbrews a couple years ago, now THOSE are calorie dense. I'm on South Beach again since it's always been my favorite way of eating anyway, so I've given up the starches, and cut down on the drinks, and the exercise (see below).

Did you become a veg to lose weight, or moral reasons, or any other reasons? Personally, for me, it would be moral reasons. I feel like an idiot saying that, because anyone that knows me knows I love a big thick medium rare steak and pork is one of my all time favorites, but I do think it is the right thing to do. I would just be concerned about getting the proper amounts of protein, especially if I go back to my strength training routine.

Moral reasons plus the ever-so-adult "yuck factor" term that I've heard people use. I've never really liked meat, especially red meat, so in the end it wasn't too hard. I transitioned through a Disney cruise and through Food and Wine Festival, which actually wasn't as hard as it might sound. I'm not veg-rabid at all, and DH chooses to eat meat every once in a while when we're eating out, which I feel is his decision. He IS wonderful in that he eats veg at home with me, and if I want to share something when we're eating out, he has no problem.

The protein is no problem! I've actually been lifting heavy since last May, the vast majority of that being veg. I did take a couple months off late last year (holidays+lazy), plus right after the Women Run the World 15k this past May since I hurt my hip. But DH and I lift 2-3x per week, and my deadlift is up to 175x5, squat is at 130x5, etc. My veg protein staples are: low fat Greek yogurt, 75% reduced fat Cabot cheese, tofu, soy meat substitutes, eggs and egg whites, seitan, beans+lentils, and protein shakes. I get between 100-160g protein on any given day.

Here's today:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1.5 oz 75% RF cabot cheese, 2 Morningstar sausage patties, 6 mushrooms, 1/4 onion.

Lunch: Paul McCartney's split pea soup (split peas, red lentils, onions, leeks, a little tomato, veg broth, butter), with some Parm and a lot of 75% RF cabot cheese stirred in for extra protein

Dinner: Channa masala with cauliflower added in, and I'm making a raita with LF greek yogurt. Since brother's coming in and he wants to go to the bar next door, I'm probably having a couple rum and diets, too. :rolleyes:

Protein is around 100-110g there, I think.

The protein's a little lower because I had two bean dishes that have a little less protein than my tofu dishes. I made a Thai green tofu curry earlier this week, and I'm going to make seitan (wheat gluten) this weekend.

So I definitely get my protein! It takes a little work sometimes, but it's been very rewarding. The only annoying thing is that since my diet was very healthy before (albeit too high in calories+alcohol), I didn't lose any weight going veg.

I'm very wordy this morning!
Pretty easy! Just quote the block of text with the "quote" button. When you get the new window, go through the quote and find where you want to respond to an individual sentence/part, and right after that type in [./quote] without the period. Type your response, then right before the next part of quote from the other person, type in: [.quote] without the period.

Huh! We did another one last year as well, one of the later ones, and it was great - only "bad" part was that my little brother was there, which was nice, but he was a third wheel. ;)

We'll be going to two this year, and maybe a City Taste, so we'll see how it turns out.

I'm conflicted for that first Saturday - it's my birthday and the LAST day of the Adventurer's Club! Part of me wants to go to Pleasure Island for it, but I'm afraid its going to be absolutely nuts and a madhouse. Well, I'm sure it will be! The first Friday, DH's birthday, we'll be there after work with a friend and a group of her coworkers.

And yeah, DH and I decided we'd try branching out this year...nothing really to branch out into!

We'll have to meet up during FWF. :)

Yeeeeeaaah. Hence why I'm posting in this thread, huh? Wine and and such is the hardest for me as well - especially since I got into microbrews a couple years ago, now THOSE are calorie dense. I'm on South Beach again since it's always been my favorite way of eating anyway, so I've given up the starches, and cut down on the drinks, and the exercise (see below).

