When your house guests are rude, pushy, demanding and they're family


DIS Veteran
Mar 28, 2011
Story time!

I'm not looking for advice really. Just want to complain because it's cheaper to do that here than pay a therapist and all of our extra $$ is going to pay for ODD's college right now. :rotfl2: This tale is about my DH's aunt & uncle, who I'll just refer to as Aunt and Uncle.

We love Aunt & Uncle very much. In their heart of hearts, they're good people. But oh my stars, in the last 10 years, they've become SO self absorbed. There's always been a strain of "All About Me" with them, but these past 2 years really take the cake.

Back in Aug 2023, my MIL was dying of uterine cancer. She died at the start of Labor Day weekend that year. Word to the wise: go to the gynecologist for regular check ups. Don't do what she did and avoid the lady doctor for 30 yr. From diagnosis to death, it was a few weeks. Once diagnosis was known, MIL said she wanted hospice care & no cancer treatment. DH notified Aunt & Uncle right away because he knew they'd want to come out here to visit her 1 last time. They were notified in early August. Took them until the end of the month to come. Aunt & Uncle were both retired at the time, had no obligations or anywhere they had to be.

Fast forward to end of Aug 2023, Aunt & Uncle arrived. They're very frugal (always have been), didn't want to pay to stay in a hotel nearby, demanded last minute to stay at MIL's house. Ok fine, but don't bring your cat into the house (MIL had 2 cats, which were being looked after daily by 1 of MIL's church friends).

MIL lived ~1.5 hr from us. During the entire ordeal, DH did almost daily 3 hr round trips to the hospital, and later to the assisted living/hospice care facility. live. Super stressful. Focus was on MIL, keeping her comfortable, dealing with care management challenges and all that goes with that.

Aunt & Uncle asked if they could stay in MIL's house. But didn't ask until they were a couple of hours away. Ok fine. Go for it, but hey - we've had to focus on MIL's care needs, not doing a deep clean of her house in case somebody might spend the night there. Aunt & Uncle said no problem, we don't care. Great. DH met them at the house, gave them a key.

Some antics from their 4-day stay:
  • DH told them to not bring Aunt's cat w/them. Brought cat anyway.
  • DH told them not to bring cat into the house. They did it anyway. Gave free reign to Aunt's cat. MIL's 2 cats then defended their territory from the foreign invader, fur flew, there was scratching & cat arguing involved. Am happy to report that MIL's cat George held his ground. Uncle claimed that George 'tried to kill Aunt's cat.' Not sorry. DH told you to not bring the cat into the house. You didn't respect that. This is George's house, not yours.
  • Complained about the lack of deep clean housekeeping in MIL's bedroom. Oh did I mention that they slept in MIL's bedroom? Yeah. If you're thinking What The Heck, you're right. What. The. Heck. MIL had been in the hospital for over a month at that point. Our priorities were with her, not with the dust in the corner. Besides, you could have stayed in a hotel and you told us last minute that you wanted to stay at MIL's house.
  • Complained that there wasn't any food in MIL's fridge for them to eat. Um...hello? Since when did this require us to provide you with groceries?
  • Demanded my DH go to the grocery store, and spend $75 on groceries for them. How come they couldn't do this themselves? "You don't understand. We could get COVID and die." But you're ok with my DH getting COVID? When they went to the assisted living/hospice care facility, did they wear masks? No. Did they reimburse us for the groceries? No.
  • Demanded that assisted living facility allow them to visit MIL at midnight "because it's too hot outside for Aunt. You don't understand, Aunt could die from the heat."
  • Continual complaints about the heat the entire 4 days they were there. Constant claims that Aunt was going to die of heat stroke. Meanwhile, my DH's mother was, literally, dying. And while Aunt & Uncle were in town, MIL did die. But continued to complain about how Aunt was going to die of the heat. Hello...it's AZ and late Aug/early Sept. It's still 90+ degrees out.
  • AFTER MIL died, we (me, DH, my 2 kids, SIL, her 2 kids) were all at MIL's house & talking. Aunt blessed us with her opinions of how ugly she thought MIL's antique furniture was & how she thought we should throw it all away. Then went on to tell us how we needed to spend at least $40,000 "fixing up MIL's house" in order to sell it. Side note: the house got sold 'as is' to Open Door 2 months later. Totally easy process. And some of MIL's furniture is at SIL's house, some is at our house...and we think of her fondly every time we see her treasures in our home. :-)
So fast forward to now:
A few months ago, Uncle said he & Aunt are planning on going on an epic 1+ month road trip in their RV/camper van...the camper van that they've been living in for the past 2 years...the last year of which they've had it parked at a campground near the beach in southern CA (this is self-imposed, btw. They have plenty of $$ to afford a condo, townhouse, or small retirement home somewhere; they choose to live in a camper van for now). So yeah, they're livin' in a van down by the river. Their road trip sounds great...they want to stop for a couple of days to visit us, they're stopping a couple of places in TX to visit some of Aunt's relatives, stopping for a few days in FL to visit a friend, and also going to TN because Aunt wants to do some geneology research.


