Wk of Mar 30 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Congrats to ING Wishers. Conditions sounded horrible. Great job on getting it done!:thumbsup2

Debra - I've signed up for a 10K trail run here in Philly in June. It starts and ends about 1/2 mile from my house. Love that location!;) Then doing a Duathlon in July (2 mile run, 17 mile bike and 3.1 mile run), Triathlon in August (1/4 mile swim, 13 mile bike and 3.1 mile run) and 1/2 marathons in Sept. (Philly Distance Run), October (Atlantic City, NJ) and hopefully Nov. (San Antonio, TX).

Tracy- It seems the only time I have blister problems are durng races. May get a small one or just starting one during training, but during races I seem to get them like crazy. I wear the same socks in races that I do in training, so that's not the problem. I've started using vaseline on any spots I've gotten blisters in the past. That seems to help, except then I blisters on new spots :sad2: I just can't seem to figure out the problem, so I can sympathize with you.

Craig - I'll say hello to your hometown for ya! :) We'll be in Dever for most of the weekend, but I am hoping to take the group on the Pikes Peak Cog Railway and to see the US Olympic Training Center and Air Force Academy.

Angie - Good Luck at work. I know all about crazy! :crazy:

Good Morning Wishers!!!

Mel...I'm glad you are recovering from the bronchitis! Way to go on your 12K!!! Thanks again for the work on the shirts! :hug:

Tracey...Yay for 6 miles! Great job!!!

Vic...Pollen. ugh! Everything here is yellow too!

Maura...Great job on completing your 7 miles! That is awesome!

Claire...Yay for new shoes!!! :yay: Way tto go on your 4 miles!

Terri...A promotion! CONGRATS!!! Sounds like a great thing and will definately help you have more time for your workouts! Fantastic!

Amy...I'm so glad to hear your legs are feeling better and you had sunny 8 miler! So proud of you! "Putting the Fun back in the Run" :goodvibes

Shan and DH...YAY!!! Way to go you guys! :cool1:

Disney Dudest--So sorry about the bad workout. The bug is just disgusting. Happened to me once and nearly didn't recover! lol!

Deb...Thanks for the refreshing narative! You crack me up!!! :rotfl:

Scott... :banana: for your 1/2 marathon!!! Too bad about the timing! I know that must irritating for all you ING folks!

Angie...Way to go on your 9 miles! Great time chick!

For me...I did my longest run yet yesterday. 6 miles. I've about come to the same conclusion as Mel. I need to walk more. I actually did most of it walking and my pace was better! 13:58 avg pace. Go figure. I did some jogging, power walking and what I think was race-walking. My knee was a bit sore last night, but today is ok. My mid-lower back is sore today, but I guess that's to be expected. Thank goodness I go to the chiro today!

I finally tried the sport beans 1/2 way through and they were quite good! I had one of the Snicker's energy bars about an hour before hand and it was managable. It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but pretty good. Good enough I will continue to have one before my LRs.

Overall I was very pleased w/ the pace. I think I will try to walk a bit more as it seems it helps my pace and when I do run, it makes my runs faster. It will also be better on my joints and since I'm carrying around about 60lbs too many, the joints don't need too much added pressure right now. I still felt like a I got a good cardio workout and my avg HR was 171 and I like that number.

Now...If I could just my eating habits a bit more disciplined, we'd be good to go. :rolleyes1

Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Debra[/B] - I've signed up for a 10K trail run here in Philly in June. It starts and ends about 1/2 mile from my house. Love that location!;).


Is that run by chance the Wissahickon Trail Run? I am thinking about that one myself, along with my husband & brother. It's the only 10K I can find in the area in late May/early June although a trail run makes me a bit nervous (I run in the Wissahickon frequently, but HATE some of the hills!).

We must be neighbors - I'm in Mt. Airy!
I sense excitement building as the Minnie is now less than 5 weeks away.

My long run was today...I had hoped to be outside, but I'm a fair weather runner and actually we need the rain.

