Working on Weight Loss During Training


Loves Mickey!
Jan 18, 2001
Okay, everyone, here it is -- a special thread for those of us who are training for walking or running (or any combination thereof) distance events, whether they be a 5K or a marathon or anything in between or beyond.

There are lots of weight loss threads on the main WISH board, but I really do think we face different kinds of challenges as we try to fuel our bodies for training but also try to lose weight.

I am hoping that we can all support each other with ideas for foods that work to fuel our bodies and our appetites before and after workouts and share clues on what works for each of us.

So, a little bit about me.
Height: I am 5'1" and according to the charts I am about 50 pounds overweight.
Long-term weight loss goal? According to my doctors, I should lose about 30-35 pounds. That will put me below where I was when I was a very round 10 year old.
Progress so far? I have already lost more than 60 pounds since December 2004.
Plan? I have been following Weight Watchers flex plan until last Wednesday when I switched to the weight watchers core plan
Training for: WDW Full Marathon
Trying to Lose: 20 pounds before we leave for WDW on 1/5.
My struggles: I have had a problem with late night eating and overeating things like pretzels and potato chips (fat free, but bad in quantity nonetheless

I am looking for advice on what to eat and drink before and after long workout sessions. I really would like to stick to core foods but energy bars and gu's, etc. are not on core. I have come to depend on those things to fuel my workouts. Do you think I should just bite the bullet and use my weekly points allowance for those things as I need them? Or perhaps I should think of it as using my activity points that I earn in exchange for the energy bars, etc. that I need to use to earn those activity points. Advice?
Cam - I'm with you! As for points, I don't know WW well, but it sounds like you need to use teh activity points for Gus and power bars and such. Core sounds rather low-carb to me. Your body needs carbs for this kind of work out. Just another thing that makes weight loss while training so hard.

I am just over what tehy call "overweight", but I know if I let it go, I will never stop.

Height - 5'8" (yes, I distribute weight well, but it takes a lot of weight loss to see a diff)

Long-term Goal - 15 pounds (will re-evaluate there)

Progress so far - Last year, when I was training for the marathon adn my pants didn't fit, I stepped ont eh scale. I was teh mnost I'd weighed in my life and was not going to go up another pant size. Well, I lost about 7 pounds from November to post-marathon. Since then, I've gained about 5 of them back. I have had a gol to lose 10 by Christmas for 2 weeks. I'm up half a pound.

Training for: WDW Marathon

Trying to lose - 10 pounds by X-mas. After that, I will be in total marathon mode and will be able to focus pretty easily if last year holds true.

My struggles - Snacking at work adn when stressed or depresssed or just feel I deserve it. Also, gone most weekends and have littel control over my meals when I travel (whatever mom or MIL put on teh table. Not so bad with my mom. WIth MIL it's not usually so good for me.) Best excuse? But I just ran 10 miles! I can eat what I want. NOT!

My plan - Program in my Palm that logs calories in and clories burned through life in general and exercise. Goal is to burn 300 to 400 more calories than I take in each day. I do well when I stick to it and log what I eat, but dsticking to it is hard!
Here I am....

Prior to kids I joined WW and lost about 30 pounds. After DD1 I again joined WW and lost the PG weight. After DD2, I didn't do a darn thing and ended up being at my highest weight EVER (note, she is 3 1/2 now). Last fall I lost 10 pounds. I started running in January of 2006 and so far have lost 20 more pounds, for a total of 30. Ideally I want to lose 40 more (20 would bring me to my pre-PG weight and 20 more to be where I should be).

Height: 5'8

Long-term weight loss goal? 40 more pounds

Progress so far? 30 pounds of weight put on with PG.

Plan? I have followed WW points in the past, but am playing with Core right now. Core allows me to eat more, especially while running.

Training for: WDW 1/2 Marathon

Trying to Lose: 15-20 pounds by January

My struggles: Soda, the full strength stuff. Also snacking at night. I love chips and popcorn and anything salty.
Cam - right now I don't count my Gel or Powerbars. I need them when I run. I would use your activity points for those and also on Core you have 35 points a week for non core foods.
Thank you for starting this Cam!

