** WISH Volunteers for 2010 WDW Marathon Weekend **

I believe the Full Water Stops over near the MK we had to be there around 5am. We meet at the MK parking lot near the Poly. SO if this is something that other wuld like to do let me know. Either Water stop right after the TTC #7 or the water stop just backstage exiting the Magic Kingdom #11. We did the one behind the Magic Kingdome where they keep the floats.

As published last year...
Water Stop #7 shift is from 4am to 10am
Water Stop #11 shift is from 5am to 10:30am. We finished this shift at 9:45 and were back in the parking lot by about 10:00am.

So far interested people:

Me (dsnyfan21)
Jennifer (bobnjenn0828)
Bobby (bobnjenn0828)

Who else would like to join in???
Just means I have to bring WAY more Licorice Whips!!! ;)


You and your whips! :lmao: Regardless of who is registered for what I will be very happy to see everyone on the course and along them. :grouphug:

Thanks to all that are volunteering!!!!! Those that are doing it for the 1st time, it's a blast and very uplifting! I think I had as much fun volunteering last year as I had with doing the race.

Glad to see that Red W.S. #2 is manned!!! It's been in my head that you all would be there at the start and since I really really hate those 1st few miles as I settle in on any race seeing smiling faces that early on will pull us thru. I love that the group is so spread out that once you pass one vounteer/cheer group you are already looking forward to the next. :thumbsup2
Diane, I GUAR-AUN-TEE you wil not be able to miss us!

:yay: :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo: :banana:
LOL Judy! Let me think is it possible to actually miss a scream team member? hmmm.... 2008 Red W.S. #2, nope just on the wrong side silly me but I'm a lefty so always on the wrong side ;) A certain bridge over World Drive with a very crazy crazy man hanging over the side wearing a cone shaped blue hat with stars on it, hmmmm definitely didn't miss him. Crazy women/men at the TTC screaming, ringing cow bells and cracking candy whips! No chance missing THAT! Playing Where's Waldo in March with Chester, any chance we could have missed HIM?!?!?!? Nadda! The highlights of all the races is spotting the Scream Team :cheer2: Never know what crazy antics they will pull to amuse and inspire :grouphug:
Hey Diane!! :) How are YOU????? Goofy??? Wow!! You Go Girl!!! I will be looking for you at both races!!!! Are you a Facebook gal? if so.. message me... or just find me there!

Kathy: If you have your heart set on doing the Half, there are still ways to get in. I am almost positive that Marathon Tours and Travel has spots open until about September. They have hotels in all price ranges and their deals are good. Their prices include all taxes and they even give you a $5 break on the registration fee.

Since I am doing the ING NYC Marathon in November - and I hear it's particularly brutal - I have decided to forego doing any events in January except maybe the 5K. That means I am available to volunteer. My plan is to volunteer for the full and just Scream Team for the half. I think I'd like to do Red Water Stop #2 because it is over with so early. My only problem is that we are staying at OKW this year and won't have a car. Worst case scenario, I will reserve a cab to take me over to WWoS. Do I need to sign up as an individual volunteer or will the group do it for me? And if we do it as a group, we still get all our goodies, right?

And I just saw that Anne is doing the Goofy this year......will there still be a group of WISHers at the end of the out and back? I can help there this year if need be.
I must withdraw my offer to help at water stop #2 - I am going Goofy. DH Jim though will still be volunteering.
Yes.. we will stay till the end for ALL the wishers.. cheering for everyone!!

And Pat.. GOOFY!!! WTG!!! Wow!! Good for you!!! :cool1:

Can you add, Dale (dh), Aubre (dd-21) and myself to the list of volunteers. I see that the red water stop is full. How do we get on another one (preferably an early one like that).

We are all doing the 1/2 and we are staying at BWV (yippe, our waitlist came through)
Jeanne and Patty - I am pretty sure I can still add you all to RWS#2. I'll double check with Kristi. We have registered for a Group Spot there, but EVERYONE MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY as soon as registration becomes available. Kristi and I are watching for that but if anyone gets the email let us know so we can all start registering. Inicate that you want RWS#2.

Incorrect! If you are in a Group you register thru the Group Website. Sorry for the incorrect information. See newest posts in this thread.
I don't have the papers I faxed in front of me right now, but I think I put us down as the WISH team.
I probably also mentioned the DISboards somewhere. I will dig up the application I faxed and get back to you.

More than 10 people is fabulous at any location - the more the merrier! :banana:
Thanks Judy, I did not realize that. Is there a website I should be checking or will someone just post a link here?

Yes, Kristi or I will post the link to register. I'm so happy you guys will be joining us, Patty! :yay:
And I just saw that Anne is doing the Goofy this year......will there still be a group of WISHers at the end of the out and back? I can help there this year if need be.

Yes, we are still planning to staff the out and back near WWOS. Not sure who just yet, but thanks for volunteering. I can get the oranges, betting Bill would be able to help with that also.
Mel? Judy? Kristi? Is there a list of supplies and who is bringing what? I know KATHY! Has her whips :laughing: And last year I dropped some oranges but I am so far not sure when I am i getting in so might be better off giving someone like you or Bill some money towards oranges or someting.

One thing I had in 2008 from a sweet couple was an individually wrapped mint. They heard me say to DH Ray that I wasn't feeling good (heading towards the S&D) and they gave me a mint. I had skipped the candy offered in MGM. Anyways because of feeling like this at that point and knowing they DO run out of candy (my friend Cathy didn't see any when she came thru) I thought I might toss a big bag into my luggage for whoever was Scream Teaming in that area.

AND! BTW MEL! I've been thinking of those fig newtons :lmao: I have yet to train with them but keep remembering you saying if left with you they'd be gone LOL

KATHY! I have yet to sign up for facebook but each day am getting more and more tempted and all because of the team :surfweb:

Also if the list has been discussed already just point me in the direction
(ie: back a few pages on this thread?) and I'll grab an energy bar and powerade and do some light reading ;)
Kristi and/or Judy -- I can't find where the heck volunteer registration is on the site. Do you know? Am I missing it? Or is it not posted yet? Yes, I am clueless. :confused3


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