I did 8 miles in 73 min. on the TM. I think that works out to a 9:13 mile. I taped the Minnie race map on the machine and tried to drink when I got to a water spot and put the TM on incline just before the 3 mile mark to act like the overpass-(is there any other overpasses?) I also tried some of that gel stuff around mile 5. Thought maybe it worked, but maybe it was just all in my head-who knows-who cares? I ran and am getting close to my 9 min mile goal.

Oh we are so close and the excitement builds.....keep up the great work!
In case anyone wants to see what Zion National Park looks like, here are a few vacation pictures--me, DH (the photographer), DS. It's a really beautiful place to visit.


Scott & Craig Thanks for the training advice. I was already thinking that I will try an 8-miler. Also, will use my Tu/Th 3-milers to try a little speed work. And I'm on the fence about running a 10k this weekend.

Debra I love your description of your Sunday morning. Can't start a Sunday without a big coffee and the NYTimes Travel section.

Angie "Hmmmm, icing, cake" (Said in my best Homer Simpson food-lust voice)

StacieGreat job on the 6 miles. My LR this week was weird 'cause I did it slower than the week before, when I did a run/walk.

Happy Opening Day! Go Tigers! Go Red Sox! Yankees Su.....(you know)

Maura - So, have you decided on this weekend yet? Any chance you want to come cheer fro teh half or meet up at the expo anyway?

Morgan - :grouphug: I am far enough so that you can't throw anything at me, so I feel safe saying this. ;) If we didn't have the bad runs, teh good ones would not feel so good. I know, doesn't make it easier, but we all have tehm. DOn't let it get you down fro teh next one. Every time we start we have a new chance fro a great run adn we'll be flying after those. :grouphug:

Terri - :grouphug: I miss seeing you. Hope you can get back into the swing of things soon!

Joan - COngratulations on being so close to your goal!

Debra - You remind me of teh Walgreen's commercials. Ina perfect world.....:rotfl2:

Thanks to all teh good wishes fro my neck adn for the weather! The massage worked on my neck. the weather is a different story. :sad2:

Also, I posted a thread on teh CHiRunning workshop on teh events board. That has my most recent run report too.

Woo hoo! I have a WISH weekend coming up! Just what I need to clear teh funk I've been in!
We survived the weekend birthday party and for some reason Timmy didn't show his undying thanks for it. Doesn't that boy know what his mom went through to get everything just right. :lmao: (For those that don't know, he is turning 1 next week)

Lynnda was able to get the Blue's Clues 3D cake completed. I will try to get some pictures up later. I thought it was nice and she got several compliments about it.

It is getting hot already, not a good sign for May but the temperatures are still comfortable in the morning and evening. Just encourage everyone to finish quickly before it gets too hot. ;)

Vic - I hear you about the pollen. By the way, Timmy has a little people race car and we realized that he makes zooming noises with it. So he is more than ready to graduate to some bigger cars that I see you have that are just collecting dust. :rolleyes1 Debra can come and assist/supervise him to make sure the correct cars are picked.:lmao:

Joan - Great job on the run. You are doing great getting ready for Mickey. I also like to visualize the map when running but only seem to remember when I am in the long boring stretches. :rolleyes:

Stacie - Great job on the 6 miles. They do get easier. I also find that doing more walking can help my pace a little. Hope your back feels better.

Lily - Great job on the 6.4 miles. You are doing great during your recovery and actually listening to your doctor. I would probably ignore him and wind up doing more damage. :rolleyes1

HawaiiJeff - Sorry that you are feeling bad now. I didn't think that you could get sick in paradise. Now that Lost is on a little break, you have to keep us satisfied with new tidbits that come up. Although I would be afraid that I would slug Michael Emerson if I happened to see him. :rolleyes: He is a great actor.

Craig - You are just flying with your training. You might have time to wait for Expedition Everest to open, go for a ride and still finish under the time limit. How is the semester going for you. It should be at least half over, right.

Mel - Great job on the 12k. Sorry you don't feel too good now but don't overdo it before Minnie.

Tracy - Sorry you are getting blisters with your shoes. I wind up using a little thicker sock and haven't had problems since.

Maura - Great job getting the 7 miles in. Each time you keep going it gets easier the next time. You are in good shape for Minnie.