Orig. plan: trip starts in Jan. Now it's late March. When is trip starting? What dates will they be here? They don't know. Uncle called yesterday. They're not sure if they'll be able to leave before mid-April. And, in fact, they don't really know for sure WHEN exactly their trip will begin.

We live in an HOA. A lot of developments in AZ are in HOA. If you have an RV, camper, camper van, etc & you want to park it in front of your house for a couple of days, that's allowed but you have to request permission ahead of time. Has to be for specific dates. Normal HOA stuff.

So like we saw back in 2023, Uncle thinks rules shouldn't apply to him.
"But can't you just tell them that we don't know when we'll arrive?" No, that's not how it works.
"Oh I'm sure if you ask they'll make an exception." No, they won't. Maybe you should plan on reserving a spot at an RV park somewhere nearby or stay at a hotel.

Aunt "can't handle the heat." Will "die of heat stroke if she's too hot." Guess what? It's going to be 96 today, 86 tomorrow at my house. What does "too hot" mean for Aunt? Above 80 degrees.

So why in the world are they choosing to start their trip at a time of year when it's warming up literally everywhere?
Like, you should have come here 2 months ago. It's now the time of year here when all of the snowbirds are LEAVING for cooler climates elsewhere. And THIS is when Aunt & Uncle are finally getting started...the Aunt who will "die of heat stroke."

They also want DH & I to crank the A/C in our home down to 70 degrees. When it's 70 degrees here, we have sweatshirts on and are cold. Besides, all of the A/C repair people in our area have said that you shouldn't have your A/C that low, especially if you've got ceiling fans in each room like we do, because the A/C unit will poop out and die. You know what we have our A/C set at in our house? 82. With ceiling fans set on high + the low humidity we have here, it feels like 77 in the house and I'm using a blanket.

So I suggested to Uncle that instead of stopping to visit us, they should consider driving through AZ on the northern route, taking I-40 through Flagstaff, then Albuquerque...it'll be cooler up there and they'll see some lovely scenery. Oh no, they won't be doing that. They really want to see us. Great, we'd love to see you, too, but you can't bring your cat here into the house (we have a 7 yr old cat & a 16 yr old cat and you're not going to disrupt my senior kitty's retirement sanctuary) and it's not going to be 72 like it is in San Diego and it's not going to be 70 inside my house.

But YDD has class during the day (she's in high school). DH & I work full time. And Aunt & Uncle can't tell us exactly how many days they'll be here or what their arrival date will be. OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! LOL

Oh and hey, Uncle, don't come the last weekend of April because DH will be out of town.
Don't come the week after Easter because I have mandatory days in person in the office all that week because of a big work event going on.
Don't come Mother's Day weekend because DH will be at ODD's college to help her move out of the dorm.

Everything involving this Aunt & Uncle ends up being complicated, full of drama. They're always late to everything. And expect the rest of the world to cater to their demands. I've lost count the # of times I've heard Uncle say, "You don't understand. It's so hard because ___," when everything that comes after the "because" is stuff that's occurred because they, themselves, have created the crazy complicated situation they're in at the time. ALL of it is self-imposed.

