Monorail Drink-A-Thon

Just got a call from all the lushes out Monorailing it tonight.

:sad1: They miss me, they really miss me!! :sad1:

I think they just wanted to rub it in that they're there having a blast and it's pouring rain up here in Maine. Did sound like they were having a wonderful time. :drinking1 :dance3: :drinking1 Even though TDCNala had the world's nastiest Mohito. (or something like that) Brings back SO many fun memories. LOL OK - that's it! By last call or cover charge I'm going to be there next year. If it were around Columbus Day weekend again, that would be PERFECT, especially since I'll be using most of my vacation time for the 15-night DCL repo in August.

<sigh> Back to writing trip note.



I got called too, at least they are thinking of us!
What has happened to the drink-a-thon thread? No posters for 4 months! WLL! Aiden's Mom! I'm ashamed of you!

yeah, i was thinking the same thing. I hear the Outer rimis moving, hope they dont.

Also they got rid of the half yard of beer in the England.

What has happened to the drink-a-thon thread? No posters for 4 months! WLL! Aiden's Mom! I'm ashamed of you!


I've been too busy drinking at WDW. ;)

Really, my husband and I met up with the OP of this thread, Lynn, in December and had a great time, except for when my husband told the bus driver it was my birthday and he made the whole bus sing to me. :headache: Well, I guess that was fun for them, watching me want to crawl under the seat. :laughing:
We start right at 11am here's the order:

1) Rose and Crown - yards of Stella Artois while checking out the shops or just sitting on a bench enjoying a tasty beverage. Boddington's for my wife (if she isn't expecting of course) and mother in law.

2) Canada - a Moosehead (and often times two) from the stand (they usually tap it for the day as we're there). It's early so no Off Kilter yet but we'll be back for more Moose later.

We get some fries for my 3 year old at the McD's stand - as my father in law says, "He's never seen a fry he don't like".

3) Mexico - margaritas for the girls but I go for some nice Dos Equis (this oftens turn into two as well) while sitting on a bench, going on El Rio Del Tiempo multiple times, or doing Kipcot with the little guys. The new Tequila Bar will be an interesting twist come Sept / Oct - I hate the "T" word.

4) Norway - in true Norweigan fashion we go for the Carlsberg beers (huh) unless it happens to be cooler and rainy, then the girls do spiked coffees from the Kringla Bakeri og Kafe. You can spot us under the cover of the Stave Church if its rainy or sitting on the wall outside if it's a nice sunny day.

Maelstrom and checking out the Helly Hansen and the other shops are a must so the drinking must wait as we enjoy Norway (yes we watch the movie).

5) China - by now the Dragon Legend Acrobats could be close to a showtime and if so, we have to watch it. Since we're sitting here it's time for a Tsingtao and maybe an egg roll. This typically turns into two beers as parts of the group wander into shops, the 360 surround movie and enjoy the show.

One more thing to note on China - the girls don't enjoy the Tsingtao and they're sort of in the bag by now. Hopefully they don't get Plum Wine that has become popular with them lately. Yeah they just did - luckily they are happy drinkers that typically make the crowd around them happier - we aren't annoying anyone even though we're a third of the way around and we started early and fast.

6) The Outpost - Casablanca beers for everyone. Don't walk by this without realizing that you're not truly drinking around the world if you miss it.

7) Germany - sometimes we'll do a wine flight but more often these days it's just a Lowenbrau or two and a pretzel. If we don't do wine the girls start drinking slower here, afterall we have a 3 year old so we can't fall over or anything.

Since we have a another little guy now (5 months), my wife can't wait to get back and be part of this again. She hasn't been able to enjoy the frosty beverages of EPCOT in a while.

8) Italy - this is tough. Almost all of us are part Italian but we aren't huge fans of the beers but will tough it out. Luckily we all enjoy the wine flights and that's typically what we'll do.

We've had plenty of beers and we started a while ago so we're sharing wine at this point - don't want anyone to think we're drunkards. We're feeling good but we have our little guy with us and it's been hours since we started. Spreading it out tends to control the levels of the buzz. It's a nice mellow one right now though.