Terri - I totally understand being the slug. I have found all sorts of new excuses to relax instead of run. Hope your new race schedule helps out with your motivation.

Amy - Great job on the 8 miles. The excitement of the day will help your time but don't overdo it before hand. I know all too well this usually backfires on you somehow.

Shan - Congrats on finishing your first half. :cool1: I wouldn't worry about that 1 second especially if they are having mat problems. I didn't think they usually put that much distance between the mats so that sounds odd anyways.

Morgan - Ah yes the bugs...They are starting to show up around here and I will usually get 1-2 a week hit me in the face or mouth during the runs. Then when it gets too hot they get smart and leave. :lmao:

Debra - I definately like the first version better. Although I would have picked a better paper to read. ;)

Scott - Congrats on the half. It is great that you love running with Amy. It definately makes the time go quicker when you have someone to talk with.

Angie - Great job with the 9 miles. You have definately come a long way since you were sidelined.

Judy and Cam- Where are you...Can't hide too long or we will have to send the search party out for you.

Terri: After doing Goofy you definitely have license to be lazy for a while! Also, there's the great dessert clause after running a marathon (okay okay-- food after any "competition"!) :cake: But it wears off after a while and you gotta get ready for the next one! Great find on the job next to trails.

Amy: Good epiphany and good run. I figure as long as I'm able to enjoy a run next week, in five years, and in fifty years who cares how fast it is?

Shan: Congrats and it soooo counts! Now take a break and get that knee back to 100%. Kudos to your DH also!

Morgan: Hey you got the steps in, even met your goal (and took a bug out on the way!), don't be down. The humidity takes it out of you and especially as it's getting hotter. So take you time and be proud of what you can do!

Debra: LOL I like both versions of the day! I bet it was great. Gee we're heralding in the summer down here though! :scared: :beach:

Scott: :woohoo: on the ING! Enjoy the recovery week--it's a great thing! Good luck on the Mr. Universe thing...::yes::

Angie: Great pace on the LR! Ugggggggh I am so not ready for summer heat! We're getting up in temps here too.

Craig: That sounds like quite the workout! :yay:

Stacie: Good job on the 6 miles!!! Isn't it odd how walking just a bit helps make us faster overall? I'll take it though! Disciplined eating :rotfl: that's why I run girl!

Joan: Good job on the TM (I can't stand the things, I'd rather rough it in the rain!). Neat idea of "visualizing" the race.

Maura: Zion is very pretty (and it has those things called rocks and hills that I occasionally forget exist!). ...geaux tigers! (gotta make sure you spell the first word right!) hehehe

Carrie: yay for the massage!

Bill: As long as you get lots of pics that's what counts! Do post them soon.


Went for a nice 6 miler here. We've hit a stretch of pretty weather which is nice (65-75 degrees and cloudy/sunny).
Hey WiSHers! Yesterday I participated in my FIRST EVENT EVER, the Shamrock Shuffle 8K in Chicago. While on the course I saw someone ahead of me in bright green, and when I got closer I saw the WiSH logo and met Sandy321! We both finished, we both survived, and neither of us was dead last. This is what I call victory!
5 Bananas, one for each mile we made it through:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

The experience was great, but what made me most excited was my time. I hoped to finish in under 1:30, and I came in at 1:16. I have knee/hip problems, so I was only able to run parts of the race, but this has me confident that I'll be able to do the WDW Half in January, in the time allotted, and not have to push myself to the point of injury. I am so excited!
:yay: Aurora!! I put up a mini report on the KUDOS thread and included our picture!! If you go to the Shamrock Shuffle page they have results - I was "486th" im my age bracket!! :rotfl2:

ETA 1;20:08

I was convinced I was Dead Last Finsher btw (I might've been able to pass 4 people, but figured I'd miss a photo op with fdil - so I opted for photo!! :rotfl2: ) According to the results page, there were 70 people that came after me!! I have no idea what my time was but since it was my first 8K it was a personal best!! LOL I think I still did 16min miles tho!! ;)
Tracy: It does sound like the shoes are the culprit, which is too bad because the NB 902 is a sweet looking shoe. I'm just glad you have another pair to fall back on and which don't cause you pain. It sucks that you can't return the shoes, though.

