Yay For May Super Goofs Challenge Thread

nothing for me today. Quads and calves are still complaining about all the squatting at games this weekend. I think running today might be asking for an injury.

Angie - two pairs of thin socks? Also, my feet slip a little in my shoes when I first put them on, but within the first mile, they have swelled up and no longer slip. I am glad that they didn't get TOO bad at Minnie!

Mike- 11 of 20 is over half way! Way more than half way if you included a taper! Way to go.
Good Afternoon All-
I never did get my run in on Sunday because GG#2 is going to overnight camp for the first time - in Vermont! So we went with other of her friends to check the place out. 4 hours up and 2 hours back. Do I get any credit for that?

My MCM in Training shirt came in the mail today- just a little bit of something to keep me inspired to reach my goal! I am trying Hal Higdon's novice program so keep the impact off my old joints and bones a bit. Is everyone else constantly sore?

Today rode for 1.5 hours and ran on the tread mill for 3.2 miles in 35 minutes. It is so hard to get outside with the little ones but at least the ice and snow is not my excuse!

Angie- I have been thinking of your blister problem. Are your feet sweating too much- in other words have you tried a more absorbent type material. (We all sweat BTW!)
I never had a single blister, until the Jan half...now I seem to get them every race, but not during training! I wouldn't say I have overly sweaty feet, maybe nerves during the race push me into overdrive? I really think the original insoles (inner soles?) of my shoes were the main culprit, after they told me they should be replaced before you start running in the shoes, and showed me the cushion on the bottom of them were the exact size, shape, and position of my worst blisters, so now I "hope" it's just a matter of finding the right socks. I have tried LOTS of different socks, wicking, dry fit, smart wool, injinji's, thick and now thin, I'm too stubborn to give up!

Have you made a full recovery from your fall a month or so ago? (It's sounds it, from your schedule!)
Not quite fully- I have a partial torn rotator cuff that keeps giving trouble but denial is a good thing! I am a little anxious when I think about jumping but once I get into the swing of things I'm okay. I am glad to be back with my "steady eddie". It does not help my mental health when we have had an unacceptable number of death, human and equine, in eventing this year alone. I try to be as safe as a can and hope for the best! Wienie riders unite!
Thanks for your concern!
Alittle update, I'm not feeling so good, my equalibrium is off and I've almost passed out twice this week at work. Not good when you are carrying big trays of dirty plates! I have a drs appt for Wednesday so we'll see. I did buy a pedometer today for my walks not on a marked trail and wanted to try it out vs my treadmill. Its off so I need to figure out how to set the pace/stride and see if I can get it closer.


Monday...30 mins treadmill/1.16 miles (1.53 on the pedometer!)
Good early morning my wonderful Super Goofs. No matter where we are placement wise, I believe we are the hardest working team around!!! :thumbsup2

Angie: Yay for the smaller blisters. I think the 2 pairs of thin socks that Cecilia suggested may be the next trial. I also believe that Joanne is correct with the sweating issue. I admit I have VERY sweaty feet. Seeing how nervous you were in January, I think your assessment may also be correct about the increased nerves. I use antiperspirant on the soles of my feet and in between my toes on race days for the rubbing issue and the sweating issue. Maybe try that at the next race in the places you are getting the blisters. And, yes, I have a separate one for that purpose....:eek:

Joanne: I have a partial RTC tear too. Old volleyball war wound. It does not bother most of the time, just during haying season when I actually use it. Oh and overhead presses for my shoulders I get lots of snapping. Hold a light (emphasis on light) weight in your hand and put your elbow into your side, arm at a 90 degree angle. Now move your arm in a back and forth motion toward your stomach and out. This is a great RTC strengthening move and it has worked for me for um, 15 years now, :scared1:

Suzanne: Take care of yourself.

Cecilia: Catching is not for the faint of heart....or faint of knees, quads, hip flexors!!! :lmao: I find it to be an awesome leg workout and definitely count my time catching. :bored:

Mike: Over halfway there...:woohoo: :cool1: :yay: :banana: I cannot even imagine training like you do. A sprint tri I would give a go but not a full Ironman. You rock hard...:cool2:

I am FINALLY going to get some exercise today. I was headed out yesterday for a major quick bike before rushing to the ballfield when it opened up and poured here. Just long enough to ruin my ride, not long enough to cancel the game :sad2: so I missed out again. Today I am going for a run and then to the gym before picking up DS and getting him to practice. If I am lucky, maybe DH will want to walk too. DD13 is headed with her team to the away game that she was supposed to start pitching in today. The opposing coach is going to be soooooo happy to see her out of commission.

