** WISH Volunteers for 2010 WDW Marathon Weekend **


We want to volunteer! This, as you know, is our first Disney event, and cannot wait, but since are doing the 1/2 we'd love to volunteer for the full. It's myself, hubby (Dale) and dd (Aubre). What do we have to do to sign up?
I'm in, Judy. This is still for water stop #2?
WISH is all set up to group volunteer at red water stop #2 (full marathon) again this year! :banana:
Those who are interested in that assignment, please let Judy know & she can update the first post on this thread.

If we have 10+ people interested in another location, please let me know & I can request another official group volunteer location. Maybe something for the half? Maybe another stop later during the Full? An Expo shift?

Also, anyone can volunteer anywhere they choose to do so.
If you are more comfortable, you can sign up for any assignment directly with Disney Sports.
And yes, they do need volunteers for the 5k, Half, and the Expo as well.

FYI - Individual sign-up has not begun yet, just groups.
WISH is all set up to group volunteer at red water stop #2 (full marathon) again this year! :banana:
Those who are interested in that assignment, please let Judy know & she can update the first post on this thread.

If we have 10+ people interested in another location, please let me know & I can request another official group volunteer location. Maybe something for the half? Maybe another stop later during the Full? An Expo shift?

Also, anyone can volunteer anywhere they choose to do so.
If you are more comfortable, you can sign up for any assignment directly with Disney Sports.
And yes, they do need volunteers for the 5k, Half, and the Expo as well.

FYI - Individual sign-up has not begun yet, just groups.

Anything we need to do, Kristi? Or you guys register the group and we just show up? Will they send us emails as it gets closer to time? (Sorry...newbie questions :))
Anything we need to do, Kristi? Or you guys register the group and we just show up? Will they send us emails as it gets closer to time? (Sorry...newbie questions :))
The past two years, we've just kind of all signed up for positions on our own. This is the first time as an official group. I'll let everyone know more, when we know more. I did sign us up as a group of 10+. So, initially, we need 10 for red water stop #2.
Thanks for handling this, Kristi! :thumbsup2

Patty & Mel - Watch this thread for updates! popcorn::
I'm going Goofy this time :eek::eek:so won't be able to volunteer.

First, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for volunteering! :worship:
It is so great to see WISH on the course.

Second, like Deb please let me know if I can contribute anything to help those scream teaming and handing out Twizzlers (my fave), water, cold towels (second fave), etc. Anything I can do to help you help all of us.
I volunteered during the full at waterstop #11 with Amy, Maura and Bryan. It's the waterstop just behind Splash and Thunder Mountains. It is a bit of a later time frame, but we were done about 45 min before the projected time. It was enough that if you wanted to get over to the HS or EPCOT you would still see the middle to end of the pack people finishing. Still early in the day and not in the sun.
Anyone who would like to do that one or maybe the one just after the TTC before the Contemporary, let me know. Maybe we could get 10 people or so. We had to meet in the MK parking lot near the Poly and not over at the WWoS complex in the AM.

I volunteered during the full at waterstop #11 with Amy, Maura and Bryan. It's the waterstop just behind Splash and Thunder Mountains. It is a bit of a later time frame, but we were done about 45 min before the projected time. It was enough that if you wanted to get over to the HS or EPCOT you would still see the middle to end of the pack people finishing. Still early in the day and not in the sun.
Great idea! :thumbsup2

Let's see if we can get 10 (or more) people interested in this, or another later morning position and I will fax the information over to our contact!
Hi, Judy! I just realized I am not on your list yet. Sorry!
I am volunteering for the full at Red Water Stop #2.
Howard and I will be staying at BCV.

Thanks for coordinating this! Hugs! :hug:
Hi, Judy! I just realized I am not on your list yet. Sorry!
I am volunteering for the full at Red Water Stop #2.
Howard and I will be staying at BCV.

Thanks for coordinating this! Hugs! :hug:

Oops. I think you told me a couple of weeks ago. But I might have been distracted.... :lmao:
HI :)

Okay.. since I totally zoned.. and COMPLETELY missed registration for the 1/2.. and it is now FULL!! and there is NO WAY I am doing the full.. I will be volunteering for both! DUH!! So.. Judy.. put me down for the red water stop again with you lovelies :) And I can volunteer somewhere with Howard for the 1/2.. Yeah.. Yeah.. I know.. OY! Damn Show Biz!! getting in the way of my DISing.. and stuff! :(

Well.. I love cheering more anyway!! LOL!!!

Just means I have to bring WAY more Licorice Whips!!! ;)

Kathy - don't feel bad. I am skipping the Half as well this year. I have 3 Donalds, and really don't need anymore. I am thinking of doing the 5k since I will be there though. Not sure yet.
Kathy - don't feel bad. I am skipping the Half as well this year. I have 3 Donalds, and really don't need anymore. I am thinking of doing the 5k since I will be there though. Not sure yet.

What? You two aren't doing the Half??? :eek: :guilty: :sad1:
What? You two aren't doing the Half??? :eek: :guilty: :sad1:

LOL!! Sorry Judy... I didn't do it on purpose.. really... But.. Hmmm.. the 5k.. now there's an idea Kristi.. I hadn't even considered that! ...

When and where does the sign up happen?

also DH, dd and I will be at BCV
Sandy - Individual registration isn't open yet, just for groups. Watch this thread for updates. :thumbsup2 Thanks for the resort info.

Everyone - If you are thinking of volunteering somewhere else and we get a group of ten or more, Kristi can register you as a group there too. You don't have to choose RWS#2 to be in a group, you just need ten or more volunteers. Hopefully, individual registration will open soon too. We'll keep you posted!

:cheer2: :yay: :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo:
I volunteered during the full at waterstop #11 with Amy, Maura and Bryan. It's the waterstop just behind Splash and Thunder Mountains. It is a bit of a later time frame, but we were done about 45 min before the projected time. It was enough that if you wanted to get over to the HS or EPCOT you would still see the middle to end of the pack people finishing. Still early in the day and not in the sun.
Anyone who would like to do that one or maybe the one just after the TTC before the Contemporary, let me know. Maybe we could get 10 people or so. We had to meet in the MK parking lot near the Poly and not over at the WWoS complex in the AM.



Put me and Bobby down for volunteering - we don't care which one. We have never done it before so it will be fun!!


Put me and Bobby down for volunteering - we don't care which one. We have never done it before so it will be fun!!


Jennifer -

If you've never done it before, you might want to wait until registration opens to see what the requirements are. Different locations have different requirements. As examples, Red Water Stop #2 has to report to WWoS at 3:00am but we are done by 8:00am. If you work the finish chute you have to be there all day. Some locations require you to be on your feet all day, some do not. You might want to find out what you're in for before you say you don't care which one.

Do check it out and register though, because it's so much fun! :banana:


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