Moral reasons plus the ever-so-adult "yuck factor" term that I've heard people use. I've never really liked meat, especially red meat, so in the end it wasn't too hard. I transitioned through a Disney cruise and through Food and Wine Festival, which actually wasn't as hard as it might sound. I'm not veg-rabid at all, and DH chooses to eat meat every once in a while when we're eating out, which I feel is his decision. He IS wonderful in that he eats veg at home with me, and if I want to share something when we're eating out, he has no problem.

The protein is no problem! I've actually been lifting heavy since last May, the vast majority of that being veg. I did take a couple months off late last year (holidays+lazy), plus right after the Women Run the World 15k this past May since I hurt my hip. But DH and I lift 2-3x per week, and my deadlift is up to 175x5, squat is at 130x5, etc. My veg protein staples are: low fat Greek yogurt, 75% reduced fat Cabot cheese, tofu, soy meat substitutes, eggs and egg whites, seitan, beans+lentils, and protein shakes. I get between 100-160g protein on any given day.

Here's today:

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1.5 oz 75% RF cabot cheese, 2 Morningstar sausage patties, 6 mushrooms, 1/4 onion.

Lunch: Paul McCartney's split pea soup (split peas, red lentils, onions, leeks, a little tomato, veg broth, butter), with some Parm and a lot of 75% RF cabot cheese stirred in for extra protein

Dinner: Channa masala with cauliflower added in, and I'm making a raita with LF greek yogurt. Since brother's coming in and he wants to go to the bar next door, I'm probably having a couple rum and diets, too. :rolleyes:

Protein is around 100-110g there, I think.

The protein's a little lower because I had two bean dishes that have a little less protein than my tofu dishes. I made a Thai green tofu curry earlier this week, and I'm going to make seitan (wheat gluten) this weekend.

So I definitely get my protein! It takes a little work sometimes, but it's been very rewarding. The only annoying thing is that since my diet was very healthy before (albeit too high in calories+alcohol), I didn't lose any weight going veg.

I'm very wordy this morning!

Is it bad that I am too lazy to even type in the extra
thingys? I am still on my first cup of coffee, so forgive me! But at least now I know how to do it. thanks! I have always wondered....:confused3

I think I will PM you, since we are getting woefully off topic. I can tell you know what you are talking about re: protein and strength training. I almost mentioned trying to get at LEAST 100g protein a day (when I train hard/lift heavy) but I didn't because so many people say, "ÖH, but the FDA says women our age need only about 50g protein!" I didn't feel like getting into the back and forth of explaining the need for high protein.

I am glad we started discussing this...I have been in a funk lately regarding my diet and exercise program, because just 2 years ago I weighed less, had more muscle and just generally FELT better about myself. I need to get back there. I have also considered going veggie for some time, I just worried about a) protein amounts and b) continuing my love of food and cooking and feeling limited. Sounds like you may be just the person I need to talk to!

i'll PM you later. Thanks!:goodvibes
I am doing one on the 27th with a local friend and my sister. She really wants a Lapu Lapu from the Tambu Lounge.

Can I ask what time you're doing yours? We were supposed to do ours on the 26th but we might join yours instead if that's okay with you. The problem is I have a 8:00 am flight out on Sunday so I need to get started early.:drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1
Wow, thanks for sharing that! I loved your video...good work!

I did not know the Outer Rim "closed for renovations." I also really enjoyed that lounge in particular. Bummer.
Wow, thanks for sharing that! I loved your video...good work!

I did not know the Outer Rim "closed for renovations." I also really enjoyed that lounge in particular. Bummer.
You look very cute in the Snow White dress, WLL, but you could be happier. Smile whydontcha?

You look very cute in the Snow White dress, WLL, but you could be happier. Smile whydontcha?


*sobbing* I WISH I was that young again! If I posted my picture, there may be comparisons the Wicked Witch of the West!

Actually, since I am clueless on how to post pictures, I had another LOTW post one for me towards the beginning of the thread. It's there, somehwere!
Wow, thanks for sharing that! I loved your video...good work!

I did not know the Outer Rim "closed for renovations." I also really enjoyed that lounge in particular. Bummer.

Thank you WLL, what is the official bar stops on the monorail drink-a-thon? I want to do it in october.



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