Scott: You had a great run at ING, but I can understand why you're more excited about the Minnie. I so wish I was going at this point... Good luck with the weight training. Say, I know you're not going for the Mr. Universe title, but I think Mr. Minnie-verse sounds pretty good. It's probably up for grabs, too.

Angie: About your run. "Not too bad?" Um, yeah. 85 flipping degrees at 7 p.m. & you run 9 miles at 9.5? I certainly hope you were trying to chase down an ice-cream truck. Anyway, congratulations! Now I'm going to have to call you Mistress of Understatement as well as IronGirl. :rotfl:

Craig: Tim, Timminy, Tim Timminy...Oh, he's a crowd pleaser isn't he? I hate to admit it, but I overlooked him as a possibility. I love the way you evaluate players with an eye to the up-and-comers expected to dominate. No wonder your wager paid off! I need to pay more attention to American players. I tend to focus on players like Cech, or Manuel Almunia, for example.

In running news, thanks for reminding me of the importance of rest days; I tend to get impatient--want to improve NOW--so I need a good kick in the head. And the tip about second skin...:thumbsup2 As for your training and goals for the Minnie, I do think that if anyone has a chance of succeeding it would be you. It seems like you have that ability to analyze what you need to do as well as what you're doing, and are taking steps to get there. I think we'll be hearing some poofing post-Minnie! Here's hoping, anyway!

Aloha Jeff: Oh, oh. What's this I hear? You're sick? Awww, that must mean there's...Trouble in Paradise. :rotfl2: (You asked for that one, showing us all those pretty pictures.) I'm sure you'll be better in time for 10K, though. Are you running with anyone from the clinic?

Terri: Thanks for the race info. You've really packed them in. DOOD & I aren't too far away from Philly, so I wanted to get a sense of what might be there if we wanted to do a low-key weekend getaway and that was still interesting enough to attract locals. (Short distance, time for sightseeing.)

Stacie: Great job on your 6-miler and pace. I love sports beans because I get to pretend I'm eating candy while running. (Actually, that's pretty much what I'm doing, isn't it?) I've not tried the Snicker's energy bars, but my FIL swears by them. And if it's sweet, you know I'll try it at least once.

Joan: You're right about the excitement for the Minnie. I'm not going, and I'm so wanting to right now. You're all going to have a great time. Btw, your training strategy that takes into account the water stations & overpass...love it!

Maura: Your pictures are stunning. Zion National Park is beautiful, and I like the shots of Angel's Landing Trail. And everyone looked like they were having fun! P.S. Go Tigers!

Carrie: I responded to your Chi Running Workshop review, but I just want you to know that you're keeping me focused on my posture & core. I'm gonna keep asking you about your progress, too, seeing as your LR went so well!

Bill: Blue's Clues rocks! Even if Timmy didn't appreciate it now, you and Lynnda will have plenty of opportunity to help him do so later. Just bring out the pics at every possible social occasion as soon as he hits his tweens! As for my Sunday, I'm much more a 1st version kind of gal myself; and if you prefer, imagine me reading the paper of your choice. ;)

Claire: WTG with the 6 miler. You have to take advantage of the weather when it's near perfect, don't you? And I admire people who rough it in the rain....and you do both!

Aurora: Yay for your first race, for the great finish time, and for getting through injury free. I'm so happy you've got that experience under your belt, and are looking forward to the half. Too cool meeting Sandy, as well. Imagine the sea of lime green shirts in January! :cloud9:

Sandy: How funny, you posting right after Aurora! Yea for your race, too. I just knew you were DLF. And if you had been, who cares. It sounds like a great event complete with meeting new people & fun photo ops!

As for me: Holy Banana Bread! Another good, good run for me today! :goodvibes: This week is a cut-back week for me before building to the next notch in my training program, so maybe just the knowledge it was going to be an "easy" week spurred me on. But I think it was more than that: spring is in the air here, I had a relaxing day yesterday (which Craig reminds me is important to my health & sanity), and I was filled with good carbs & protein.