Height – 5’4”

Long-term goal: To get it off and keep it off – the latter being the main problem. In pounds I’d like to loose 30-35.

Progress so far: As of last summer I had lost 30 pounds through SBD which I had done once before. However I’ve never managed to stay with it to keep it off and I gained it all back plus some. I am now at my highest weight ever and need to do something now.

Plan: To be honest I’m not sure. I know SBD works for me in the short-term but the long-term not so much. I’m going to look at WW core after seeing the success here.

Training for: WDW ½ Marathon

Trying to loose: 10 pounds by Nov 30th (Work Xmas party at Lido Key Beach) and an additional 10 by the New Year.

Struggles: Sticking with a plan. Have an extremely busy schedule (work full-time, MBA student full-time, mother to a 13 yr old) that seems to get in the way. Also struggle with eating after work – chocolate, baked goods, chips, you name it that is the bad time.
Great to see everyone checking in. :sunny: I know we can support each other in this quest just as we do in the quest for consistent, effective training. :grouphug:
Ok, my turn! :teeth:

Height: I am 5'4" and around 10 pounds overweight according to WW charts.
I am Lifetime, however - my doctor wrote me a note since I haven't lost a blessed thing on WW in a year.

Long-term weight loss goal? I'd like to lose that darn 10 lbs., and maybe a smidge more. I met Chad when I was very skinny for me (in the 130s) - that would be a total miracle!

Progress so far? 30ish pounds lost on WW since October '04

Plan? I switched to Core back in June in an effort to jump start some weight loss again. It did work in that I was starting to creep up again, and this got me to lose the few pesky pounds I gained. The first week on Core, I lost 3+ lbs. - the most I've ever lost in one week! And lately, I haven't been good at all - cheating all over the place!

Training for: WDW 5k & Half Marathon. I might try to get in some local races before then.

Trying to Lose: This pesky 10 lbs.!

My struggles: I also have had a problem with late night eating and overeating things like pretzels and f.f. potato chips. OMG - and light ice cream kills me!!!!

Another thing that I believe really hurts my weight loss is sleep deprivation. I work 3:30-11:30am. I may nap in the afternoon about half the time. But either way I never seem to get to bed before 9 or later :scared1: at night! And even if I get 8 total in sleep with a nap, it's just not the same when you break it up like that. I also have a 45 min. commute into Boston. I have been doing this job over 7 years and I still cannot get my act together enough to get nearly enough rest. I have heard many times about how sleep deprivation slows metabolism. I honestly think that is my biggest culprit.
Ok, here I go:

Height - 5'6, about 40-45 pds. overweight. Joined WW 2 weeks ago, using their point plan and hope to loose my weight by June 2007.

Training for: WDW full marathon 2008.

Problem area: Working at Starbucks part-time and drinking lattes, carmel macchiato's, frappachino's and any new drink that comes out....oh, let's not forget the pasty case...ouch! popcorn::

My lack of motivation keeps me down and depressed about my weight gain, so I hope to overcome it by coming here and going to WW. I get alot of inspiration from the TEAM and hope to see a change of attitude w/in myself.

So, what's our next step?
monte said:
Problem area: Working at Starbucks part-time and drinking lattes, carmel macchiato's, frappachino's and any new drink that comes out....oh, let's not forget the pasty case...ouch! popcorn::
I have a hard enough time not stopping on my way in. Can't imagine if I worked there!
Cam - Thanks for starting this. I'm come back later and give you guys the 411, as long as you all promise not to laugh. :lmao:
Honeibee said:
Cam - Thanks for starting this. I'm come back later and give you guys the 411, as long as you all promise not to laugh. :lmao:

Judy -- how can we not laugh when you have the best sense of humor I have ever encountered? :lovestruc We all promise, however, not to laugh at each other, though I am sure we will all laugh together a LOT!