9) America - good ole USA, it's time for a couple nice, simple Bud Lights for me and my father in law. The girls might have one too. we'll check out anyone that's performing at the Pavillon and usually take some time to go see American Adventure as well. It's nice to be home!!

10) Japan - here we go again. My wife and mother in law go straight to the hot Saki. This is where my father in law plays off his inability to hang and grabs a Kaki Gori to stall for a while. I go get Kirin from the Yakitori House and then get me and him another one when he's ready to start again.

Cali rolls are pretty good here so we might split some of them too while listening to the drummers. Good spot for a picture too - love the view from this spot.

11) Morrocco - finally, after taking almost all day to get around to here we can have a Tangerine Cocktail. This very often turns into two each. If you haven't tried this you can get them at the back counter of the Moorish Cafe.

Depending on what we've eaten thus far we might get some hummus too - it's pretty good here but then again, anything might taste good at this point.

12) France - honestly, not my favorite country in the World Showcase but there's some decent options here for a drink. There's the lemonade drink that my wife gets sometimes, a Royal Kir (champagne drink), wine flights or good old Kronenburg beers. I'll usually do beer to not cause too much more damage.

Note: not sure why I don't enjoy France since it has a great bakery, decent drinks, good wine, a pretty good movie and nice shops. I think it might be because we enter EPCOT from the Boardwalk / back entrance and sometimes we turn right at the bridge. As you can see, I like going left to the UK to start the insanity. I think France gets the raw end of the deal in my mind because of this fact only.

By now we're feeling very good (until monring). We've defintely drank a lot but are surprisingly in control. We have to be since we have our 3 year old there. He's had a great day too since we stop and do all the kidcot booths and go on all the rides, etc.

It's almost time for Illuminations and we've seen it so many times that a good seat doesn't really matter. I enjoy heading back to the UK or even Canada and watching from there. Since we're there we might as well fill those yards with some more Stella from Rose and Crown or go to Canada and get some more Moose. This is where we might get a shoot to see Off Kilter depending on the time.

This last drink it the best because we just had a great day and are all together watching a show that always makes me appreciate how lucky I am to have a such a great family.

We're defintely buzzed and happy but hey, it's vacation!!!!
The drinks aren't free but hey, it's vacation!!!!

More often than not this doesn't happen exactly as planned and we spend large amounts of time in certain countries, etc. This is really more what we used to do and looking back, it's pretty impressive. It's about the kids now (including my wife, sons, in laws :-) - whatever they all want to do is fine too. Luckily we all enjoy a beverage many times while at Disney.

Join us if you want - Sept 26th - Oct 12th of this year. We'd be happy to take some others on this Magical Trip Around the World - bring your drinkin hat!!!!!
OK. I gotta say I love this. DH and I were looking for something different to do for our 10 year anniversary there, and this will be perfect. Thanks Monstahs Boys for posting it.

We'll have to do an abbreviated version since we're going to have to drop of the kids at the kids club for only a few hours and the head ache will not be fun, but it'll be worth it. And were leaving the next day anyway. :thumbsup2
Monstahs Boys, I just sent this to the 5 lushes I am going to WDW with in October, I love your itinerary!!!! My DH and I, along with another couple we're traveling with have been drinking around the world before, but the other couple has never experienced the joy and splendor of this quest. One of them actually asked me if we were serious!!
I especially like stop number 11 on your itinerary :drinking1
Aidensmom-You got to meet Lynn? Cool!:thumbsup2

contemp mj-Lookin good!

Hi luvthatduck! how have you been?

Monstah-I was reading your post and LOVING it, because I felt like I was right there. I could picture the countries and stops and it made me so nostalgic for WDW. And then i got to the end of your post and shouted at the computer..."OH MY GOD, THEY WILL BE THERE DURING OUR TRIP!"

We are staying at Y&BC Sept 28-Oct 2...I am not sure of the dates, but it is Saturday check in, Wed check out. We will have to hang at at least one of your stops. It is just the 3 of us, My DH, my DD9 and myself.:cheer2:
Monstahs Boys, great report! I cant wait to go back in October, I'm having a beer now, practice makes perfect!