Yes, that's right, I ate lots and lots of both over the weekend. :upsidedow The protein tends to be a challenge to me, as I haven't always been a conscientious vegetarian meal-planner. But I've slowly been learning that food is fuel (yes, she can be taught) and I need the nuts! (Or beans or pick your veggie protein of choice.) So this weekend, when DOOD & I were planning dinner and he asked me what I felt like eating, I said, "I don't care, as long as it has enough protein."

Of course, he then offered to buy me a steak :sad2: :lmao: and I had to tell him there was a limit to my dedication to running.
I now I'm all over the board right now, but they changed my chip time back to 2:29:58!!! :yay:
Shan - congrats for the time change!

Kira - Yep we're neighbors. I'm in Roxborough and th race I referred to was the Wissahickon. I've never done an official trail run before, so this should be interesting. Last time I ran on Forbidden Drive, I got shin splints.

Debra - We've got a "short" 10-miler the first Sunday in May (May 4th). It's the Broad Street Run. Mostly on a downhill slant. Fast course. Where else can you high-five the state Governor on the course?:goodvibes
Races finishes in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Come on up (or down) and see us!

WISHer's, good going on the races, and training runs.

Shan: Just pretend you ran in the next time zone to the West of where you are. That way you finished an hour earlier than your chip time. Works for me when we run the Disneyland half, because it's 3 hours earlier in California than it is here in Hawaii. For the Goofy, I finished 5 hours faster, since I was in Florida, LOL. :rotfl2:

Bill: Michael Emerson is totally the opposite of his character "Ben" on LOST. I heard him speak a while back at the local film festival. Very down to earth, and mellow. Yeah, I hate his character also, but the actor is really nice.

I think I forgot to mention before in my previous post about meeting several LOST actors, I have also met Henry Ian Cusik (Desmond). Most of the LOST actors were no-names before getting cast for this show. I only knew of Matthew Fox from Party of Five. Can't say I ever heard of anyone else before this show. Anyways, they're all pretty cool about giving autographs, posing for photos, or sharing the "Aloha spirit."

As far as filming, I know they do a lot on several beaches around the island. From Kualoa Ranch, to North Shore. A lot of the jungle shots are in Manoa Valley. I was hiking once, and came across their set out in the boonies. Later, while watching the show, I recognized the scene that was filmed where we were hiking.

Deb: Yeah, only you would think my photos had something to due with it. Just for that, here's another photo. :lmao:


I think four of us from the clinic are running this race. BTW, the clinic had about 200+ people out last Sunday. Still down from the very first week of 300+. (If I had a wide angle lens, you'd see WAAAAAAAAY more people than what's shown here, listening to Dr. Scaff's training tips).


I might need to get into the doctor's office Tuesday. This sore throat just hasn't gone away since last Thursday. The lozenges, spray, hot tea with honey and lemon aren't doing the job. Dull pain in the throat, and seems to now be spreading into my ear passages. Weird, no runny nose or cough. The fever only lasted a few hours on Thursday. It could be time for some antibiotics.

Hoping it goes away on it's own, but concerned it may be strep or another type of bacterial infection. The rest of the body feels fine, but I know what you're thinking, "It's all in my head." :laughing:

No training to report. Hopefully I feel well enough to run Tuesday and Thursday.

Finally, I'm bummed that Aloha Airlines filed Bankruptcy and closed their business today. I lost over 64,000 frequent flier miles. Miles I could have used for free round trip air travel to John Wayne airport for Disneyland, and the Disneyland Half Marathon. IT'S NOT FAIR!!! Oh well, it's gone now. :sad1:
Hi guys...not much to report from my world as it's my pseudo rest-day...taught 3 classes and did way more teaching than participating. So hopefully the legs will appreciate me tomorrow ;).

Aloha, Jeff: Beautiful picture! I'm planning to run-away to Hawaii...if spring doesn't hit here soon I'm jumping on a plane. :sunny:

Shan: Yay for the time change. I'm so glad they made good!

Debra: WOW...great run girl! I'm so happy to hear you're having such comfortable runs. That's really my main goal. Also...the whole protein issue is a big deal. I need to concentrate on that myself. :) BTW..loved BOTH versions of your day...sounds like a much needed relaxing day with Dood!