Feels like I have to gird my loins in preparation for an upcoming battle or something. Sorry, folks, but I've been adulting for awhile now, too, and what you're expecting and demanding is not reasonable. And no, we won't be doing it your way. This isn't Burger King.

If you've made it this far and it feels like you need a cocktail, yeah...you're right. here's a virtual one! --> 🍸 Thanks for listening and thanks for the cheap therapy.

And if anybody thinks that we should just accommodate their demands in order to get along, give me your address. I'll have Aunt & Uncle stop by your place on their road trip and you, too, can experience it first hand. LOL. :rotfl2:
Well bless their hearts.

I wouldn't be rolling out a welcome mat to stay at my house for people who steamroll over any and all requests and requirements, particularly with family who's suffering through the end days of a loved one, but that's just me. Reading all you've outlined my best offer would be meeting us at our favorite restaurant for dinner, our treat. If the dinner goes well I might be prepared to treat them for breakfast on their last morning in town at a great breakfast spot. If there are any flags on the play during dinner the breakfast invite will not be forthcoming.
Sorry you are going through this. I would probably conveniently “not be home” whenever they planned to show up. Faux work conference, whatever. I would not be risking a big HOA violation and/or fine because they couldn’t plan ahead. If they can afford the Van Life, they can afford to park it in an RV site overnight. Anyone who cannot respect the rules of the house cannot visit. Period. They can beg until the cows come home. I had an aunt like that, but instead of cats it was smoking. I am allergic to tobacco smoke, but that didn’t stop her. Non smoking hotels didn’t stop her. She could not visit our home because she refused to go outside to smoke (which still would have affected my allergies but not as badly).

Our HOA makes us get permission to have an RV in the driveway to pack for a trip, in addition to having a two week limit for visitors. They are strict about it. If you want to park your camper van on your property full time, you have to have a garage it will fit in (one family on our street has this - two car bays and a slightly higher and double long bay for the camper and boat trailer).

Since these are family members that you don’t want to completely alienate, perhaps turn the tables and offer to visit them. Whenever you can get a few days off. Might be summer. Might be fall. You’ll keep them posted. . . 😉
Inconsiderate family members are the worst. It sounds like they're the perfect combination of entitled and ignorant where they expect everyone to make exceptions and accommodate their demands. Obviously keep saying no, or the taking advantage will never stop.

Do uncle and aunt happen to be named Eddie and Catherine? And do they have a dog named Snots? Because this is all I could think of reading your post:

Inconsiderate family members are the worst. It sounds like they're the perfect combination of entitled and ignorant where they expect everyone to make exceptions and accommodate their demands. Obviously keep saying no, or the taking advantage will never stop.

Do uncle and aunt happen to be named Eddie and Catherine? And do they have a dog named Snots? Because this is all I could think of reading your post:

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ironically, the whole thing reminded me of Cousin Eddie when Uncle called yesterday! LOL. They're not on the...cultural level of Cousin Eddie, but they are some of the loudest people I've ever encountered. Like, they don't do anything quietly.

There was one epic time over 20 yr ago when DH & I were visiting them at their house. We went w/them to a local grocery store near their home to pick up a few things for meals. DH & I split up temporarily from Aunt & Uncle after we heard Uncle shout at the top of his lungs to Aunt from 2 aisles away, "AUNT'S_NAME?! HEY, AUNT'S_NAME! DON'T FORGET THE METAMUCIL! OH AND I THINK WE NEED MORE TOILET PAPER!"

It was so loud that other people were staring at them.

DH quickly grabbed my arm and booked it to the back of the store and whispered to me, "OMG they are so embarrassing right now. We're going to pretend we don't know them."
ironically, the whole thing reminded me of Cousin Eddie when Uncle called yesterday! LOL. They're not on the...cultural level of Cousin Eddie, but they are some of the loudest people I've ever encountered. Like, they don't do anything quietly.