Well, this is "MONSTAH BOYS" father-in-law and "DRINKING BUDDY" and I must correct him on leaving out our last stop of the night "ESPN ZONE" to get the little guy his favorite "FRENCH FRIES" and of course a "LIBATION" for the grownups while we wait for the fries to be eaten. (HAHA).


At least he didn't try to say that he drinks me under the table everytime we do this - ok ok maybe he does every now and then.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the post and itinerary. We are quite proud of it ourselves. There's nothing better than a long day in the World Showcase with a (many) beer(s) in your hand as you take a leisurely stroll from place to place.

Wildernesslodgelover - we arrive at the BWV on Sept 26th and are staying a full 2 weeks (whoahhh). Maybe we'll see you there.

Bobump - have fun on your last day at ESPN the Weekend - watch those ponds. The pond story is another classic Disney story that will can wait for another day - but one directly related to the itinerary that was posted. I guarantee that no one else has ever done this while in Disney!!!
At least he didn't try to say that he drinks me under the table everytime we do this - ok ok maybe he does every now and then.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the post and itinerary. We are quite proud of it ourselves. There's nothing better than a long day in the World Showcase with a (many) beer(s) in your hand as you take a leisurely stroll from place to place.

Wildernesslodgelover - we arrive at the BWV on Sept 26th and are staying a full 2 weeks (whoahhh). Maybe we'll see you there.

Bobump - have fun on your last day at ESPN the Weekend - watch those ponds. The pond story is another classic Disney story that will can wait for another day - but one directly related to the itinerary that was posted. I guarantee that no one else has ever done this while in Disney!!!

Ok, ok....I'll bite! What's the pond story? I am guessing it involves too many of the aforementioned beers and a tumble into water? We need to know!

I will PM you are the date gets closer, and we cab see if we are going to be in Epcot on the same night as you folks. Until then, happy planning!:goodvibes
Wow! 5 months since the last post! Someone's got to go down and have a few rounds to keep this thread going! :thumbsup2
I am doing one on the 27th with a local friend and my sister. She really wants a Lapu Lapu from the Tambu Lounge.
Wow! 5 months since the last post! Someone's got to go down and have a few rounds to keep this thread going! :thumbsup2

Howdy Duck!:cool1: Well, I have a negative report on some drinks I had while celebrating my 40th birthday last week! We stayed at the Swan (I was very disappointed in the room, but that's for another thread) and we ordered some mojitos by the pool.

Rule of thumb when drinking...order from the bar and WATCH the bartender make the drinks. I know this rule...but yet my laziness got the best of me and we ordered from the poolside waiter. BTW, we have had MANY mojitos at this pool, and they have always been awesome.

We wanted doubles but the waiter suggested a floater. He warned us that a floater is $5, which was fair of him. But he said a double would just be a double charge for the drink (which we didn't ask how much the drink was...big mistake number 2.)

Sooo, we got our 3 mojitos at once (shared the last one) and they were awful...made with SOUR MIX! Did you hear that? SOUR MIX! I really need to "grow some" and learn to take things back that I am unsatisfied with, but I just have such a hard time with it.

We had some guests visiting us, and in the confusion, I thought DH signed the check, and he thought I did. The next day at checkout...there was a $67 charge from the bar. I requested an itemized bill. They add 18% if you don't sign out with the waiter (which is fine with me, I am a 20 percenter, and I am appalled and embarrassed that neither one of us tipped the guy, but we truly did not see him for a good 45 minutes and we forgot) but that means 3 (sorry azzz) mojitos were $57!!!!:headache: That just kills me. Plus, we had a thermos full of vodka back in our room, but were too lazy to make the trek back up there.


Oh, and we also had margaritas at luunchtime at ESPN. Basically $12 glasses of sour mix. I did not even drink half of it.

Duck-when is your next trip scheduled? It is coming up, yes?
I'm so glad you bumped this!
Anyone care to join us for Monorail Drink-A-Thon 3 on September 26?

:drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1 :drinking1

I am in town then. But that is the penultimate night at the Adventurers Club and I will want to be there when it opens (and probably before it opens due to crowds)
This is by far one of our favorite things to do. We call it "monorail hopping." hahaha

This summer, we took my cousin monorail hopping for his 21st b'day and had a blastie!


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