Aurora: CONGRATS on your first race!!!! :thumbsup2 It's such a great accomplishment.

Joan: You are super speedy! Wow!!!! You must be one of those natural runners :). GREAT job..you're going to do an amazing job at the Minnie!!!

Carrie: Thanks again for posting about the Chi Workshop. I loved your honesty about everything!

Stacie: I posted on your journal...but it deserves to be repeated. AWESOME job with your 6 Mile Run :). You did great...and adding walks in is smart IMO. No shame there girl. You had a good solid pace! :hug:

Maura: Thanks for sharing your beautiful pics of Zion!

Claire: So nice to see you posting! Sounds like youv'e been doing great with your training :).

Terri: One of these years I'll do Broad Street..I've heard GREAT things about that race!!! :)

Bill: How exciting that he turned ONE! OMG...I remember those b'days with my kids. Definitely more of an event for the parents LOL. But still....ahh one is such a special time as they really begin to discover the world. :cloud9:

Craig: Thanks for having so much confidence in my pace! :) Actually...I think you are a good bit faster than me...and I suspect you will have an AWESOME race at the Minnie. I'm not sure I have it in me to maintain that quick of a pace for the full 9 plus. But wow...to even imagine I could hang with you guys is pretty awesome!!!!
Aarrggh! Thought I'd cruise through my 3 miler today and throw in a few fast intervals--felt good to start, but still fighting some tightness/soreness in my shins/ankles--at least today it didn't start til later in the run. So I bagged it at 2.5 miles--better safe than sorry.
Sitting here at work with ice bags on my legs--at least I have my private office for a little while longer and can close the door! (Soon to move to cubicle-ville)
Carrie Not sure I'll run on Saturday, but I just signed up to volunteer on Sunday--I'll be a course marshall! So all you Wishers out there running the Martian half/marathon--I'll look for you!

Maura - Woo hoo!!! Hope to see you on teh course! Dh adn I will be together in our WISH hirts, so we should be hard to miss.

Diane? Are you out there? I sent you an e-mail, but must have used the wrong address. Hope to see you and SUsan and your crew Sunday!

Debra - Holy banana bread? :rotfl2: Congrats on teh great run! I'm trying to rememeber posture all the time. Worked on it SUnday in church, but failed miserably yesterday. Thansk for teh reminder!

Aurora - COngratiulations!!!!!

Shan - Woo hoo! Does this mean you don't have to do CMM now? ;)

Sanda - COngrats on Shamrock!!

Craig - Glad to see you're back in action!

Claire - Good ot see you again!

Bad TM 30 min last night. At lest it was just my mp3 that went flying off the back and not me. I had my Palm with a book as a backup, so not great loss. Chi on teh TM is way hard. COuld not get my legs to relax and had to stop, as my shins hurt. Good thing TM season is almost done!
Good Morning Wishers!

Sandy/Aurora...Great race you guys!!! You should be so proud! :cool1:

Deb...So glad to hear you had a great run! Sounds like you're fueling well too! :goodvibes

Shan...Yay for the time change!!! Whoo hoo! :banana:

Maura...Great pics! Hope your shins heal quickly!

Joan...Great idea w/ the Minnie map! I try to visualize the finish. Good job on the 8 miles!

Bill...We'd love to see some pics!

Claire... Good job on your 6 miles! Nice weather! I'm jealous. Today is 70, but rainy and the temps are all over the place this week!

Amy...Glad you had a rest day! I'm sure your legs will love you! :lovestruc

For me... Yesterday was XT for me. 40 min was on tap. I had to MAKE myself go to gym, but it paid off. I did 40 min on the elliptical. 1.8 miles...That's really slow according to my pace when I walk/run, but it was a really good workout. Then, I decided to hop on the bike for a leisurely 30 min and got in 8.2 miles. The shins were really aching and are still a bit sore today. Actually, I'm pretty stiff all over today, but I feel good knowing I got in a good workout.

G'mornin' WiSHaaaaahhhhsss!! (just think, if we were a basketball team, we'd be the sWiSHers...a beach volleyball team we'd be the sandWiSHers...)