There was one epic time over 20 yr ago when DH & I were visiting them at their house. We went w/them to a local grocery store near their home to pick up a few things for meals. DH & I split up temporarily from Aunt & Uncle after we heard Uncle shout at the top of his lungs to Aunt from 2 aisles away, "AUNT'S_NAME?! HEY, AUNT'S_NAME! DON'T FORGET THE METAMUCIL! OH AND I THINK WE NEED MORE TOILET PAPER!"

It was so loud that other people were staring at them.

DH quickly grabbed my arm and booked it to the back of the store and whispered to me, "OMG they are so embarrassing right now. We're going to pretend we don't know them."
You should really pitch a sitcom about them!
Aunt & Uncle are also perpetually late to everything. Like they’ll say that they expect to arrive at your house at 10 pm & they show up at 2 am instead.

When they finally hit the road after the 2023 Labor Day Weekend from hell when MIL died, their self-imposed target departure time was 9 pm “because you don’t understand, Aunt could die from the heat and it’s way too hot to even drive.” Actual time of departure? 1:45 am.

I stayed there to make sure they actually left. And to get the house key back.

It took Uncle from 9 pm to 1:45 am for him to pack up their camper van. The entire time, Aunt kept bugging me to stay overnight at dead MIL’s house and how I should sleep IN my dead MIL’s bed. The whole time I kept thinking, “What is WRONG with you people? My husband’s mom just died and you keep telling me to sleep in her bed? OMG!”

Aunt also barked at us that weekend that DH and his sister should just throw out all of MIL’s possessions. She proclaimed this just a couple of hours after MIL had died. So rude. So out of line.

THE most coveted piece of MIL’s furniture is this big thing that DH and SIL call the “what’s-it.” Because nobody knows what it’s for. MIL used it to store table linens. It’s big. Has huge claw feet. It looks super cool. It now lives at our house. DH and I love it. It makes him happy. Reminds him of happy times with his mom when he was a kid.

Aunt blurted out that fateful weekend: “You’re not keeping THAT ugly thing, are you? THAT needs to go.” I thought that SIL was going to lose her mind over that comment.

I calmly turned to Aunt with a passive aggressive smile on my face and said, “Oh no, we are most definitely keeping it. It’s going to live at our house. And some day down the road, ODD or YDD will inherit it from US. In fact, I already know the perfect spot where it’ll go. So I guess it’s a good thing that you hate it. It’s not like it would end up with you anyway, now, would it?”

Aunt & Uncle are not blood relations to MIL and had no claim to anything in MIL’s estate.

Nobody asked Aunt her opinion about the furniture.

If they do actually show up here at the start of The Annual 6 Months Of Summer, Aunt will get to see the what’s-it in all its glory in our house.

Why in the world would you travel to one of the hottest areas of the US when you: (a) can’t handle hot weather and (b) you’ll be there when it’s going to be hot? It’s kind of insane.
Dang I need a drink and a puff after just reading that.

It reminded me of the last visit my aunt made when my mom was still alive.

I think there is a secret school that people like that go to learn to be entitled lol. My grandparents 4 out of 5 kids were selfish entitled brats.
If they do actually show up here at the start of The Annual 6 Months Of Summer, Aunt will get to see the what’s-it in all its glory in our house.

Why in the world would you travel to one of the hottest areas of the US when you: (a) can’t handle hot weather and (b) you’ll be there when it’s going to be hot? It’s kind of insane.
Since the aunt can't handle the heat, how is she supposed to sleep in an RV that just isn't equipped with adequate insulation to handle the brutal heat? I assume she'll expect (demand) to sleep in your bed? People can only take advantage of you if you let them, and since you've let them walk all over you in the past, you know they're planning to keep right on doing it.
Oh, V&V, it's posts like this that remind me how harsh of a person I am. Because the minute you tried to enter a home with a cat after you were told NOT to bring it, you would be denied entry.

I wouldn't care if you had a hotel room, had to sleep on the street, had to turn around and drive 3 days home, etc. Good-Bye.

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