All right, my plan for tonight is to go to WW weigh in by 7, leave the meeting by 7:45, eat an apple and drink a Tab Energy Drink in the car on the way to the gym, treadmill for at least an hour, eat another apple in the car on the way home, and eat dinner by 10 pm. I have not eaten any non-core foods in a week. I am going to finish out this week being just as good.

I have heard that almonds are a good pre-workout food. Does anyone know if that is true? I would like to stay away from granola bars, etc. and use sport bars, sport drinks, energy bars, cliff blocks, etc. only for my weekend "long runs" with the expectation that the activity points are about equal to what I would eat.

So, what are your suggestions for pre-workout foods?
oh bother.

I said if you started it... I would come...

I'm 5'7"

I bounced around and lost 20 lbs here at WISH and then joined WW and lost another 65 for a total of 85 lbs. BUT, I gained 65 of those pounds in 2003 when I filed for divorce and my DD went off the deep end :rolleyes: So I'm not coming from a life-long high weight, but I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Have I lost you yet??????? I am now 18 lbs above my WW goal.

Anyway, I got a dr's note to put my WW goal 5lbs above their range for me. I want to get back to that by race day, and ultimately lose another 20lbs. One of my neurosurgeons acted like a I was a beached whale if I want to continue LD running, so he put that fire under my butt.

Struggles: M-F I am stellar from awakening until I get home from work... Dinner usually is healthy but too much. Then comes the late night reward. Once I have finished my 18hour day (work, kids, house, training, lunch packing, laundry.......) I want to reward myself for my hard work and I want to do it with food. :rolleyes: 10-11PM snacking is probably 80% of my weight problem.

The other problem I have, particularly on the weekends is training in the AM and then trying to save all those APs for fun food in the evening. It almost always backfires and I lose control. I'm trying to adequately refuel after a LR/LW now.

Bottom line: I know core is the way to go for me. Its the sugar, flour and fat that kills me. But getting back on is kind of like, strike that, totally like drug withdrawal.

I get so mad at myself when I mindlessly down junk food. I think to myself; "do I want to be a runner or a slug?". It's a dr. jekle and mr. hide scenario!

Monte-- Starbucks :crazy: I worked at Baskin Robbins when I was in high school. It didn't go well for me at all!!!!!!!!

I guess I'll go and get me one of those tickertape things. :furious:

Sorry, I'll try to have a good attitude :angel:

Cam - I only use my energy "stuff" on my long runs also. I think I can make it 40 minutes without it.

I "heard" from my road biker brother that fig newtons are a good pre-workout food. Tho they are not Core!! I have eaten a hardboiled egg and apple before running and it seemed to be OK for me.

My goal is to make it through the day without eating a non-core food. This is hard for me. Tonight I pick the girls up, run to swim classes. Then have 15 minutes to shower then and run them to Emma's first 4-H meeting. We will be late I am sure.
Cam - I could likely go without during the week, except 60 min runs. Those put me over the edge.
WOW! Jen -- I hadn't even considered hard-boiled eggs but those are definitely core and I really do need protein on long run days. I will be sure to keep a supply in my fridge so that I have something quick I can grab before going out for a LR.

I am so glad to see everyone coming here. I really mean that. I count on you guys a LOT and I am hoping we can sustain this thread until marathon weekend and help each other stay accountable and healthy and fit.

I have to mention to you guys -- I think my doctors had kind of given up on me, not commenting on my weight or anything when it looked like my heart condition (which was completely unrelated to my weight) was so serious that it was more than enough to deal with and I got the impression that no one thought my weight mattered at that point.

Once I had my 4th heart procedure/surgery and had a normal heart for the first time in nearly 10 years and I decided to get healthier, my doctors really paid attention when I lost the weight. Every one of them has been supportive and not one of them has commented on the fact that I am still incredibly overweight.