Angie - 85 degrees...man how things go from all wintery around here to too hot. I guess as runners we have about two weeks all year of perfect conditions :rotfl: Nice run though!

Craig - I'm with you on the race expectations for sure. They changed the times again yesterday, thankfully, but I'd love to know the behind the scenes on what they have to do to calculate the chip times...I just thought it was automatic :confused3 Awesome run, that 8:58 pace is killer...with 4 more weeks of training left, I'm positive you'll hit your sub 9 goal for the Minnie. Looks like all of us will be pacing pretty close, I certainly am looking forward to getting out there with Amy :goodvibes:

Stacie - Nice work with all of the XT yesterday! Remember that as long as your HR is up, it's quality so don't worry about being slow or whatever. Don't forget to stretch a bit afterwards and drink lots of water...that will help with the aching legs.

Joan - Pretty cool that you taped the race map on the TM!! I think treaddies should be connected to the internet and able to access mapmyrun.com or something so that they could emulate the race courses exactly. With 4 weeks left, I'm sure you can hit your 9mpm goal!!

Maura - Thanks for the photos!! Looks beautiful out there, certainly a place I want to visit someday. I'd say "Go Braves", but we've started off 0-2, have no bullpen and a manager that really needs to have retired 5 years ago. *sigh*

Carrie - Glad the neck is better!! Awesome advice by the way regarding how if we didn't have the bad runs, the good ones wouldn't feel so good :) I'll have to remember that one :goodvibes: Did the mp3 survive the fall?

Bill - Glad everything worked out for the party! LOVE those first few years and all of the little changes that go on each day with the kids...do enjoy!

Claire - Ahhhh 65-75 is perfect!! Glad you had a nice 6 miler!

Aurora - Great job blowing away your goal!! wow!! And yes, if you can do an 8k in March at that pace, you'll have NO problems with the half in January...just stay injury free :)

Sandy - Congrats on the 8k too!! 70 people behind you is not even close to DLF :) Good job!! Glad to see you stopped for the photo...it's all about having fun out there!

Mickey - Glad to see things are still okey dokey in your neck of the woods! Any chance you could get that new Toy Story Mania ride working for our trip to the Minnie Weekend? Thanks for all the great times in the past, certainly looking forward to a few awesome days at your place in May.

Debra - Shhhhhh...don't let the Mr. Minnie-verse thing out of the bag. If no one knows about it, then I'll win for sure!! Congrats on the good, good run!! Thank you for keeping us posted on your carbs and protein, nutrition is a constant battle and it's nice to see what works for you.

AlohaJeff - Soooo cool about the Lost folks! I'm sorry to hear that you are sick, sounds like some antibiotics are needed, good luck with the doctor...and there isn't any way to get those miles transferred over to a different airline? That totally stinks and is pretty unfair.

Maura - Thank you for volunteering!! I hope your legs recover soon..that was a smart idea pulling back the run to avoid further injury.

Amy - Glad you were feeling good yesterday and I'm hoping that you hold up well through the 3 classes today. :hug: I really cannot wait to get to WDW and finish those races with you!! (ok, secretly I'm really ready to park hop! Here's hoping that ToT doesn't break down just before dropping again :scared: )

Scott's World - Yesterday was a scheduled rest day so I spent some quality time with the couch and my remote. Ended up watching an odd combination of the pathetic Braves and WWE (?). Today is a pilates/run/weight train kind of day and I'm looking forward to the workouts. In exactly one month, I'll be trekking down to WDW and...well...I'm just a bit excited :goodvibes:

Hope everyone has a great day!!
OriginalBill - You doll. :hug: Thanks for looking for me. That means a lot. I've been home for a week and a half now, first with the flu and now with bronchitis. :sick: I've never had the flu before and I don't need to ever again. OMG it was awful! I haven't really eaten in a week and I've dropped eight pounds in six days. Under any other circumstances I might be happy about that. But now I have no strength. I can't even think about training right now.

Anyway, thats where I am. Coughing. Watching I Love Lucy. And really missing training. A lot.


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