Have a great day Goofs. I hope it is bright and sunny where you are...oh and warm (that was for you Mike :rolleyes: ).
This is one hard working group.....and Mike, thanks to you for adding the numbers you have! It's much appreciated around these parts!

Lisa: Have fun out there!

My totals

time: 45 min
miles: 4 (very uminspired I must say, but it got done!)

Thanks for the kind words Beth...I appreciate it!

44 degrees at 0500, 80 minute, 22.4 mile ride...cold n windy...20 minutes under a HOT shower,and I can feel my fingertips again!!!

I know when summer comes, I'll want it to be just a little cooler...but is 60 degrees in late May too much to ask???

Have a great day fellow goofs!!!
I had a little environmental issue with my planned 3 mile run- GG#2 insisted on going. I could not say "no" but I knew how my well thought plans would turn out. I do have to admit I was disappointed- I was really looking forward to some 'alone time' but....

It was a reminder to me thats its not about the time- it's time well spent. We had a very enjoyable time. Granted we walked but the days are going by too quickly.

Once we got home I did a 9 minute mile on the treadmill.
Totals all together (walk and run) 3.27 miles in 50:45
Hi Goofs,

I am hanging in there, but I am afraid to say that real life is taking over for me this week as we are getting ready for a garage sale that runs on the weekend. I hope to get back to some posting of minutes and distance by the weekend. Sorry.

The garage sale sounds easy until you have to price everything and get it ready to set up. Oh well, hope we are successful.

Take care all and will post again soon.

I will admit that I feel oh so cruddy not exercising, and I truly miss it. What have you all done to me? Just kidding!
50 minute 1850 yard swim.

Mikey wants a nap, coffee and some single malt Scotch.

not necessarily in that order, either!

I will run later...is is better/easier for Lisa for me to edit this post, or put in a new one?
IGG#2 insisted on going.

I wish my kids wanted to run or walk with me. I keep hoping they will catch the bug but so far nothing.

tuesday night: 30 minutes of weights and 20 minutes of stretching.
It was storming so the pool was closed (darn) I swear I am going to swim before the end of the month. maybe tomorrow....:rolleyes1

I am off for my run....report later
2 hour ride- we had a blast!

3.21 miles in 35:43 on the tread mill. Tried to get up early and run outside but I did not quite make it!
Good evening Goofs! I got out there tonight (in the rain :headache: ) so here is my totals for Wed.

Time: 46 min
Miles: 4

Morning Goofs. Computer issues at work today. My transcription piece disconnects when I open the net so, needless to say, I will be gone today as work is very slightly more important.

Mike, edit or post again, either way. If you post again though, just make sure I know you are not adding more miles/minutes.

Also, we seem to have lost Susie (Escape) and Christy (SAP1227) along with both of their DHs which makes us down 4 members and a co-captain. Any volunteers for the co-position? I am going to summon the great Panda for replacements.

Have a spankin day everyone. Oh and my bike/run was awesome. I fueled according to Mike's plan :-)love: ) and it worked seamlessly. I managed 18.95 miles yesterday and am only mildly sore today. I also signed up for the USATF study that Mel posted and was chosen to be a nonstretcher so we will see how that plays out. Okay, back to work.......:guilty:
Lisa: Sorry about the computer issues. I am having some myself, and my dh will probably kill me when he gets home....I am messing it up, and don't know how to fix it! Sigh......:confused3

. I fueled according to Mike's plan :-)love: )
I missed this?! What plan what fuel? Is there a new secret I need to know about?

Lisa- I can co-captain if you need someone. I can't believe how many members we have lost! Do we smell?

I will be back later with miles.
Good morning!

I didn't realize that our team was losing members left and right...I better step it up!

Tuesday...70 min walk/4 miles

Wednesday...30 mins bike/5.50 miles
Do we smell?

As the new guy...not ALL of us...:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yesterday I did get in 3 miles carrying a 30 lb bag up and down over hills...ok, ok, I snuck out golfing...but I walked and carried the clubs on my back!

I'll post up today's miles/minutes later...after I complete them..


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