It reminds me of this very important point -- this is a process. The journey is important. The lifestyle we live is important. The eating habits we have are important. None of us should be beating themselves up for the struggle, but we should all challenge ourselves to always do the next thing the right way. We all obviously have it in us somewhere to do the difficult things. I decided last week that only by setting a goal and putting in all the steps toward that goal will I be able to do it -- we all know it is true about race training. I have convinced myself that the same goes for reaching my weight loss goal. My weight watchers leader had us all set goals last week and said that each time we consciously decided what to buy or what to eat and whether to exercise this week, we should ask ourselves whether our choice would bring us closer to our goal. Sounds simple, doesn't it? NOT! I learned that sometimes knowing it is not a good choice doesn't keep me from making it. If anything, I feel guiltier when I do it knowing it was a bad choice than I would have felt if I had just unconsiously eaten the "bad thing." So, for me, being cognizant is the first step but being disciplined is even more important than that.

Okay, I am soooo sorry. That was kind of stream of consciousness and way over the top. Sorry. :blush: It does help me, though, to focus and re-focus continually.
Very well said Cam! Now I need to find a "Dieting for Mortals" that will give me the exact steps I have to follow. :rolleyes: You're right. We all have it in us. How can running a marthon be easier than watching what I eat??? :guilty: It's a state of mind too. We just need to figure out how to get there.

So, thinking out loud, we need steps (or at least I do). First step is one day on plan. Not looking at weeks or months (or the 20-miler at the end), just one day on plan. I messed this one up early today, but will try to be on track and have an on plan day tomorrow.

On plan for me means logging all calories taken in and exercise performed and burning 416 calories more than I take in. Perhaps I'll add something to my sig fro every day/week/month I stay on plan.
Great first step, Carrie!

I'll post my "Dieting for Mortals" plan here:
My goal: lose 20 pounds before 1/5.
Step one: change from flex points to core for one week
Step two: inventory closets to determine what core foods I had and needed
Step three: shop for core foods for all meals and snacks
Step four: prepare as many core meals as possible and put them in the fridge
Step five: get through one day at a time of no carb-binging at night

Monte -- peanut butter sounds good, but it is definitely a trigger food for me. :guilty:
Cam - Please feel free to "stream" like that anytime. It is very inspiring :thumbsup2

Judy - The last thing we would ever do is laugh at you. We will however laugh with you as your special sense of humor helps us all :thumbsup2

The posts of today have really inspired me. I printed out both the "core list" and the Ph1 SBD list and will be taking both with me to the grocery store this evening. I will be tossing all the "junk" in the dumpster and planning meals for the week. I will also be walking a minimum of 30minutes on the dreadmill tonight. I'm hoping that putting this here will help with my accountability.

BTW - If anyone has quick meal ideas please send them my way.
On the weekends, my core-friendly pre-long-walk/run breakfast is usually 3 scrambled eggs, dannon drinkable yogurt w/flax seed oil & a piece of fruit. A nice big breakfast, then I wait 5.-1 hour before heading out. I have a pretty strong stomach, so I rarely wait an hour after eating. It's an especially long process for me since I have pills I need to take on an empty stomach in the am. And I have to wait an hour after that before eating.

I also don't count GU packet points. I just tend to think they are my activity points. I don't know if that is an exact science, but that's what I usually do.

Sunny - I am the opposite of you. Extreme stress makes me lose weight! I was so skinny (for me anyway) when I was going through my divorce in 1997. I always said back then I'd rather be fat & happy. Be careful what I wish for, huh? ;)

We went to Sam's Club this afternoon. And what did I do? Eat 1.5 slices of pizza for lunch. And their slices are humugous! And then what did I do? Well, I bought 2 bags of baked cheetos (huge weakness). We get home and I put one bag in the cabinet and leave one in a pile of things for the basement. Chad comes by & opens the basement one, AND LEAVES IT OPEN ON THE COUNTER! I cannot resist food in front of me. Especially my favorite cheetos. :rolleyes: There's always tomorrow, right? :blush:


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